In her book "Precious Angels" Barbara Davis wrote During one of (Detective) Pattersons visits at the hospital to check on Darlie, he mentioned that the dog had been barking like crazy and would not shut up. A guilty or innocent opinion cannot be accurately formed based on watching YouTube videos or simply reading a book; which are inevitably someone else's opinion. Supposedly, three days after the boy's funeral, when the crime scene at the house had been cleared, Darlie needed to get some clothes and a few personal items from the house. Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $1.5 Million. The defense also brought up the sock found on the street containing traces of Devon and Damons blood, but the prosecutors claimed that it was a part of her ruse as well. Darlie even said in her initial written statement to police that she screamed for Darin and he was there before she called 911, "I looked over and saw the door shut to the garage, and so I thought he might still be in there, and I needed to get Darin. She mentioned that twice to the 911 operator and four times to the hospital staff. It is beyond frustrating. That's weird: "404--File not found." Photos . DA Toby Shook instructing the courtroom bailiff to be sure to show the photo of her large underarm (Right arm) bruise to every single juror. Her two oldest boys are laying on the floor in their own blood stabbed to death and she never asked anyone about her baby upstairs? She would be the only person who could possibly identify him if left alive and there would be nothing to gain by killing the children who would probably not be able to identify the burglar or pose any threat to a burglar. Then, when police investigators physically removed the sink from the house to take it to the lab for testing, Darlie suddenly remembers (the same day they removed it) and most likely from the advice of counsel, that she was in front of the sink supposedly wetting towels to place on the boys; which there's no evidence of ever having occurred. Assistant District Attorney Greg Davis said in court papers that investigators also found head hairs matching Darin on the murder weapon. Darlie supporters love to nitpick on small issues of what occurred that night and raise an argument to contend that she couldn't have murdered her children. Judge Mark Tolle, who presided at her trial issued a gag order barring the defense, the prosecution, potential witnesses, and Darlie's immediate family from discussing the case with the media. They allowed the bushes to grow up over the windows for privacy. It had blood belonging to Damon and Devon on it, and the inside of the sock at the toe end, it had skin cells belonging to Darlie. (See pic above) He had her placed in the ICU only to keep the press from hounding her. DA Toby Shook showed Dr. Santos the infamous bruise photo of Darlie's right arm (Shown below) that her supporters say prove that she fought off an intruder. Her third appeal has moved to the federal level with the U.S. District Court in San Antonio, which is her last option. ", The truth is, when nurse Jodi Fitts removed the bandage applied by EMS in the ambulance, the necklace fell right off of her neck, prior to any surgery. Evidence investigators and technicians now began arriving along with local media trucks. from the tv show i was looking for you to speak about the written statement darlin made. (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pages 90-91). The first wound penetrated the left chest, the left lung the left pulmonary artery and the pulmonary valve. Thanks for the information, I was unaware of it. Darlie just didn't possess the smarts to have planned this ahead of time. I wholeheartedly agree with the guilty verdict. Darlie Routier was a 26-year-old mother of three boys at the time of the killings. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 30, 2018: Everton - You're right she makes these things up in her head and tries to pass them as fact or the result of her supposed "research." They cited fibers found on Darin's tennis shoes matched fibers from a sock stained with the boys' blood. They claimed that could have been the reason for her sleeping downstairs for three nights prior to the murders. They would work tirelessly to make sure she paid the price. Officer Waddel had a 3 minute response time, that puts us into 8 minutes since the backyard motion-sensor would have been triggered by the intruder running through the yard. The status report, prepared by Smith, indicated a hearing in Dallas County on the Routier case had been tentatively scheduled for this week, but the COVID-19 pandemic has led to its postponement., Due to the pandemic, Smith stated, it is unlikely the hearing will be rescheduled for the immediate future.. She said Drake's tossing and turning in his crib upstairs kept her awake. Darlie is right handed. I have to agree with author Don Davis' conclusions of the trial. DNA evidence in her case is being tested this. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. Utter and complete NONSENSE!!!. This is a valuable resource you've complied. The two month long jury selection began on October 16, 1996 in Kerrville, Texas after a change of venue request was granted by Judge Tolle. Darlie Routier testified and she was caught in a bunch of lies, she wound up being our best witness to prove her guilt with the lies that she was caught in., Toby Shook, Prosecutor, Darlie Routier murder trial. As for the actual murders; simply a window of opportunity fueled by a fit of rage towards her husband that night. Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. The fact that her husband increased the value of a life policy on her life, speaks for itself. In reference to you make it sound like everyone who looks at crime cases only know how to watch YouTube videos, that comes from a consensus of 3 years of comments on this HubPage from readers who support Darlie Routier and by their own admission, both refer to and quote information they retrieved from YouTube videos theyve watched. Which in this case, they did. Here, she's seen in a family photo with the slain Devon and Damon. She told the dispatcher that she and her two sons had been stabbed. It send a chill down my spin to imagine that shit happned in that trial. Thirdly, no intruder/burgler I have ever met, and I have met plenty, would stop and take the time to locate a knife and slit a window screen hoping to make it look like the entry/exit point? A broken wine glass lay on the ground, and there was a torn window screen in the garage. The crime scene was secured immediately after the murders took place on June 6, 1996 and was still being investigated as late as Nov 21, 1996, less than 2 months before the trial. She didn't definitively say it was or wasn't self inflicted despite Defense attorney Doug Mulder's attempts at getting her to rule out self-infliction on the witness stand. After formal murder charges had been made and prior to Darlie's trial, her original court appointed attorneys, Doug Parks and Wayne Huff, obtained a sealed motion for a private polygraph examination of Darlie shortly before jury selection began. The involvement of the diary and it's apologetic context I interpret as homicidal thoughts and not that of suicidal as many may have believed. Reportedly "COVID 19 Slowing Things Down". We discuss what would actually be just punishment for this Bitch. Some of Darlie's bloody footprints on the kitchen floor near the sink. The police and prosecution had their sights set on one person as the perpetrator: the boy's mother, Darlie Routier. We know she didn't ask about him (or check on him) from the time she called 911 to when she was admitted to the hospital, unless she asked the paramedics enroute to the hospital (which neither mentioned in court) or Darin told her Drake was fine before she dialed 911; again, not mentioned anywhere. Darin identified himself and told the officer that his kids and been stabbed and were dying. Darlie Routier Responding to Darlie Lynn Routier's frantic 911 call from her Dallas County home in 1996, police found her two sons, Devon Routier, 6, and Damon Routier, 5, dying of stab wounds. 3)no knife blood spatter when knife dropped.4) her blood in kitchen sink per your blog. When Waddell entered the house, he was shocked at the site before his eyes as he surveyed the scene. Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children JustinCase976 Jan 13, 2023 4:38 PM EST Darlie Routier with Damon (left) and Devon (right) The Darlie Routier Case On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. He's seems like pretty cool cucumber as well as calculating, so who knows. In the affidavit signed by Darin Routier where he admitted to looking into hiring someone to burglarize their home as part of an insurance scam that never took place; he also admitted that Darlie asked him for a divorce on the night of the murders. He was briefed by detective Jimmy Patterson at the house as to what Darlie had stated and began conducting his own assessment of the scene. Every journalist that was granted an interview with Darlie in prison went in either believing she was guilty or they were undecided. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on November 19, 2019: Its quite presumptuous of you to assume you know things about me and how I handled the research of my article considering weve never met or spoken before and you dont know the first thing about me. She could have lost control of herself and in a blind fury stabbed Damon and Devon to death. DNA technology has advanced significantly since the night of the murders, and readings can be gleaned even from the trace oils on human skin. She holds her diary (right) and is explaining her thoughts of suicide she wrote about in the diary about a month before the murders of Devon and Damon. How would anyone know if Darlie cleaned up two footprints if she wiped them clean and all that's left for the luminol to show is a smear? TB8's stain has a long axis and shows an up and down trajectory. You dont have to go back and even acknowledge that idiocy. CHANGING STORIES RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, Darlies 5 different versions of waking up, Darlies 4 different versions of fighting the intruder, BLOOD AT THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM COUCH, Darlie's 2 different versions about her standing at the kitchen sink, 1. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. A friend of the family said that after the boy's funeral the immediate family and close friends all gathered at Darlie Kee's house. The Episode you refer to in Death Row Stories: Mother V Texas was written in 2013, casted and filmed in 2014 and released in July of 2015. What appears to be a towel in the photo above was used as evidence by the defense to show that Darlie did run wet towels to Darin to assist in first aid to Devon. Darlie is one of the few, to be exact, one of the six women sentenced to death in the United States. As mentioned previously, the backyard spa had two 150 watt motion-activated lights on it that were pointed directly toward the house (and the garage window) and illuminated the entire backyard. When people don't agree with a verdict where circumstantial evidence convicted the defendant, blame always goes directly to the police and the investigators; even when the local police detectives decided that it would be a good idea to bring in outside investigators for a second opinion including experienced FBI personnel and a crime scene investigator with 39 years of experience. No word yet as of September 2021, so it's been over three years now. Mild to moderate amounts of amphetamines were found in her system and Dr. Santos testified that this could have been the result of her taking diet pills. The killer focused on their chests, he emphasized, almost as if going for their heart. She definitely remembered to give everyone a reason as to why her finger prints were on the murder weapon. Darlie and her mother claim they watched it 9 times. He told Officer Waddell that a nurse lived across the street and he was going to get her. Officer's Walling and Waddell drew their weapons and began searching the house starting in the utility room adjacent to the kitchen which led to the garage where Darlie said she had chased the intruder out of the house. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. That conversation is not going to be picked up in it's entirety or intelligibly over the phone unless Waddell was standing right next to Darlie the entire time she was holding the phone, which of course he wasn't. Preposterous claims of this nature weren't even considered by Darlie's defense attorneys. What also came to mind is that Darlie's behavior during and after the murders was the affect of her adrenaline rush. There was broken glass on the kitchen floor from a wine glass, but the glass was on top of the blood, there were no blood drops discovered on top of the shards of glass suggesting that it had been broken after the events that had supposedly taken place. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. That explains everything, thank you! Darlie viciously stabbed her sons to death in an apparent rage, but was organized enough to cut her throat etc. Dr. Santos: Other than the other wounds that we talked about earlier, no, I did not see any other type of injury. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. We investigated exactly the same way you did, and perhaps we've done more investigation than you, you're not special. 94). If she were striking out or defending herself with her arms how did she not get cut by the knife? The problem with the theory of Darlie being drugged is that a toxicology screen was conducted on her prior to the exploratory surgery on her neck in the hospital. She first stated that she laid the towel on one of Devon's chest wounds, then while still testifying she changed it to laying the towel next to Devon. First, in the State of Texas, a murder conviction of a child under the age of 6 carries an automatic death penalty. The now-48-year-old shares her own. In doing this they neglect to provide all of the data or information about their position that might countermand what they've written. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Today, as I was doing some more research on this, I found a video on YouTube of a conversation between a guy who thinks Darlie is guilty and Charles Stamford. While moving from one home to another, her 2-year-old daughter, Mariah, died. And certainly something like this would be something I would expect the nurses to point out to me or to the other doctors before we sent her home. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. And she claimed she slept through her attack too ! While deliberating, the jury requested to see the video again and a couple of the juror's later stated that they watched it 6 or 7 times. He could have been, let's say, stabbed one or two times, and then two other times just before calling 911 (or during the 911 call). Was juror Charlie Samford asleep when this picture was shown to them? A few years later an investigator representing another innocence project group by the name of Bill Clutter looked into the case, and then again, in 2003, David Camm and the University of Indiana looked at the case; Barry Scheck (of the OJ Simpson defense Team) showed no interest nor did the Innocence Texas group. If Darlie's "timeline of events" was accurate according to her 911 call and what she first told police, that light would have still been on when officers Waddle and Walling arrived on the scene in 3 minutes and 4 minutes after the 911 call. Ive never had a mental illness, she admitted in 2020, referring to what happened at her trial. With the 2015 DNA results, it just all the more confirms that there is not one shred of evidence to show that an intruder came in the house or that the only other person in the house, Darin Routier, was responsible for murdering his sons. This was confirmed by Darlie's attorney, Stephan Cooper. You may be right We know Darlie is the murderer and that there was no intruder, but there are some parts of the case such as Darin's level of involvement and what exactly was said between the two of them before he went upstairs, where we will never get the full picture. While watching the Last Defense last night, I thought to myself-is any of this true? Although it was difficult to find motive, I dare not question evil acts. He began trying to ventilate Damon with a bag valve mask but he stated that Darin and Darlie were both shouting which was distracting so he picked Damon up and carried him outside to a stretcher and began CPR. On July 5, 1996, the Routiers settled into the family room in their Rowlett, TX, home. I would really appreciate it. Douche. It is just so arbitrary. This would explain why none of her blood was on the sock and none of her blood was found anywhere along the route to where the sock was found. I am so very happy I stumbled upon this article shortly after I was introduced to the existence of the case! However, I am grateful for such a detailed account with actual information from the trial transcripts and investigator's reports. ", SOURCE: Dallas Morning News, July 4, 1996, by Michael Saul. After a decade many of the DNA has never been tested. There is no way she could have committed suicide. It'll cost us a fortune to fix this shit! SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on September 06, 2019: You're right, I'm not going to post your cynical hate filled comments on this HubPage. 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 The children were murdered in June 1996, and Routier . And by the way, Paul Joseph Goebbels (if you even know who he was) spelled his name with 2 "B's," not 2 "LL's.". Darlie's attorneys should never have allowed her to write letters from jail discussing the case. Your blog the house, he emphasized, almost as if going for their heart blind! 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