mlp: equestria girls

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The scene fades to black and the credits roll. Spike compliments Twilight on her crown on the way to the portal, and the two finally step through. SelenaEde. With the magic of friendship, they want to defeat the mysterious girls. Flash Sentry then extends his hand to Twilight, asking her for a dance. After a dark force conquers Canterlot, the Mane 6 embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet new friends and exciting challenges on a quest to use the magic of friendship to save their homeland. Twilight tackles the fleeing unicorn to the ground as they reach a chamber in the castle that houses a large mirror. Only 8 left in stock. On February 23, 2015, it was announced that Equestria Girls brushable toys will be in McDonald's Happy Meals; specifically Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.[38]. As Spike cheers the girls on, Principal Celestia walks up to give Twilight her crown back, announcing that what everyone had seen that night was exemplary of how a princess should act. MLP Equestria Girls base. Twilight asks who the guard is, and Princess Cadance explains that he's a new member of the royal guard named Flash Sentry. SelenaEde. [28] A Hungarian dub of the film premiered on the Minimax channel on September 29, 2013. As Principal Celestia congratulates Twilight and places the Fall Formal crown on her head, Snips and Snails sneak into the auditorium through a back door and kidnap Spike. L’international : welcome on board! My Little Pony Equestria Girls Fashion Squad - Assortment . As they enter the school, Flash Sentry pulls up in his car. Don’t remove curators! Puzzle, Quizz et jeux gratuits sur Gulli There, they meet another familiar—and at the same time unfamiliar—face: Pinkie Pie. Upon her arrival she is horrified to learn that she has turned into a human. Its standing base is also lined with horseshoes, and attached to the top is a smaller window with a depiction of a pony inside. The next day, the six friends put their plan into action: a lively song and dance in the school cafeteria that rouses everyone into dancing. Equestria Girls Coloring Pages My Little Pony Equestria Girls Coloring Page Mlp Eg… Continue Reading → In a gym equipment storage room, Sunset Shimmer chews out Snips and Snails for going overboard in their trashing of the auditorium, as she needs the Formal to go on that night just as much as Twilight does. My Little pony (MLP… 7:59. The magic surrounding Twilight and her friends explodes, causing a double-helical rainbow to shoot out and engulf Sunset Shimmer in a rainbow-colored tornado that strips her of her power and releases the students of her mind control. Twilight tells Sunset that she will never be able to rule in Equestria and that she has shown everyone who she really is. Do you remember Trixie who came to Equestria with a magic show? Twitter / dannyimusic: @TheRealSibsy sweet trailer ... Twitter / dannyimusic: @garethrogue @TheRealSibsy nope, Equestria Girls Premise Confirmed, Rumored Concept Art, Classic Toys Redesigned to Traverse Generations, 'Equestria Girls' : See a new music video - The Family Room -, My Little Pony Equestria Girls - 2013 Los Angeles Film Festival, Shout Factory and Hasbro Studios team for new My Little Pony film, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Village Cinemas, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Three Movie Gift Set), Hub Network Sets 'My Little Pony Equestria Girls' Premiere (Exclusive), Kidtoons - Best kids movies on the big screen, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror, Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks Rarity Revealed, Rainbow Rocks - All But Fluttershy Revealed, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Equestria Girls Happy Meal Toys Confirmed, Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 1), Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 2), Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 1), Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 2),, June 15, 2013 (Los Angeles Film Festival). Pop PonyMaker Game. But even as she watches on from outside the cafeteria, Sunset Shimmer isn't deterred; she has yet another task for Snips and Snails. [32], A chapter book titled My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror by G. M. Berrow was released on October 1, 2013. Learn about your favorite characters including Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie! Surprised by this, Sunset tries to reason with Twilight to hand over the crown, to which Twilight replies by explaining she's seen what Sunset has been able to do to Canterlot High even without the magic the crown will give her. With some encouragement from her friends, Twilight steps through the gateway. mlp equestria girls dolls. EqG Sweetie Belle Base 05. Within moments, they, Rarity, and Applejack are at each other's throats. [13], At the beginning of March 2013, The New York Times News Service/Syndicate listed an image of the six main characters each as a pony and as a human, all under a My Little Pony Equestria Girls logo,[14] and The New York Times itself published an article both online and in print, mentioning that Hasbro "plans to introduce a new extension this fall called Equestria Girls" to celebrate the My Little Pony brand's thirtieth anniversary and including the image without the logo. Fic Archive Complete Audio Book Incomplete Normal Sad Adventure Shipping Comedy Crossover Random Sci-Fi Grimdark Pinkie Pie Applejack … [31], Five "MLP EQUESTRIA" merchandise releases have been listed at Müller in Germany. They show Twilight a video that Sunset Shimmer had posted online, showing Twilight struggling to adapt to her human form and otherwise embarrassing herself on camera. 17 global ratings. 24 juil. My Little Pony Equestria Girls was distributed to theaters in limited release on June 16, 2013. A suspicious Flash Sentry listens in on their conversation, then slips away. Generation 5 Pony Life Upcoming Episodes Episode Trailers Episode Posts My Little Pony Movie Equestria Girls EQG Shorts Posts Official Comic EQD Editorial Books Interview Cards Merchandise Episode Followup Poll Results Event Nightly Roundup. Twilight is charged with recovering the crown and she and her companion, Spike, pursue the thief. 4.4 out of 5 stars 270. [37] This Strange World is absent from the album. MLP met à votre disposition de nombreux outils et services afin de vous aider à piloter votre distribution et à dynamiser vos ventes... Baromètres; Observatoire des Tendances; Nos offres logistiques; Rester informé . I recommend getting them in order - Equestria Girls, Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games and then Legend of Everfree - since the story continues. With the student body under her control, Sunset explains to Twilight that it was never her intention to destroy the portal; she wanted the crown not to rule the school but to rule Equestria, with the help of her brainwashed followers.