Dinner was spaghetti. Dreamed of our Sackville cottage; walking on my knees on the sidewalk. "If I were a swearing man, I'd swear now!"--. Dreamed of hearing of a big scandal in England and realizing that one of the women involved was someone I knew; being sure of her innocence. (I resisted the temptation to say, "One of the only things I believe in is not being Mormon.") Picked up an employment application at Indigo Books at Yonge & Eglinton. Submitted a job application to Indigo Books, along with my CV. Unfortunately, the latter was poorly photocopied and us baritone-basses couldn't see our notes for the last part. "There was a strange sound, like the murmur and crackle you hear before you realize that what you're hearing is your house on fire"--. His … D-Day, 75 years ago “As one officer said,” war correspondent Ernie Pyle wrote shortly after the invasion, “the only way to take a beach is to face it and keep going. At the chorus, we sung a new song: the spiritual "Goin' Home," with the melody from the largo movement of Dvorak's New World Symphony. We also tried out scenes. Bought a new volume for my diary entries. Yoav's demons start haunting him after his best friend becomes pregnant without telling him, and after his boyfriend of 15 years starts talking about children too. --, Pagan Lee (losing Rip to the thrill of Montana prospecting): "I hope he drops the shovel on his foot! sample potatoes, as usual, and a sticky Mennonite loaf. We had a devil of a time faxing a statement to zip.ca about the DVDs that got lost in the mail after I returned them. I plugged my Games and Aspergers Meetups. Subtract 15 years from today. UK Auto Sales Now Down 15% in Q1 from 2 Years Ago. Saw the DVD of Tony Richardson's film of John Osborn's play, The Mangler: "First thing to do is get some travel folders. ››15 days before now. Donald came over for dinner, which was takeout churrasco chicken. During the three years since Q1 2016, diesel sales have collapsed by 47%, to just 191,785 units in Q1 2019: Diesels’ share of total registrations has plunged from a 49% share in 2014 to a 27% share in Q1 2019. 25 Things That Happened 15 Years Ago, Just To Remind You How Old You've Gotten. ], "Most beliefs sound nutty if you think about them"--Modesty Blaise, Saw the first two episodes of Maurice Pialat's French miniseries. Dreamed of using a computer and not knowing how to shut it down. He felt as bad as that. Went to a Chinese Meetup at the Futures Bakery. I remember the optimism of that time. [I did end up taking a break of about 40 days.]. Baked rye bread (now that I'm resupplied with rye flour). I'd spend all my life without ever going to China, but it wouldn't matter, because there was all the rest of the world to visit.... And then someone passed me a bit of some sweet stuff and I suddenly realized I. At the start of my writing class I suddenly figured out how to end my story. The 12 months of the year are linked to the Moon's orbit around Earth. 12 year old reported missing in cavs nation 12 years ago a 22 year cavs nation 12 years ago a 22 year pregnant 12 year old went missing 20 pregnant 12 year old went missing 20 mattyb is a 12 year old raper he. There were four people, including my friend Anthony from the Geneva Centre. [It describes a fascist air raid on the refugee-filled port of Malaga in the Spanish Civil War.]. Dreamed of waking up early on a cold morning and walking through the streets in my pyjamas; going to see an early-morning showing of the movie. At the creative writing class, I started writing a story about a Chinese girl based on my friend Puitak. Two people came: John, the video artist from the Geneva Centre group; and Greg, who knew about this Meetup from being a member. Dreamed of watching a movie on TV; someone turning off the set; then when it was turned back on, being unable to find the channel the movie was on. What do the month names mean? Merrill Barr Former Contributor. (Because it was a holiday, there was no choir practice.) It was as if he'd said, 'No, don't kill me, I'm frightened; kill my mother instead; she doesn't matter, I don't love her,' and as if she'd heard him say it, and pretended she hadn't so as to spare his feelings, and offered herself in his place anyway because of her love for him. He found himself reading the same sentence over and over. The teacher things it may be publishable! Dreamed of reading a magazine with a feature on a TV show, including several stills of the Filipina star topless; spending a long period at our old cottage near Sackville and getting sick of it. Saw the Canadian Opera Company's production of Donizetti's, "I'm the only one who knows Van Meer is still alive. I sang "Can't Help Falling in Love," Wake Me up Before You Go-Go," "Ring of Fire," "A Groovy Kind of Love," and "Let's Dance.". (I was already keeping close track of movies then.). This is a time to be hopeful about the future, and to inspire those who want to build a better society. At the drama class Ettie and I improvised a scene in Frankenstein's lab, bringing the monster to life. How long ago was July 15, 2019? 12 Years Ago Monday, 15 February 2021. Saw the last two episodes of the second season of Oz. I plan to do it twice a day, so even when I weaken I'll do it once. Dreamed of getting up and going out into the streets, trying to find Mother; going to see some Gilbert & Sullivan operettas staged by Giuseppe Macina [who directed the operas I was in], but not staying for long; being about to leave on a trip, but being hardly prepared. I got some P.E.I. Then we did a scene where someone plays an expert on a subject which everyone else asks him questions about, and he answers them all as if he knew all about it. Didn't get out of bed till after 13:00. They kept playing "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing," over and over and over ad nauseam. Dreamed of finding the spot on a highway where Sammy Davis Jr. got into the (actual) car crash that cost him one of his eyes; visiting Britain for a day to join Margaret and Moira on a visit to a rural castle. Got what potatoes I could from the garden. I didn't get as many as usual because of so many conflicts. My resolution is to do sit-ups every day. Some of the students are quite talented. It is also called Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Chaste Moon, Sugar Moon, and Sap Moon. Dreamed of the big Electrohome TV set we used to have when we lived in Sackville. The year 2019 has 365 days and starts on a Tuesday. "The best way to find a needle in a haystack: burn the haystack"--, And so to the New Year. At the writing class, I got stuck on my story. 15 Years (2019) 28 of 32. Dreamed of a couple of people sneaking into the garage of our Sackville house at night to tap into our Internet connection and upload pornography; a movie being filmed at a mall in Moncton; John and I visiting Moncton; a topless woman alone on a beach. (The Toronto branch has hundreds of members.) There were almost 20 people at the drama course! (It was a week later than I thought.) But several people who couldn't come expressed interest in next month's event. I only stayed for about an hour. Find out what date was 15 years ago from today. Those nice, crisp green ones!" ], Dreamed of playing Monopoly; a book about early fur trader Etienne Brule trying to start a colony in the future Ontario; entering a British railway station and not knowing which train to take; entering one train and seeing passengers in straitjackets; going to an opera (. Dreamed of bicycling from one end of my hometown Sackville to the other; coming to hills so steep that I had to walk my bicycle up them. It was 1 year, 7 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day ago. The place took a while to find, and I was 15 minutes late. Finding the books so I can scan them can be a headache! By the end of that year, the national debt had fallen to only about $33,700, or a little less than $1 million in 2019 dollars. (Comic strip heroine Modesty Blaise was also involved.). But, it was a false dawn. They're showing some Godzilla movies! Do you feel dates like Friday the 13th occur often? Selected year is. Brought my Apples to Apples game to the Geneva Centre group. The dance class was teaching foxtrot and quickstep. 15 Years Ago Today…. (That and maybe get out of bed earlier.) 15 years ago today. Started another Freddy the Pig book, titled. (They sounded like he was winning. This year, Williams, ranked No 8 in the world, has played 29 matches and won 22 of them, suffering most recently in the Wimbledon final. Occasionally his eyes would close. Went to find Mind Games in Eaton Centre and bought playing cards and the game Apples to Apples. Saw the last two episodes of the second season of. Dreamed of a "Dick and Jane" type school reader (with all the visual details labelled) about a suicidal woman who meets a couple of dwarfs; trying to find the stop button on an unfamiliar VCR; visiting the Mt. Oded Leopold and Udi Persi in 15 Years (2019) People Oded Leopold, Udi Persi. "Being in love was like China: you knew it was there, and no doubt it was very interesting, and some people went there, but I never would. --The Phantom "What's bad is good in Oz"--Oz. 15 years ago, the year was 1999. ); insisting that Ronald Reagan was a despicable president [that's still my opinion]; the march from Prokofiev's. It turns out that the Indigo Books place has 600 job applications! There were five people there, less than usual because of the holiday. At the drama course, Patricia and I decided against doing the scene from, Dreamed of a paint store where the pain was stored on brushes(? By Rebecca Fernandez | August 13, 2019 at 7:20 PM EDT - Updated August 16 at 11:10 AM PUNTA GORDA, Fla. (WWSB) - Fifteen years ago today, Hurricane Charley made … On the bus on the way there, we were talking to a couple of Mormon elders who also spoke Spanish. Why do many countries set the clocks back and forth an hour twice a year? Dinner was turkey and mushroom soup on toast. Want to figure out the date that is exactly fifteen days before now without counting? by Dave Stopera. Thank goodness we have such great apps now like our free iHeartRadio app that we can use! Hold the world in your hand. On the way back I met Rosemarie from the chorus. An oil spill that began 15 years ago is up to a thousand times worse than the rig owner’s estimate, study finds By Harmeet Kaur , CNN Updated 3:28 PM EDT, Sat June 29, 2019 "Let's have a row, but could we please have a, "It's destroyed my garden! What day was 15 years ago. We played The Amazeing Labyrinth and Scrabble. Share this on Facebook; Share this on Twitter; Share All sharing options; Share All sharing options for: 15 years ago, Ken Jennings lost on ‘Jeopardy!’ after 74 straight wins. Finally started typing last year's June entries of my diary. Dinner was fettucine in pesto sauce (which I cooked). The Full Moon in March is the Worm Moon. ", [After this entry I took a break from my diary, resuming in the New Year. 15 Years Ago Today In History Wednesday, 10 February 2021. Struggles From 15 Years Ago That Kids Today Just Don't Understand Apr 10, 2019. Amy, darling, never forget that men were created to light our cigarettes and open car doors! ", Fagin to Oliver Twist: "If you keep on like today, you'll end up the greatest man of all time", Saw the DVD of Carol Reed's Dickens musical. Why are there 12 months? "When an Arab sees a woman that he wants, he takes her!"--. Need to calculate 15 days before a specific date? At the drama class I impersonated a 14-year-old and got into a confrontation with a bigger kid. The future seemed SO REAL. And, paradoxically, so little. We live in a time when technological advances offer incredible opportunities for us all. Indian Ocean tsunami remembered, 15 years on. It was a lot of fun. John and crew came over for lunch to celebrate Merle's birthday (a week late). We went online and I showed him the webpage for the Graphic Designers Meetup. The year 2019 has 365 days and starts on a Tuesday. (It's the extra warm blanket I put on a couple of days ago.). For some reason, the soil is like cement again this year. He found himself reading the same sentence over and over. Hosted a Games Meetup at my house. Space tourism seemed right around the corner. By Lottie Elizabeth Johnson @Lotlotej Nov 30, 2019, 7:30am MST Share this story. (That's what the others wanted.) NBA 2K9 (2009) vs NBA 2K19 (2019) This is another game that gets flack for not changing much from year to year, but it looks vastly different from 10 years ago. Dreamed of having a left arm muscle much bigger than my right; taking the streetcar into Mississauga, then finding it had gone north so I had to change to a southbound bus. That’s hard to believe. (I thought of taking a break from the time I fill my current book till the end of the year--a couple of months--but thought of all the interesting stuff in my current life that wouldn't get written down.) There were a dozen people at the Geneva Centre group! Fifteen Years Ago Today Friday, December 27, 2019. We met a new supervisor called Eunice. Wayne from the Geneva Centre was the only person who came. I was going to see a documentary about the Cambodian holocaust at the Cinematheque, but decided I wasn't up to it. I read it to some other students and they really liked it. Share Share Share Share. That's the reason they want to kill me." Bought the latest Cinematheque tickets. Finished writing down the tune I was dreaming the other night, at the end of this book. (I should have known!) Went to see Gail at Mission: Possible, but she was out. Met Puitak and Gordon in the morning and we visited the Royal Winter Fair. With Oded Leopold, Udi Persi, Ruti Asarsai, Dan Mor. Went to the SCRIPT party at a house a few blocks northwest of St. Clair & Dufferin. "The book was long, and difficult to read, and Klaus became more and more tired as the night wore on. Genny is also taking the course. Under the weather. The Vernal (Spring) Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is the Autumnal (Fall) Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. For the last 15 years, there exists a ray of hope for children to encounter the love of Jesus in Perambur, India. Dinner was fettucine with pesto sauce (which I cooked). Sathish, being raised in a Hindu home, was just 12 when he started attending this StoryClub – that was 15 years ago. Finally saw the whole DVD of Francois Truffaut's, Dreamed of deepening the ditches near our Sackville garden; meeting an English acquaintance at the subway, who said "I never expected to see you here!