switzerland tunnel opening ceremony

Its purpose was to test the infrastructure and any ancillary systems. Multiple government officials were seen at this event. Does the cabinet share these popular concerns., The artistic production, with its concept Gotthard myths, used figures and legendsexclusivelyfrom Alpine culture. Angela Merkel and other heads of state give a standing ovation to a ceremony in which actual miners' deaths are commemorated as necessary sacrifices for the completion of their grand public works project. The trains made a stop inside the tunnel, to allow passengers to visit an exhibition inside the underground multifunction station in Sedrun which would normally be used in emergency only.[63]. More from Switzerland The Satanic opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel. Dr. Supposedly it will use more power than the entire USA does in 1 year. Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyone's talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. It then follows the eastern slopes of the large Valle Leventina, the valley of the Ticino, for about 18km (11mi) to the south portal at Bodio, at an elevation of 312m (1,024ft), just 3km (1.9mi) before Biasca, where the Brenno converges with the Ticino. A winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head[is] how Switzerland decided to mark opening of worlds longest rail tunnel. TruNews.com provides more detail: The ritual, dubbed by BBC as a lavish performance was originally intended to represent various aspects of Swiss culture. But, really, do we have to, at every twisted turn, prove them right? The Gotthard Tunnel is a tunnel that goes through the Swiss Alps in Europe. Rapturously applauded by standing global bureaucrats and prime ministers, the ghastly production was an unintended self-parody on statist culture. New Tunnel Opens With Bizarre Occult-like Ceremony, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. And they're being depicted as mindless sacrifices mated by ancestral pagan gods of the Gotthard region. During 2016, the GBT was tested extensively[64][65] before its integration into the regular schedule on 11 December. [note 4]. Among other questions, they are hoping to discover why matter rather than anti-matter dominates the universe and to uncover the nature of dark matter invisible to all scientific instruments so far developed which is known to be more plentiful than conventional matter. 666 pic.twitter.com/LFR29iDs8c. President Trump Shares HUGE Win For Election Integrity! The tunnel complex runs along a 17-mile (27-kilometer) circuit. Hunters Business Partner In Ukraine Also Partnered With Ghislaine Maxwell. The performance began with a cohort of miners dressed in orange jump suits, marching like zombies toward the tunnels entrance (depicted on a video screen). An innocuous ribbon cutting ceremony for an impressive engineering feat. Leaders of France, Italy and Germany attended the. 666 in the logo. It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various . But a woman paints a cross on the rock and the devil is unable to move it. A quick web search on the Gotthard tunnel opening will produce a few confused media reports as well as several homebrew satanist decoders unlocking every symbol as part of a deliberate global conspiratorial wink at hapless citizens. Scientists hope that increasing the energy and frequency with which protons collide in the LHCs experiments, after accelerating almost to the speed of light in a 27km underground ring, will provide evidence for new physics fundamental forces and particles that go beyond the so-called standard model, to which the Higgs boson gave a finishing touch. This devil's rock stood in Gotthard Pass as an enduring symbol of Christian aesthetic until the 220 ton boulder was removed in 1977 to make way for a Gotthard road tunnel construction. [5][6][7] At opening the GBT reduced travel times for trans-Alpine train journeys by about 40 minutes, and by one hour when the adjacent Zimmerberg and Ceneri Base Tunnels were completed. Everything is fine. Nurses, hospital beds and death himself. [25][26] Construction started in 2021 and is scheduled to finish in 2027. Juni 1993", "Bundesbeschluss ber Bau und Finanzierung von Infrastrukturvorhaben des ffentlichen Verkehrs Chronologie", "Bundesbeschluss ber die Genehmigung der sektoriellen Abkommen zwischen der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft einerseits und der Europischen Gemeinschaft sowie gegebenenfalls ihrer Mitgliedstaaten oder der Europischen Atomgemeinschaft andererseits Chronologie", "Was passiert eigentlich mit der Gotthard-Bergstrecke? [6], After the opening of the tunnel there was an increase in passengers crossing the trans-alpine line, with 2.3 million passengers in the first 8 months, an increase of 30% over the previous year. What does that star spangled banner wave over, anyway? See also: Bernard Wuthrich, "Le Romand du Gothard", Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 02:24, world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel, normals/climate-diagrams-and- normal-values-per-station.html?region=Map Climate diagrams and normal values per station, "Project data raw construction Gotthard Base Tunnel", "ber und durch den Gotthard eine Zeitreise durch die Jahrhunderte", "World's longest and deepest rail tunnel to open in Switzerland", "Gotthard- und CeneriBasistunnel: die neue Gotthard-Bahn nimmt Gestalt an", "Gotthard tunnel: World's longest and deepest rail tunnel opens in Switzerland", "Le tunnel de base du Gothard rvolutionnera le rail dans deux ans", "Chronology of a Project of the Century: Milestones in the Construction History up to 2010", "Oberaufsicht ber den Bau der Neat im Jahre 2015: Bericht der Neat-Aufsichtsdelegation der eidgenssischen Rte zuhanden der Finanzkommissionen, der Geschftsprfungskommissionen und der Kommissionen fr Verkehr und Fernmeldewesen", "Memorial ceremony for deceased tunnel workers", "Trois heures en 20 ans, le temps gagn pour traverser l'Europe par le Gothard", "Switzerland Celebrates World's Longest Rail Tunnel", "Opposing views on doubling the Gotthard tunnel SWI", "Voters give green light to new Gotthard road tunnel - The Local", "The Alpine Convention: A Model for Other Mountain Regions? Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. In the final analysis, though, the motivation behind the Swiss ceremony really isnt that hard to grasp. For more information on the LHC, watch this video. Big credit to realTT2020 on Truth Social for posting this video. Answer (1 of 4): You are possibly confused about the tunnels. The state worships this dogma. It was imagined and coordinated by a German director named Volker Hesse who is relatively obscure beyond the German-speaking world and its hard to say exactly what his intended message was, assuming he even knows. Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To? From 1924, car transport on trains through the railway tunnel began. Of course, the media doesn't care to consider this reality; these folks are too little to matter to power-dazzled media outlets. [87] Did you watch the the 2022 Communist China Olympics. [86], In August 2017, an average of 10,400 people crossed the tunnel daily. Switzerland tunnel: The oddest moments of the opening ceremony 1 June 2016 AP We're not sure what this was all about either From the World Cup to the Olympics, it is not a significant event. [8][9] With a route length of 57.09km (35.5mi),[4] it is the world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel[10][11][12][note 1] and the first flat, low-level route through the Alps. From 1842 onwards, a daily course by the Gotthard Post, a stagecoach drawn by five horses with ten seats, still took about 23 hours from Como to Flelen. This content was published on June 8, 2016 - 10:13, This content was published on Jun 5, 2016, This content was published on Jun 2, 2016, This content was published on Jun 1, 2016, Your enhanced Profile Data is being used once you start to contribute to the community. After eight years as head of the Cabaret Voltaire he worked as a social media journalist and content curator at the news site watson.ch, and is now working to see that swissinfo.ch is read, discussed, shared and gets likes. Let that sink in for a moment. The final cost is projected as CHF 9.560billion. A window allows visitors to watch the trains running in the tunnel. The station of Altdorf is planned to be served by 2021. This content was published on Jun 1, 2016 I dont know what wed do with you.probably think for ourselves and use our brains or something, but thats just a silly idea! Here's the thing. The opening ceremony show for the new Gotthard tunnel is embarassing. . Please join us! Read our full Disclosure. The more our culture steeps in the cross, even when it consciously rejects the Church, the more we feel that each person deserves dignity, no matter how small or weak. They will be setting a world record by firing it up at 13.6 trillion electron volts (13.6 TeV). Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. It is one of the longest tunnels in the world, and it helps people and goods travel between northern and southern Europe. Attended by Europes most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. They fired up the collider back in 2012 and this happened: https://twitter.com/yahawah8/status/1543843295167651843. Our job is to embody the aesthetic of nonviolence in how we treat one another. All about opening a portal to another dimension & fighting off beings that come through it. One tunnel is for trains, and the other tunnel is for cars and trucks. The closest railway stations to the portals are Altdorf and Biasca. The TBM digs through the rock and dirt, creating a smooth tunnel that is wide enough for trains and vehicles to pass through. Please use a modern web browser for a better experience. We master the Earth. From 1953 onwards, the pass road was sequentially improved and expanded at several sections along the Gotthard route, finally ending in 1977 with the opening of an expressway fully circumventing the Tremola. It took 17 years to complete this 57 kilometer tunnel going through Alps. Since the opening date on 1 June 2016, between 130 and 160 trains on an average working day operated through the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which in March 2019 marked the 100,000th transit. The Alps strongly influence the European climate and that of Switzerland in particular and there can be substantially different weather conditions at each end of the GBT, described by the Ticinese architect Mario Botta: "The light changes at the Gotthard: that of the Mediterranean Sea is not the same as that of the continent, that of the central lands, that of Europe far away from the sea. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world." The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet, which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols . If you dont know what the Mandela Effect is, Ill have to cover that in a future article. The only thing new I found when researching it was the hanging part. Makes sense in a place where many think a boy can be a girl and dont even know what marriage is. Considering that the theme of the opening ceremony best fits Alex Jones's clandestine mission into the Bohemian Grove, and not wanting to open a can of warms by creating a Satanic occult sub-forum, I figured that the Bohemian Club would be a good fit for this topic. 1, Vol. After 20 years in the making, Switzerland's Gotthard Base Tunnel opened last Wednesday to much fanfare. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except for material where copyright is reserved by a party other than FEE. A confirmation e-mail has been sent to your address. Many lives are lost in the rapid rivers and heights below the bridge. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! This is the question raised by politician Sylvia Flckiger to the cabinet during parliamentary question time on June 6: The inauguration of the Gotthard Basis Tunnel at the heart of our country should be respected by our fundamental Swiss values. The tunnel stretches 15.4 kilometers (9.6 miles) underneath the Alps near Switzerland's border with Italy. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in 2016. As a Swiss citizen, I apologize. Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! [14] The new base tunnel establishes a direct route usable by high-speed rail and heavy freight trains. Unfortunately, the project's opening ceremony also reached great depths of depravity. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS). The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state managed European and global connectedness. Nearly a year later, the theory is still spreading, even though nothing in the Olympics performance mentions the new type of coronavirus that emerged in China late in 2019. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world." The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet , which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to . As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world in the spring of 2020, odd memes and conspiracy theories spread along with it, including one related to the 2012 Summer Olympics. [15], The main purpose of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to increase local transport capacity through the Alpine barrier, especially for freight on the RotterdamBaselGenoa corridor, and more specifically to shift freight volumes from trucks to freight trains. AlpTransit Gotthard AG was responsible for construction. The 3.6 billion franc tunnel, the culmination of Switzerland's efforts to ease the transalpine journey which began with the opening of the Gotthard summit tunnel in 1882, can carry up to 170 . It's being turned back on July 5 , sooo nobody else is concerned that THE CERN collider will be turning on july 5th and opening up a portal and letting some dark sided shit come through, Syd Divine Tarot OPEN FOR READINGS. The Gotthard Tunnel makes it much easier and safer to travel through the Alps. The Gotthard Tunnel is an important transportation route for cars, trains, and trucks. The video adds still photos of former President Barack Obama with a finger over his lips in the shh, be quiet gesture, and similar photos of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and other famous people. pic.twitter.com/DtnLOdCD3p, Rebellious_jayy (@Rebel_jayy) August 13, 2022, If you don't believe mass televised rituals have an effect on our metaphysical plane, may I remind you of the prophetic 2012 Olympics opening ceremony in London. Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world's longest and most expensive . The Gotthard railway line has 36 tunnels totalling 31,216 metres. Seems like an odd prank to pull to me.. https://t.co/asU39FfhJF pic.twitter.com/BlEEjtxgHz, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 9, 2022. The restart of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva coincides with the 10th anniversary of the celebrated discovery by its researchers of the Higgs boson, a long-sought fundamental particle that gives mass to other subatomic components of the universe. [39][40], On 1 October 2015, following permission by the Federal Office of Transport, the first tests on the entire length of the GBT were performed, with steadily increasing speed. Then it jumps ahead in the performance to show a moment of the monsters entering the scene among the beds. You know what would really start the games off on a great note this year? Violence is a sacred rite to be performed by those with a monopoly on power, the state and its corporate cronies, to preserve their order and grandeur. Simplon, San Bernardino, Brenner, Mont Cenis), namely in 1830, the first Saint-Gotthard Pass road was established after centuries-long usage of a bridle path. Thank you! It took seventeen years and nine deaths to build the first flat route ever through the Alps, directly linking Switzerland to Germany, France, and Italy. He offers to ensure the construction of the bridge under the condition that he can claim the first soul that passed over it. If you want a deeper dive, Ive got you covered. Scientists involved in the project say the laboratory was built underground because the Earth's crust provides protection against radiation. On June 1st Switzerland unveiled the world's longest and deepest railroad tunnel with a deeply occultic, satanic ceremony. Unfortunately, the projects opening ceremony also reached great depths of depravity. CERN is "The European Organization for Nuclear Research" that operates the world's largest particle physics lab, and the LHC is an "atom smasher" to generate antimatter which is . The rock is still there and, in 1977, 300,000 Swiss francs were spent to move the 220 ton rock by 127 m in order to make room for the new Gotthard road tunnel. Knowingly or not, these modern statists were celebrating the very rituals of which the state itself is a vestige. Its not surprising that archaic traditions can appear exotic to outsiders. Planned to be served by 2021 world & # x27 ; s crust provides protection against radiation itself is vestige. New tunnel Opens with Bizarre Occult-like ceremony, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence 2016! To matter to power-dazzled media outlets confused about the tunnels up for free... Course, the projects opening ceremony also reached great depths of depravity the! Of Altdorf is planned to be served by 2021 with Italy a deeper dive, Ive got you.. In Switzerland took place in 2016 condition that he can claim the first soul that over! 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