swansea council blue badge

If the applicant has lost their HRMCDLA award or uprating letter, then they can be advised to contact the Disability Service Centre for a current award letter. For example, if an applicant is only able to walk for less than one minute in total then walking is likely to be very difficult for them. because it has expired, the holder has died, the holder is no longer disabled, a replacement has been issued, the badge has become damaged/faded, the authority has written to the holder requesting return of the badge either following a relevant conviction for misuse or because it was obtained by false representation) or, was being misused (including by someone other than the holder when the genuine holder is not involved in the journey), the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000 (as amended) and, the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (Wales) Regulations 2000, Section 21A (Recognition of badges issued outside Great Britain) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, Section 117 (Wrongful use of disabled persons badge) and 142(1) (General interpretation of Act) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (provides powers to tackle parking related abuse of the scheme), Section 19 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 and. An organisation is defined as meaning an organisation concerned with the care of disabled persons to which a Blue Badge may be issued in accordance with section 21(4) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (Footnote 2).. Please note that some police forces will only issue an incident number if there is evidence that a crime has taken place. Local authorities need to make clear to applicants and badge holders that a badge should be immediately returned to the local authority where: Anyone who parks in a designated parking for disabled peoples space without displaying a valid Blue Badge and/or clock if appropriate will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice/ Penalty Charge Notice/Excess Charge Ticket, dependent on the parking enforcement arrangements in that County. This new evidence should then be considered by the Blue Badge Team or case officer and if the application is rejected again, a further explanation of the decision should be provided. Having a common system for processing Blue Badge information and securely printing and distributing badges prevents many types of fraud and abuse. Blue Badges are not renewed The badge must firstly be returned to the issuing authority by the enforcing authority and then to the holder. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. Badge holders should be made aware that by continuing to use the badge in these circumstances they will be committing a criminal offence and be liable for a fine up to 1000. The eligibility criteria for a temporary Blue Badge is based on the applicant being unable to walk or having considerable difficulty walking, and uses the same measure of mobility as used for the permanent eligibility criteria. are not in themselves a qualification for a badge. If this is to be successful, they must be able to demonstrate that the information supplied can be acted on and responded to. It is recommended that an auditable record of the approach be kept where identity is verified in this way. This should be signed by a Board Member or Trustee of the organisation. Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. complaints. Where possible, local authorities should provide enforcement teams with data on local badge holders, particularly in relation to badges that have been reported as lost or stolen so that these badges can be recognised if used on the street. Other considerations such as difficulty in carrying parcels, luggage or problems getting in and out of vehicles are not to be taken into account. Local authorities are responsible for delivering the Blue Badge scheme and providing a service and information to people who want to apply for a Blue Badge. A relevant conviction is one for successful prosecution of a badge holder or third party of 1) an offence under section 21 (4B) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (this covers misuse of a real badge or use of a fake/altered badge when the vehicle is being driven); or 2) an offence under sections 115 or 117 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (this covers misuse of a real badge or use of a fake/altered badge when the vehicle is parked); or 3) dishonesty or deception committed under any other provision of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or any other UK legislation in relation to the badge (which takes account of offences under, for example, the Fraud Act 2006, the Theft Act 1968, the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, etc). That is because the power to retain a badge is not the same thing as a power to permanently withdraw/confiscate a badge. Wherever possible we recommend that this process involves the badge holder collecting their replacement badge from their local authority offices or a nearby contact centre, so that it can be exchanged for the damaged badge. If you are Proof of both award of a lump sum benefit at tariffs 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces; Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and certification of having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking; or is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme at tariff 6 for a permanent mental disorder, causing severe functional limitation or restriction. The local authority will require additional information to support this claim. GPs are clinicians, who specialise in diagnosis and treatment. The badge holder has to re-apply every time their badge expires. WebGo to City and County of Swansea Council website You can only use this service to get information about the Blue Badge scheme from councils in England. Very often the person using the badge will admit on questioning that the holder is not involved in the journey; some local authorities telephone the holder to establish their whereabouts. Local authorities will need to carefully consider the evidence provided by applicants. If possible you should complete the application yourself or ask for help from family, friends or support organisations. Parking If no such evidence is provided, the local authority will need to decide whether to refer the application to the IAS. This is partly to improve rates of enforcement and showing a greater return on the upfront costs of the work, but also to focus attention on those areas where people with impairments are most disadvantaged by desirable spaces being occupied. In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, local authorities should provide information about the scheme bilingually and in accessible formats on their website and at locations that are accessible. If your Blue Badge has been lost or stolen, is faded or damaged then you will need to contact us for a new badge. Some local authorities enable the general public to report abuse or misuse. Below is a summary of the powers which local authorities may use: In cases where an applicant makes a fraudulent application (i.e. the eligibility criteria, the fee that can be charged by local authorities for the issue, or reissue of a badge, the grounds for refusal to issue a badge and the grounds to withdraw a badge, the circumstances in which a badge should be returned to the issuing authority, Blue Badge Digital Service (BBDS) decision to refuse to issue or to withdraw a badge, the manner in which the badge should be displayed and, the concessions available nationally under the scheme to badge holders, secure printing, supply and distribution of a Blue Badge, a common store of key information on badges and badge holders to enable verification checks to be made quickly and easily, either from a PC or via smart phones or similar technology, a web-based management information system for local authorities, a national online application form available via GOV.UK, eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act, advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not and, foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, full address, including postcode and photo of the applicant, organisation name (this must be less than 30 characters to appear on the badge), forename and surname of the contact for the organisation and full address including postcode, either an organisation logo or a reason for not supplying one, confirmation the organisation cares for eligible people, confirmation that the care includes transportation, civil partnership/dissolution certificate, understands the application process and has answered the questions honestly, understands that they will need to abide by the rules of the scheme, understands how the data provided will be used by the council and, where necessary, has given permission for data sharing in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations, gives their consent for the release of medical and other information required for assessing eligibility, assessments undertaken by service providers within the local authority, 79: restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets, school Individual Development Plan or Additional Learning Provision statement, social worker, play specialist, teacher or teaching assistant, memory clinic/specialist nurse or therapist. However, it is recommended that where possible, organisations should provide local authorities with an electronic file of their logo. Local authority personnel should also be aware of remote access facilities offered by BBDS which allow civil enforcement officers and local authority empowered individuals to access a limited section of the BBDS database from a 3G device. This could mean your local council may not be able to process applications: If you reapply for a Blue Badge your local council should reply to tell you about the situation in your area. A carer can apply on behalf of any applicant however they must read and sign the declarations within the application, stating their relationship to the applicant. Badge holders can travelas either a driver or passenger, and are allowed to park close to their destination. It's worth doing this if you can't walk more than 80 metres - about the length of 7 double decker buses, or if you can't use a parking meter because of problems with your arms. This criteria is intended to capture people who have a mobility impairment that is expected to last at least 12 months. In these circumstances a badge would not only be necessary to that person for periods but will become increasingly essential. It is important to collect strong evidence against potential fraudsters. The intelligent use of cross-checking existing council records may identify information to support an application under the subject to further assessment walking criterion. Applicants will still need to provide the appropriate photographs, any supporting documents required (i.e. Good Practice: It is recommended that where possible, civil enforcement officers undergo PACE training as part of their role. There are cases where an applicant will have been diagnosed with a condition that is permanent and chronic, but the condition may be subject to fluctuations and periods where the person is more mobile. The 2000 regulations now make it explicit that a valid badge retained because it is being misused must be returned as soon as reasonably practicable to the holder (provided that the authority does not have pre-existing grounds, under the regulations, for withdrawing the badge). The applicantmaybedeemedeligible ifthey canwalk50-80 metres (approximately 55 to 87.5 yards) without pain or breathlessness, but demonstrate very considerable difficulty in walking through a combination of other factors(e.g. Once you apply, your local council will process your application. suction of a tracheostomy tube: It is recommended that local authorities treat each application for children under the age of three as a special case. This charge is at the discretion of the local authority. You will need to re-apply for a Blue Badge at the end of the 3 years. It may also be possible to use Section 11 of the Fraud Act 2006 (relating to obtaining services dishonestly) to take enforcement action when vehicles are fraudulently using Blue Badges to gain parking concessions in off-road parking areas. If you think you might have difficulty accessing the Civic Centre, please mention this to the Blue Badge team when you telephone, and we will tell you about the arrangements we have made to help you. This will likely require evidence from consultants, specialists or therapists and this may be providedby. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Where this is a problem, and local authorities wish to take action, it is important that authorities are sure that misuse is taking place and have obtained sufficient evidence, especially if a prosecution is to be pursued. We can then make an appointment at theCivic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3SN at a convenient time. Applicants should also be reminded that if they consider that there have been procedural irregularities in dealing with their applications, they can report their cases to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. It is recommended that local authorities have a clear policy on how much, and under which circumstances, they will charge for a replacement badge and organisational badge. The badge holder will also be given the booklet Blue Badge rights and responsibilities so that they are aware of how to use the badge and avoid inadvertent misuse. See regulation 9(1)(f) of the 2000 regulations. Having the removal team (or contractor) primed will enable them to respond quickly. After you apply Your local council processes your application. Under section 21(4BA) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (the 1970 Act), a police officer, parking attendant or civil enforcementofficer can approach a person in a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge (or a person who appears to have been in or to be about to get into, the vehicle) and require them to produce the badge for inspection. If you are eligible for a Blue Badge you can use the link to go straight to the application form on the gov.uk website. Applications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the gov.uk website. Local authorities will need to deal with these on a case by case basis. When a badge is retained in scenarios (a)-(c) above we would expect the local authority to destroy it in due course, as it would no longer be valid (if the authority recovering the badge is not the badge-issuing authority, we would suggest they liaise with the issuing authority in this respect). If an enforcement officer encounters any form of resistance we would advise that they take no further action without police support. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel If an applicant is unable to walk 50 metres (55 yards) in total, then their walking ability is not appreciable and they can be deemed as having very considerable difficulty in walking. 1. Apply online now on the gov.uk website. BBDS provides a national online application through GOV.UK. It is used to monitor where a child may need access to oxygen, Casts and associated medical equipment for the correction of hip dysplasia: between birth and six months of age, a brace called a Pavlik Harness can be used to hold the babys hips in position. The vast majority of prosecutions, 97%, were for people who used someone elses blue badge. You need to reapply for it every 3 years. You can still apply for a Blue Badge but coronavirus is affecting council services. You do not receive War Pensioners Mobility Supplement. Some local authorities regularly run a check against monthly death records supplied by the Registrars. We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age) to shop or visit other facilities within Swansea City Centre. If the organisation uses a vehicle to transport disabled people who would normally get a badge themselves they may be able to get a Blue Badge for the organisation. When you apply you will need to provide a letter from a Paediatrician. The discretionary criteria relating to mobility and cognitive impairments enable applicants who are unable, or choose not, to apply for DLA or PIP to have an opportunity to apply for a Blue Badge. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. To summarise, the 2013 Act: The 2013 Act enables enforcement officers to inspect and retain a badge without police presence if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the badge: In using these powers, it is expected that enforcement officers take appropriate steps to establish reasonable grounds for retaining the badge. They'll also let you know if you need to go to a mobility assessment. It is recommended that local authorities include declarations at the end of the application form for the applicant to review and sign. The applicant should be reminded in their decision letter that they have a duty to return the badge to the local authority if at any time their mobility improves. Good practice: local authorities should process all applications through the BBDS. When the local authority has determined that an application meets the criteria they will need to process the application details through BBDS Manage Blue Badges web-app (or via their own Case Management System). Changing or handing back a Blue Badge. At the point of application, each local authority must request further relevant evidence, should evidence provided by the applicant be insufficient. In cases where this is not possible badges may be delivered to the local authority office for collection. You have severe cognitive impairment. Your local council processes your application. It is recommended that a badge is awarded once an applicants mobility starts to be affected in a way that meets the eligibility criteria. Such training will help staff to understand the importance of the scheme to those who may rely upon it to access goods and services. Renew a Blue Badge. The Welsh Government is responsible for the policy and legislative framework for the Scheme. Has a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. Sheffield City Council incorrectly assessed people for disabled blue badges, says an investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. Applicants must give their consent to sharing any personal information for a secondary purpose under the UK General Data Protection Regulations . Each local authority will wish to consider its own training and procedures for enforcement officers employing the new powers. This would cover, for example, cases where a badge has suffered accidental damage or where a badge may have been tampered with in some way. You may wish to upgrade your browser. When a badge holder dies, their badge should be returned to the local authority (Footnote 14). When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Department of Work and Pensions which shows your entitlement for this benefit. Applicants applying through Gov.UK can check their eligibility on-line. The Welsh Government aims to use appropriate language in line with the social model. It can also help you stay active and independent. Regulations require the immediate return of expired badges. This process can be made easier through the use of technology. See regulation 8(3) of the 2000 regulations. It can take up to 12 weeks to process an application. Councils can charge up to 20 for a Blue Badge. Lost, stolen, faded or damaged Blue Badges. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. If you do not agree with the decision not to award a Blue Badge to you and have information or evidence that was not given with your original application, you should send it to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter we sent you. However, in these cases, the local authority has the discretion to verify the applicants identity through a review of existing records held. BBDS have several delivery arrangements including fast track delivery for applications from people with a special case terminally ill (for an additional cost). Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. To aid the inspection process, a gender marker has been added to the badge serial number. In the case of stolen badges, it is recommended that the authority ask badge holders to provide a police crime reference number for the local authorities to include in their records. If a badge holder relocates to a new local authority it is the responsibility of the badge holder to inform the issuing authority of the change of address. It can also help you stay active and independent. Local authorities may wish to consider that the badge may only be sent out to the Blue Badge holders address which could be a care home, as this is the address used to conduct a residency check. Blue badge disabled parking permits BBC Shared Data Unit made this Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council as part of a batch sent to 216 The weighting has not been made publically available in order to tackle fraudulent applications, Local authorities are recommended to not rely on letters from GPs. Local authorities should consider developing a range of tools and techniques to deal with different types of offenders and different types of offences. They will still be expected to sign the declaration form. Where an application does not meet the eligibility criteria and the application is refused local authorities should explain the reasons behind the decision to not issue a Blue Badge (Footnote 8).It is recommended that letters contain the following information: Providing a full explanation of the aims of the scheme and the reason why an application is turned down will enable the applicant to understand why their condition does not meet the eligibility criteria. 5. Before starting your application, you will need the following: There is no statutory appeals process against a decision made by a local authority on a Blue Badge application. No assumptions or questions should be raised about why the individual has been issued with a badge, as this is not the enforcement officers role. To qualify under this criteria an applicant must have a permanent and substantial disability (i.e. Blue badge disabled parking permits - a Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council - WhatDoTheyKnow Blue badge disabled parking permits BBC Shared Data Unit made this Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council as part of a batch sent to 216 authorities This request has been closed to new correspondence. on single and double yellow lines if it's safe to so and there are no loading restrictions. The badge holder does not need to be issued with a replacement badge with the new local authority name. The marker has been added to the badge to help civil enforcement officers and police officers to identify obvious cases of badge misuse. The applicants posture, rhythm, coordination, balance and stride should be considered in terms of the degree of effect they have on their ability to walk. You can apply for a Blue Badge yourself, for someone else, or for an organisation (such as a care home). The Welsh Government advises people visiting the UK from non-EU countries that they should bring their parking badges with them and notify the local authority in the areas they intend to visit to see if their badge would be recognised, but emphasise that this is entirely at the discretion of the local authority. Local authorities should note that the lists provided above are indicative only and are not intended to be exhaustive in order to allow for new advances in technology and treatment equipment. WebRequest a Blue Badge to replace one thats been lost, stolen or damaged. The BBDS will enable quicker and easier verification checks by civil enforcement officers. However more than one organisational badge can be held by a single organisation, depending on the number of vehicles they use and the number of people in their care who are eligible for a badge. The normal recovery time for simple lower limb fractures is three to four months and applications in these cases should be declined without referral to IAS, but using healthcare professional evidence as the main component of the decision-making process. If an applicant can walk 40 metres (44 yards) in less than a minute (a pace of 0.67 metres/second or more), including any stops to rest, then the speed at which they walk is not likely to make walking very difficult when considered in isolation. Typically this would be done to check the detailed information and the photograph of the badge holder on the back of the badge, in order to verify whether the badge is being used by the correct person. Applications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the gov.uk website. For example Motor Neurone Disease (MND) or some cancers. It is expected that all applicants reapplying for a Blue Badge under the temporary criteria, having previously been issued a badge under the same criteria, will be referred to the IAS for assessment unless there is sufficient evidence available to the authority to allow them to make a decision. Or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the BBDS will enable quicker and easier verification by! Webrequest a Blue badge at the end of the 2000 regulations of approach... We can then make an appointment at theCivic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 at! This page and legislative framework for the applicant be insufficient without police support for someone else, accept. If there is evidence that a badge would not only be necessary to that person for periods but become. 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