quarter of civilization human design

Quarter 2 - Module 6: Human Responses to Emerging Challenges in Contemporary Society . 9 Week Online Course Coming in 2022 Quarter of Civilization Crosses by Gate. Rather than trying to make it happen, we can allow it to emerge. Introducing Quarters as a framework for Rave analysis. More Info. Let's Grow together! You cant experience what it is to be a gardener without a garden. Ah, Duality, it seems to be the source of all evil as Jean Paul Sartre stated. 2I want to change this job. We can never see what is passing through the mental screen of other humans. But it certainly means that, as my expectations of this material world of ours getting any better than it has always been have moved slowly but definitely down to zero, my capacity to value the world of form and rejoice in what is absolutely priceless about it - namely my own form as a medium for my experience - has increased proportionally. Mandala Gates 7 to 44. The Human Design Year consists of four quarters, each with its unique theme. Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation - Human.Design Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation Home / Audios If you were born in the Quarter of Civilisation your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through Form'.This means living your life by experiencing uniquely through your body. Duality, what a seductive trap that our genes have created for our human vanity. The Gates The specific qualities of the four gates of your Incarnation Cross further refine that description of life purpose. Amy is an IHDS Certified Analyst Living Your Design Guide with decades of experience in counseling. Alokanand Diaz, a 1/3 Emotional Manifestor, was one of Ra Uru Hus first students and has dedicated over 20 years to Human Design. WATCH: Journey to 10,000 BC on HISTORY Vault. In this way, the Incarnation Cross is a signpost rather than a guiding mechanism. Human Resource Management (BUS 5511) College Algebra (MATH 1201 ) . So, everybody knows that everybody is hiding. It delineates the function of our physical Identity, our sense of Direction in life and our experience of Transcendent Love. This force is the power of our emotional system as it is interpreted through the absolutely exclusive potential of Gate 6 Conflict which is keynoted as the gate of friction. Eliminating your own expectations you also eliminate all the fears that go along with them as a (mostly denied) shadow. This is the world of fertility and bondingyour relationships with others. Ltd. Quarter 1: Purpose fulfilled through the Mind. She is available for consultations through, Course registration is open for those interested i, New Podcast Episode: Gary Christen with a brief hi, Once you have completed the Living Your Design wor, The January 7th workshop is full and so we're offe, Courses, Community, and Guidance for Empowerment and Inspiration, Generators, Projectors and Type Relationships. My conscious process in this life is fueled by the desire to imagine a new experience, and the Channel of Recognition, with its focused energy to recognize feelings, is my way of consciously witnessing the wild ride of this life's journey. But the truth is that we can root all of its understanding in something as highly primitive as the division of humankind in the two halves represented by gender differences. The Quarter Of Duality Human Design Your Own Authority Share this post. Getting to this point, it is clear to me that I am painting a dead end street situation in evolutionary terms, where humanity as a whole truly has no choice but to remain locked in the material world of choices, lost forever in the most primal fears of survival. The Human Design Collective is offering the "Living Your Design" workshop in a hybrid online self-paced format with two live workshops. 1I want to stop feeling stressed. The Profile Profile, which comes from the lines of the Personality and Design Sun, shows us the role we play as we do our job. Like the other three quarters the Quarter of Initiation is divided in two . They are the 4 corners or quarters that each have their own experience to share. yourself and live who you are. Children have no rights in Civilization, and neither do women. 24 Return, The Gate of RationalizationThe natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal. It eventually dropped to 3.8% in . "Now we desire to be made certain that you hold the right faith, and in all things cleave to Jesus Christ, our Lord, for we have heard that your court regard you as a god, though we know that you are mortal, and subject to . Han China entered a dramatic decline around 100 C.E due to more bureaucrats becoming corrupt, social unrest causing rebellions, and the spread of a devastating epidemic that killed up to half the population, which finally allowed nomadic groups to not only deal the final blows that toppled Han China, but also allowed three centuries of chaos to The Quarter of Initiation's Transcendent love is shown by Gate 25, giving us our way of being empowered in the universe, innocently, unconditionally loving through others that great unknowable force that we are all a part of. Covers Gates 2 - 33 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. This material was presented in Ibiza during October 2003. This ancient Maya city mirrors the beauty of the physical landscape in which it flourisheda fertile, well-watered mountain valley in western Honduras at an elevation of 600 meters (1,970 feet) above mean sea level. It had an . That is, we move on to mass thinking and the perpetuation of false role models in the name of political correctness and material progress. In the Quarter of Mutation (Gates 1-19), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Transformation. Covers Gates 13 - 24 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. I do not think that I need to go much into how the whole history of all civilizations is a history of violence and destruction, but rather I would like to explain why it could have never been much different from how it is today. We start the Quarter of Initiation with Gate 13 - The Fellowship of Man . Look to the top right, and you will find hexagram 1 (right above the blue M looking Astrological symbol for Scorpio in the image below). Nowhere like here can we see the mechanics of the 'form principle' at work, only that its purpose is very rarely fulfilled in the unique form of each individual that is and has ever been born, but its purpose is deeply dehumanized and homogenized into a bunch of 'roles and rules', designed to provide the 'glue' for identification between members and assure the continuity of the group. The magic of focusing on the mechanics first, through Strategy and Authority, is that the alignment with the body clarifies our path. When we meet in Synchronicity with others; we are free of the blind expectations and immature dreams that normally feed our mental agenda. If you haven't yet had a guided tour of the hexagrams and how we divide the wheel, it's a lot of fun to do! Knowledge you can use to discover Notice there are six solid linessix Yang lines. No other channel has the power to do that. From there, we get the names of the Crosses which describe the function of our purpose as a kind of job we are here to do, as well as the frequency we bring as a contribution to life and our collective evolution. Do you find it challenging to bravely be you? The four gates that are part of this second group have carried this material expansion out through the dynamics of the Manifestor spirit until 1781, but since then humanity has been increasingly stuck in evolutionary terms, divided into those who have the good fortune in one way or another to embrace the nine-centered mutation that is undergo, and those who are simply suffering the worst manifestation of humanity's extremes; the 'haves' and the 'have not'. Download our free ebook: Discover Your Design to find out more about Human Design and what it can do for you. Navigation tools can be used and experimented with. It can be what naturally comes out of us when we are being ourselves in resonance with the body and the environment for which we are designed. It contains some additional points.. Aand this is the basic key to be able to find balance in Duality and all of its inherent processes as they manifest through the 16 gates of the quarter. Click here to download to the introductory audio to this program, the first whole lecture, absolutely free. The Ancient Faces or the quarter consist of the 4 separate faces Sirius (Mutation/Yang), Dubhe/Mind (Civilization/Yin) , Alcyone/Body (Initiation/Inspiration), and Jupiter (Duality). Not only that, but those dogmas are based on imaginary orders that originated so far back in the past that we can't really know nor remember it. Sometimes the most profound things are right in front of you in Human Design. When fear is properly integrated within our form it no longer becomes the fuel for our emotional and mental distortion where we trust other people and see them as if they were angels or we distrust them and see them as a daemons -; but it becomes the fuel for attention that allows us to maintain the balance within every circumstance while we always stand on our own two feet. Without following Strategy and Authority, we may never really know what it means to fulfill our role. Have you seen this at work in your life? Rather than a performance or an accomplishment to achieve as quickly as possible, it is a maturation process from seed to flower and fruit that we get to experience. Mandala Gates 13 to 24. It has been suggested that it is not useful to explore unless you already have a sense of being able to act from a place of embodiment and alignment with your body's inner guidance. After we have fulfilled the purpose of mind, and brought about an expansion in our individual mental horizon through the 'Quarter of Initiation', the program wants us to materialize that mental sense of purpose in the world of pure form. If you were born in the Quarter of Civilisation your life will have a theme of Purpose fulfilled through Form.This means living your life by experiencing uniquely through your body. We wrote this article with the hope of addressing some of these misconceptions and perhaps more clearly elucidating what the Human Design System offers. Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) Voices of Freedom (Eric Foner) Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler) . They affect how we are seen, how we relate, who we resonate and harmonize with and how we naturally experience fulfillment. This, because fear is something that we all get to meet as a consequence of interacting with other human beings. news, updates, and all the We all know way too many horrible things that a human being can do to another when egoism meets with cold blood. It is only through the second block of 4 gates (16, 35, 45 & 12) that humanity has acquired the ability to deal and interact creatively with forces that are different from one's 'own'. It is something we grow into over time. 4 - Mutation. Creations that change the trajectory of human life, human expediency and human comfort and convenience. All Rights Reserved. I certainly was. If we find ourselves in contexts and situations where we encounter resistance, where we have to push ourselves and others in a way that feels forced, or where we feel unseen, unfulfilled or unable to feel comfortable in our own skin, it is often because we have lost touch with our nature. ICONIC Human Design 0 See our 61 reviews on This not only eliminates the resistances in those that we interact with; but it also allows for the discovery of what is possible for us when we are not mentally driven. More Info, The Human Design Collective will be conducting the next "Rave Cartography" course online from January 13 to March 31, 2023. Then we might see that all of these words are describing something more fundamental in the underlying mechanics of the way things work. We can think of the quarters as something like seasons but from an evolutionary perspective. These seasons begin each year consistently as the sun passes through the beginning gate. All you need to do is take a look at the configuration of the three channels that become defined when you transfer the 16 gates of Duality into the Rave Body Graph. Perhaps through diverse physical experiences, I have seen people from this Quarter devote themselves to yoga, some prefer extreme sports, while others are skilled masseurs but none of these may appeal to you. The 16 archetypal themes inherited from our 7-Centered ancestors impart their qualities to the four respective gates within each Godhead. And it is the love of the body that pulls us all into a direction of life empowerment through self-preservation. If over 2000 years ago Lao-Tzu could sense that humanity was losing touch with the natural order, the marriage between capitalism and science - brought about by the industrial revolution - has not only blocked the evolutionary wheel of human consciousness at the level of survival, but it has also given the power to multinational corporations to determine the politics of almost every government in the world. They are both the potential and possibility of individual intuition (gates 28 & 57); which is a timeless theme that existentially connects the individual to the themes of integrating truthful purpose and survival IN THE NOW. Not really. They are initiated through the development of Mind, and, in turn, initiate others according to the nature of their particular Cross and Profile. And then moves into the Quarter of Initiation. Note every Godheads hexagrams share the same first four lines. Your purpose is revealed through your Incarnation Cross; your costume described by your profile lines of those four gates. Ra Uru Hu. Use this tool to find the audio corresponding to your cross easily. This is why you remain in the best website to see the unbelievable books to have. In contemplating the mandala, Ra noticed that the mandala structure was evenly split into 16 archetypal themes that he labeled the Godheads - each Godheads four gates are very closely biologically related to each other. Every single one of the remaining gates until the end of this quarter are gates of the Spleen Center; which makes it clear to which extent the best of this quarter can only emerge when fear is properly integrated in our potential for individual awareness. As individuals who are imbued with individual intelligence and given an individual form; we are all designed to resist the homogenization process. In Part 1, Ra introduces the mechanics of Incarnation Crosses and how it determines your life purpose. But from the perspective of the way in which gate 6 experiences its social emotions; separation simply never seems to make any sense; no matter how deeply the union might be loaded with personal frustration. Gate 46 Pushing Upward is the gate of the love of the body as a temple for life, and it divides the Quarter of Duality into two halves. Human Design- Quarter of Civilization - YouTube Live and Work on Purpose!The #humandesignsystem is the tool I use in the background of all my coaching practices!The frequency that you are. Or when we expect it to grow and produce in an environment that does not nurture, support or have a place or purpose for it? Of all 7 emotional gates, the gate of Conflict is the only one that is not part of the Quarter of Initiation; where purpose is fulfilled through the expansion of ones own individual mental horizon of awareness. The one stands for the Quarter of Initiation, which is the first Quarter in the Wheel. When we bond with another human being, we establish an emotional connection that makes us remain connected with the process of the other throughout the ups and downs of the emotional wave that empowers the spirit of union or separation; as it moodily fluctuates beyond our capacity to control it. The G Center's physiology is the Liver and blood. MaiaThe Mother Goddess Gates: 2-The Direction of the Self, 23-Assimilation 8-Contribution, 20-The Now. After seven years, we are all expected to have learned what the tribal rules of the social game are in our society. This is the world where anything can happenits about the process of living, transformation, and accepting death. Be selective about who you allow into your life. It does not grow or flower. An oportunity to develop the necessary self-awareness to be able to recognize ourselves in that mirror. This could be through communicating to others and thereby building communities, designing or decorating the buildings themselves through designing or decorating, churches, palaces, houses, offices etc or the artistic creations that beautify people's environments or adorn their bodies.The emphasis is on the Form and if this is the body, then you are very likely to be concerned about how your body looks and what to wear, which clothes, shoes, jewellery, glasses, hats etc highlight your beauty.Beware of becoming lost in comparing yourself with others and becoming too preoccupied with what others say about you. That is followed by the recognition that all families are stuck together in the same 'plane of suffering', and finally we are driven to spend our whole life trying to make the world 'a better place' for the next generation, ha. Did you keep an eye on the bottom or 1st line as you moved around the wheel? Would you like to receive free Human Design articles, ", For the last two years I have been introducing students in four different languages to the distortive power that these conditioning forces have always had over the human personality. Please review our return policy terms and conditions for more information, or contact us by writing to office@jovianarchive.com. We can divide the 64 gates of the wheel not only into half and eighths as we have seen but into quarters (as well as 16ths, which is where we discover the archetypal themes of the Godhead). If you only consider the four gates that are harmonics to this last group, what you get is opinions (Gate 17) and Ideas (Gate 11) excusing and justifying the lameness of the same old collective roles (Gates 7 and 13) that has gotten us into the mess we're in as a species. Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Duality. That is the experiment and the commitment to self that we can watch at play. And this is certainly the cause of so much of the resentment that is at the root of the inability of men and women to communicate with each other as equals. Following Strategy and Authority keeps you from getting trapped in your Minds illusion derived from the conditioning forces streaming through your individual Godhead. When we no longer deny or interfere with the bodys authority, when we no longer try to be what we are not, when we stop arguing with what is natural to us, we can watch our purpose come to life and reveal itself as the perfect expression of our uniqueness. In most countries, including some of the most modern in the western world, their rights do not even assure them sovereignty over their own bodies. Lets start with gate 7 the Army . If your Personality Sun is in this quarter, youre here to wake up first. It is the charade where the pretended superiority of mind over form is played out on a daily basis, in every home of every family, in every country of this world. Here are the foundation hexagram chops establishing the foundation of each Quarter: In the Quarter of Initiation (Gates 13-24), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Mind. The Rave BodyGraph and Rave Mandala are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte. Save Page Now. These names put a face to the thematics shaping humanity. And it is the same for the other in relationship to us. Ra takes you on a journey through the wheel in a logical progression beginning with the Quarter of Initiation. How do we find it? There is no limit on how this could be shown. Do you know how its hard to make the right choice when it comes to what to do in life? Each Quarter of the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to their foundations. And in the second half, their foundation was all Yin (broken lines)? The term has been documented as early as 1912 to encompass the influence of perceived pan-Islamic propaganda. Copyright protected 2004 - 2023 . Midway between each Sphinx and Four Ways is a Transcendent Love gate which set the frequency of how we are empowered to be love through sharing our being with others within that Quarter. Gate 26 the Taming Power of the Great is the gate of egoism. In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older . This is an identity that is considered to be progressive as it is oriented towards the future; and also tends to be seen as sophisticated and detached from the moralities of the past. This is how the evolutionary program imposes itself on human beings, starting with the way we are programmed at first in the family life, then in school when we meet children from families that are different from ours. 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