mike thompson jennifer livingston

He will become a house-dad. Jennifer Livingston, . I do not think there is anything I despise more than a liar. What happened to the other two if the picture of the kids was one boy and one girl? Theres no excuse for the ignorance and cognitive dissonance of the vaxinatics, especially when someone provides them with the facts, on a platter, and they still wont get it. Its happened with me more times than I could ever imagine, with people who I could never imagine. Thats where Dyson got started . Tuesday morning, she delivered a four-minute editorial on air about bullying and weight, speaking directly to Krause. She, her husband, Mike Thompson, and from what can be gathered, their 5-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, all received injections that day. Ms. Livingston and Mr. Thompson are failing at their duties and until they change that, this blogger can neither respect nor show sympathy for them. Presstitutes they are called or so I hear BTW a great list of the psychopaths in the Presidency. Go talk to Marco Polo or Ibn Batuta about borders. Its top shelf and each story is thoroughly investigated. aeries parent portal madera. Hat off to you for seeing what 9-11 was and for having tried to pull some folks out of their trance state. We won't share it with anyone else. ADVERSE REACTIONS: 4,682,268(as of July 16, 2022). If it wasnt for the monsters whom you have been giving shelter to and allegiance to, these past 200 years -and are still doing so- , everybody would be content to stay with their loved ones where they were born. Tag Archives: Mike Thompson. Covid, yeah, whatever. professor melissa murray. Only the children are innocent victims. He will become a house-dad. Those kind of people do not bother me anymore. Sincerely,Kevin and Michelle Holubar", "We want to thank Servais Tile for our beautiful new Countertop and Backsplash. Livingston called it a "low blow," even bullying, that demanded a reply. Perhaps that Antarctic base was not done so they could escape a disease they throw out to the masses, perhaps it is there just in case their plan fails and they have to run to it. Many Cuckish men are looked at as no more than modern-day clowns by modern Feminist womenbut they still need sperm donors and taxpayersOn a side notehas anyone heard yet? Everyone is going to see these people die, they are already dying in large numbers, and the survivors are going to know who killed off half of humanity. Jennifer Livingston turns bullying into a life lesson. Love how the first thing she did was toss her husband into the dark, damp basement when he showed signs of being sick. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. And reply they did. They will die laughing if they werent already dead. vrbo trip board comments; sysco teamsters contract; dr john gemma net worth. They only have their utter stupidity to blame for what ails them. a morning anchor with WKBT-TV in La Crosse, Wis. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. CBS affiliate at the end of May. This pandemic is Satanic, and the opening act in the last stage of End Times. Get TVSpy delivered straight to your inbox. In an on-air editorial address Tuesday morning that lasted more than four minutes, Livingston acknowledged being overweight - even obese - then added, "To the person who wrote me that letter, do you think I don't know that?". The thing is, I really feel sorry for these children and other innocents in the situation. Barry ZeVan Her faith in the vacc-obscene is so strong aint it? The point is that journalists have to tell the truth no matter what. https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736/text. WOW. Women are told they are wonderful the way they are, everything about them is fine including their obesity. any of the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections, personal injury lawyer and fitness advocate, LGBT are 92% vaccinated, by far the most likely people to be vaxx zealots, virtue signalers, Stephanie Evans: 35-year-old Hawaii woman never thought it would be me as post-Pfizer pericarditis cripples her entire existence, 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House, Damar Hamlin Part V: missing Buffalo Bills owner Kim Pegula recovering from cardiac arrest, still no update on long-time Bills announcer, stroke victim John Murphy, Dont forget us: these eight cases of debilitating post-injection adverse reactions provide a sample of global suffering by those who survived the vaccines, Midweek Mashup V: The COVID Blog is technically three years old, metallic particles found in blood of 94% of mRNA recipients, and a record 50-plus sudden deaths in one article, Jackson Ball: 7-year-old North Carolina boy dies of #PfauciPfilicide; vaxx zealot father disappears from social media after excoriating critical thinkers, Aliens, artificial intelligence and augmented reality the triad of trickery reinforcing tribal political loyalty, rendering the global vaccine genocide invisible, Saturday Digest: more attacks on global food supply, more mainstream media mea culpas, Australia woman denied heart transplant because shes non-vaccinated, and 20 more sudden deaths, Midweek Mashup VI: whats left of humanity in 2030 will be walking 6G antennas, interference campaigns on social media accelerate, plus 20 more sudden deaths around the globe, 5 peer-reviewed studies show immunized chicken egg yolks stop viral infections, as another large chicken farm in Connecticut burns to the ground. Im the mother of three girls.. On an overloaded 23-ft launch with 18 men, he navigated 3,600 miles on the open sea to safety. For the record, it appears Ms. Livingston lost a lot of weight between 2019 and 2020. Livingston recently received an email from a male viewer criticizing her weight. The changes (as seen on TV) are so drastic it is practically not even the same virus. Tambora Tide, one of our shop favorites! Ms. Livingston is a morning show anchor for WKBT News 8 in La Crosse. Jennifer Livingston, a morning anchor with WKBT-TV in La Crosse, Wis., is used to getting feedback from viewers. They bow and pray before the demigods they worship. direct entry speech pathology programs near illinois. I'm blessed to say I've received only three "hateful" missives in my electronic and print media career, and only one via the Internet. I could find compassion after all the other psy-ops for those who were duped, because most were innocent bystanders. He Fauci will have no place to run or hide, his goose will be cooked. Choose wisely! What more to expect from journalists? He is the savior to restore trust in the government. Stinky Bathroom? It basically authorizes the use of propaganda (lies) on the domestic population. WKBT Mike Thompson and I have a big personal announcement to share with you. Remember the original meaning of whore is not so much one who exchangeth sex for money; but rather one who *knows* the truth and yet willfully disregards it for personal gain. These extreme vaxxers are idiots, how do they not see the vaccine caused the illness..not helped it! Excellent. Be careful. You dont know me, so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside and I am much more than a number on a scale., She then spoke to the rest of the viewing audience. Wisconsin TV news anchor Jennifer Livingston has gained thousands of supporters this week by publicly taking on one critic who called her fat. Klaus, Gates, and others were smart enough to launch this campaign, but not smart enough to model out the victory they wanted. In the governments case, pretending to tell the truth all of the time was just too much emotional effort it wanted to come-out in the open and be loved by all for its innate mendacious & murderous nature. ", "We cannot say enough about our experience with Servais Tile and Stone. Livingston's husband, Mike Thompson, who is an evening anchor on the same . There is something deeply unnatural about this craving for attention and affirmation. There is something deeply disturbed and evil in people so willfully blind, that they will sacrifice their children on the alter of go along, to get along. In this situation, patience and compassion have ceased to be a virtue. "This story is all over Facebook and your wife is amazing!!! I remember the absolute terror of people after 9-11, when they thought a Muslim fanatic was hiding behind every bush, waiting to kill them. Here is the future: Their future is now one where they maimed and murdered an ENORMOUS pile of people, a majority who have yet to die from what Klaus and others did, but will die. Obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain. It was an amazingly clueless comment in the context of the discussion, and if the R word meant anything anymore, it could apply to that comment as well. Lisa Kudrow, center, and Jennifer Aniston, right, showed up to support their former co-star Cox on Feb. 27, 2023. . Ms. Jennifer Livingston posted several photos on November 6 from a Walgreens pharmacy. In essence, from the time one "signs on" to make being a media "talent" their livelihood and profession, they also "sign-on" to being perpetual targets for brickbats as well as praise. Unfortunately, the needs of the station have changed and we are choosing to prioritize our family. Hope they did the early d-dimer test on him right away to see if hes got clotsanywhere. Fooled me twice, shame on me. I thought of a new acronym for the word COVID = Confirmation of Vaxxine Injury Diagnosis. But others felt differently, including one poster who took Livingston to task for her response and her weight: "Since when is it a virtue to be obese?" Lt. William Bligh (the one whose crew mutinied on the British ship Bounty) trusted the science. Thats right! Of course 9/11 happened shortly thereafter, the U.S. invaded Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11), removed Saddam, and Iraq was once again trading their oil in U.S. dollars by 2003. When expedience and truth meet eye to eye; truth will blink nineteen out of twenty times. I doubt itthe Medicaid reimbursement that the hospital will receive for the Fake Covid Death Certificates will be worth much morein this case four for the price of onecourtesy of the taxpayers of course. One of my first newspaper jobs reprimanded me for writing about President Bill Clinton and the Mena, Arkansas airport. Learn from my experience that the cruel words of one are nothing compared to the shouts of many. I get the impression, that those finally awakened will be storming every capitol and city hall across this country for Justice. Post brings home lots of bacon from news contest, Trumps Wisconsin probe records now public, Plague of school attack hoaxes: Eight total. If you are at home and you are talking about the fat news lady, guess what? Its the ONLY profession specifically protected in the U.S. Constitution. their 5-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, all received injections that day. And thats only putting it lightly. Youve got a bullet in the head. Regardless, none of those quite match the energy, precision and mastery of ALL works, symphonic or otherwise, than our Minnesota Orchestra. Correct me if i have anything wrong, but we have the Alpha Variant, Beta Variant, Gamma Variant, Delta variant (same 4 names of the Quadrants in Star trek), Lambda variant, Mu variant and now the Omicron variant?? I was told cool it after my story about Saddam Hussein divesting of U.S. dollars and only trading his oil in euros in 1999. Livingstons husband, Mike Thompson, anchors the WKBT 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news programs. As Kieron posted; they are blind and acting out of fear. We want to let you know right away that Finley is doing very well. LA CROSSE, Wis. - Veteran WKBT news anchors Jennifer Livingston and Mike Thompson announced their departure live on their final newscasts. Last week, the WKBT-TV morning newscast anchor received an email from Kenneth Krause, a La Crosse man who says he is an occasional viewer. And not only a bad role model for our community, but for young girls in particular. This woman has secured her position as a Handmaiden to Evil. So they are not aware they are murdering their children, they believe they are saving them. When Jennifer Livingston, a local news anchor in La Crosse, Wisconsin, received an email from a viewer attacking her for her weight, she decided to address the issue on air. Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s. You don't have to worry about whether he'll show up or if he'll return if there are any problems. Weighty issue: In a special four-minute comment that aired during yesterday's news broadcast, reporter Jennifer Livingston responded to a viewer who chided her over her weight Husband support:. We immediately quarantined him (her husband) to our basement "We basically told her that this might be something that she has to deal with in the future," she said. Her other brother, John Livingston, is also an actor. Livingston also urged children who were victims of bullying not to allow themselves to be defined by those bullies, a lesson she said she and Thompson passed along to their own 10-year-old daughter. Such people know me. Husband's support: Anchor Mike Thompson, pictured left and with his wife Ms Livingston on the right, said he found the email infuriating when he first published it on his own Facebook page. I really don't know where to begin here. Science employed is science trusted. Krause criticized Livingston for being overweight, saying she was not a good role model for her three daughters and for others who watch. A true journalist takes no sides, and has no vested interests in anything they cover. I can hear her now STOP COUGHING!!!! Mike Thompson met his future wife Jennifer Livingston when the two were out covering the same story; he was working, at the time, for the competition. CBS affiliate at the end of May. Livingston, a morning host, gained national attention after a viewer called her a bad role model because of her weight. The point is that journalists have to tell the truth no matter what. She wrote that people informed her of interesting stories that she otherwise wouldnt know about. Science is forming a hypothesis, conducting an experiment with a dependent and independent variable, recording data, and reporting the results whatever they may be. Products were delivered in a timely manner, and installation was extremely professional. A significant majority of commenters here are incredibly judgmental. That your cruel words are pointing out something that I dont see? Choices have consequences. "He just decided to attack her for no reason.". Thanks for taking the time to read these opinions and to hopefully view A SENIOR MOMENT on the Star Tribune's webcast site. She, her husband, Mike Thompson, and from what can be gathered, their 5-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, all received injections that day. Bligh trusted the science, his men trusted him as at least the great navigator that he was! Mr. Thompsons symptoms unbearable headaches, fever, chills, body aches, nausea are quite familiar to this blogger and anyone who regularly reads this blog. The couple said they had no post-WKBT plans yet, but are excited about what the future holds., Married Wisconsin Anchors Leaving Station in May, An error has occurred, please try again later. They are loyal members of the cult of the news, the cult of the television. They are getting away with anything they want due to hordes of authoritarian, anti-thought leftists doing the heavy lifting with the aid of unscrupulous social media censoring out uncomfortable truths. More than likely your cruel remarks have been noted by powers greater than any of us. I am sure you are beautiful in many other ways. But when a male viewer wrote her a letter chiding her for being overweight, the mother of three took action. The driver of the van was ticketed. Given this countrys present epidemic of obesity and the many truly horrible diseases related thereto, and considering Jennifer Livingstons fortuitous position in the community, I hope she will finally take advantage of a rare and golden opportunity to influence the health and psychological well-being of Coulee Region children by transforming herself for all of her viewers to see over the next year, and, to that end, I would be absolutely pleased to offer Jennifer any advice or support she would be willing to accept. It's coming from somewhere else," Livingston said on "GMA." Livingston's husband, Mike Thompson, who is an evening anchor on the same station, posted the viewer's letter on his Facebook page. When I advised to calm down, it was just a psy-op, dont worry, dont cancel your trip to TimbuktuI was the one who was cancelled UNTIL it became obvious in their pea-sized brains that they were not going to be murdered at the grocery store by Osama bin Laden. ", "He doesn't know that she has a condition, a thyroid condition, that makes it harder for her to lose weight. I think the premise believe in science is becoming a false religion. Seriously can you imagine having to be the person who wrote the email, to have to live each day as a mean and rude person. People set themselves up to be duped, and then they cry foul. Even the enforcers who were stupid enough to allow themselves to be vaxxed are waking up. LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN Two so-called journalists are obediently and loyally defending the pharmaceutical industry in yet another sad case of extreme denial. Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Just because they care about others and have empathy, they automatically project this onto everyone else, including our corrupt psychopathic leaders who have cheated, scammed and murdered their way to the top. Well done on the articles and attached info. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Clueless folks, always need a sacrificial lamb to slaughter on the altar of their frustrations, worries, feelings of emptiness, addiction to obedience and servitudes, lack of faith in The Creator and the decree of Destiny. To them, it is always other peoples fault and those who have no regards for the laws of their masters. Being a public figure also sometimes entails being a recipient of thoughts from people less tuned-in to the fact anyone in public life is a human being with all the pluses and minuses that come with that existence. What are the odds? If you actually believe in science you take a look at who speacks what! But in their own little brainwashed hopelessly conditioned minds they truly believe the BS, and that they are doing the right thing. Get the Poynter newsletter that's right for you. WKBT News Director Anne Paape told me, Her viewing public really knows her on many levels, not just as a TV news person. So it seemed logical to take this conversation public. They are deceived. Frankenstein was a product of science too. There are still quite a few who feel fine but the numbers that are realizing something changed and they are not alright anymore is starting to look like a rolling snowball . I have never been more proud of her or this TV station., Clearly, appearance is part of the package for anyone on TV, Paape said, But only part of the package.. That person is a jerk and that is a miserable thing to be," one person wrote, echoing many emails of support. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. 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