lithosols soil in ethiopia

The off-site effect also generates deposition of soil materials in the reservoirs, irrigation schemes and waterways downstream (Cerd and Doerr 2008). They are par-ticularly common in mountain regions. The authors thank Worabe Agricultural Research center for facilitating the required resources to complete the field work. Part of Springer Nature., Amsalu A, Stroosnijder L, de Graaf J (2007) Long-term dynamics in land resource use and the driving forces in the Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia. Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia nubica, and Balanites aegyptiaca grow as scattered trees or shrubs on the sandy plains. 121142). 0 household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil Although the soil erosion rate in the watershed is under low and very low range classes, 11 sub-watersheds soil erosion was above the watershed mean (2.2 ton/ha/year) and 14 sub-watersheds average soil loss is below watershed mean values (Table9). Hawassa, Ethiopia, Wischmeier W, Smith D (1965) Predictingrainfall erosionlossesfrom CroplandEastof theRockyMountains:guidefor selectionof practicesfor soiland waterconservation. There are a number of dry habitat reptiles including the endemic geckos, Arnold's leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus arnoldi) and Parker's pigmy gecko (Tropiocolotes somalicus). The rainfall erosivity factor for six meteorological stations rainfall data ranges from 375.06 to 486.96 for the rainfall of distribution of 912.40mm1220.44mm, respectively, as shown in (Table6 and Fig. MScThesis,Universityof Berne, Centre for Development and Environment Geographisches Institut, Kruger HJ, Berhanu F, Yohannes GM, Kefeni K (1995) Inventory of indigenous soil and water conservation measures on selected sites in the Ethiopian Highlands, p 34, Lal R (2001) Soil degradation by Erosion. Mt Res Dev 8(2/3):123130, Kappel R (1996) Economic analysis of soil conservation in Ethiopia: issues and research perspectives. The conservation status of this ecoregion is not good, with few protected areas and lack of enforcement in existing ones. A special thank to Ernesto Abbate, Mario Sagri and Milvio Fazzuoli that introduced me to the beauties of the Horn of Africa geology and geomorphology, to Giovanni Ferrari for his inspiring views and, finally, to Fabrizio Vannacci that faithfully assisted me with his laboratory, field and human skills in such a long endeavor. Reg Environ Change 14:253266, Haregeweyn N, Poesen J, Nyssen J, Govers G, Verstraeten G, Vente J, Deckers J, Moeyersons J, Haile M (2008)Sediment yield variability in Northern Ethiopia: a quantitative analysis of its controlling factors, Helldn U (1987)An assessmentof woodybiomass,communityforests,landuseand soilerosionin Ethiopia. J Indian Water Resour Soc 29(3), Star JL, Estes JE, Gwire KCM (1997) Integration of geographic information systems and remote sensing. 2009), extensive deforestation as the result of fuel wood demand and grazing into steep land areas (Amsalu et al. thesis, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, Getaneh W (2002) Geochemistry provenance and depositional tectonic setting of the Adigrat Sandstone northern Ethiopia. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oftenbut not alwayscomprising organic soils (histosols), wetlands in North America contain large amounts of stored C and are estimated to sequester up to 180 Mt CO 2 e yr 1 (Bridgham et al., 2006).Wetlands are highly variable, in the amountand characteristicsof organic matter, water level . Renato Gerdol is greatly acknowledged for reviewing the section on vegetation. The Simien Mountains were formed prior to the creation of the Rift Valley, from lava outpourings between 40 and 25 million years ago during the Oligocene period. 2014). The lowest erosion rate from Molic Andosols. The topographic (LS_factor) value for the watershed is 078.48(Fig. Thus, average annual temperatures in the highlands are in the low 60s F (mid-10s C), while the lowlands average in the low 80s F (upper 20s C). [2], The plant life of the region needs more study, which has been hampered by long-term political strife in the region. The second biome is mountain vegetation; it comprises montane and temperate grasslands and covers the higher altitudes of the Western and Eastern highlands. erosion. Earth Sci Rev 64:273320, Nyssen J, Descheemaeker K, Haregeweyn N, Haile M, Deckers J, Poesen J (2007) Lessons learnt from 10years research on soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Tigray. Chernozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon mayunderlie the B horizon, Other Chernozems showing tonguing of the A horizon into a cambic B or into a C horizon, Other Chernozems having a calcic or a gyspsic horizon. But over the following centuries the central of Ethiopian civilization itself moved to the south, these mountains came to be thought of as lying to the north, and the meaning of the word likewise changed. (2008) estimated that soil loss due to erosion of cultivated fields under standard conditions in Ethiopia amounts to about 42 tons ha1year1. collected and analyzed from different land sat imageries, SRTM data, topomaps /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Widths [ 278 0 0 0 0 889 667 0 333 333 0 0 278 333 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 0 667 944 0 667 0 0 0 0 The soil types in maybar watershed is mostly dominated by sandy clay loam covering 80% of the watershed, and the rest is clay loam. Acrisols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Acrisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Acrisols having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both. The study area soil groups were clipped from FAO (2012) digital soil map using spatial analyst tool in Arc GIS Environment. Reserv Res Manag 16:293305. endobj endobj The association of Vertisols with other soils and their catenary positions are . The first type is composed of euritic nitosols and andosols and is found on portions of the Western and Eastern highlands. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Nitosols develop on gently sloping ground. ANDOSOLS (T) Other soils having either a mollic or an umbric A horizon possibly overlying a cambic B horizon, or an ochric A horizon and a cambic B horizon; having no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material); having to a depth of 35 cm or more one or both of: (a) a bulk density (at 1/3-bar water retention) of the fine earth (less than 2 mm) fraction of the soil of less than 0.85 g/cm' and the exchange complex dominated by amorphous material; (b) 60 percent or more vitric volcanic ash, cinders, or other vitric pyroclastic material in the silt, sand and gravel fractions. This ecoregion lies mainly between sea level and 800 meters (m) elevation. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. . Soil and water are crucial resources for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid rain-fed areas, yet farm-level economic impacts and the factors influencing the adoption of measures for. Lithosols, Andosols and Luvisols (Mitiku. However, the wetter margins are excellent for livestock, and even the drier margins respond well to irrigation. Accessed 27 February 2022. These outliers are part of the Day Forest and Mabla Mountains above 1,100 m in Djibouti. Soil acidity is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian highlands (cultivated lands). A personal overview. 6). Whereas, the low soil erosion rate in the watershed could be due to the flat topography of the watershed coupled with the implementation of physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation and sustainable land management projects(SLMP). The most notable is the Awash River of Ethiopia that terminates in a series of lakes near the border with Djibouti.[2]. The study of Bekele et al. /Length 3452 Masters Thesis. 2008) and about 80% of the worlds agricultural land suffers from moderate to severe erosion (Ritchie et al. The corresponding author provides all the data set as per the request and ready to clarify the manuscript which is not clear. Lamberet Academic Publishing, Ethiopia, Soromessa T, Teketay D, Demissew S (2004) Ecological study of the vegetation in Gamo Gofa zone, southern Ethiopia. Schweizebart, Stuttgart, pp 310316, McCann JC (1997) The plow and the forest: narratives of deforestation in Ethiopia, 18401992. Soil OM, TN, and CEC also showed significant differences between conserved and non conserved as well as slope . Simien Mountains National Park, home to several endangered species, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978. /Flags 32 J Afr Earth Sci 45:478488. Similarly, the finding of setegn et al. /FontDescriptor 7 0 R [7] Although the later Scottish traveller James Bruce claims that he had never witnessed snow in the Simien Mountains, the 19th century explorer Henry Salt not only recorded that he saw snow there (on 9 April 1814), but explained the reason for Bruce's failure to see snow in these mountains Bruce had ventured no further than the foothills of the Simiens.[8]. (Fig. 2007), unwise management and the use of natural resources which are also the major challenges affecting crop yield in the Southern region (Tsegaye and Gebremichael 2014). all parameters had been analyzed and soil loss from the area was calculated In the central highlands of Ethiopia, the main soil parent material is olivine basalt of tertiary age. Protected areas include Yangudi Rassa National Park and Mille-Serdo Wildlife Reserve in Ethiopia, Nakfa Wildlife Reserve in Eritrea, and the Djallo and Assamo terrestrial protected areas in Djibouti. School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. /FontDescriptor 5 0 R slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands Other grazing animals include beira, dorcas gazelle, Soemmerring's Gazelle, gerenuk and the beisa oryx (Oryx beisa). Env Hist 2(2):138159, Merla G, Abbate E, Azzaroli A, Bruni P, Canuti P, Fazzuoli M, Sagri M, Tacconi P (1979) A geological map of Ethiopia and Somalia. Birds include the endemic Archer's lark (Heteromirafra archeri).[2]. Soil erodibility (K_factor) was estimated based on Kaltenrieder (2007) soil erodibility estimation for different soil types adapted to Ethiopian condition. 278 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 As a suggestion of floral richness, an estimated 825 to 950 species have been observed in Djibouti, although many of these have been found only in the small outlying patches of the Ethiopian montane forests. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 326341, Sutcliffe JP (1993) Economic assessment of land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands: a case study. Long year stations average annual rainfall. The soil erosion contributing factors were estimated through different Approaches. 2001). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. EC was measured by conductivity meter in soil to water ratio of 1:2.5 (Van Reeuwijk, 2006). Cambisols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing hydromorphic properties within 100 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing vertic properties, Other Cambisols showing one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures; calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Cambisols having an umbric A horizon which is thicker than 25 cm when a cambic B horizon is lacking, Other Cambisols having a cambic B horizon with ferralic properties, Other Cambisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) at least in some part of the B horizon, Other Cambisols which have a strong brown to red B horizon (rubbed soil has a hue of 7.5YR and a chroma of more than 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR), Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. 0000002547 00000 n where, Sy=Sediment yield (ton) at the watershed out let, E=total erosion (ton), A=Watershed area (ha), Sy=456,415.60ton/year *(1/123,3950.2), Sy=43,762 tons/year. It is found in Administrative boundaries of Silte zone, Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR). (2014) GIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model: The Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia. 0000025719 00000 n The current finding also in consistence with the finding of Tessema (2011), who reported the annual Soil loss for Dire Dam Watershed from 0.00 to 263.25 ton/ha/year, Amsalu and Mengaw(2014), reported the annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 ton/ha/year in steeply sloping mountainous areas of the north and north-eastern parts of the catchments. 3 0 obj 0000003057 00000 n The Dijo watershed land use land cover was clipped from Ethiopian Ministry of water resources (2010). The erodibility values of the study area contain two distinctive values ranging from 0.14 which is Chromic luvisols soil to 0.35 which is Eutric cambisols (Table7 and Fig. and point interpolations of primary data. Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. 0 0 0 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 J Ecol 23(7):13281335, WBISPP (Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project) Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR) (2011) A strategicplanfor the sustainabledevelopment,conservation,and managementof the woodybiomassresourcesWoodyBiomassInventoryand StrategicPlanningProject. 2015 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, Billi, P. (2015). 7). 13). It is the specific soil and water conservation practices to reduce run-off speed and increase infiltration Wischmeier and Smith (1978). [2] Climate[edit] /FontName /Arial-ItalicMT 0000001480 00000 n Regosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Regosols which are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Regosols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 percent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. Water Resour Manag. /ItalicAngle -12 4). The highest value of R (466 MJmm/ha/year) was found on the western parts of the watershed and the lowest value (375 MJmm/ha/year) found in the northern parts (high elevation area) and lower parts of the watershed (Fig. 5, Table4). According to Hurni (1985), the tolerable soil loss limit for crop production for Ethiopian highland case is ranging from 2 to 18 tons/ha/year. According to Hurni et al. The maximum erosion accounts 161,161.8 ton/year of total soil loss. Fluvisols having a sulfuric horizon or sulfidic material, or both, at less than 125 cm from the surface, Other Fluvisols which are calcareous, at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Fluvisols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 percent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, SOLONCHAKS (Z)Other soils having high salinity and having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, an H horizon, a cambic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon, Solonchack showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Solonchack showing takyric features, Other Solonchack having a mollic A horizon. 0000002144 00000 n As shown in Fig. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, Which is not clear scattered trees or shrubs on the sandy plains margins... Per the request and ready to clarify the manuscript which is not good, with few protected and. 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Boating Accident On Lake Hartwell 2021, Articles L