expository sermon on psalm 42

4) Paul's sermon at the synagogue (Acts 13:16-41) involves an exposition of the prophecies of the Old Testament and a revealing of the hearts of his listeners: They are a people who may become scoffers and eventually unbelieving. The writer suffered at the hands of tormenting enemies. revive us again. John 4:14). Soul. And since it is said to you, Disregard this or that thing, if you prefer working iniquity to despising some temporal good, you choose to be bitten by a serpent, rather than destroy it. What is going on here? : 42:2-6) The . There is great similarity between the content of these psalms and the ones David wrote. 1. When we think and feel with God in the Psalms, this is the main result: we come to love God, and we want to see God and be with God and be satisfied in admiring and exulting in God. And then once more above this conflict of emotion soars the clear note of the refrain, summoning to self-command, calmness, and unfaltering hope. Lo, we have just now been gladdened by certain inward delights: with the mind's eye we have been able to behold, though but with a momentary glance, something not susceptible of change: why do you still disquiet me, why are you still cast down? This is not so yet, because the salvation which is promised, is not as yet in being; but it is in hope that I confess unto God, and say, My God is the saving health of my countenance. Understand that God may use suffering to refocus our deepest desires on Him. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. A Maskil of the Sons of Korah. Esther TOP. In his prayer, he would also ask God the reason for his continuing physical and emotional distress. The writer viewed his troubles like waves cascading down on him, as if he were standing under a waterfall. [Note: VanGemeren, p. You see, hoping in God doesnt come naturally for sinners like us. The waves in what I already feel, the overhangings in that You denouncest. Again the psalmist encouraged himself with the rhetorical refrain (cf. Yet, with the strange but universal love of summoning up remembrance of departed joys, the psalmist finds a certain pleasure in the pain of recalling how he. I know this is a given but prayer prepares the preacher's heart for the studying of God's word (1 Peter 2:1-2) and it prepares the preacher's mind to receive clarity and insight into God's word (Psalm 119:18). Some ancient Hebrew manuscripts united Psalms 42, 43 as one. When shall I come and appear before God? The "soul" is feminine in Hebrew, and is here compared to the female deer, for "pants" is the feminine form of the verb, though its noun is masculine. On which account too this Psalm is ordinarily chanted on those occasions, that they may long for the Fountain of remission of sins, even as the hart for the water-brooks. Whither then shall I go from Your presence? Men may speak, may be seen by the operations of their members, may be heard speaking in conversation: but whose thought is penetrated, whose heart seen into? A. As for your fatigue in hearing, I am not greatly solicitous, since you see me also, who speak, toiling in the heat of these exertions. I seek my God in every corporeal nature, terrestrial or celestial, and find Him not: I seek His Substance in my own soul, and I find it not, yet still I have thought on these things, and wishing to see the invisible things of my God, being understood by the things made, Romans1:20 I have poured forth my soul above myself, and there remains no longer any being for me to attain to, save my God. The difference between the devout and the worldly man is just that the one can only say, "My soul pants and thirsts," and the other can add "after Thee, O God." Hes not thirsting mainly for escape. They who trouble me cast me in the teeth. ), the temple singers were still called the sons of Asaph. In view of the long and continued service of these temple servants, we cannot be absolutely sure when these psalms were composed, but whether they were written in the time of David or as late as Ezra, they are still Davidic associates, and that seems to reinforce the Davidic nature of these collections." I think an abyss may not unreasonably be understood of man, of whom it is said elsewhere, Man shall come to a deep heart, and God shall be exalted. Matthew24:12 When we see the strong members of the Church generally giving way to the causes of offense, does not Christ's body say, The enemy breaks my bones? The actual author, as one of a band of kinsmen who worked and sang together, would, not unnaturally, be content to sink his individuality and let his song go forth as that of the band. she must be up to something. Apr 24, 2020. But it is a song of faith. Psalms 42 expresses the writers yearning for God. Each swing of the gymnast lifts him higher until he is on a level with a firm platform on which he can spring and stand secure. The serpents are your vices, destroy the serpents of iniquity; then will you long yet more for the Fountain of Truth. Clearly the superscriptions rested upon some tradition or knowledge, else defective information would not have been acknowledged as it is in this one; but some name would have been coined to fill the gap. The Lord has commended His loving-kindness in the day-time, and in the night-time will He declare it.There is with me prayer unto the God of my life. It is what church historian Martin Marty might call a "wintery" faith. Therefore the psalm must be pre-exilic; and while there is no certainty attainable as to date, it may at least be said that the circumstances of the singer present more points of contact with those of the supposed Korachite follower of Davids fortunes on the uplands across Jordan than with those of any other of the imaginary persons to whom modern criticism has assigned the poem. According to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. The psalmist is far from the sanctuary, but distance does not hinder thought. He may not have asked the question with theological or linguistic precision, but if he proves in time that he didnt mean that God had forgotten him, we will let that be words for the wind. He just said in verse 8, By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me.. My health (my salvation) cannot be from myself; this it is that I will say, that I will confess. In Book 1, all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writer. Update: Here is my sermon on Psalm 6 (video and manuscript) Nevertheless he believed God would remain loyal to him. Expository Sermons on Psalm 6. The effort of faith should be persistent, even if old bitternesses begin again and "break the low beginnings of content"; for, even if the wild waters burst through the dam once and again, they do not utterly wash it away, and there remains a foundation on which it may be built up anew. It is a faith that hungers and thirsts for God and yet remains empty. For how can it be that in the midst of these tempests of the world, you should pass through the whole of that sea, without suffering? Psalms 42:10 repeats the enemies taunt, which is there represented as like crushing blows which broke the bones. ", To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. This conflict of opposite emotions is the characteristic of the second part of the psalm, while that of the first part is an all but unrelieved predominance of gloom, and that of the third an all but undisputed victory of sunshine. But his truer self silences these lamentations, and cheers the feebler "soul" with clear notes of trust and hope, blown in the refrain, like some trumpet clang rallying dispirited fugitives to the fight. BOOK 2: CHS. She lays up in summer what will be useful to her in winter. sermons and saints. My God is the saving health of my countenance. He ends with naming Him "the gladness of my joy." This is not inconsistent with righteousnessit is righteousness. Has learnt to make do with occasional puddles. It destroys serpents, and after the killing of serpents, it is inflamed with thirst yet more violent; having destroyed serpents, it runs to the water-brooks, with thirst more keen than before. Injustice is done it, if it is regarded merely as the longing of a Levite for approach to the sanctuary. For just as worldly prosperity is signified by the day, adversity by the night, so again in another way worldly prosperity is expressed by the summer, adversity by the winter. Why have You rejected me? With God is the fountain of Life; a fountain that shall never be dried up: in His Light is a Light that shall never be darkened. Finally, the psalmist thirsts for God like a deer pants for the stream. In this that I suffer are all Your waves; in the severer punishment that Thou threatenest, all Your overhangings have come unto me. 13. Esther 5 - Mission Impossible. The angelic choir makes an eternal holiday: the presence of God's face, joy that never fails. But the gloomier mood has shot its last bolt. Without it we die. The stimulus serves for a moment; but once more courage fails, and once more, at yet greater length and with yet sadder tones, plaints and longings are wailed forth. When tribulation shall actually come, He will not leave you destitute of His help; He will show you that which He commended to you in the daytime is true. Thats what hes seeking jubilant hope. (Psalm 42:2-4) Maclaren notes, "The whole psalm reads like the sob of a wounded heart." What was its cause? Deliver me, O my God! Thus one might think of this book as "the book of Elohim.". I will not fear . 2. He began with yearning after the living God. Verses 5 and 6 make clear that any strength the Psalmist will have does not reside in self, but in God. Psalms 42-72 (Reformed Expository Commentary) Hardcover - November 11, 2019 by Richard D. Phillips (Author) 11 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $33.98 4 New from $23.88 In the inspired poems of the Psalms, we find the full range of human emotions laid bare before the heart of God and in settings familiar to our experience. Arise, O Lord! When can I go and stand before him? What will you confess? Yet we must even now take notice of this title in such a way, that what we have said already should be no prejudice against our saying it again: for all were not present in every place where we said it. Therefore we are warned to be like the ant. And what is it that the ant does? 9 ). For that hart that made tears its bread day and night, borne along by longing to the water-brooks (that is, to the spiritual delights of God), pouring forth his soul above himself, that he may attain to what is above his own soul, walking towards the place of the wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God, and led on by the sweetness of that inward spiritual sound to feel contempt for all outward things, and be borne on to things spiritual, is but a mortal man still; is still groaning here, still bearing about the frailty of flesh, still in peril in the midst of the offenses Matthew18:7 of this world. religion or Christ. 15. 2. Therefore it is from the land of Jordan I have remembered you, and from the hill; observe, not of the great hill, that you may make of the little hill a great one: for whoever exalts himself shall be abased, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. Numbers 26:10-11) were distinguished musicians (1 Chronicles 6:31-48). PROPOSITION: To study the story of the rich man and Lazarus and notice: 1) The characters, 2) The circumstances, 3) The cries of the rich man, 4) The conclusions of the story. I shall not want for strength, "He restoreth my soul." C. Jesus also knew the responsibilities of the Shepherd to the sheep. Can put forward good arguments for not believing in water or having any desire for it. It was a long way from Mount Zion where the ark dwelt in Davids day. Psalms 42:5). Some of them were among the faithful adherents of David at Ziklag, {1 Chronicles 12:6} and in the new model of worship inaugurated by him the Korachites were doorkeepers and musicians. u.s.). Psalm 22 is an excellent choice for a sermon on Good Friday because, according to Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, Jesus, "the man of sorrows" (Is 53:3), voiced the haunting opening words of this magnificent psalm, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" in his dying moment on the cross of Golgotha. Contact information. When away from the stream makes it a priority to rediscover it.. The title then of it is, On the end: a Psalm for understanding for the sons of Korah. I. And whither shall I flee from Your Spirit? REKINDLE YOUR PASSION (PSALMS 42:1-2 ) INTRO: SKIT: SATAN GOT YOUR JOY AND PASSION (1.) Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? The word forgotten is an overstatement. For he compared these things in which he found himself, to those toward which he had been raised; and saw himself cast out far from the sight of God's eyes, as he speaks even here, Why have You rejected me? Now Korah may have been, as indeed he was, a certain definite person; and have had sons, who might be called the sons of Korah; let us however search for the secret of which this is the sacrament, that this name may bring to light the mystery with which it is pregnant. To recall past joys adds stings to present grief, but to remember God brings an anodyne for the smart. When Fear Grips Your Life - Psalm 27. Thus the whole song is a picture of a soul climbing, not without backward slips, from the depths to the heights, or, in another aspect, of the transformation of longing into certainty of fruition, which is itself fruition after a kind. seeing that deep calls to deep, and after those sufferings severer ones are to be dreaded. Assuredly it is from your seeing me labouring, that you labour with me: for I am labouring not for myself, but for you. The refrain is repeated for a third time, and is followed by no relapse into sadness. Why then does Korah stand for Christ? But that just isnt the way we are. The deer that doesnt mind a sip or two of water if it happens to come their way or it isnt too inconvenient to look for it. However, he came back to the same expression of confidence with which he ended the first stanza. Were probably alert to the fragile desire for things. AND XLIII. How could it happen? The epithet answers to that of the former part, "the living God," from which it differs by but one additional letter. The certainty of return to the Temple overbears the pain of absence from it, and the vivid realisation of the gladness of worshipping again at the altar takes the place of the vivid remembrance of former festal approach thither. In other words, all his crashing and tumultuous and oppressing and discouraging circumstances are the waves of God. He never loses this grip on the great truths about God. THE VANITY OF SELF EFFORT. This too proceeds from that longing, of which in another place comes that cry, One thing have I desired of the Lord; that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. It is better therefore to translate "hind" than "hart." Psalm 3: You are a shield around me, O Lord, my Glorious One, who lifts up my head. These loveless people are not further defined, and may either have been Israelites or aliens. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:14.). 428.] He is the health of my countenance, and my God. Nature reflects the poets moods, and overmastering emotion sees its own analogues everywhere. And the little hill of Hermon. Yet, with the strange but universal love of summoning up remembrance of departed joys, the psalmist finds a certain pleasure in the pain of recalling how he. "Gods continual love is a comfort for the soul continually beset by questions and mourning (cf. When I have laughed at the stone, and he who pointed to it has been put to the blush, he raises his eyes from the stone, looks up to heaven, and perhaps says, pointing his finger to the Sun, Behold there my God! Both psalms are individual laments. There is with me prayer to the God of my life. 1:1-. (NLT) Psalm 63: 1-5 - O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. "Mercy and truth are met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other" ( Psalm 85:10 ). For it is written in a certain passage, The mercy of the Lord is seasonable in the time of affliction, as clouds of rain in the time of drought. the heights of Hermon from Mount Mizar. Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that, who was raised who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for you. They are sons of the bridegroom, sons of Christ. Source. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. Verse 4: These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts and songs of praise, a multitude keeping festival.. If it is, the second part of the psalm is also conformed to the other two in regard to its not beginning with the Divine name. HOW MUCH DO WE REALLY DESIRE GOD? In the waves that deep calls; in the overhangings is the other deep which it calls to. From whence did I remember you? How does he solve it? It begins with a cluster of seven psalms (reckoning Psalms 42:1-11; Psalms 43:1-5, as one) of which the superscription is most probably regarded as ascribing their authorship to "the sons of Korach." And on this account, seeing my soul is disquieted on account of myself, what else should I say unto it than those words: Why are you cast down, O my soul; and why do you disquiet me? For example: But perhaps Scripture meant us to consider in the stag not this point only, but another also. That which does must be living. For you do not doubt of your God. For it is in hope that we are saved; but hope that is seen, is not hope. 11. Those men so patient and courageous for the name of Christ, how often was it said to them, Where is your God? God is close to us and cares for us as a shepherd cares for his sheep. What abyss is this that calls, and to what other abyss? Who shall bring any charge against you as Gods elect? preaching the gospel. Psalm 41:3. In this Psalm David, who is himself a shepherd, describes the LORD as his own personal shepherd. Who is to condemn? The imagery of floods lifting up their voices, and cataracts sounding as they fall, and breaking waves rolling over the half-drowned psalmist has been supposed to be suggested by the scenery in which he was; but the rushing noise of Jordan in its rocky bed seems scarcely enough to deserve being described as "flood calling to flood," and "breakers and rollers" is an exaggeration if applied to any commotion possible on such a stream. I will say unto God, You are my lifter up. He states the very words of that confession; he repeats the grounds on which he fortifies his hope. Perhaps avarice whispers in your ear some dark counsel, hisses against the word of God, hisses against the commandment of God. Grief which finds no fresh words is beginning to dry up. The sons of Korah (cf. Romans8:23 When that health (that salvation) is perfected in us, then shall we be living in the house of God for ever, and praising for ever Him to whom it was said, Blessed are they that dwell in Your house, they will be praising You world without end. For the Psalm itself begins with a certain pious longing; and he who sings so, says, Like as the hart desires the water-brooks, so longs my soul after You, O God Psalm 41:1. Who is it then that says this? If you would also ask the meanings of the names, Jordan means their descent. The unity is vouched by the considerations already noticed, and by the incompleteness of Psalms 42:1-11 without such triumphant close and of Psalms 43:1-5 without such despondent beginning. Whoever wrote it has given immortal form to the longings of the soul after God. 6, HWV 251b, "As pants the Hart for cooling streams": As pants the hart for cooling streams, so longs my soul for thee O God (George Frideric Handel; lyrics based off of Tate and Brady) Psalm 42:1-2: When shall I come and appear before God? Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons in the Christian Year by SIdney Greidanus Publisher: Eerdmans , 2016 ISBN: 9780802873668 3 ratings Digital $26.99 Digital (Group) $26.99 Overview For many of us other desires can get in the way of us really desiring God. The true object of its longings is always God, however little it knows for what it is thirsting. The repeated taunt of his enemies would hopefully move God to deliver him (cf. HAVE MERCY ON ME, GOD. Psalm 42 STROPHE DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading") FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S INTENT AT PARAGRAPH LEVEL This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Naturally this transition strophe is marked by the mingling of both. Thus is it wisdom is learned, and thus faith, when man calls to man. All unrest of longing, all fever of thirst, all outgoings of desire, are feelers put out blindly, and are only stilled when they clasp Him. For in prosperity God commends to you His mercy, in case thou serve Him faithfully, for He frees you from tribulation; but it is in the night only that He declares His mercy to you, which He commended to you by day. So once more the wave of emotion rolls over the psalmist, but with a new aspect which makes all the difference. Accept that we may need to make effort. This morning, I want to quickly offer us (be me, specifically) some hope when dealing with discouragement. Servanthood What does it mean to be a servant of Christ. Devil; Wraps chains around the chained (3.) The word rendered "loveless" is compounded of the negative prefix and the word which is usually found with the meaning of "one whom God favours," or visits with lovingkindness. For it was said of a certain person, he calls on death; Wisdom1:16 that is, lives in such a way as to be inviting death; for there is no man at all who puts up a prayer, and calls expressly on death: but men by evil-living invite death. How much was this cast in the teeth of the Martyrs! It was in wonder and admiration he spoke this: Abyss calls unto abyss with the voice of Your water-spouts. Each Monday brings a set of at least seven outlines to your e-mail box. But yet, Why have You forgotten me? When the Rumors are Not True - Psalm 26. Scripture ref: Luke 16:19-23. To see those who were thought to have some stability, giving way under temptations, so that the rest of the weak brethren despair when they see those who are strong succumbing; how great, my brethren, are the dangers! Weve got to preach it to ourselves, and preach diligently and forcefully, or well give way to a downcast and disquieted spirit. Romans8:24-25. Streaks of brightness flash through the gloom. 11-22. Beginning with a general introduction on how pastors can interpret and preach from the biblical psalms and why they should Greidanus proceeds by discussing twenty-two psalms in the Revised Common Lectionary, Year . Psalm 41:9. restoring the joy. That is the worlds way with the calamities of a devout man, whose humble cry, "My God," it resents as presumption or hypocrisy. But isnt it amazing that hes singing his prayer! WHATS THE PSALM ABOUT? When shall I come and appear before God? What makes this so beautiful, and so crucial for us, is that hes not thirsting mainly for relief from his threatening circumstances. St. Paul had a blinding revelation on the road to Damascus, an encounter with the risen Lord Jesus that turned his life completely topsy-turvy and started him on a perilous road that would take him all over .read more Scripture: Philippians 1:18-26, Psalm 42:2-5, Luke 14:1-11 Denomination: Catholic DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 'The deer that rejects water.' Doesn't believe in it, doesn't long for it, or doesn't know they long for it. We have met with the sons of Korah in other titles of Psalms: and remember to have discussed and stated already the meaning of this name. Mount Mizar is one of the hills in that area. The psalm falls into three parts, each closing with the same refrain. And it is principally in the temptations of the Church they say this, Where is your God? Psalm 42 essentially a lament, with Psalm 43 forming the Psalmists prayer in response to the lament. 2 Wash away my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. For example, Isaac Watts wrote these verses to be sung: Thats not a jubilant song. But they are happy in their very yearnings who are conscious of the true direction of these, and can say that it is God for whom they are athirst. I am thirsty in my pilgrimage, in my running; I shall be filled on my arrival. This I make my business here; I who am the hart thirsting and longing for the water-brooks, calling to mind the sweetness of that strain, by which I was led on through the tabernacle even to the house of God; while this corruptible body presses down the soul, Wisdom9:15 there is yet with me prayer unto the God of my life. Original setting not known. For if a Pagan should say this to me, I cannot retort it upon him, saying, Where is yours? That is to say, because God is mercy and faithfulness, the return of the psalmist to the home of his heart is sure. PSALM 42 Start With Prayer. 2 16 How to Prepare an Expository Sermon on [April, HOW TO PREPARE AN EXPOSITORY SERMON ON PSALMS XLII. sailing on the stormy sea. RELATING TO THE PSALM The feminine soul has to give account of her moods to calmer judgment, and to be lifted and steadied by the strong spirit. The writer remembered with great delight the times when he found spiritual refreshment at the sanctuary in Jerusalem, but he was not able to return there yet. From the little hill, and from the land of Jordan. For now you are not without somewhat to say to yourself, in answer to those who say, Where is your God? DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 For we find in the hart an emblem of swiftness. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. Would you have me not disquiet you, panting as I am after what is good, thirsting and labouring as I am for it? There are at least three reasons why we can assume psalms 42 and 43 were originally joined together. So cried our Head also, as if speaking in our name. True Repentance - Psalm 51. Important that we dont respond inappropriately. (2) Psalm 43 has no title for it. Light and Troth-i.e., Lovingkindness and Faithfulness in fulfilling promises-are like two angels, despatched from the presence-chamber of God, to guide with gentleness the exiles steps. JESUS URGES US TO DESIRE ETERNAL LIFE What then is the abyss that calls, and to what other abyss does it call? Deep calls unto deep with the voice of your water-spouts Psalm 41:7. He called his book The Souls Conflict with Itself, because in Psalm 42:5 thats exactly what you have; the soul arguing with itself, preaching to itself. His dwelling-place is above my soul; from thence He beholds me; from thence He created me; from thence He directs me and provides for me; from thence he appeals to me, and calls me, and directs me; leads me in the way, and to the end of my way.. .. 8. So, the psalmist affirms Gods sovereign love for him in and through all the troubles. Scripture (Psalm 32:1-5) verses 1-2: The one who has his sins covered is "blessed." The Hebrews used two different words to describe being "blessed." One word meant God bestowed the blessing. Tweed. For it is there, in the sanctuary of God, in the house of God, is the fountain of understanding. These were Levites, and (according to 1 Chronicles 9:19 seq.) 63.]. send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue.' . And because he has the Lord for his shepherd, he does not lack anything he needs. 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To us and cares for his shepherd, describes the Lord as his personal... Them a spring of water welling up to eternal life God would remain loyal him! Is it wisdom is learned, and overmastering emotion sees its own analogues everywhere his threatening circumstances any charge you! Your water-spouts say unto God, you are not without somewhat to say yourself! That he may dip the tip of his enemies would hopefully move God deliver... Was it said to them, Where is your God you are my.... In response to the sanctuary ; but hope that is seen, is the saving health of my.. Said to them, Where is your God desire eternal life what then is the Fountain of Truth loyal him... Eternal life what then is the health of my life God ; I earnestly search for.... Hisses against the commandment of God, you are my lifter up html errors or suggestions about these. As `` the gladness expository sermon on psalm 42 my countenance lifter up, joy that never fails us is... Health of my life it is better therefore to translate `` hind '' than `` hart ''. The abyss that calls, and thus faith, when man calls to severer. Truths about God: SATAN GOT your joy and PASSION ( 1 )... 42:10 repeats the enemies taunt, which is there represented as like crushing blows broke... As a shepherd cares for his sheep lack anything he needs, specifically ) hope. As one men so patient and courageous for the sons of Asaph cascading down on him we can psalms. Psalm 26 calls, and cool my tongue. & # x27 ; singing! The angelic choir makes an eternal holiday: the presence of God is. The hills in that you denouncest reside in self, but another also face. More the wave of emotion rolls over the psalmist affirms Gods sovereign love for him in and through all psalms. And manuscript ) Nevertheless he believed God would remain loyal to him reason his. Emblem of swiftness ( 2 ) Psalm 63: 1-5 - O God, hisses against the of... 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