calusa tribe religion

Water World. It is believed that Calusa translated to mean "Fierce People". The Calusa painted their bodies on a regular basis, but there was no report of tattooing among them. Senquene succeeded his brother (name unknown), and was in turn succeeded by his son Carlos. Although many others survived the shipwreck, only Fontaneda was spared by the tribe in whose territory they landed. Ravaged by new infectious diseases introduced to the Americas by European contact and by the slaving raids, the surviving Calusa retreated south and east. The finds tell us of Calusa fishing techniques, of the tools used to produce their wooden carvings, of architecture, ceremonialism, and daily life. The other two souls left the body after death and entered into an animal. Re-entering the area in 1614, Spanish forces attacked the Calusa as part of a war between the Calusa and Spanish-allied tribes around Tampa Bay. At the time of European contact in the 16th and 17th centuries, the historic Calusa were the people of the Caloosahatchee culture. Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. Fontaneda lived with various tribes in southern Florida for the next seventeen years before being found by the Menendez de Avils expedition. The first Spanish explorers found that these Indians were not very friendly. Soon 20 war canoes attacked the Spanish, who drove off the Calusa, killing or capturing several of them. Historic sources reveal that they were a warlike people who economically and politically dominated most of southern Florida (Fig. support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages. Archaeological and historical evidence indicates the Calusas primary source of food was the sea, and virtually all evidence suggests they did not practice agriculture. These small fish were supplemented by larger bony fish, sharks and rays, mollusks, crustaceans, ducks, sea turtles and land turtles, and land animals. It appears that the answer is their watercourts, which were discovered back in the 1890s. In 1517 Francisco Hernndez de Crdoba landed in southwest Florida on his return voyage from discovering the Yucatn. The site of the excavation appears to be linked with Calusa ceremonialism and was one location at which wooden carvings, probably used in ritual, were housed. The men and boys of the tribe made nets from palm tree webbing to catch mullet, pinfish, pigfish, and catfish. Their sophistication and fierceness enabled them to resist Spanish domination for some 200 years. The Spanish A research project has finally solved an archaeological mystery in America . Rituals were believed to link the Calusa to their spirit world ( Art by Merald Clark. From the time of European contact until their ultimate demise from conflict and illness around 1770, the Calusa successfully resisted, albeit with considerable bloodshed, intermittent efforts by Spanish missionaries to convert them to Christianity. All his subjects had to obey his commands. Calusa society developed from that of archaic peoples of the Everglades region. Furthermore, new diseases such as smallpox and measles were introduced into the area by European explorers. 10 They believed that humans had three souls, and that souls migrated to animals after death. Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Many of them are trying to do this on the Internet. They began preliminary investigations of the fort, which was located on Mound 2 and housed one of the first Jesuit missions established in the U.S. The ancestors of the Calusa are said to have survived by hunting prehistoric animals such as woolly mammoths and giant tortoises, and collecting fruits and other edible plants. Many smaller tribes were constantly watching for these marauding warriors. Florida Museum artifact photos by Jeff Gage. Schell, Rolfe F. 1,000 years on Mound Key; the story of the Caloosa Indians on . Calusa Religion Birdseye View of Calusa The sun deity appears to have been a universal creator. Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, What is Shambhala? Archaeologists have long pondered how the Calusa could have grown to a population of some 20,000 and dominated such a vast region without relying on agriculture. -written by Glenn Emery. Although we cannot be sure what values the masks and animal figureheads held for the Calusa, they may have been markers of clan affiliation, and the animals represented most likely played important roles in Calusa mythology and religion. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! The Calusa Indians, a poorly understood group of bygone Native Americans D Donna Jean Calusa Indians European Explorers University Of South Florida Gulf Coast Florida Spirit World Mexica South Florida People & Environments: The Calusa Domain: Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. Reagan restored the Tribes to federal recognition by signing Public Law 98-481. [10][11][12], Mollusk shells and wood were used to make hammering and pounding tools. Soon after the discoveries, Donald funded archaeological mapping of . The Calusa also made fish traps, weirs, and fish corrals from wood and cord. The Calusa Indians were originally called the "Calos" which means "Fierce People". This article first appeared in the magazines fall 2020 issue. Archaeology, 57(5), 4650. This tribe of Indians controlled most of Southwest Florida and created an elaborate network of canals, homes, and government. From the time of European contact until their ultimate demise from conflict and illness around 1770, the Calusa successfully resisted, albeit with considerable bloodshed, intermittent efforts by Spanish missionaries to convert them to Christianity. The first recorded contact between the Calusa and Europeans was in 1513, when Juan Ponce de Len landed on the west coast of Florida in May, probably at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River, after his earlier discovery of Florida in April. Mound Key Archaeological State Park is a shell midden mound in the Estero Bay that is estimated to have been inhabited over 2,000 years ago. New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. The Calusa men were tall and well built with long hair. Many smaller tribes were constantly watching for these marauding warriors. [24][25], In 1566 Pedro Menndez de Avils, founder of St. Augustine, made contact with the Calusa. The courtyard was drained and cleared, exposing house posts, fishing nets, shell tools, bowls and drinking vessels, weapons, canoes, pottery, and extraordinary wooden masks and animal figureheads (Fig. Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History ). According to the documents, the brushwood and lumber fort encompassed some 36 structures. Menndez married Carlos' sister, who took the baptismal name Doa Antonia at conversion. [8], The Calusa caught most of their fish with nets. The rich and relatively stable coastal ecology of southwest Florida provided an abundance of marine lifenumerous kinds of fish, shellfish, and sea mammalsthat was capable of supporting a large human population. At the top of the hierarchy was the chief, who had control over the life and death of his subjects, and was believed to have the ability to communicate with the spirits. Well-preserved nets, net floats, and hooks were found at Key Marco, in the territory of the neighboring Muspa tribe. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods. Read More. Florida's climate had reached current conditions and the sea had risen close to its present level by about 3000 BC. Known as the first shell collectors, the Calusa used shells as tools, utensils, building materials, vessels for domestic and ceremonial use and for personal adornment. According to these accounts, the Calusa had a head chief named Carlos who lived in Calos and received tribute from surrounding villages. [1], Early Spanish and French sources referred to the tribe, its chief town, and its chief as Calos, Calus, Caalus, and Carlos. While thousands of Calusa people were enslaved, about 270 people, including Calusa nobles, escaped to the Keys where, after the last raid by the Creeks on May 17, 1760, the surviving 60-70. The Calusa lived from at least A.D. 1000 up to the middle of the 18th century in what are now southwest Floridas Lee, Charlotte, and Collier counties. It's one of Florida's most popular destinations for its turquoise coast and laid-back vibe. The Spanish departed and returned to Puerto Rico. [17], The Calusa believed that three supernatural people ruled the world, that people had three souls, and that souls migrated to animals after death. The Calusa were a fascinating Native American people who populated the southwestern coast of Florida. You could hire a shaman and pay for his services. They had the highest population density of South Florida; estimates of total population at the time of European contact range from 10,000 to several times that, but these are speculative. Did the Calusa farm? THE CALUSA INDIANS OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA. This answer is: Study guides. 1). [Online]Available at:,, 2016. The Calusa Tribe had a large population and were well-organized. The Calusa Domain. The Apalachee Tribe was among the most advanced and powerful Native American people in Florida. He had a council which may have included one or more head priests and one or two high-ranking individuals involved in political and religious decision-making. In 1521 Ponce de Len returned to southwest Florida to plant a colony, but the Calusa drove the Spanish out, mortally wounding Ponce de Len. Because the Timucua didn't use money, though, a shaman would be given such items as baskets or turkeys. They developed a complex culture based on estuarine fisheries rather than agriculture. The Jesuit Menendez noted that in the early hours of the morning, Carlos would sit on a stool with his people around him to discuss the ideas presented by the missionaries. If a Calusa killed such an animal, the soul would migrate to a lesser animal and eventually be reduced to nothing.[18]. Wiki User. "The Calusa: A Stratified, Nonagricultural Society (With Notes on Sibling Marriage)." Chumash Tribe Facts: The Chumash Name The Calusa king, or head chief, was an absolute ruler. However, no evidence of plant food was found at the Wightman site. The Legend of the Calusa Many people believe that the Calusa made a trip to Cuba in their canoes and traded with the Mayans. We began with a basic set of questions, said Marquardt. However, they would suffer the same fate as many of the other Native American tribes. There are probably people of Calusa descent still alive today. The heir of the chief wore gold in an ornament on his forehead and beads on his legs. Fowler Williams, .Lucy"The Calusa Indians: Maritime Peoples of Florida in the Age of Columbus" Expedition Magazine 33.2 (1991): n. pag. Fort San Anton de Carlos is the first example of the use of tabby in North America. By interceding with these spirits, it was believed that the chief was ensuring that his people would be well-supplied by the land. Fish bones and scales recovered from one of the watercourts indicate the Calusa were capturing schooling species such as mullet, pinfish and herring. Rituals were believed to link the Calusa to their spirit world (Art by Merald Clark.) But our work over the past 35 years has shown the Calusa developed a politically complex society with sophisticated architecture, religion, a military, specialists, long-distance trade and social ranking all without being farmers.. 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Built to Last: The Secret that Enabled Roman Roads to Withstand the Passage of Time, More than a Dozen Mysterious Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England, Mystify Researchers, 4,700-Year-Old Tavern Serves Up Surprises in Ancient Lagash, Iraq, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia suggests Pre-Columbian Chinese travel to North America, First humans in Florida lived alongside giant animals, Rare coin hoard worth $1m discovered by treasure hunters off the coast of Florida, Juan Ponce de Len and his Search for the Fountain of Youth,, Archaeologists Verify Location of Elusive Spanish Fort at Florida's Mound Key, Ingeniously Engineered Watercourts Fueled Floridas Calusa Kingdom, Grand Ceremonial House of the King of the Calusa People Has Been Located in Florida. There is an eyewitness account from 1566 of a "king's house" on Mound Key that was large enough for "2,000 people to stand inside. They believed in three superior beings, one controlled the weather, the others ruled the welfare of the tribe and warfare. The lifestyle of the Calusa was leisurely, and they enjoyed numerous celebrations and feasts, many of which were connected to religious ceremonies at which lavish meals were prepared. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. This use of marriages to secure alliances was demonstrated when Carlos offered his sister Antonia in marriage to the Spanish explorer Pedro Menndez de Avils in 1566. They believed that people had three souls-in a person's eye, shadow, and their reflection in the water. In the wake of conflict and European-borne disease, the Calusa were extinguished by the second half of the 18th century. The Calusa people's diet consisted mainly of fish and shellfish from the Gulf of Mexico and its many waterways. One ritual was witnessed in which a large procession of masked men came down from a mound accompanied by hundreds of singing women (Goggin and Sturtevant 1964). Granberry has provided an inventory of phonemes to the sounds of the Calusa language.[22][21]. The women were responsible for work around the house, like cooking and raising the children. A reconstruction of a Calusa home and terraces, on display at the Florida Museum of Natural History. [14], The Calusa lived in large, communal houses which were two stories high. Calusa means "fierce people," and they were described as a fierce, war-like people. The Shell People. The Tequesta lived in the southeastern parts of present-day Florida. 8, 9). The fishing nets they used to catch food were made from palm tree fibers. New Moai Statue Found on Chiles Easter Island Excites Researchers. The Calusa artifacts discovered on Marco Island date from 300 AD to 1500 AD, prior to European contact in Florida. The men of the Calusa are recorded to have been powerfully built, and let their hair grow long. Such hierarchy and inequality are generally characteristics of societies that practice agriculture, he observed. The plaques and other objects were often painted. The Calusa king Caalus, perched high on his throne in his grand house, watched as Pedro Menendez de Aviles, the first governor of La Florida, arrived with his entourage. The architectural remains of the kings house were relatively easy to find, but difficult to interpret at first, Marquardt said. At Mound Key, the Spaniards used primitive tabby as a mortar to stabilize the posts in the walls of their wooden structures. Among other things. We do not fully understand the complexities of what happened to them. Large earthen mounds and ridges, accessed by canals, are believed to have been associated with Calusa ritual. Nets were woven with a standard mesh size; nets with different mesh sizes were used seasonally to catch the most abundant and useful fish available. google_ad_width = 728; It seems clear that while the Spaniards wanted strategic control of the region, the Calusa territory provided them with little economic incentive for serious pursuit; they and other Europeans explored more promising regions to the north. In the 1700's, infectious diseases, slaving raids and attacks by Creek and Yamasee Indians who were supplied with guns by the English, decimated the Calusa population. As for the southern region, my focus was on the Calusa Indians from the south-western Florida peninsula area. Because of their reliance on shellfish, they accumulated large shell middens during this period. At the time of the excavations Cushing did not know the name or precise age of the Indians whose world he had discovered. The pelican, wolf, and deer figureheads mentioned here (Figs. Radiocarbon dating of organic materials associated with the watercourts indicates they were built between A.D. 1300 and 1400, toward the end of a second phase of construction on the kings house. The Calusa used the canals to travel by canoe from their villages and ceremonial centers to coastal trading posts. Franciscan friar Fray Lopez, director of the unsuccessful 1697 mission attempt, described the Calusa temples as very tall and wide, with a mound in the middle and a structure on the mound enclosed with reed mats and containing benches around the walls. The men were responsible for work away from the home, like hunting and raiding. ( Public Domain ). Shells and clay were used by the Calusa to create the foundation of their cities. Wiki User. Their sophistication and fierceness enabled them to resist Spanish domination for some 200 years. The Calusa have long fascinated archaeologists because they were a fisher-gatherer-hunter society that attained unusual social complexity, said William Marquardt, curator emeritus of South Florida Archaeology and Ethnography at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Although the Calusa came to an end, some remains of their achievements can still be seen today. Their territory ranged from Tampa Bay south to the Ten Thousand Islands and as far east as Lake Okeechobee. [23], The Pnfilo de Narvez expedition of 1528 and the Hernando de Soto expedition of 1539 both landed in the vicinity of Tampa Bay, north of the Calusa domain. What was the calusa Indians religion? The Calusa believed that the three souls were the pupil of a person's eye, his shadow, and his reflection. South Florida Archaeology and Ethnography, South Florida Archaeology & Ethnography Collection. [2], Juan Rogel, a Jesuit missionary to the Calusa in the late 1560s, noted the chief's name as Carlos, but wrote that the name of the kingdom was Escampaba, with an alternate spelling of Escampaha. [Online]Available at:, Marquardt, W. H., 2014. [9] There is also evidence that as early as 2,000 years ago, the Calusa cultivated a gourd of the species Cucurbita pepo and the bottle gourd, which were used for net floats and dippers. Little was recorded of jewelry or other ornamentation among the Calusa. Menndez left a garrison of soldiers and a Jesuit mission, San Antn de Carlos, at the Calusa capital. [2] The Tequesta tribe had only a few survivors by . Artist's conception of town chief at the Calusa town of Tampa (present day Pineland) (Art by Merald Clark.) Tribute was offered in the form of prestige goods, such as feathers, mats, deerskins, food, and metals and captives recovered from Spanish shipwrecks (Hudson 1976). ( Public Domain ), Featured image: Calusa people fishing. The 2017 excavations were really exciting for a number of reasons, Thompson said. Seeing the work of the Calusa in these materials first-hand were really exciting moments for us.. For me, the work has been absolutely fantastic and since we began it has been one discovery after another, said Thompson. Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda, a Spaniard held captive by the Calusa in the 16th century, recorded that Calusa meant "fierce people" in their language. By about 500 BC, the Archaic culture, which had been fairly uniform across Florida, began to devolve into more distinct regional cultures. Additionally, they had (as their name suggests) a fierce, war-like reputation. Native American tribes Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. This lasted until about 1750, and included the historic Calusa people. What formation processes resulted in the complex of mounds and other features there? The Calusa believed that their cacique was not only the leader of their tribe, but also their spiritual leader. Hence, the Calusa are sometimes called the Shell People / Indians. Like the Calusa, the Tequesta were devastated by European diseases. Honestly, we have explored a very small sample of Mound Key and other nearby island sites., ln the next couple of years, Thompson added, Id like to return to Mound Key to look more closely at the fort and its structures to really delve into Calusa-Spanish interactions.. The Calusa (/klus/ k-LOO-s) were a Native American people of Florida's southwest coast. In 1569, just three years after the Spanish fort was built, the Calusa attacked a Spanish supply ship, prompting more violence. they did speacial dances. Add an answer. /* 728x15 link ad */ Native American tattoos Although he did not know much about the history of the Calusa Indians, what he did know was the legend in Tampa that the Calusa Indians cast a spell to keep them safe. In. Escampaba may be related to a place named Stapaba, which was identified in the area on an early 16th-century map. [20][21], A few vocabulary examples from Granberry's work are listed below:[22]. The surrounding villages had local headmen who answered to the chief. The Calusa people were an important tribe of Florida. The National Geographic has reported that archaeologists have discovered an ancient Native American kings house in Florida. The Calusa are said to have been the descendants of Palaeo-Indians who inhabited Southwest Florida about 12000 years ago. The chief organized warfare and possessed special and traditional religious knowledge. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? While archaeologists in Florida have recovered several village sites of Calusa habitation, including burial mounds, shell ridges, canals, and plazas, The University Museums 1896 excavations at Key Marco provided extraordinary clues to our understanding of Calusa ceremonialism and daily life. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. "Florida Indians of Past and Present", in Carson, Ruby Leach and, Goggin, John M., and William C. Sturtevant. Different tribes had different names for the sport including . Favored sites were likely occupied for multiple generations. Approximate Calusa core area (red) and political domain (blue). Their main waterway was the Calooshahatchee River, which means River of the Calusa. They were occupying this land and engaging in commerce, culture, religion, politics and family life . And, although some of Cushings ideas about the Indians he had discovered and their relationship to tribes in the Caribbean and South America have not remained popular among scholars, his descriptive notes and insights are of unquestionable value. Marquardt notes that the Calusa turned down the offer of agricultural tools from the Spanish, saying that they had no need for them. The Caloosahatchee culture inhabited the Florida west coast from Estero Bay to Charlotte Harbor and inland about halfway to Lake Okeechobee, approximately covering what are now Charlotte and Lee counties. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. During the Calusa's reign the Florida coastline extended roughly 60 miles further into the Gulf of Mexico. Prior surface surveys had revealed Spanish ceramics, beads and other artifacts, but the location of the fort hadnt been determined. Since it seems to be working, many people still believe in the legend. The Calusa were one of the few tribes known to be shell collectors. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. The University Museum has an exceptional collection of artifacts from the Calusa site at Key Marco, Florida. They were a fierce, independent tribe that lived in southwest Florida as early as 2,000 years ago. Calusa influence may have also extended to the Ais tribe on the central east coast of Florida. Rituals were believed to link the Calusa to their spirit world (Art by Merald Clark.) They were supported by the labor of the majority of the Calusa. They arrived in seven vessels and climbed to the peak of Mound Key, a 30-foot-high, human-made island of shells and sand, to greet the king. One controlled the weather, the Calusa are sometimes called the & quot ; fierce people, & ;... Most famous shipwrecks Islands and as far east as Lake Okeechobee C Chulainn, what is Shambhala identified in 16th. 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