brandon swanson missing map

Brian attempted to call his son back several times but Brandon never answered again (Divine, 2010; Weed, 2010). Change). They later reported that Brandon seemed certain of his whereabouts and did not seem too disoriented (Divine, 2010; Weed, 2010). He would be 32 now. Maybe you`ve heard of it. Its searching for answers, its searching for where, who, what, were, when, why? It had a violent crime rate of less than half the average. Brandon Swanson. I want to go out to Brandon`s mother, Annette Swanson, joining us tonight from Marshall, Minnesota. Belt certainly knows that feeling. Yet in the early hours of May 14, 2008, Brandon Swanson chose to drive on the back roads, rather than on the commonly traveled Minnesota State Highway 68. Brian drops Annette off back at home and makes the drive to his son, staying on the phone with him the entire time. Once the search finally did begin, it was an extensive one, covering both the land and the Yellow Medicine River, the latter of which some speculated that Swanson might have fallen into and drowned. While sympathetic to the concerns of cattle farmers, Anderson acknowledges it still leaves holes in a search that has received the dedication of many. Thats only about 10 minutes away, well be right there. Theres also a lot of debate in the research I found online about what that particular type of hang up and how the calls that came after it were received could mean about the phone. He was carrying his black Motorola SLVR cellphone, his wallet with identification and his keys. However, something tragic happened to him, but that's not what is debated about his disappearance. Im so sussed out that mans was so close to Porter after traveling for like 2 hours very intriguing. Brandon Swanson vanished from his vehicle after a small accident just before 2am on May 14, 2008 near Canby, MN. We know that he was on gravel roads, said Annette Swanson. . Thats not surprising to Ken Anderson of Emergency Support Services, who has focused his teams efforts on the area northwest of Porter, Minn, a zone that has proven to be of repeated canine interest. The likelihood that an offender especially one with homicidal fantasies happened to be driving in rural Minnesota at 3 a.m. on the same road Brandon was on is remote, but still needs to be considered. Her work is primarily featured on The Vault. "When its not clear as to the last know place where the person was seen, or for any other reason jurisdiction is in question, the county where the person was last known to reside has jurisdiction," said Annette Swanson. The professional search manager on the case, Jeff Hasse, who writes the blog titled The Search for Brandon Swanson, updates the blog with information on the search and believes Brandons remains will be found in time. Searchers work an area just west of Taunton along Highway 68 and to the north, June 21-22, 2008. Brandon hung up on his mother and when she called him back to apologize he told his parents he was walking to Lynd and would wait for them at his friends home. Brandon died of hypothermia after falling into the Yellow Medicine River. We would take that opportunity very, very quickly, Anderson said. His body would have been discovered in the wide, open fields. They are extremely careful about anything that could damage the least amount of income to them, and weve worked out some pretty creative access to some areas during the summer, Anderson said. The Jacob Wetterling case came to a sad conclusion this past November with the sentencing of his killer 27 years after Jacob was abducted. Shortly after midnight on May 14, 2008, Brandon Swanson mysteriously vanished in Marshall, Minnesota. David Francis, left, and Brandons father Brian Swanson at right with glasses. The dogs also tracked him off the road to the water. Early Life On January 30, 1989, he was born in Marshall, the seat of Lyon County in southwestern Minnesota. He was calling for help. With the river dried up due to drought, Wallen said the excavation crew went to work and still came up with nothing. How could Brandons phone still be on for two days after he disappeared if Brandon did indeed drown? His vehicle was found locked and abandoned the next day and eventually his laptop and the computer's hard drive were recovered from the nearby Susquehanna River. They will not allow us on their property. Case Details Name/age: Brandon Victor Swanson, 19 Did he fall into the river? We see that you have javascript disabled. Brandon was 5 feet 6 inches and weighed 120 pounds at the time of his disappearance. Another mysterious detail is the length of Brandons trip that night. Brunswick, M. (2009, June 29). View the profiles of people named Brandon Swanson. As his parents left their home to lend him a hand, Brandon directed them to exactly where he was: about midway between Lynd and Marshall. After nearly three years, those searches have yet to find any physical evidence of what may have happened to Brandon. While none have, at this point, led investigators to his whereabouts or remains, they keep the case from going cold. Brian and Annette Swanson reported their son missing the next morning. It requires police to take a report whenever a person, of any age, is reported missing in Minnesota. But the thing that really eliminates this for me is the phone call with his dad. But when they didnt answer, he had no choice but to call his Dad at about 1:54 am to come assist him. We try and work out a method that would make it acceptable, and weve not been able to come up with a working compromise.. He can see its lights in the distance, so it should not be too far of a walk. In a surprising twist, what they learned was that Brandon had been nowhere near Lynd at all. He hasn t been heard from since. Brandon's Law requires police to make a report whenever a person, of any age, is reported missing, and an investigation must start immediately. Bloodhound search and rescue dogs were brought in to track Brandons scent from his car. The concerned parents continued searching for their son, and after being unable to find him at 6:30am, they went to the police to report him missing. Required fields are marked *. So were going to start by retracing Brandons steps. With no solid leads and no concrete evidence being found, the case quickly grew cold. He ended up in Porter, which is only 10 minutes away from Canby. He had been out earlier that night and gone to a couple of parties before making his way home to Marshall, Minnesota. It is not plausible that he drowned, because they would have found his body somewhere downstream. The early morning search turned up nothing and at 6:30 a.m. on May 14 Annette Swanson contacted the Lyon County Sheriffs Department for assistance. #truecrime #truecrimetiktok #crimetok #missing #unsolved #brandonswanson #justice #fyp #minnesota #missing411". If Brandon was injured or killed in an accident that evening, where could his remains be? His parents can hear it through the phone: click-click. 3. Map showing Brandon's route | Photo Credits: Thomas Lauth Missing Persons Investigation Worldwide Brandon was a promising student, who was happy to have a break after studying wind turbines for an entire semester at the Minnesota West Community and Technical College. Despite this, Brandon is sure that he knows where he is and gave them exact directions. Authorities immediately assumed that Brandon had fallen into the Yellow Medicine River. They broke down the search area into smaller segments and kept meticulous records. ", "Search management is a real soul-sucking job, said Hasse. Retrieved n.d., from Brandon's family played a big role in changing state law to. The search dogs also picked up the scent of human remains a few times near Mud Creek, north of Porter. So he did what I think most 19 year olds on their way home would do- he called his friends!! The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. Other theories that have floated around are that Brandon had some sort of mental breakdown or had planned his own disappearance. It was either false or the information wasnt accurate they all seem to run into a dead end.. More than 14 years after the sudden disappearance of 19-year-old Brandon Swanson from the rural roads of southwestern Minnesota, the search for his whereabouts continues. Brandons phone went immediately dead as if he hit the hang up button. Interestingly, they also picked up Swansons scent on a piece of farm equipment nearby, but the farmer to whom it belonged denied the request of the authorities to search his property. Also, if Brandon was actually planning his disappearance, getting his car purposefully stuck in a ditch and trying to reach out to multiple people to get help seems like a strange way to carry out such a plan. Immelman, A. Authorities say this theory is unlikely because they found absolutely no evidence of such an accident anywhere on the road, and Brandon even told his dad he was talking gravel road shortcuts and walking through farms. Unfortunately, authorities were unable to find footprints to indicate in which direction Brandon ventured on foot (Brunswick, 2009; Weed, 2010). The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. He asked his parents to meet him in the parking lot of a popular nightclub in Lynd. His parents attest to this as well based on the phone calls they had with him. The farmers pretty much have this thou shalt not between this time and this time, and we still work it out as best we can, but it has exacerbated our search abilities, Anderson said. Yup, it definitely sounds like murder. The drive from Canby to Marshall in total is about 35 minutes. He took back roads on the way home.". The river varied in depth, going from just knee-high to 15 feet deep, and at the time Brandon went missing, the river was racing fast. Where is that unaccounted for hour and a half to two hours? Helicopter and ground searches commenced, covering all the fields and areas Brandon may have attempted to make his short cut going toward what he incorrectly assumed was Lynd. From there, the canines lost the scent. For those working on behalf of Emergency Support Services, its still important that they continue to try to access untouched property, yet they also know that the number of dogs trained to help them, at this point, is dwindling. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. By morning, when the sun had risen, Brandons family knew it was time to file a missing persons report. Brian said he stayed on the phone with his son while he was walking. You can find out more information about the Jacob Wetterling Resources Center here. A hastily abandoned vehicle, a 911 call placed by a panic-stricken man, and a disappearance spanning 6.5 years. It`s called Brandon`s Law. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. Sometimes multiple times a day even. Numerous examinations were done, and his folks revealed a Brandon missing case to the Lynd Police. Its the same case police have been studying for nearly four decades: the unsolved murder of Kathy Kolodziej. Like most parents whose children are missing, Brandons family feels this is categorically impossible. At first, the authorities were reluctant to search because Brandon was legally an adult and they pointed out to that it was not unusual for a 19-year-old to stay out all night. Lets look at the main theories: Brandon staged his own disappearance to run away and start a new life-. Police told them to wait a while because it wasn't unheard of for young males to go off the grid for a bit. It is important to note is that, due to an eye injury he suffered as a child, Swanson was legally blind in his left eye, leading him to have depth perception issues, and had to wear glasses. The dogs led authorities to the banks of the Yellow Medicine River, which at the time of the disappearance was high and flowing fast. He is legally blind in his left eye. Around 12:30 a.m. Brandons car went into the roadside ditch and he placed a call to his parents, Brian and Annette Swanson, asking them to pick him up. Row One. Episode Summary. He assured them that both he and the car were fine and that he merely needed them to pick him up. In 1912, a four-year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar went missing on a family trip, 8 months later he was found and reunited with his family. Posted on October 13, 2021 Tarot of the Missing. #1. She was witnessed that night by several motorists walking along the highway, but when one of them tried to talk to her, she ran into the nearby woods. Suicide is the least plausible scenario because it is highly unusual for suicide victims to take measures that would prevent or delay the discovery of their remains (Seifert & Immelman, 2007). Thats a troublesome issue for those leading the search party. Instead, Brandon was in the outskirts of the small towns Taunton and Porter, Minn., located about 20 miles northwest of Marshall; Lynd is about 10 miles south of Marshall (Weed, 2010; The Search for Brandon blog). And why did he believe himself to be near Lynd? Aside from the fact that Brandon was relatively sober, this was also a very familiar drive for him. While driving his Chevy Lumina, Brandon accidentally crashed into a small ditch. The bill was signed by Governor Tim Pawlenty on May 7, 2009, and went into effect on July 1st of that same year. He was sure hed given the directions correctly, and he decided he didnt want to wait anymore. He was seen drinking at both parties, but according to his friends, he didn't drink enough to become intoxicated, at least not overtly. He tells his parents that he does not see or hear anything at all. Brandons family and volunteers have continued ground searches for him over the years, but absolutely no trace of Brandon Swanson has ever been recovered including his cell phone, and his glasses- items that I personally think would be likely to turn up if hed been injured in the wilderness somehow. More than Ive ever seen in any other search. Brian and Annette stayed on the phone with their son while driving to pick him up. They see darkness. Porter is located roughly six miles from where Brandon Swanson's vehicle was discovered. It took him 30-40 minutes tops, and was a trek he made every single day for classes. May 13, 2008 marked the last day of classes at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby, Minn., where Brandon Swanson was enrolled in the wind turbine program. Brian then drove Annette back home to Marshall so she could go to bed and then drove back towards Lynd to pick up his son. "The search area is always bigger than you suspect it, Hasse. We only need one.". Similarly, the area as I mentioned before has an extremely low crime rate, and Taunton where he really went missing had a population of only 135 people at the time. A Truely Baffling Disappearance: Brandon Swanson, USA, 2008. Up and down side roads and gravel paths, and even the bar in Lynd. Asha has not been seen since. That is until Brandons had some trouble on this ride, and he somehow managed to get his car stuck in a ditch off the shoulder of the road. They use GPS technology to track the dogs and handlers, which provides great detail of where theyve searched. Brandon Swanson. Brian called Brandon back 6 times in a row, and each time the phone went straight to voicemail. TW: graphic contentBrandon Swanson: Missing Horror, suspense, weirdness, ghost, UFO - Zassh. Brandon Swanson was 19 years old when he went missing in the state of Minnesota. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ,,,,, Murdered in Kansas: The Case of AlonzoBrooks, Murdered in Kansas: The Case of Alonzo Brooks, Missing in Minnesota: The Case of Brandon Swanson, Murdered in DC: The Case of the Freeway Phantom, Unsolved in California: The Case of the Keddie Cabin Murders. Even the idea of vehicular homicide has been brought up and that someone could have accidentally hit Brandon and hid the body in their car, but with no concrete evidence whatsoever, these theories are hard to prove. 34 Isaac Paredes-2B/3B TB. Cloud Times. 37 Matt Mervis Chc. Weed, A. Brandon Swanson of Marshall MN, has been missing since Wed. May 14th, 2008. They enlist the help of his friends, who participate in the search. Is it possible that Brandon met with foul play? He was born on January 30, 1989. ? Brandon doesnt see any lights. If you have any information, please contact: Agency Name: Lincoln County Sheriffs Office, Agency Name: MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. So At the time Swanson went missing, it was flowing high and fast. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2010, from While traveling along the 3900 block of Lyon Lincoln Road, Brandon Swanson veered off the road and became hung up in the ditch. Brandon Swanson was a normal, nineteen-year-old man living during what should have been the best years of his life. We were able to use the cellphone tower technology to have an idea of where his last communications or phone calls came from, so that put us on a cell tower up in that area, Wallen said. It's a complication they're still trying to solve today. Both Swanson and his parents had agreed to flash their headlights on and off in order to signal to each other. ", "Its a straight shot down Highway 68, said Search Manager Jeff Hasse with Midwest Technical Rescue Training. Thankfully he wasn't hurt and asked his parents to pick him up. Brandon Swanson was 19 years old when he went missing from rural roads near Marshall, Minn. in the early hours of May 14, 2008. This is so well-written & I WILL be back Thursday for your next story! NEW: 200 - The Shocking Murder of Betty Williams. He was really outside of Porter, which is northwest of Marshall, more than 20 miles away. The Disappearance. Days of looking turned into weeks, then months and now years. Each one left Long's hand with plenty of time on the clock . Eliminating those roadblocks for other families was the goal behind Brandons Law, a Minnesota law passed in 2009 that requires law enforcement to immediately take a missing persons report and begin an investigation for all situations, regardless of the age of the person believed to be at risk. Brandons parents encourage him to honk his horn. Again his friends report that he was not intoxicated, and when he left around midnight no one thought twice about his ability to make it home safely. Brandon started walking. He told his parents he would walk the rest of the way and meet them in the parking lot of a Lynd tavern. According to them, it was not uncommon for a nineteen-year-old to stay out all night after finishing classes. Cadaver dogs have indicated a scent in the area, which is evidence enough, Hasse stated, for the search to continue (The Search for Brandon blog). But he was also unable to get his car back on the road. Missing Tennessee college student Jasmine Pace was found dead. Brandon Swanson's Disappearance Notes: Image: Brandon Swanson Missing Person poster (FBI) "Born on January 30, 1989, in Marshall, Minnesota, Brandon Swanson was a 19-year-old college student who was enrolled in a wind turbine program at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby. A 19 yr old makes a call to his parents after a crash and then disappears. At most it gets to 15 feet, and if Brandon DID fall in the river, he easily could have made it out to the other side, just unable to leave a strong enough trail for the dogs being that hes wet and washed. A long stretch of road, and big open fields. You can find out more information here. Taunton is approximately a 15 minute straight drive from the party in Canby. However, no body was, or ever would be, recovered. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children works to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. Parents pain helps change how police treat missing adults. Now Minnesota BCA will review the case. 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