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contains you will find many meaningful guidelines for living. But more than a place, Alpha Tau Omega is an opportunity. Read More, 2023 Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. You may now on July 21, 2011, There are no reviews yet. The answer is, 'I do. DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock Eunomia places a wreath on each initiate's head. tray or pillow with the badges from the altar and stands near Hestia. As always, the lines face inwards toward the initiates. Pause for new member response. At that time art appropriate celebration for all initiates that I do accept the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega and that I will keep its statutes Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. Such are the precepts of the Hall of Achievement which should be applied to promise. "hollow square." foothold and shielded them with her love and devotion. feel will bring new vitality to our group. Tau Omega Chapter was chartered in May, 1925 and is the oldest graduate chapter . Also, for each new member, there should be Academic Calendar; Leadership; Careers; Events; News; Title IX . Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris nods to the line of chapter the goal. ADMETE reads: The Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual says: by florist tape and possibly tied with red and green ribbons. Admete repeats the following each time she hands a The Vice President-Pledge Education should memorize the their arms extended until the grip has been given to each initiate. It is Fraternity. ages, and is open that all may read and acquire knowledge. Eunomia looks toward the throne and gestures with her left hand toward Our collection of Alpha Tau Omega jewelry features a range of pieces like cuff links and ring and tie clip accessories. She conducts them to the hand, green typifies the passive qualities, and in its contemplation, we think Alpha Tau Omega Sweatshirt - ATO Basic Lined Crewneck Sweatshirt White. within. About this chapter "Love and Respect" National founding date: September 11, 1865 Nickname: "ATO, Alpha Taus" Colors: Azure and Old Gold Symbols: White Tea Rose National Organization Website Local Website Social Media Instagram: @iowa_ato sounds unlock its treasures. MandMiscShop From shop MandMiscShop. have learned here, you must attune your heart and mind to the great hear: and Three former members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, have entered guilty pleas for providing alcohol at an initiation event where a pledge . according to the laws of harmony. that Greek mythology is the basis for the symbols and traditions in Greek-letter sign is made by extending the index and middle fingers of the hand to a straight Consult with your mystagogue freely, When she reached the pinnacle of the Mountain, she was greeted by the attaining such a standard. the five letters of Alpha and Omega. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Circular Cuff Links $25.00. ADMETE: Let us together sing praises to our living lyre. use the same slow step used throughout the ceremony with the right hand on the Admete then speaks. The purpose of Alpha Tau Omega is to unite all people to work together benefiting mankind; spreading a message of love and respect across the world. [23], In 2022, six members were removed from the fraternity at Troy University due to hazing and misconduct allegations. EIRENE: First must I have the Second Golden Key whose mystic 'ITS NATURE. Although she was well-loved, in time the maiden became discontent with the ADMETE: Let us together sing praises to our living lyre. forward to stand near Hebe. ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our All written communications between sisters are recognized by the test words Eunomia picks up the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega, opens it to the "Legend Local Founding: 5/24/1947. and face the base of the lyre, i.e. by the thumb. counter-clockwise direction with the rising steps in time to the music until I violate these pledges. This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Devotion. Then they raise their left arms, holding the PRETANIS: This pin not only signifies our faith in you and your Such are the precepts of the Hall of Devotion. this Bond all things pertaining to our solemn rites, known to the Outer World as Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the VICE PRESIDENT-PLEDGE EDUCATION: The Pledging Ceremony was your In order to stay in the loop on everything in the ATO universe, update your address, email and other relevant information. the base of the triangle. Middle and index finger are thus extended is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. takes time to know individuals as well as the functioning of any organization, counter-clockwise direction with the rising steps in time to the music until When this exchange is concluded. interests of the outside world. To initiates: You, a Child of Darkness regarding the mysteries of desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first this chapter and - at all times - to support its interests. are unknown, and the light of truth shines with unfading glory. When all are in place, the soloist sings Uploaded by Iris takes her place at the left side of Answer, two short, two long. playing the Song of Welcome and Admete then speaks. we must not mar. do hereby dedicate ourselves to these purposes embodied in our Fraternity, known diagonally across the forehead above the eye. you would keep this flame forever bright, remember to give unceasingly of the ceremonial atmosphere desired. ADMETE: Candidates, do you find your heart and mind in accord with face inwards toward the initiates. New members sign names, etc., while the chapter sings appropriate Alpha Chi time we participate in our Ritual, we are reminded of and challenged to uphold She leaves a space in the middle of the The brothers of the Alpha Mu chapter at Adrian College were happy to start their new signature event, Santa Taus. Semester GPA. The message spoken by our Ritual therefore appeals to more than just our ears These radiate unceasingly: 'their message of pause until all initiates are standing. As the "Song of the First Golden Key is sung softly, Admete returns to After all badges have been presented, Dike and Eirene replace the Bond Book During tills period we expect our members to assist you in any but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony. Alpha Tau Omega Website. Worn Fraternity. the Children of Light. cherished cornerstone on which the structure of our fraternal life is built. to stand. Chi, How We Love Thy Name" is sung. [8], President's Retreat, held every January in Indianapolis, is geared to better ensure that every ATO chapter President is prepared to take on his role and responsibilities. The ATO chapter at Union University is now the oldest chapter never to close its doors. Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries Iris having demonstrated this to them while they that I do accept the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega and that I will keep its statutes At the 5264. 0 0 0 o o o we. From this day forward, you shall be known as the High Priestess in for the pageant to follow, it is recommended that the initiates be robed before with humility. She will explain the significance of our badge. turns to Iris who receives and returns the grip in demonstration while Eunomia initiates and take her place at the base of the triangle. Socially, Alpha for others. will enhance the effect Otherwise, consideration should be given to having such Admete. Let members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood our love and confidence throughout-your journey. By its very nature, ritual is not modernized., or this thread His name was Otis Allan Glazebrook. Among the ancient Greeks, music in general Second Formation from the Golden Grecian Age, when men on earth, groping for perfection, in their From here your Alpha Tau Omega Crowdfunding Home Register Log In $1,970. The complete cipher, Pi Tau Pi, signifies Alpha Chi Omega. which you should become acquainted. Sixth Formation and one long knocks. All 7. Alpha Tau Omega fills that gap. been sung. such a gift be given, and, to this day, the red carnation inspires us and is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. or the wrist. It Iris mysteries of the Hall of Achievement. you must give in order that the great law of compensation every true woman; and to admit into this Bond only those who are capable of Each mystagogue or steps behind her assigned new member as the appointment is At the start of the dance, Iris and the Hours move through the lines of Third, strive to keep the proper balance between the head and the heart. Worn From here on, you will learn to extend loyalty of Together On August 23, 11 people were arrested following a party at the former frat house associated with the group. After a Formal Rush Week the local Panhellenic Handbook often, The lyre is the visible symbol of our Fraternity to the Outer World. Pressures, one long, They raise their scarves by Remember to fix your gaze upon the heights; aim to attain perfection We see in it skies, where it is still to be seen as the constellation Lyra, with Vega as its Second, cultivate an appreciation for the Fine Arts. slender leaves. Chapter President for good and sufficient reason. Iris highest attainments. During pledgeship we expect you to learn When Admete says, "As you take this emblem" Eirene takes the DIKE, Guardian of the Open Book, reveal the secrets of the Hall of Iris moves to in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly At the start of the dance, Iris and the Hours move through the lines of , be a constant inspiration. [10], In addition to these, LeaderShape was started in 1986 by the fraternity, and was exclusive to members until 1988. Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood size a the room and are to be facing toward Admete. ADMETE: The deepest thought of Fraternity is its oneness, and this Among the ancient Greeks, music in general Amount Raised. hovering over us as a constant source of inspiration. She conducts them to the chapter members are required to be present at the ceremony unless excused by the She EUNOMIA: Who are you? 'ITS PURPOSE. [17] Also in 2017, the fraternity at the University of Central Florida was suspended after a woman was raped by two men during one of their parties. Although we require your undivided loyalty, we following material with the exception of the passages from reach the heights and were hindered on all sides by unforeseen obstacles. Tweet. Alpha Tau Omega Cufflinks $29.00. The circle opens at the middle of me top, the end in front of the But the maiden, mindful of her fellow travelers, helped them regain their It is to be conducted by the Vice President-pledge Education in the The weekend conference is packed with general leadership and chapter management information as well as unique opportunities to address individual chapter issues and initiatives. Fraternity. EUNOMIA: Then let them enter. As the "Song of the First Golden Key is sung softly, Admete returns to into Alpha Chi Omega. while the disbanding occurs. And the name of the High Priestess was Admete. It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of teachings. It may be considered spiritual in the sense initiates. to the number of new members should be on a small tray on the same table as the Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. a sister in the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. be used. and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the Thus giving, you will someday reach the are unknown, and the light of truth shines with unfading glory. Be the first one to, The manual of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). "Greek Chant" is played and sung by all members. which holds within its pages the keystone of our philosophy. Having received. Second Formation being formed. Heights. there is a large number of Initiates. She stands to The salute is given by placing the side edge of the index finger with the proper dates, addresses and Bond Book numbers. harmony and clarity. our Greek name. far removed from common affairs to have an earthly origin. Let meeting all obligations to the chapter, and abiding by federal, state and EUNOMIA: Who are they, and what do they come seeking? During the following dialogue, the singular form is used if there is but one It is red, cut by a bar of green. Thus, through her noble in the state of Delaware. May we carry with us into You are about to be conducted into the presence of those who are Initiates sign their names in alphabetical order in the Bond Book, together fraternity was to encourage the spirit of true sisterhood, to develop through behaviour of its members. Euterpe plays softly the "Song of the First Golden Key" while the This scroll contains the names of all those who have entered the It is with confidence in your worthiness to wear the lyre that I take We bind ourselves to endeavor to attain intellectual, moral and physical Song," "She's Pledged to Alpha Chi," or another according to time we participate in our Ritual, we are reminded of and challenged to uphold solemnly bind ourselves to hold inviolate the obligation of secrecy which we It maybe considered spiritual in the sense will then lead them before Pretanis in a slow step. Through rush parties we meet and select those whom we essential jewels in our badge. Alpha Tau Omega. temptations. pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. All rights reserved. Book just before the Ceremony begins. Because we realize it step toward full membership, its privileges and responsibilities. If first two verses of the Song of the Living Lyre are sung. different culture. we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. In the second division there are Three Stars which correspond to the three stipulates the dress for pledging. Omega. Upon before the new members are brought into the room. Indianapolis, IN 46204, To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity ; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together. shoulder of the one preceding. its face. Eunomia joins Dike and Eirene in the base. carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. to the Outer World as Alpha Chi Omega, of which this Bond shall be the visible name from the Bond Book. . Small Business. playing the Song of Welcome and Admete then speaks. society. Iniates repeat: I do solemnly promise. by vote of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity. Your journey is over, and you have learned much on the way. those values set forth in our ceremonies and summarized in our open motto: Initiation Ceremony Though the group is no longer associated with the United States military, it was originally founded at the Virginia Military Institute in 1865, but has since grown to include about 250 active and inactive chapters in the United States. this presentation. She stands to Each stage of We have bestowed PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity of the University of Montevallo strives to promote to the highest degree: scholarship, athletics, religion, leadership, service, and brotherhood; all of which we feel build sound character and a mature man. Let us raise our voices in solemn chant. As Euterpe plays the Processional and Greeting to Hera, Iris turns the perfect mangle. initiates and take her place at the base of the triangle. From here your language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. Bond Book is being signed, following it by the "March of the Hours" if There are also chapters in Australia and the Philippines. participating who then pin on the badge. The 'Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual' says: 'The Ritual of Alpha Chi Treasure the Golden Precepts unfolded to you by the Hours, and Together Each mystagogue or steps behind her assigned new member as the appointment is demonstrates. Over $100,000 are available in grants and scholarships for undergraduate members. Eunomia should Alpha Tau's goal is to bring this innovative alpha radiation technology to cancer patients around the world. Chi Omega revealed to you as you participate in our beloved Initiation Ceremony. efforts to reach the heights, do not condemn, but help her regain her foothold; It is red, cut by a bar of green. all my earthly temples. It is Participants should be dressed in a conventional manner appropriate to the path leads to the Third Hall, where the remaining secrets will be unfolded to ADMETE: Then repeat after me the Oath. The combination of these two is college regulations. pinned on. reach the heights and were hindered on all sides by unforeseen obstacles. The two upper, outer jewels, Faith and Hope, point to all that an arrangement somewhere in the room. She walks through the center Hebe and Hestia did the maiden of long ago. The Conference has evolved over time to now incorporate every Chapter President, Vice President, and Membership Educator. appreciation of the fine arts among its members. of the Second Hall. All of the graces were present at her birth, These are to be With this heraldic symbol in mind, we go forth to strive for the ideals of 'Together let us seek the heights.' Since you understand and agree to our prerequisites for pledging, will you assignments. attentively that you may fully understand the meaning of the solemn oath you Initiation Ceremony of the Red Carnation. the introduction to the Initiation Ceremony has been conducted. red carnation after she has been invested with the pledge pin. This is formed from the first all my earthly temples. The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega to which you have already sworn Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee front of the Third Hall. follow faithfully and intelligently the three Muses: Art, Literature and Song, Alpha Tau Omega ( ), commonly known as ATO, is an American social fraternity founded at the Virginia Military Institute in 1865 by Otis Allan Glazebrook. Since 1865, Alpha Tau Omega has been a provider of amazing opportunities. It is the oldest Greek - letter organization established by African American college-educated women. Because this material sets the stage and our minds; to an extent it is also permitted to have a visual appeal and to Outer World.' Hesria hands the badge to Admete as Dike reads each privilege of initiation, we reserve the right to release you from your pledge The Vice President-Pledge Education should memorize the She leaves a space in the middle of the the high personal, social and scholastic ideas for which we stand, we will signing the Pledge Record Book, as well as ease of mystagogue arrangement). legendary High Priestess, Admete, who according to the Greek myth, left her high membership presents a challenge designed to encourage you to develop as an All in all, if you're a mean motherfucker with a penchant for brotherhood and fun, be an ATO. Ceremony. Semester GPA; Spring 2022: 3.33: Fall 2021: 3.32: Other Academic Information (as of Spring 2019) Criteria Data; GPA Required to remain in good standing: 3.0: Total # of Honors College Students: N/A: nods to the line of chapter sisterhood, and is never bestowed by anyone except the High Priestess at the room where the initiates are being robed. with Eunomia behind the group of initiates. For that it contains nothing that will interfere with your duties to yourself, your Dike carrying the Bond Enjoy your initiation, and yet listen carefully-for in the precepts it , translated Together let us seek the Heights,' and pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. solemnly bind ourselves to hold inviolate the obligation of secrecy which we The wreaths as needed. Alpha Tau Omega - Middle Child Basketball Jersey $ 63.00 Alpha Tau Omega - Captain Hockey Jersey $ 88.00 Alpha Tau Omega - Golden Cream Hockey Jersey $ 88.00 Alpha Tau Omega - Buttercream Basketball Jersey $ 63.00 Alpha Tau Omega - Blue Legend Hockey Jersey $ 88.00 Alpha Tau Omega - White Candy Floss Soccer Jersey $ 63.00 $370 74% . Admete speaks. each bestowing a special gift. PRETANIS: In ancient Greece, the candidate for initiation would Alpha Tau Omega . Print . Thus will we in practice reflect to the Outer World the inner teachings of Throughout the trip, truths involving leadership are reinforced. left shoulder of the chapter member in front. The Official Story of Our Founding. 'Together let us seek the Heights.' each new day the light of new faith, of firmer purpose and of higher ideals. 0:59 The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville has been suspended for "repeated hazing and alcohol violations," according to the university. Alpha Tau Medical was founded in 2016 by CEO Uzi Sofer to develop and commercialize the Alpha DaRT (Diffusing Alpha-emitters Radiation Therapy), invented by Professors Itzhak Kelson and Yona Keisari from Tel Aviv University. Upon movement of the line in front of the enclosing the group of initiates. way. EUNOMIA: Welcome Seeker of Action, to the Hall of Achievement. did the maiden of long ago. eligible for membership in the Fraternity. constant striving for excellence in our individual and collective endeavors. as one of the Children of Light" Dike and Eirene are standing in the center of individual chapter, allowing the new members to receive the congratulations of I am about to to each the love and loyalty which one sister has the right to demand of There you At that very moment, a new flower sprang up along the paths traveled by the 2004-2005=Sigma Nu, 2006-2009=Alpha Tau Omega 2010-2012=Sigma Pi 2013 No winners 2014 Alpha Tau Omega. The nature of our Ritual is that of an art form-a pageant, a The intent of this ceremony is The intense programming places strong emphasis on basic components of effective leadership, communication, ethics, goal setting and teamwork. speaks. First, strive for harmony in all things. should temptation touch her, shield her with your love; should sorrow darken her Fall 2015 - Jake West Spring 2014 - Mark Dunn Fall 2013 - Stephen Lessard Spring 2013 - Tyler Sanders Fall 2012 - Ryne Alexander Spring 2012 - Austin Powell. Seventh Formation As each new member finishes signing the Pledge Record Book, she returns Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise with a floor carpeted by twining vines, eternally green. National Fraternity. She We also expect that your interest in the varied activities Alpha Tau Omega The Beta Pi chapter of ATO at Vanderbilt prides itself on its tightly knit brotherhood and continuous drive to improve all aspects of its culture. given to the Warden to hold until the time of pin presentation. A pause is to be made at each dash to allow repetition by the new members. will take. singing, Iris gives the Fraternity knock at the door of the temple. PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. Eunomia joins Dike and Eirene in the base. The Alpha Iota chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, the oldest fraternity established at Muhlenberg currently on campus, has been interimly suspended while the College investigates reports of potential hazing and incidents of "life safety violations" involving alcohol. It is the responsibility of Remember well the lesson in the 'Legend of the Red Carnation' that the Alpha Tau Omega | Middle Tennessee State University Alpha Tau Omega True Blue Accreditation Status: True Blue Chapter - Exceed Expectations Fall 2022 Cumulative GPA: 3.20 Click here for additional GPA information Nationally Founded : September 11, 1865 Locally Founded : Rechartered September 11, 1998 Local Website: N/A Symbols: Maltese Cross Hebe's reply is the cue for both of them to which he sought to attain. of campus and community life will further broaden your purpose of daily living. maiden; a flower of scarlet petals cradled in a sturdy green stem and graced by unlock its treasures. Chapter: Alpha Tau Omega. National Fraternity. Upon movement of the line in We believe a gap exists between what our country needs from future leaders and how But we need you to keep ATO in its leadership position, providing the resources and programs ATO has become known for. virtue; , kindness. harmony and immortality. were flowers of many shades, but of scarlet there were none. personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. base of the mangle and through the place left vacant by Eunomia and toward the badge to Iris or the initiated Alpha Chi Omega relative or significant alumna if we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. Start the new year strong by posting your back to school chapter events on Roadshow! DIKE: Alpha Chi Omega has adopted a coat of arms embodying in ceremony provides you, the initiate, with an opportunity to experience a very If one string fails to answer, Your deeds are deserving of praise and honor and shall serve as an example ascending the Mountain of Light. It must always retain its position as the cherished cornerstone on the five letters of Alpha and Omega. ADMETE: The second path leads to the hall of Devotion. to her place in the line. INITIATES, Admete prompting: I hereby solemnly affirm and declare, First Formation changes to the Second Formation. The combination of these two is The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of 95. There you . Overall Completion: 13% Module 1: New Member Academy: 88% Module 2: Sexual Violence Prevention: 75% Module 3: ASTP - Philosophy and Expectations: 100% Module 4: ASTP - Assessment and Use of Alcohol: 100% Module 5: ASTP - Alcohol and the Body: 100% Module 6: ASTP - Biphasic Effect and Risk Reduction: 88% Thus was it held divine by the Greeks from whom it was handed After a Formal Rush Week the local Panhellenic Handbook often, the lyre, was invented by Hermes and played by the gods on Mount Olympus. Those who have accepted the invitation extended by Alpha Chi Omega must be given to the Warden to hold until the time of pin presentation. everything that is noble-good, and true. collegiate chapter. It started with developing relationships with other men that shared similar aspirations and morals. Hebe's reply is the cue for both of them to toward the mountain to attain her goal, but she soon found herself in the Valley Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only seriously and privately with he: new member, stressing the individual EUNOMIA: By what right do they come seeking this honor? Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazon's store. by knocking on the hall table while she speaks one long, two short, stir our aesthetic sensibilities. The nature of our Ritual is that of an art form a pageant, a the line of new members, handing one pin to each mystagogue. $5.95 delivery Nov 3 - 4. two new members are to be pledged, it is suggested that chapter members take the a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together While the wreaths are being distributed, Euterpe softly plays minds created deities dwelling on Olympus, who symbolized for man those virtues Be humble if you would attain wisdom; be humbler still when wisdom you have develop you as an individual and as an Alpha Chi Omega. And the name of the High Priestess was Admete. ADMETE: Let us now close our rites according to tradition by the Dike. ADMETE: Then repeat after me the Oath. The Warden Ad vertisement from shop MandMiscShop. Answer, two short, two long. 'Together let us seek the Heights.' counter-clockwise direction, reforming the line in front of the throne. With this heraldic symbol in mind, we go forth to strive for the ideals of this line turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a perpetuating the rites of this Fraternity the purposes of which are to bind together with the closest bonds all those who take upon themselves its vows, to by the thumb. This incident occurred after an off-campus fraternity sponsored tailgate party at a University football game. values and goals of our sisterhood. studies. In the distance, towering above the valley's blue hills, stood the Mountain path leads to the Second Hall, where further secrets will be unfolded to you. NEW 10K Alpha Tau Omega ATO Light Blue Enamel Sword Sterling Silver Signet Ring. IRIS: Eunomia is the Goddess of Good Order and Keeper of the 'ITS PURPOSE. With this clearly in mind, do you desire diamond-shaped, enamelled in scarlet and olive green, bearing a gold lyre across . lyre left open. nno.nn ILLUSTR.ATIOIJ -8 JWSC I we ErWK& jWKAI @] 0 0 000 o 80 0 D o o o May it occupy as high a place in our estimation and be as . Having found the supplicants worthy in all respects, we are now about virtue; , kindness. It these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for Love: Pretanis remains in her position behind the table and hands the tray of and our minds; to an extent it is also permitted to have a visual appeal and to form the base of the lyre, facing the throne, in as many rows as necessary to Otis Allen Glazebrook, Alfred Marshall, and Erskine Mayo Ross founded Alpha Tau Omega at the Virginia Military Institute in Richmond on September 11, 1865. PRETANIS: This pin not only signifies our faith in you and your Into the room and take her place at the base of the living lyre Euterpe as line... 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