aipt comics x men monday

Lauren: Having just sent Inferno to the printer, its hard not just to wax poetic about that. Plus, 6 eXclusive preview images from upcoming X-Men comics! 0. Jason Loo: I think Fred Dukes and Rita Farr (TVs Doom Patrol) would make a sweet, happy couple. and analyze what makes you like the ones that you like, and what makes you dislike any that you dislike (unless I edited them, then like them ). AIPT: Great advice, everybody! Bobby and that harness. Now we have Star Wars again, we have Conan, Im sure more things will come out that will take Marvel and the companys ability to tell stories in different directions. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Its so much fun and knows exactly how to do what it wants to do. But of course, you know that from last years exceptionally ridiculous 2022 X-Men Monday Valentines Day Special, which was such a blast were doing it again. Anthony Oliveira: GOLDBALLS!! Jordan Blum: Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor during their marriage just seemed like a terrible hang. My favorite X-Character is Lockheed, or Rogue if youre insistent on people picks.. They feel to me like theyd be at the heart of a vibrant queer party on Krakoa, late nights and dancing, and thats close to my heart, too. I continued reading them as I got older, so working in comics was always kind of a goal, I just didnt know how to get in. Ariana Maher: Jubilee and Tim Drake (Robin) had a meet-cute during the DC/Marvel Amalgam, so I could totally see her crashing the Bat Family party as a plus one. It even managed to find a way to tie up the animated universes threads in an unexpected and ambitious fashion. AIPT: Welp, you have a new mission, X-Fans. and our They sidelined them. check out the FAQ by clicking the And, now that I know how packed your days are, Im eXtremely grateful you took the time out of your email-filled schedules to answer these questions. Jordan: Everything they said is true. Shows an understanding of what makes the X-Men tick across all mediums. When we see what happened, we find out that there was clear communication in the moment and Emma respected Scotts need to figure out his own submissive deal before diving into anything, especially outside his marriage. Jason Loo: Mondo seems like a down-to-earth (literally and metaphorically) guy who can be adorably charming and very chill. Tini Howard: Rictor and Shatterstar. She never postures, blusters, or plays the cynic; she simply watches, waits to trust you (or not), and however you feel about that while she watches and waits is not her problem. Its just a mix of current and former X-creators, as well as friends of X-Men Monday, united in a desire to talk about their favorite mutants messy personal lives. Summary: The next question was asking if romance comics would work today. Shes going to have different boyfriends and work on being a model. Either or! Like I said above, theres some emotional beats here that he hits that are so beautiful and tragic. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Lestat I guess. And on top of all that, X-23: Deadly Regenesis, which revisits Lauras earlier years, kicks off March 8, 2023. Jordan: Well, again, I dont think that the people who are buying comic books in the direct market on a regular basis are people who would be necessarily willing to buy a comic that was overtly a romance comic and not something else. If Im thinking about it in the grand scheme of comics, I dont think any relationship is ever dead. Ditto Maddie and Havok. Ill admit that Im not 100% up to date on the Krakoa storyline (though I know the basics), and with so many moving pieces, it would be really tough to try and fit a story into whats going on (especially with the several X-books, crossovers, etc.). Laura has to do some self-care in this series, and that means cutting herself off from pretty much everyone in order to find where shes really going to fit. This is what makes her interesting to write. Mark: Oh, thats such a tough one. Welcome, X-Fans, to another uncanny edition of X-Men Monday at AIPT! I was given the option to do a story that was set in the past to help flesh out some more of who Laura is. It inspired a ton of imitators, but the distinct voice and look of that series really changed my expectations of what a superhero comic could be. Xorn is the absolute sex lord, although I could never keep track of whether he was pretending to be Magneto or Magneto was pretending to be him. look what x-men did to rogue and gambt after they were married, they barely in comics. If any reader picks up one of our books and finds themselves in between the pages, like I felt like I did, that would mean the world to me. So Lauras honest (like Tech in, Ive rambled on a lot here, but Ill end with this: I really hope that fans have half as much fun with, X-Men Monday #193 - Erica Schultz Talks 'X-23: Deadly Regenesis', AIPT Comics Podcast episode 211: DC and Marvel events galore, and Curt Pires talks 'Indigo Children', Mark Brooks corner box Avengers and X-Men variant covers revealed for May 17th, Image Comics reveals 'The Catalyst War' begins in 'Radiant Black' #25, Marvel's 'Most shocking issue of Amazing Spider-Man in 50 years' gets new variant cover, Marvel Preview: Star Wars: The Mandalorian #8, Marvel Preview: Star Wars: The High Republic The Blade #3, Marvel Preview: Star Wars: Hidden Empire #4, Join our Discord community, where we chat about the latest news and releases from everything we cover on AIPT, Get a physical trade paperback shipped to you every month. Ive always been a big Juggernaut fan, but working on X-Force has stoked a newfound passion for Forge. During this time, Julian is an important part of Lauras life, but hes only really in a flashback panel or two, if Im being honest. Juggernauts never taken his pants off to my knowledge. What a time to be a fan of Laura Kinney. Its perfect. Wait, I want to change my answer to most romantic moment. X-Men Monday #191 - 2023 Valentine's Day Special AIPT Comic Books X-Men Monday #191 - 2023 Valentine's Day Special Plus, 6 eXclusive X-Men Valentines! And hes bendy! But I also think Northstar is always unbearable company. I don't read Excalibur because it's not really my thing, but I wasn't too impressed by the X of Swords stuff and the return on it in the weekly threads seems to be quite negative. I work with Lauren on the books she listed and I oversee all these terrific people. I just think shed sort him out, but in a nice, ominous, baffling way. Erica: Hi Jaywalker612. Is he right in your eyes? I mean, I as a reader have definitely read stories that, if you said to me, Hey, heres what happens in this story? What is it about the character you find appealing as a writer? In one issue, Cyclops stumbles upon a cursed town straight out an H.P. One of the things we explore in this arc is collateral damage. If you dont want to read it all, I will summarize it at the bottom of each quote hidden in spoilers. Alex Segura: Jean Grey/Phoenix removing Cyclops goggles and allowing him to see with her telekinetic powers. Essentially, Im a glutton for emotional turmoil. Tom Taylor was the writer, but there was a revolving door of incredible talent on that book. One of the stories here, which I immediately remembered upon reading, depicts Jubilee writing a letter to her foster parents back home. link above. What a time to be a fan of Laura Kinney. And, of course, we want him to be Spider-Man and we want him to be in action-adventure stuff. Several of the battles feel composed of multiple pin-ups, which I kind of love (Cyclops ramps a motorcyle like three times in one issue to achieve this effect). Kieron Gillen: Oh man! And then theres me someone who never passes up an opportunity to make X-Men Monday as ridiculous as possible. According to his earliest origins (Rose and Tom Logan, James Howlett, etc. Yeah. before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. If you look at old Spider-Man comics from the 60s and 70s, what you will see is that the bulk of the comic, if you say they were 20 pages, like 17 of those pages would be about Spider-Man punching Electro. Hes the closest thing to a sexy Man-Thing. Poe has a little of Wolverine and a little Cyclops in him, and I think Jean would balance him out really well. Diego Olortegui, Marcio Fiorito, and Georges Duarte were also contributing artists on that run. But the soap opera plot has, if not been made the main plot, at the very least has taken much more of the percentage than it was taking in the original. But its the final run of stories that really impress in this collection. Her getting into a relationship with true scoundrel Chelli Aphra would, I think, be very much in character for her and then Aphra would do something truly wretched to her and break her heart and it would be some real gut-wrenching drama. I bounced around between three industries before I got in. What happened the third time he fought Electro? Theyve been drawing him more and more pear-shaped and it would be very beneficial to me if that body type caught on to sex symbol status. I highly recommend picking up some how-to guides (Stan Lee and John Buscemas How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way is a great place to start), and start making some of your own comics. AIPT: The X-Men line post-Inferno is very mysterious, but you certainly know whats to come! Theyd be doing their thing telepathically while Im eating like a slob across from them. As it's Thanksgiving week, this is the perfect time to give thanks to X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White and his team of X-Editors Lauren Amaro, Mark Basso, Drew Baumgartner, Sarah Brunstad and Anita Okoye with an eXtra-sized X-Men Monday interview! I also think that unlike Logan, Laura hasnt had literally decades to come to terms with her destructive past. It has to do with the ways that the industry has trained the audience to respond to things and what it should value in a comic book. Privacy Policy. This was on display when the original X-Men came back from the past and Laura and Warren started a relationship. Stay tuned, True Believers! All hormones. There was a relative dearth of interns during my go-round, at least on the days I was in, and that gave me the added opportunity of working under more of the editorial staff and getting to know more of them, as well as their different working styles. And they were thought of as a disposable genre, so you would pick up an issue, read it, and hopefully, they want you to read the next one. Shes a clone of Logan with similar experiences, but also vastly different ones. Kate Pryde and a Tusken Raider. Probably the couple Gillen talked about in the Valentine interview. Im an assistant editor. But youll be more likely to remember that time when he and Mary Jane broke up or the time when thisperson started doing that because thats the ongoing plotline that you are following. You either love it, despise it, or dont even think about it. Tuesdays mean back-to-back meetings. Al Ewing: Ive always wanted to see the X-Men team up with the slightly less glamorous mutants of Strontium Dog, so maybe Johnny Alpha and Jean Grey. A DIYer with a rocking stache? Most fun Fang and Somnus tick a lot of boxes. Hes like Cyclops meets Wolverine a repressed, moody eye guy, violent but with a code of honor, a bit telepathic, strong bi implications, on paper hes her perfect guy. Issues of X-Men Adventures acted as expanded adaptations of the shows episodes until it ended after a few short years. No matter how I personally feel about Valentines Day, it definitely provides one of those opportunities! Anthony Oliveira: It has to be Scott and Jean atop the mesa, doesnt it? Mondo seems like a down-to-earth (literally and metaphorically) guy who can be adorably charming and very chill. Oh my God, Ive gone on for so long. If a story is good enough, they will come around with an open mind. Also, dont be discouraged if your first job isnt in comics. This ending manages to really explore Charles Xaviers dream of total harmony in a way that few other stories have. These kinds of interviews are a bit PR stunty usually so I think its safe to say that when they tease something theyre teasing something! The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it AIPT: You know, the questions about Ororo and TChallas relationshipalong with the frustration I often see from some X-Fans regarding Scott and Jean, Scott and Emma, Scott and Logan and countless other X-Couples that dont involve Cyclops got me wondering why arent romance comics more popular in todays comics industry? Writer: Erica SchultzArtist: Edgar SalazarColor Artist: Carlos LopezLetterer: VCs Cory PetitCover Artist: Kalman Andrasofszky. Do you feel thats an especially meaningful character trait to Laura, a person who is a clone, and one of many? Given the likely cast (M, Angel, Sunspot), I was kind of hoping Hickman would write it. Comic Books And if not, does he factor into the series in any way? Before we start, just a disclaimer for the super-speculative X-Fans reading that this isnt one of those X-Men Mondays where were hinting at new additions to the X-Office. Jordan D. White: Im Jordan, Im a senior editor, Ive been at Marvel 14 years. AIPT: Youre welcome, Hellion fans. So for X-Fans Daniel, Carlos, Ren, Matt, Emma, and Ambaryerno, is there any chance Laura will interact with Julian in X-23: Deadly Regenesis? Drew: Im pretty new here, so I hesitate to take much credit for anything thats come out just yet, but Mark is right to highlight X Lives/X Deaths of Wolverine as something special. Im probably supposed to say something funny here, right? Or, just really confuse a loved one who doesnt read comics. How did you find your way to Marvels editorial department and what made you want to be a comics editor? Im sure we will continue to do that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For instance, Man-Thing grabs one guy by the face and the next panel is Jean and Storm telling us that a group of guys have been set on fire. The AotX issues, written by Ralph Macchio, take some wild and heavy swings to tell stories that might not have quite worked in the previous series or the animated program. If you say soap opera, its often viewed as an insult, which, OK, thats fine. Heartbreak feels good in a place like this. Theyve got a lot in common, if you squint. And lots of them , Drew: Everyone else has summed it up so nicely, but theyve left out all of the cackling with glee we do when some bonkers art comes in and melts our faces clean off. But you know, again, he might fight Electro five times. Its always nice when an artist says, You have an art background, dont you? AIPT: Thank you for swinging by X-Men Monday, Erica! Right? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Okay lemme think Hmm Theres a mantra Laura has in the book: I must do what others cannot, and that mantra takes on a different meaning in every issue. All of the creators are vibing off of one another, which makes updates from them an absolute blast. WHATCHA GOT UNDER THERE, SAURON? Dont tell me they dont count, I saw that almost-kiss. With every internship I was fortunate enough to find myself in, I learned more and more about what actually goes into producing a comic and the more and more I became convinced that this was the career path I wanted to follow so when an assistant editor spot opened, I applied and the rest is history! Prepare yourself though. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it They both seem very caring to a fault. Marvel Comics teases Contest of Chaos coming in 2023. That purpose was to be a weapon. Jason Loo: This might sound super boring and conventional but Scott and Jeans wedding issue (X-Men #30) read like a must-see episode of a prime time drama to me when I was 11. And thanks to everyone who participated in the 2023 X-Men Monday Valentines Day Special! Sarah: Im also new to the X-Office; Ive spent most of the past 4 years in the Avengers group. I like All-New Wolverine as it introduces Gabby, Zelda, and Bellona. Anthony Oliveira: Back in their day, I think Boom-Boom and Sam would be a rough go shes very jealous and hes obviously madly in love with Roberto, so its a recipe for everyone crying on the dance floor tbh. Yeah thats what I was thinking, because both Ewing and Spurrier were announced for their respective books a little in advance but now weve got a picture that simply must be X-Corp given the way it was teased. I also enjoyed Mariko Tamaki and Juan Cabals work with the stories showcasing Gabbys relationship with Laura. Stay tuned, True Believers! So if you think of soap opera as meaning low-quality, sure. I feel like theyd be good for each other, and Bobby would be good with all those Koopa kids. She never knew anything remotely close to a normal childhood. AIPT: Finally, what advice do you have for aspiring comic editors? I mean, how many times have Rogue and Gambit broken up and gotten back together? I think. Welcome to the official X-Men subreddit. The costumes are a wild mix of Jim Lees and Rob Liefelds aesthetics, which is to be expected. In pretty much all iterations of the character, Wolverine has had some agency and made decisions to be a part of this black ops team, or Department H. He had a choice. Always love a chaos couple. You know Gerry Duggan, Vita Ayala, Phil Noto and all the other talented creators writing and illustrating your favorite X-Books. Their life took a dark turn and their rage led them to where they are. So, what is your take on this guys? Charlie Jane Anders:Xorn. Welcome to the official X-Men subreddit. Im an editor in the X-Office, and Ive been at Marvel for 14 years. Kieron Gillen: Melters transformation into the Human Torch Nouveaux over in Sabertooth is pretty hot, right? They would never invite me to hang out. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No matter how you feel about Valentines Day, X-Fans, I hope this brought some joy to the start of your week. AIPT: For readers who are learning about X-23: Deadly Regenesis for the first time, whats your elevator pitch for the series? They strike me as that couple that really works when its just the two of them and is probably unbearable whenever anyone else is around. Drew: Trading emails with bona fide comics legends. AIPT: Gotta shout out Kevin! Valentines Day. Read across genres, too breadth is important, especially when youre just starting out and dont really get to hand-pick what kinds of books youre working on. All the things. And lucky for you, our friends at Marvel have provided an eXclusive first look at its lettered preview pages. I think Ive come up with one good one in all these years. Bobby and that harness. AIPT: Welcome to X-Men Monday, X-Editors! But I think at the end of the day, if you give them a good enough story, it will affect what they want and it will make them want to know what happens next and read more. But what about the editors diligently working behind the scenes to help make these stories the best they can be? Jordan: Ive loved comics as long as I can remember. Until neXt time, X-Fans, stay eXceptional and happy Thanksgiving! Become a patron today to gain access to exclusive perks, such as: Exclusive previews, reviews, and the latest news every week, delivered to your inbox. 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