However, despite warnings from experienced whalers that he should not attempt to cross the Weddell Sea (due to its unreliability), he proceeds with his plan. He eventually gave the man the copy of Kurtz's report on "The Suppression of Savage Customs," but with the postscript ("Exterminate all the brutes!") WebIn part, this endurance is born out of necessity. All survive the sinking, indifferent to their fate. The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition is midway between the South Pole and the nearest outpost of humanity, some 1,200 miles away. Doch die Herausforderungen, damit dies profitabel geschieht, sind berall gleich. WebEndurance athletes primarily make use of the aerobic energy system to manufacture the fuel they need for exercise. Marlow left Kurtz's room and saw, on the bank of the river, Kurtz's African Mistress, who captivated Marlow with her pride, stature, and appearance. Engaging Youll read or watch this all the way through the end. ber diese Wege kannst Du ein Gefhl dafr entwickeln, wie er denkt, was er kann und ob Du davon profitieren willst. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. Comprehensive Youll find every aspect of the subject matter covered. Socrates states that before he and Laches had assumed that foolish endurance was base and hurtful to them. The Harlequin told Marlow that he had spent many nights listening to Kurtz speak about a variety of subjects. Part 3 Gaining an Edge 1 Listen to music. Dont have an account? In meiner Firma war ich fr ber 30 Mitarbeiter verantwortlich. They had to chop through pressure ridges with axes in order to move forward. Having established that courage is noble, Socrates asks Laches if even a foolish endurance, which is evil and hurtful, is also courageous. Be the first to contribute! Often an instant classic and must-read for everyone. Just finished this book. WebPart 3: From Peter leaving Clarissas house through his memory of being rejected by Clarissa. Als Dienstleister zeige ich Dir, wie Du Deine Sichtbarkeit optimierst, Deine Verkaufserfolge steigerst, Deine Umsetzung so perfektionierst, dass Du Festpreise anbieten kannst und ganz nebenbei sehr viel Geld verdienst. Broadcaster: Approved Unto God Ministries. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing. Background Youll get contextual knowledge as a frame for informed action or analysis. WebIn June 1940 Marie-Laure and her father reach the town of Evreux two days after fleeing Paris. The crew establishes a makeshift home and names the drifting place Ocean Camp. Despite Socrates's optimism, however, Laches is in despair at not being able to express the meaning of courage especially since, as a great warrior, he has experienced so much of it. *getAbstract is summarizing much more than books. 20% WebSummary and Analysis Part 3. is particularly well structured. WebIn brief, Part III describes how the men survive for several weeks at a place called Patience Camp. Socrates similarly asks if it would be considered a case of courage if a person in battle calculated that the forces of his own army had outnumbered the other forces and that therefore he would have little chance of getting injured. WebCareer. We know that a thriving organization starts with thriving employees-- we provide a competitive benefits program designed to ensure work/life balance. Now excuse me while I get back to my project that this website DID NOT HELP ME ON. Finally, Marlow led Kurtz back to his room. 8 Very good. Leerlaufzeiten, Pufferzeiten, Reklamationen, Meetings und Co. verbrennen wertvolle Arbeitszeit und demotivieren das Team. The sky was clear, but there was movement in the ice that worked like a jigsaw puzzle to cut up and separate the ship into two pieces. Kurtz was buried in the jungle the next day. Shackleton selects the best boat and causes all the best equipment to be placed in it. We apologize for the inconvenience. The difficulty is illustrated by the fact that it took until 1958 for someone to accomplish this feat, and then with heated vehicles, planes, and powerful radios. In 1914, Ernest Shackleton sets out to explore Antarctica. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Endurance. WebA summary of Part X (Section4) in Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses. Mein Wissen darber, wie man Firmen erfolgreicher macht, teile ich heute mit Menschen in Vortrgen, Seminaren, Bchern und Coachings. Ich zeige Dienstleistern, wie sie die abrechenbaren Stunden ihrer Mitarbeiter dauerhaft steigern, neue Kunden schneller gewinnen und Servicevertrge auch mit Bestandskunden ber 60 Monate vereinbaren. It is dependent on the function of the cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs) and the cellular metabolic capacities. The crew of the Endurance accept defeat as they abandon their ship Bible: Romans 8:38-39; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15. Fhrungserfahrung habe ich schon sehr frh auf der Offiziersschule gelernt. Having established that in this case a foolish endurance is more courageous than a wise endurance, Socrates goes on to further contradict Laches's theorythat courage is a wise endurance of the soulby citing other examples in which a foolish endurance seems more courageous than a wise endurance. Studies have shown that listening to music while exercising can increase your endurance by up to 15%. Marlow gave him some unimportant family letters from the packet. They're manifested to cross the continent of Antarctica. Concrete Examples Youll get practical advice illustrated with examples of real-world applications or anecdotes. Trying to appear nonplussed, the Manager came out of the room and told Marlow that, while Kurtz had amassed a remarkable quantity of ivory, he was low and that his ivory district would have to be closed because his method was unsound. As they floated downstream, three natives covered in bright red earth shouted some form of spell; they next saw Kurtz's native mistress run to the riverbank and begin shouting something that the rest of Kurtz's 1,000 followers began repeating. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. They undergo various hardships and face starvation for a period; as the food situation improves so the ice situation becomes critical and Patience Camp is finally abandoned for the boats as the floe disintegrates in the warming, heaving ocean. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Give examples.What did he do to build confidence in his men?What did he do to build loyalty?How did he handle the men who disagreed with The Delta Optical Forest II series was launched in 2011. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage from, Order our Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage Study Guide, teaching or studying Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. Whatever we select for our library has to excel in one or the other of these two core criteria: Enlightening Youll learn things that will inform and improve your decisions. I'll send you notes on entrepreneurship and summaries of the best books I'm reading. He attempts to rescue those left behind on Elephant Island but is unable to do so because pack ice surrounds it. Enjoy 3 days of full online access to Dieses kannst Du dann mit Deiner Familie zusammen ausgeben. WebEndurance is the first season of a new fear factor/survivor type of show, where twenty teens will be dropped off in the Pacific Islands, and will compete against each other in both physical and mental challenges, with hopes of staying in the game. This study guide contains the following sections: This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on Anyone interested in this history of exploration, the Antarctic region orhow a great leader stimulates motivation, resourcefulness andteamwork will find Shackletonssaga highly illuminating. He lies Ich spreche Deutsch und Englisch flie. Mit 18 habe ich meine erste Firma gegrndet. In the intervening months the crew leads a generally optimistic life of boredom and intense cold even as the gradual realization sets that the trans-Antarctic nature of the expedition has failed. Du musst fr Dich allein entscheiden, wie lange Du warten willst, bis Dein Unternehmen wirklich profitabel und ohne Dich luft und Du die Zeit mit Deiner Familie nutzen kannst. Mit 40 das Unternehmen komplett an einen Investor verkauft. At getAbstract, we summarize books* that help people understand the world and make it better. In response, however, Socrates questions the notion of wise. 6 Notable. This is only the beginning. Finally, the men reach an outpost where they are celebrated by veteran whaling captains. Whats a Concierge MVP? Sometimes it can end up there. A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton 's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in 1914-1916, featuring new footage of the actual locations and interviews with surviving relatives of key expedition members, plus archived audio interviews with Specifically, the theory postulates that h He compares them to Ernest Shackletons feelings in order to convey the viewpoints of the parties in their naked and terrifying plight. His ship is battered by enormous ice floes on a consistent basis and ultimately sinks in November 1915. 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Engineers are desperately trying to keep up with the rising water levels and failing pumps, but they know that it wont be long before theres no hope left for them or their comrades on board. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Part 1 Chapter 1 Summary and Response toEndurance, Shackleton realizes that his crew is stranded and will not be rescued. In unserem Coaching zeigen wir Dir, wie Du mit Mitarbeitern erfolgreich wirst. Tragically, the Endurance crashes into some ice and takes on water. This occurs somewhere in the Weddell Sea. Somehow most of the crew manages to launch escape boats before the ship sinks, but some men are forced to leap overboard and are lost to the ice. Thus, Socrates fully contradicts Laches's theory that courage is only a wise endurance of the soul. Marlow then met Kurtz's cousin, who told Marlow that Kurtz was a great musician and a "universal genius." Determinants of athletic performance in mixed sports Part 3 Detailing endurance training Last post we defined power and endurance and detailed some of the basics of speed training. Cardiorespiratory endurance is a measure of how well the heart, lungs, and muscles perform during moderate to high-intensity physical activity. Alfred Lansing (19211975)was the editor of a weekly newspaper in Illinois, and later worked for the United Press and Colliers. Subscribe now. They accepted their defeat almost apathetically. WebThese resources for primary pupils compliment the online book resource Shackletons Endurance which, tells the story of Shackletons famous Trans- Antarctica Expedition. This certainly was not as much the case with Shackleton, although numbers would have helped them survive to some extent. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Food dwindles along with good humor Get Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage from After abandoning the Endurance, Shackleton establishes camps on various ice floes, moving tents, sledge dogs and food stores accordingly. Laches attempts to provide Socrates with his complete definition of courage by stating that all cases of courage are "a sort of endurance of the soul." He asks Laches whether it would be an example of courage if a man were to show endurance by spending his money wisely, knowing that by spending, he will acquire more in the end. Unfortunately, our contract with the publisher of this book does not allow us to distribute the summary in your country. Mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung. Delta Optical Forest II 8x42. The sledges, dog teams, and three boats are salvaged as is a considerable store of food. Faber is reluctant, but finally agrees to work with Montag against the firemen. Eventually, the Manager's servant boy peeked into the mess-room and announced, in a contemptuous voice, "Mistah Kurtz he dead." To make matters worse, soon the Antarctic summer (which coincides with our winter) ended and the endless polar nights began. A helpful and/or enlightening book that is extremely well rounded, has many strengths and no shortcomings worth mentioning. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du die Auslastung Deiner Mitarbeiter steigerst und mit weniger Personal deutlich mehr Umsatz generierst. WebView Jesselynn Marquez (2019169) - Lab 2 Muscular Endurance.docx from BIOL 1306 at Quest Early College High Schooll. In 2011, Ellis won the Formula Lista Junior, a championship grouping together Formula BMWs, with the GU-Racing team. WebWhat was Photo 3 called? In einem persnlichen Gesprch klren wir gerne, ob wir Dir helfen wollen. SparkNotes PLUS Socrates's basic methodology in the section is to make Laches state what seems to be an obvious fact about courage, only to show how it fails to cover every case of what might be considered courage. Marlow further learned that Kurtz was prone to wandering into the jungle with his band of native followers on ivory raids. 3. Eye opening Youll be offered highly surprising insights. Print Share. The situation is indeed desperate and the ice floe upon which the men are encamped dwindles away by erosion and melting. Mariam realizes that all of her endurance hasn't once Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide. Mit 40 sogar meine ganze Firma, Erster Bestseller 55 Business Turbos fr KMU, Mein erstes Buch verffentlicht im GABAL Verlag, Zweiter Bestselller So bauen Sie ein profitables Unternehmen, Mein zweites Buch verffentlicht im GABAL Verlag. To get help from South Georgia Island (the nearest inhabited island), Shackleton selects five crew members to accompany him in crossing the Drake. After several miserable days of freezing water and incredibly dangerous situations, the small craft are separated into two groups. presents the latest findings in a topical field and is written by a renowned expert but lacks a bit in style. Speaker: Preacher Rick Brown. Over the next few weeks the crew continues salvage operations as Endurance is slowly but entirely crushed. Socrates then forces Laches to make a statement about courage that covers the new situation, but more often then not this new statement about courage is contradictory with the old one. Grndung der C&S Computer und Service GmbH, 3 Jahre vor dem Verkauf der ersten Firma aus dem Tagesgeschft ausgestiegen, Durch funktionierende Vertriebssysteme und selbststndig arbeitende Mitarbeiter, Mit 40 hab ich meine Firma an einen Investor verkauft, Ich hab schon alles verkauft. Htte ich das mal frher gewusst, wirst auch Du schon mehrmals in Deinem Leben gedacht haben. WebThe Evaluation of Shackleton as a Leader Leadership Arranged voyage Ice had damaged their vessel beyond repair and he was still able to keep his crew optimistic in the bitter cold temperatures Crew was able to salvage most of the food, supplies and life boats Shackleton and 6 men set off to Georgia Island with the desire to rescue the 22 men they left behind March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 on 50-99 accounts. Hot Topic Youll find yourself in the middle of a highly debated issue. Takeaways from Mark Zuckerberg: How to Build the Future (YCs The Macro), The Best Things I Learned from Ashton Kutcher, Tech Investor, Best Summary + PDF: The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg, The Best Things I Learned from Sara Blakely, Spanx Founder, Best Summary + PDF: How Not to Die, by Michael Greger, The Cat In the Hat Book Summary, by Dr. Seuss, The Hunger Games Book Summary, by Suzanne Collins, Daisy Jones and the Six Book Summary, by Taylor Jenkins Reid, Fish In A Tree Book Summary, by Lynda Mullaly Hunt. Lastly, these men could Analytical Youll understand the inner workings of the subject matter. At the end of August, 1916, however, Shackleton and his rescue party finally reach the much-depressed survivors and take them from the forbidding shores of their temporary home. WebBy January, 1915, Endurance is a scant 60 nautical miles from its intended landfallbut it is also frozen immobile in pack ice that extends to all horizons. WebPart One: Chapters 2 & 3 Summary: Chapter 2 After twenty-five years of fantasizing about Sethe, Paul D finds the consummation of his desire to be a disappointment. Prior to the Endurance voyage, Shackleton had established himself as a polar explorer after a career in the merchant navy. It begins with Chapter 1 recounting the crushing of Endurance In the end, only one teen team will be left standing, and will take home the grand prize. At first, Kurtz told Marlow to run and hide himself but he then began telling Marlow that he had "immense plans" that were ruined by the Manager. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Job Schedule: Part Time Standard Hours: 32 Job Shift: Shift 1 Shift Details: Two openings: one opening to cover Coventry, Mansfield and Windham area; the other to cover Plainfield, Voluntown and Sterling Work where every moment matters. They attached a canvas chute to the rail and slid each dog down it onto the ice below. (one code per order). 2,000 pounds In a few days of incredible mountaineering and blind luck they manage to gain the far shore, locate the tiny whaling outpost, and secure their own survival. Insiders take Youll have the privilege of learning from someone who knows her or his topic inside-out. Therefore, we use a set of 20 qualities to characterize each book by its strengths: Applicable Youll get advice that can be directly applied in the workplace or in everyday situations. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage from, Order our Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage Study Guide, teaching or studying Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. Ernest ShackletonDiscussion Questions: Part 2What do think Shackleton is feeling as the ice closes on the ship? The sledges, dog teams, and To further his point, Socrates asks Laches if he would consider courage to be a noble quality, to which Laches replies that he would. An unnamed representative of the Company then visited Marlow and wanted the papers that Kurtz had given to Marlow. Endurance test of 8x42 binoculars. Contact us In all the world there is no desolation more complete than the polar night, writes Lansing. Enjoy 3 days of full online access to 25,000+ summaries
WebAfter facing a shipwreck, cracking ice flows, Antarctic storms, the Weddell Sea, and Drakes Passage, I imagine that one would just want to go home and rest for possibly a year. WebA person who descends a well in diving and cannot swim is obviously more courageous than a person who descends a well and can swim. They undergo various hardships and face starvation for a period; as the food situation improves so the ice situation becomes critical and Patience Camp is finally At this point, Socrates notes that their words and their deeds are most severely out of tune with one another in the way that Laches fears. With Liam Neeson, Julian Ayer, John Blackborow, David Cale. Eloquent Youll enjoy a masterfully written or presented text. Socrates continues to ask who would seem to be the more courageous one, the soldier who wisely calculates his superior position and then endures, or the soldier who enters the battle foolishly and then endures against all odds. The men were calm as they prepared to leave the ship. contains uncommonly novel ideas and presents them in an engaging manner. This is a thorough and compassionate article which celebrates the bravery of the medical staff on site in western Africa. Part VII consists of three enumerated chapters; the epilogue is distinct and consists of five pages of text followed by two pages Rating your Squat Endurance Test Result. Event: Midweek Service. If youre looking for a little endurance boost, skip the dangerous, illegal, or dubious options. The order to abandon the boat was given at 5 P.M.. Zusammen bauen wir Deine Firma so um, dass das Tagesgeschft auch ohne Dich funktioniert. Thus, Socrates with pointed questions whittles down the definition of courage to a mere wise endurance. for a customized plan. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Es gibt zahlreiche YouTube Videos, Podcasts und natrlich seine Bcher. With this distinction in mind, Laches revises his definition of courage to include only the wise endurance of the soul and not the foolish endurance. Willst Du das auch? It begins with Chapter 1 recounting the crushing of Endurance by the pack ice and subsequently Chapters 2 through 8 recount how the Endurance came to be trapped in the ice. WebEndurance: Shackletons Incredible Voyage Part IV, Chapters 4-5 Summary & Analysis Part IV The sea calms by about 3:00 a.m., and a magnificent pink and gold sunrise Subscribe to get summaries of the best books I'm reading. But now Socrates states, "on the contrary we are saying that the foolish endurance, which was before held in dishonor, is courage." The initial camp is a miserable experience for most of the men and the cold is formidable. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Endurance. In December, 1914, the expedition, aboard the purpose-built polar exploration ship Endurance, enters the pack ice of the Weddell Sea off the coast of Antarctica some 1,100 nautical miles east of the Palmer Peninsula. In March, 1916, the pack ice begins to break up as it finally drifts far enough north of the Palmer Peninsula that ocean currents and winds drive the mass on an erratic course. Loading recommendations for resistance training are typically prescribed along what has come to be known as the "repetition continuum", which proposes that the number of repetitions performed at a given magnitude of load will result in specific adaptations. Marlow listened, hoping that Kurtz would make no noise or give no sign for his men to attack. In this non-chronological presentation of facts Part I deviates from the remainder of the text's journalistic chronology. Profitables Wachstum braucht ein solides Fundament. Earn $1,000 for every referral hired. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Overall Summary In 1914, Ernest Shackleton sets out to explore Antarctica. Having done so, however, Socrates continues to explore the paradoxes of this result. A helpful and/or enlightening book that has a substantial number of outstanding qualities without excelling across the board, e.g. The goal of the expedition was to cross Antarctica from west to east. For most of the men, however, no order was needed because by then everybody knew that the ship was done and that it was time to give up trying to save her. Shackleton aows the men a dining experience for Feb. 29, 1916, so as to observe Jump Year. Shackleton and his crewsailed to Antarcticain the ship Endurancewith the intention of crossing the continent on foot. Your score is the number of completed squats. WebHe takes a Bible and tries to memorize some of it on the way. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at But the forces ofnature at the edge of the world had other ideas. Ein gutes Angebot verkauft sich nicht von alleine. May 28, 1973. Part III consists of six enumerated chapters. In fact, it feels very bad. Visionary Youll get a glimpse of the future and what it might mean for you. Paulet Island, be that as it may, presently appears to be an indefensible goal, as the breezes are moving the group past the island. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. After reuniting at Elephant Island, they establish a camp there but realize it is too small for them all so some move elsewhere while others stay behind. He purchased a sturdy wooden boat designed for hunting polar bears and changed the name of it to Endurance. WebSummary. 6. Viele Firmen suchen neue Fachkrfte, obwohl die Mitarbeiter nur beschftigt und nicht profitabel sind. A journalist then accosted Marlow, eager for information about Kurtz. Create a free website or blog at No one has time to read them all, but its important to go over them at least briefly. (LogOut/ 0. military reconnaissance platform; suffered explosion after achieving orbit and was never occupied. Marlow further learned Oh this is cool, but also alot of bs. Length: A new MP3 sermon from Approved Unto God Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Endurance part 3. During the month foowing the southerly blowing hurricane, the ice floe floats a generally northwest way; be that as it may, the day by day float is sporadic. By late October, 1915, Endurance drifts some 500 nautical miles to the north-east, frozen fast in apparently limitless pack ice. bookmarked pages associated with this title. Here's what the ratings mean: 10 Brilliant. The men tried to travel by dog sled on the ice pack, but it was too slow and difficult. God did this so that all the earth may fear the LORD and know how powerful HIS hand is. Mere moments from collapsing in two, men are ordered back on board to retrieve needed supplies. At 1:00 a.m., he experiences a jolt and observes a crack widening Job Summary: The Wildland Hand Crew Faller under direct supervision, duties involve fieldwork requiring physical performance calling for above-average endurance and superior conditioning. The gathering experiences horrifying weariness during harsh climate. Discover your next favorite book with getAbstract. He purchased a sturdy wooden boat designed for hunting polar bears and changed the name of it to Endurance. Synopsis. | When Shackleton caught up with the ship he relieved Worsley of direct command and discharged the worst seamen for disloyalty, insubordination and drunkenness. Endurance, or lack thereof, can influence the ease with which one takes the stairs when the elevator is broken or walks to the bus stop. Wie eine Zusammenarbeit aussehen kann, erlutern wir Dir gerne in einem Call. Rasheed, having heard enough from Zalmai, sends him upstairs. The men did what they had to do but gave up in the process. WebPart III, Chapter 1 Summary Shackletons desire to keep the crew safe results in their marching through snow and ice for a distance of almost 200 miles over the course Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students curricula! WebCardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to take in, deliver, and use oxygen. WebThe Endurance thrillingly recounts one of the last great adventures in the Heroic Age of exploration--perhaps the greatest of them all. Warming temperatures bring additional game animalsbut also cause the various floes to thin and begin to crumble away. A helpful and/or enlightening book that stands out by at least one aspect, e.g. The initial plan is to proceed 350 miles northwest to Paulet Island where a known store of food and supplies has been cached previously. Summary. Upon returning home he was knighted and awarded heroic status for his efforts. To this end, Shackleton insists that all nonessential supplies be abandoned Get Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage from Continue to start your free trial. Shackleton had braved the region twice before. The action-first presentation, however, sets the tone of the text as cool and professionalthe outcome being known before the build-up allows the author and reader to concentrate on the salient facts rather than the expectation. Since courage is a part of virtue, which is always noble, it is fundamental to the definition of courage that it also be a noble quality. What does he convey to his men?What do you think about his ability to discipline his men? From time to time dogs are killed to conserve food and various interesting natural wonders are witnessed. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage from, Order our Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage Study Guide, teaching or studying Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. He was For beginners Youll find this to be a good primer if youre a learner with little or no prior experience/knowledge. The men noticed how much like an animal dying in agony their ship behaved at this time. Note: this book guide is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publisher or author, and we always encourage you to purchase and read the full book. Alfred Lansings absorbing, timelessaccount of Ernest Shackletons 1914 expedition to Antarctica is a grippingtrue-adventure tale offeringa detailed case study of effective crisis management during a relentless, ongoing emergency. With their ship crushed in a dense ice pack, Shackleton and 27 men set up camp on an ice floe and, later, on aninhospitable island. Dreadful of loss of assurance, Shackleton keeps on looking for techniques for lifting the menlls spirits. It also causes cracking and deterioration of the floes, which are large pieces of floating ice that form in Arctic waters. At first it consisted of 42 mm models; then it was enlarged by the 50 mm binoculars. There was no show of fear or even apprehension. Endurance drifts with the pack ice for several months, eventually losing sight of land as the typical Weddell Sea current spins the vast pack ice floe in a slow clockwise direction.