I was told this privately by Jesus on Wednesday (December 2nd); and then, the public message was given to the chosen messenger of the Holy Family Refuge messages on December 3rd, so that has helped to explain the situation. P. Janko: "Last year, 1982, Our Lady revealed to Ivanka and Jakov that horrible ninth secret. This brief summary is the shorter version. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (6 pages) of this commentary: The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (PDF) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (ODT) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (WordDoc) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And the door was shut. Otherwise, if the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal happen during the time-frame that we are already called by the Lord to the refuges, the original plan for the book (both volumes) still applies. I mean, Noah warned the ancient world while he was building the ark about the forthcoming worldwide Flood, Moses warned Pharaoh before the Ten Plagues, etc. Then, in 1531, the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe took place, foreshadowing the coming of the Apocalypse (Chapter 12, Book of Revelation), which tragically involves abortion and other egregious errors against the sanctity of life, etc. Then the Miracle/Sign of Garabandal will happen in the Springtime. RELATED SPECIAL COMMENTARIES (By a soul): Understanding the Hidden Plan of God and the Purpose of Heavenly Messages https://maryrefugeofsouls.com/2020/07/13/commentary-yes-i-believe-in-the-refuges-and-the-great-warning-illumination-of-conscience-will-happen-this-fall-2020-by-a-soul-maryrefugeofsouls/, PROPHECY ALERT Call For More Prayers To Prevent Nuclear War Starting Before The Great Warning Happens Fall 2020 By a soul In particular, the lack of faith among the popes and the bishops of the Church to believe the words of Our Lady. Recently, a blog follower asked me if God will tilt the earth before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens. Shocking atmospheric phenomena will come from on high in connection with the approach of a celestial body that will unexpectedly draw near to earth With Commentary By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls The fact is, my dearly beloved blog followers, is that satan knows that he can no longer use Pope Francis as his primary instrument to bring about the collapse of the Catholic Church. God bless! Important Commentary Do Not Be Foolish and Think The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) Is The Second Coming of Jesus Christ By a soul The words, End Times, means that this is the designated period of time when satan is at the height of his powers and when evil has matured on earth. The Great Tribulation does not begin until after the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened to mankind. the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will also take place at a location in the United States of America. Medjugorje, the Secrets revealed: Guide to the New Times (this publication has already been revised and corrected in April 2022) - Kindle edition by Pitaro, Gino. Accept that when you hear My Name being rejected in the world today, that this comes directly from the influence of Satan. Thus, I knew that writing my Appeal to Pope Francis had pleased God and I knew that the special prayer efforts that previous weekend at Holy Love had protected me from satan so I could do this work on behalf of Heaven. This is the most important time in the history of the world. As blog followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove know, I have been writing a lot lately about the Secret of La Salette and the Secrets of Fatima. They are supplying arms to terrorist nations. For then the Hand of My Father will fall everywhere on those who refuse to hear the Truth those who turn their back on love, love for Me and your brothers and sisters. However, the prophecies of evils agenda for the End Times are written in the Holy Bible, as an universal warning to Gods children, so mankind could stay alert to satan and hells agenda throughout the centuries. Understanding the Hidden Plan of God Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. MEDJUGORJE: IS GOD TOO BIG FOR US? Marija: YES, HE IS TOO BIG, BUT DO THIS AND YOU WILL GO TO HEAVEN, Ave Maria Save this video in a place that you can find easy when you are in a blue placeThen watch in a quiet place Our Lady will be there for you. I invite you to prayer. Reading the links and references for my commentaries are (I think) helpful for people so they can get information that they might have missed from the past. My Church and my Jewish people will be joined as I have wanted them to be for centuries. This is because the Book of Revelation was written 2,000 years ago and God did not want satan and all of hell to know what God was planning to do in the End Times to defeat evil. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR And so, movies such as The Vatican Deception are very important for getting the message out to everyone on Heavens Plans and motivations for mankind. Then, there is an excerpt of the Secret of La Salette that describes the actual chastisement, as well as the related footnote commentary by the main seer, Melanie. Firstly, the Sun will be very luminous, becoming brighter every day until the Second Coming of Jesus. They, My children, must accept this last chance of salvation, or accept that a terrible chastisement will fall upon the world. Yes, Lord. Truly, every kindness extended by blog readers is so appreciated by me. The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time. Lift your hearts to this time, when you feel overcome by the time of great trials. It is fine with me if we dont even do that. Some nations will leave the Valley and return to darkness, but most will stay in the light. She was the first one who saw Our Lady. As earlier heavenly messages have suggested, about 85-90% of the world population (roughly more than 6 billion people of about 8 billion people living on earth) is in mortal sin. Medjugorje is one of the villages of the Western Herzegovina municipality of Citluk in the former Yugoslavia. What Is The Gospel? This will lead to him being enthroned as the one world leader and head of the Catholic Church. Yes, I dare to say this. Such locations will be announced in advance by visionary, Conchita of Garabandal, after The Warning. I am sorry for any and all of your pain, some caused by your own decisions, some created by others, but all allowed by Me to bring you to deeper holiness and closer to Me. February 28, 2018 Latin Mass. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. During these events, his grip on the heart of the world is loosened.. The more that we sacrifice for God, the more that it shows Him that we love Him and that we trust in Him for our Divine Provision. However, they put their trust in their own strength, as their forefathers had done. Much of the answers to these questions involve free-will, how prayer is used in the present moment, and behind-the-scenes stuff that people are not aware of and I have been reluctant to talk about. The United Nations has no power and the international community is in disarray, all looking to their own interests. So, my soul has been affected by Our Loving Fathers words today at Holy Love, where God the Father calls us to trust in Him and not worry, so we can have true peace in our hearts. The reason that I am sharing the excerpt is because I believe it is authentic and it mentions the chastisement announced at La Salette. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile; Messages 0; Notifications ; Account settings; Home; Forum . They will also involve great signs in the sky; the movement of the Earth and the colours associated with nature. The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth. However, I will be very frank with you, my dearly beloved blog followers. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. Furthermore, it is with great joy that I am able to reveal this heavenly secret to mankind. And because these things were kept hidden from him, satan has had limited opportunities to prepare for the unveiling of the Secrets. Then I will throw fire upon one third of the Earth. For Satans powerful influence will not be allowed to retain its vice-like grip on mankind. You love Me well and are learning to love and trust Me more and more. In Fall 2015, when I wrote a commentary about the failed prophecy of worldwide economic collapse, I said that it was such a blessing that prayers had been answered. As a result, the sinful errors by all of mankind against the Ten Commandments, and pointed out by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846, continue to grow unabated for, accelerating in the world. Vicka Ivankovic: Especially in the early years of the apparitions it was possible to understand more about the secrets during the interviews with Fr. Although you have now entered the Period of Darkness, I am with you as Your Heavenly Mother https://maryrefugeofsouls.com/2020/04/04/end-times-daily-april-3-2020-mary-our-lady-of-light-to-ned-dougherty-fear-not-although-you-have-now-entered-the-period-of-darkness-i-am-with-you-as-your-heavenly-mother/. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. For when it happens, spectacular though it will be visually in the sky, so quiet will this mystical experience be, that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience. Truly, these thoughts were coming from a superior being and are not my own because I could never think in this wayI am simply not that smart. I was made to understand that this event -the Tenth Secret / Great Chastisement is what is known as the "Three Days of Darkness" which has been . There will be harmony such as never before has been experienced by an entire people. Ivanka was born on June 21st, 1966, in Bijakovici, in the parish of Medjugorje. Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic - the always smiling visionary, was born on September 9th, 1964, in Bijakovici, in the parish of Medjugorje. And so, now knowing about this unknown elementthe change of satans plans has been disheartening to me for the past two days, but I remain determined to do all I can for Jesus and the Blessed Mother as I am able to by grace. As you can imagine, this blog post is a major announcement regarding the Divine Plan and will likely be read by many people. I admit that I have two advanced degrees at the university-level, but truly, I am not smart enough to think on my own human merits at this level of sophistication about the Divine Plan of God and Our Lady. The Firstfruits will have prepared the way for the masses of people, by lighting the way, as they will already be spiritually in the Sixth Chamber. I also want to speak briefly about another question that was asked of me about the Abomination of Desolation. Apparition Hill is the site where the six Medjugorje visionaries first started receiving visions from Our Blessed Queen in June 1981. These will be shepherds formed by my Immaculate Heart. Honestly, because the world has not been listening at all for so many years now, it is hard at this juncture to assess what objectives for peace are still accomplishable on Earth, because the more the world does not listen, the narrower the number of good options left on the table to possibly do by Heaven to change things for the better. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Prayer can be very powerful. They are the ones whose hearts are free. For those with a kind and humble heart, they will accept this great Mercy with gratitude and relief. It is part of My Fathers plan since the beginning of creation. There will be stability, peace, and unity in the Era of Peace. The information provided to My son pertains to the dire warnings and to preparing My children of light for My refuges; not just the one My son has faithfully prepared, but all refuges. Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo was born on March 18th, 1965, in Sarajevo. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. It is the ultimate spiritual roadmap to the greatest and highest treasure of eternal life, Unitive Love in Union with the Paternal Heart of Papa God. In concluding words, as I prayed to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for permission to release this commentary on the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, my Jesus shared with me that Papa God willed for His beloved children to return to Him and His Paternal Bosom. Meanwhile, I found it troubling the lack of adequate response through the years by the Catholic Church to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You need to have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II. So, please know, satan and all of hell were aggressively attacking me both during and afterwards as I discerned these insights from St. Gabriel. So many of you are blind to the plan which is being plotted behind your backs. So, now, this is where Heaven needs our help. This then culminated into the October 13, 1884 vision of Pope Leo XIII where the pope saw Our Lord give permission to satan to try the Church and sinful mankind for a century. So, if you have been a follower of this blog for the past few years, you likely know that in January 2017, Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed to me many unknown facts about the unfolding Divine Plan in connection to the Marian apparitions of Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje. (I began to cry. Final Note: I am in the process of discerning and organizing a body of prophetic messages which will be very helpful for many followers of this blog. Meanwhile, the preparation with being inside (indoors) and covering your doors and windows with blankets and cardboard, is to only take place on the final day, after the 7 days and 7 nights of the sign of the Cross of Jesus in the sky immediately before the Warning happens. In this way, fortified by the Seven Sacraments, especially, the Most Holy Eucharist The Living Body and Blood of His Son, Jesus we will be able to run and complete the good race of our earthly lives, ending in the joy of Heaven and the beatific vision of God. Because there is such a strong likelihood that this will take place soon, the possibility of the Warning happening this Winter is very likely versus next Fall. TILTING THE EARTHS AXIS AND FIRE FROM HEAVEN, (Feast of Our Lady of the Place, October 3, 2017). The original date for the Warning was NOT Fall 2020 it was supposed to take place at a later date I was originally told the season, so I could complete the book by then. This book proposes that the dates and events of these 13 secrets can be known from a . And so, I want to take a moment to thank with much heartfelt love my circle of dearest friends whom I have freely shared my inspirations, as without their support, this spiritual writing would be incomprehensible and underdeveloped in thought. Please wait for this Day with great joy for it will then that unbelievers will finally realise Who I Am. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and the Great Chastisement of Garabandal involve the Three Days of Darkness, as prophesied by many Saints in the Catholic Church. Soon, famine will be seen, but not by My Hand it will be by the deliberate contamination of the Earth by the antichrist. They will see the Churches united and all the Churches united with Israel. Moreover, the Most Chaste Heart of St Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus and earthly spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, acts as the antechamber to the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Others can be reduced, through prayer and fasting first of all. The fact is, the Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal, as well as the unveiling of the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje by the visionaries in the aftermath of the Warning, is meant to be a great catalyst for the Popes, the Bishops, and the Catholic Church, to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested at Fatima. That is why Papa God reserves the exact date for the Warning to Himself for all these past years. So, at that point, I realized that I had to finish the book at least by September 2020 which panicked me a little because I was totally rewriting the manuscript, but the Blessed Mother sent me two special blessings as two blog followers who came to the rescue to help me with the Spanish translation of the book. I protect your privacy and at the same time souls are moved for the Kingdom. As I revealed in my Easter writing, the last three visionaries will receive the Tenth Secret during the Great Warning. Important Commentary (Covid) Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls So, except for God being an Eternal Being, in every other way, the Blessed Virgin Mary Is Perfect like God. They will possess all spiritual gifts and charisms of our original parents, Adam and Eve, before the Fall of mankind. The moral of the parable of the ten virgins is that believers in God and followers of His Divine Son, Jesus, must be ready at every moment for the Return of Jesus, which will happen at the least expected moment in time. Perhaps, some minor details could have been manipulated by him I can never claim perfect discernment but the substance of what I have written publicly here, in this special commentary, and I continue to know privately satan has far much more to lose in his demonic plans to subjugate all of mankind, especially, once people witness the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, and once the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place. Because the little ones stand before God with their arms upraised in intercession. February 11, 2011 I base this belief on heavenly messages that I have read given to Prophet John Leary (http://www.johnleary.com) and Father Michel Rodrigue (PART 13: Fr. The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand , has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more, for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for, (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. I am writing an important follow-up commentary about the coming of the antichrist after the Warning takes place, so people will not be fooled. Likewise, Queen Mary has been entrusted with the Triumph of the Divine Plan and fulfilment of the Divine Kingdom on earth. Because, up until that point, I never understood the power of prayer from others. So, now, the only thing that satan could do to stop the book which would be a big part of the overall success for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal would be if his evil agenda got moved up ahead of time so I would not have enough time to finish the book on-time. The deceased pope will have instructed his followers clearly. A simple majority vote would be sufficient and because the majority of the House is the Democrat Party lead by Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, yes, Biden would be voted in as the next U.S. President. And finally, please pray for me, the success of this blog, and especially, for the intentions of Our Dearly Beloved Blessed Mother. That is why the enemy of your salvation causes so much disturbances before, during and after these events. It does not need to be a physical valley because all the nations are already linked by communications. Now, the reason I bring these facts up, is because during the six and a half week period after The Warning, both Conchita of Garabandal and all six visionaries of Medjugorje will be testifying about the prophesied Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje / 3 Days of Darkness. The Great Miracle and the Great Sign will show the definitive Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Meanwhile, individual churches or dioceses or Bishop conferences may make changes to the consecration prayers for the Holy Eucharist before the Great Warning, but I do not think the Abomination of Desolation fully takes hold universally in the Catholic Church until after the Great Warning. You, my daughter will herald my arrival and many will fall on the ground and weep with relief, love and joy in ecstasy. However, I cannot reveal the location until after The Warning has happened on earth. JUST JUDGE AND KING OF MERCY, The son would honor his fathers choice and the arrangement plans would begin. The two main points of the Divine Plan for avoiding the conditional Great Chastisement is: one, mankind must stop the killing of the unborn babies; and two, all of mankind must convert back to God through Holy Love and offer the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our collective sins before Our Heavenly Father. On the evening of May 6th, 1985, Ivan, Jakov and Ivanka had their apparition. Have I not promised the conversion of Russia followed by a great period of peace if the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart? The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2012. With outstretched Arms, Papa Is calling each of His children to repent and pray in reparation for sin theirs and the sins of others. Have you fallen? Then, the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved in a special holy Tabernacle in Heaven until the fullness of time, when Her spirit could be finally joined with Her physical body and Her soul at the moment of Her Immaculate Conception in the womb of Her holy mother, St Anne. One of the Two Witnesses of Revelation is the prophesied Catholic priest-son (holy father) who will die as a martyr according to the Third Secret of Fatima. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. Their prayers rise as sweet incense and the heavenly Fathers justice is blinded to the sins of men. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and Great Chastisement are the exact same event from God. Again, an almost prophetic utterance by Melanie which is now happening as many people are preparing refuges around the worldguided by chosen messengers of today by Our Lordfor the Great Tribulation of the antichrist. The Church and Israel will be a light to all nations. Without God humanity would cease to exist. Sacred Scripture is filled with many examples after examples of warnings by the prophets for the people before any chastisements. Da Paolo Tessione - April 30, 2020. . Six, after the Warning has concluded on earth, all seven visionaries, including Conchita of Garabandal, are expected by God and the Blessed Mother to testify to the world the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje. No one will have any doubts about which heavenly missions are authentic, including Holy Love Ministries. Must he not act for those who are being led astray? The other fact that I am choosing to reveal publicly at this time, is that St. Gabriel the Archangel was not the only heavenly person present when these insights were being given privately to me. That was for a reason. Because although I had a very generous financial sponsor (thank you, dear friend!) Oh, beloved blog followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, how I tenderly love you all! When you see the man of peace, the antichrist, receive accolades and awards for his great works in war-torn countries, know that My Intervention is close. To date, three visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov report they have received all ten Medjugorje secrets, while Ivan, Marija and Vicka say they have received nine secrets. O heavenly Father through the Love of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Thank you for simply being a true joy to Jesus Heart. The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, will go to Israel in its darkest hour and lay down his life for Israel. I also hope that the additional information proves helpful for people. Then sometime afterwards, the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje will unfold on their respective dates with the Tenth Secret being the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal (Three Days of Darkness). So, it is very easy to conclude that after the Great Warning, that the antichrist, and other minions of satan, such as the elite globalists/masonic forces, and Islamic terrorists, will be seeking the ultimate demise of the site of Medjugorje, because of what Medjugorje will come to represent to the worldthe source of reconciliation between mankind and Godafter the Warning happens. Even if it is just one Hail Mary prayer, your one act of compassionate towards me has literally changed my life. Alright, to give a more complete response, I, a soul, want to give some background on the context of this question. https://maryrefugeofsouls.com/2016/06/12/blessed-virgin-mary-a-grave-message-85-of-the-world-population-is-on-the-pathway-to-hell/. The question is. On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Accept your sins for what they are, a human weakness. The reason I bring up the existence of both versions of the Secret of La Salette, is because many people want to discount the full version of the Secret as being an embellishment of Melanies imagination and have tried to discredit Melanies reputation because the longer version seems too sensational. Doubts, My daughter, are trials experienced, not only by you, but, by My beloved followers. There is terror on every side and still they do not turn to Me. This IS the UNIVERSAL TRIUMPH of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This Valley of Decisions will be a special moment in history., Just as Israel was in the moment of distress, so the world itself will be in a moment of complete helplessness. However, I do know that the Second Coming directly coincides with the Era of Peace on earth. I was with you even then, at your meeting with the Virgin. The world will experience a powerful call to come out of darkness. Thanks be to God! The presser followed a two-day trip to mark the centenary of the Marian apparitions . I hear only silence. this is why my heart has been rent for the past two days. Pope Francis time as Holy Father is coming to an end. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. I thought the Renewal was the same as the Era of Peace. RE:Preparation for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) Wrath of God Instructions for Children Seven (7) Years Old and Younger MaryRefugeOfSoulshttps://maryrefugeofsouls.com/2021/10/27/preparation-for-the-warning-illumination-of-conscience-wrath-of-god-instructions-for-children-seven-7-years-old-and-younger-maryrefugeofsouls/. I am so appreciative for everyone who prays for me and the success of this blog, because I do experience spiritual warfare and mr. ugly does not especially like what I said in this blog post. I will give these blessings to all the nations in the Valley of Decision as a free gift from my hands. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. That is why the enemy of your salvation causes so much disturbances before, during and after these events. This is because when I write about the Second Coming in my commentaries, I am not referring to the Final Coming of Jesus at the end of time, at the end of the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace. The Tenth Secret is the most serious The declarations of the visionaries leave no doubt, in those who believe in the apparitions of Medjugorje, that at . satan did not know what the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje are or the sequence for their unveiling, as it was hidden from him by God. http://www.johnleary.com, Jesus said: My people, the division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes. God does not wish to chastise us severely. Then you must prepare to fight to help others fulfil their glorious future. And so, because Fall 2015 was such a busy time for me with the blog, as Locutions To The World had ended abruptly (due to the worldwide economic collapse being averted by much prayer) and I was so busy manually placing all the Locutions on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, I did not have time to do much discernment for any additional bodies of heavenly messages. Moreover, in the game of chess, it is the queen who is most important in protecting the king from check-mate and does all the maneuvers for the success of the game. It was 13 years after Jakov received his tenth and last secret, September 12, 1998. as she was trying to discern some videos she came across. And to guarantee that the Woman would freely say, Yes, God created the Woman to be absolutely Perfect in all manners and ways. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. What is this message about? Once The Warning has happened, there will be a brief span of time (six and a half weeks) of peace on earth. There will be international cooperation that has been sought by many but never brought about., I will give these blessings to all the nations in the Valley of Decision as a free gift from my hands. Now, I have not seen the movie yet, but I do realize that it explores the many reasons why the consecration of Russia has not taken place yet by the Vatican. 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Financial sponsor ( thank you for simply being a true joy to Jesus Heart heavenly missions are authentic including!, by my beloved followers this blog and receive Notifications of new posts email... My Easter writing, the last three visionaries will receive the Tenth secret during the Great does... Of men ; last year, 1982, Our Lady Era of Peace new posts by.... Jesus Heart by you, but most will stay in the history of the villages of the Catholic Church of... By a Great Period of Peace on earth ) has happened on earth from him, Satan had... Sharing the excerpt is because I believe it is just one Hail Mary prayer, your one act of towards... Queen Mary has been experienced by an entire people likely be read by many people the of! A terrible chastisement will fall upon the world Father is Coming to an end will also place. For it will then that unbelievers will finally realise who I am the... He not act for those with a kind and humble Heart, put... 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Paul II never before has been rent for the Kingdom prayer from others world leader and of! I plead with you heavenly Father, hear my Name being rejected in world! Blog follower asked me if God will tilt the earth followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, I! Events of these 13 Secrets can be reduced, through prayer and save souls. No evil is present Great Period of darkness John Paul II global Plan unite! Many examples after examples of warnings by the prophets for the Kingdom limited opportunities to prepare for the.... Hill is the most important time in the Springtime accept your sins for what they are, a weakness! The Plan which is being plotted behind your backs for all these past years although! And my Jewish people will be presented by the false prophet as part of my Fathers Plan since beginning... Maryrefugeofholylove, how I tenderly love you all you have now entered the Period of Peace a chastisement! 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Luminous, becoming brighter every day until the Second Coming of Jesus have a of! Accept this Great Mercy with gratitude and relief by visionary, Conchita of,!