As I said, its very casual and it wont drive anybody crazy mad. Youre very in touch with your femininity and I even feel like you might be quite girly. They will think you are very good at improvising in every situation. If youd like a personalized spread, my tarot services can be found here xx, If youd like to support me and what I do, please consider buying me a coffee , Interested in what June holds in store for you? This is basically the opposite of the previous pile. its usually a positive card and its energys able to protect you from the energy of negative cards. Some of you may have a big age gap and they mightve known you since you were a baby. Let me tell you something, they faced a lot in their lives and they worked their asses off for those money you see. I see a white coat as well. Pick a card Messages from you Soulmate Pick a crystal you feel drawn to and find your message. Instead you are meant to learn from this experience. It reminds of a situation of peace and clarity. They speak so nice, they are very good at putting their thoughts into words. Youll think this person is someone who will step on people to get where they want and then be like Magic. They are actually someone very strong and very loyal who will want to help you a lot some time after you meet. The feelings here are very sure and very deep rooted, its like you two are best friends. When you are being authentic, thats when you will find the people that you really are meant to spend your time with. I'd love to exchange readings with you one of these days :D! Dragonflies represent flexibility, movement and positivity. And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! If youre a teen and this is your case listen up: go and eat something, eat whatever youre craving, drink whatever youre craving and go with your friends outside when your parents arent watching. Idk, you have a way with words. They think they can go through thick and thin with you. I feel like most of the people who chose pile one are either teens, either very hard working adults who struggle financially at the moment. You may have only realized later how important they were to your life. I will ask you to not choose any more than 2 pictures because things can get confusing. Leo 8th house: fears related to self-expression in general, standing up for yourself, being extra, taking leadership, vanity, feeling confident, expressing yourself through art. Ask your sister for advice if you have one. I see someone constantly getting into random fights with different individuals just for the sake of fighting. The Magician, 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups, Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, Ace of Swords, 10 of Swords, 9 of Swords. I had issues with myself. There is an energy of innocence, and you may have been separated through a family move or change of schools, things like that that are completely out of your control. Sex could be very healing for both of you. If you enjoy pick a cards or tarot readings, you have likely heard the terms soulmate or twinflame. Theyll think youre someone very emotional, who tends to take things to heart quite fast and react at the same time. Your person sees you as someone Who went through countless hardships regarding money and health. At first I was afraid I was petrified// Oh no no, I will survive!// I shouldve changed that stupid laugh is what stands out for me lol. Pluto in 5th house: heal your relationship with your inner child or surround yourself with children, give yourself the opportunity to act like a kid again, work on being spontaneous and less shy, express yourself through art and theater. I have prepared three separate readings in 3 piles. If you would like to get more information on your relationships and soulmates, be sure to purchase a reading from mehere , Some of you may think Oh, what an interesting birth mark!, Death, 2 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Swords, Ace of Wands, King of Wands, 6 of Wands. Hi my loves, I hope youre having a lovely day/night, whenever you see this! Not gonna lie, this person sees you as someone they imagined to have a family with. They will bring a lot of positive change into your life and will fill your world with joy and happiness. My point is, you dont need anybody to feel free, the only person who you need in order to feel free is yourself. You create your reality & your can always change your perspective on life. Take a couple of deep breaths and using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and get a glimpse into what someone may be feeling and the energy between you. You have me for example. You need to focus your energy into working with yourself and convincing yourself to believe that its ok to have feelings. Their physic will be the first thing youll notice about them. This is mostly for entertainment and it may answer some questions you might have about the type of person who might have a crush on you. Once, in my class, I was with other 2-3 colleagues (who I just met since it was a new school) and two of them had a convo about idk what subject I knew the answer to, so I got into the convo and told them what was the answer and one of them got aggressive and said smt like oH wHY Do U gEt In PeOpLEs bUsiNesS because I can and because I want to. Yall this person is really funny. Listen, people are random, you are people (I know Ill get hate for this; I dont mean to sound rude, sorry). . Even when youre crying, youre beautiful too. Can be a farmer or someone you used to have a crush on while you were young. They now respect you a lot. How will you find your soulmate Pick-a-Card Reading Hello and welcome to today's reading. Right now Africa(by Toto(shhh I know Ive mentioned this song already 4 times but its one of my favs)) is playing. I like this confusing, dreamy vibe you two give off together. Person A is afraid of person Bs rejection and person B is afraid of person As rejection. Hi guys! You could have placements in 8th house in synastry or something similar. This is an update on my "who will you marry video" as . Dont, youll only dry yourself. You always hesitate to speak up, thinking everyone will judge you, but for nothing. I really hope they treat you well too , I choose 5 for me but I feel like you are describing me and 2 for my friend, What is Your SoulmateLike? They will have this need to protect you or take care of you but you will be like No I dont need help, Im fine.. Hi everyone! I just thought of a possibility. It seems like you are on a diet or a journey to lose weight and you feel a bit overwhelmed, some of you might actually starve themselves in order to lose weight. Spirits can be quite scary if you let them cross a certain border, but overall if you stay with your guard up it's okay. 5 of Swords, 7 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, The Devil, Queen of Swords, Hanged Man. They are someone who has high chances of working out, they love to have a toned body. The Moon (XVIII) : Its a card about fears, insecurities, danger and lies. Before we get started, I believe that we have multiple soulmates; people who we are meant to learn from in this lifetime and beyond. Theyre going to suffer from a bad mental health, mood swings and emotional distress. They are very calm and they feel free to do whatever they want. Youll think theyre a weirdo and will try to distance yourselves. The card Inner Temple is calling you to devote yourself to your path and stay true to yourself. They look very serious and they dont normally smile and might not even smile at you for quite some time. You guys seem to have faced a lot of bad and a lot of good by yourselves. With three out of the four tarot cards being Pentacles, your soulmate may be an Earth sign or have a lot of Earth energy in their astrological chart. The masculine energy takes a very protective role in this connection and its very sweet coming from their part. You guys seem to have issues into communicating whatever you feel like you need to communicate. They are independent, idealistic go-getters! THEIR FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU: 9 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Magician. I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations// Oh, all my friends are turning green. First, I think the most important thing is to accept and move on from the past. Your future spouse is someone with leadership qualities whos also very just with people around them. May it be their soft side, may it be just an attraction. I sense that this person is going to be extremely strong and with a deep personality. feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox! Right now Im having a drink with some friends. This conflict will get solved by them actually. You will already be together when this fight will occur soI guess its an eye opening experience about your spouse (?). Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. I believe you will catch them off guard. You need to tell your crush you like them because most likely they will like you back. They are also someone very hurt and will hate to cry in front of others, including you, but will be there for you to give you emotional support. just thinking about starting to sell tarot readings, birth charts and energy works at super reasonable prices on Ko-fi, Ko-fi link: a tarot reader and astrologist with 7 years of experience!I love connecting with people, especially through tarot! They can manifest themselves in anyone you want, as long as you both desire to have each other. I feel like pile 1 will get into a fight with their future spouse because there will be some sort of misunderstanding about a certain theme. Your future spouse doesnt seem to be a very spiritual being or they tend to have very fixed thoughts about their beliefs and will most likely call tarot or astrology bs and it will trigger you for some reason. Take your time and a couple of breaths, and use your intuition to pick a group (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). On that note, Id expect this person to be impulsive and determined - assertive and goal-driven. Do you know Connor from Detroit: Become Human? This person seems to spend a lot of time in their head and could have a tendency to be a bit of a worrier. Its not necessarily a bad card, its always associated to an unexpected event, in a good scenario it could mean love at first sight. I get the feeling that some of you might have speaking issues and you might not be able to express yourselves the way you want to express yourselves. You may also be very caring towards small creatures in general, possibly children too. Dont marry young, I beg you. Remember that we are in charge of our own lives and we need to be careful who we chose to marry. A change will shows up into your life at the right time. So before we begin, this is a pick-a-card reading, meaning I have prepared 4 different readings for you to choose from. In this pick a card reading, we will try to channel the name of your soulmate (right!). Take a break, breathe and then start building your walls against the ones who want to mess you up. Maybe youre not really that curious to know about what their first impression of you will be, but rather how they are like as a person. They are someone who had many choices romantically and also has been through many relationships before they met you most likely. I see genuine friendship. Take a moment, flex your intuitive muscles when focusing on your Sacred Soulmate Or Divine Partner to learn more about your shared energies. North-East Africa and Nigeria popped out in my mind. Really anxious. 7 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, The World, 3 of Swords, Page of Pentacles, The Chariot. Violence plays a big role here. It announces a time of personal growth, self discovering and connection with your truer self. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. More submissive. They might also have that stalker vibe. So sorry this is a day late, I was very busy with studying yesterday, but I wanted to get this reading out as soon as possible! Using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and see what else your spirit guides wish to tell you, We get physical check-ups routinely (or we should), so why not get a feel for how your energy is doing as well? They would also have a sharp nose. Their face has very warm features. Youll think theyre a player or something like that but youre gonna be totally wrong. They might look like that if theyre a man. Are you guys that wild? If youre a beginners I also suggest you to read tarots and oracles together, especially if your tarots reading is not positive, oracles are able to suggest you the deep and spiritually meaning behind a negative results or what youre supposed to learn by a failure. Maybe theyre just new. Its referred to something thats going to happen pretty soon. Here are the four piles you can chose from. I believe they mightve gotten cheated on in the past and now they became very controlling with you and they will want to know where Goddamn you are, EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE, which isnt convenient for your independence and your way ofbeing. I get big sub vibes from this person they might be a coworker or a colleague youll have or you already have. I am gonna enjoy some time with my friends and you idk, do whatever youve been doing. Right off the bat, this person gives me major sagittarius/virgo vibes. Just after, you will become strong and you will be able to feel more free. Im sorry if I dont sound romantic enough. This individual oozes earth energy! 1. Pluto in the 10th house: find your goals and work hard to achieve them, you can heal your wounds through a carrier that makes you feel happy and aligned with your highest goals, you need a lot of structure and to work on your approach to responsibility. It could also mean that youre not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings its signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). Choose one of the pictures from above and think of someone you have a connection/relationship (romantic/platonic) with. I sense that this person could be prone to conflicts and moody but theyre always going to excuse themselves with you after every fight. You seem very proud to that reader and your future spouse will love you a lot. hello, my beautiful lovely followers! This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. Theyre literally gonna be like do I know you?/did we meet before? And youre gonna be confused. It could be referred to the internet. Apple wiggled her index and her thumb, hovering over the cards held out before her and chose one to her right. Im going through a massive change in my life right now. The future looks bright and friendly. They are independent, idealistic go-getters! You are allowed to be sad after something horrible is happening but remember that you need to put yourself together. Its related to a bad situations, feeling trapped and problems that cannot be solved for now. I love astrology, tea, tarot cards and girls , astrologer and tarot reader with 8 years of experience, by @sacerdotessa on tumblr | @sacerdotess4 on IG. Look, the feelings are mutual and this can get very far and very beautiful, but I feel that, right now, its not the perfect time for it. The situation in unstable and it generates anxiety and fears. I truly enjoy giving advices and sharing my spiritual gifts with others! They might be someone who was raised in a wealthy family but who didnt get enough emotional support from their loved ones. So take your weapons and become that one person youre wishing to become and stop pitying yourself because it doesnt help. This person is very intellectually-minded as well, and may have interests that seem a bit out there - astrology, metaphysics, or things related to science-fiction. Theres not much to be said to be honest. Your person thinks that you are a soft and beautiful individual. and I totally forgot the lyrics before I searched it up hahaha. As this is general, just take what resonates with you. This is where I got that they will be already in love with you. Its time to take your own life in your hands and believe you can make those wishes come true because you are very capable of doing so, you just need to work hard and believe. They may be soft for you. I am normally a strong and steady person but at the moment I feel like I cannot be myself. capricorn vibes here. You wouldnt expect them to be the type to think every partner they have is their soulmate. These placements describes your personality, your ego, how other people perceive you, your inner world and how you deal with your emotions. I see a couple of plus size women choosing this pile. Youre in denial and I feel like you should just leave this connection, but because those cards show your connection in the future, I feel like you wont leave this connection. If you are asking if youre on the right path the answer is yes, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but youre going to overcame all the obstacles. I realised how childish I am and tbh, Im not willing to change anything. Are you experimenting repetitives situations in your life? I heard Im here, its ok from your energy so you might be someone who tends to take t on he mom role in your friend group. They dont seem to have an opinion about you, but you sure have a big impression about them lmao. This person is someone really good looking if you ask me but they tend to act very childish. This is the reading for you! I feel like you had some minor misunderstandings youre worrying about but its alright, because your person is open to communicating. This is going to be a really emotional and deep relationship. Whether this separation was in this lifetime or in another, it was very difficult and hurt for a while. There are 5 piles today. Mercury conjunct Venus: it could be similar to Gemini Venus, these people could like to adopt an androgynous style or be attracted to androgynous people. The complexion they have is likely to be fair or olive. Something about them is very caring, maybe youll get to see a soft side and youll be shocked. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read.. I see 5 years between you haha. Before we get started, I believe that we have multiple soulmates; people who we are meant to learn from in this lifetime and beyond. Its extremely insightful and accurate! Theyre going to be an empathetic and sensitive, theyre always going to be supportive toward you and your goals. The connection looks very good overall. You can find a twin flame or a soulmate in any person you choose, because your destined person already exists in spirit/energy. You mightve known this person since kindergarten. They are indeed too childish for you if you dont give them a chance. Hope this helps or is entertaining to read! Ive been listening to music, do you like rock and jazz? I knew one of the piles was gonna have some deep karma related to the relationship. Pick one of the pictures from above to get a message about how can you feel more free. RUN. I smiled ngl because this is just the type of fight which makes you smile. Nah baby, you got the jock, sorry to pop your bubble. I feel like you are the most easy going ones from the entire PAC, (which I absolutely adore because that means no headaches for me hehe). They may have faced a difficult childhood and thats why and now theyre trying to protect every creature around them. They are constantly defensive, searching for random battles just to prove themselves theyre not weak. Your FS will see you as a fighter. If they do, make sure to take care of yourself first :) This pile felt so good, ah, I totally needed that kind of neutrality and peace. They seem to lack self mercy and they hate people to pity them. They may even really enjoy the chase and enjoy flirting with someone and watching them get flustered. They are working on things that they want to experience with you. Do you have a low self esteem? Even the song I hear is funny lol. In presence of bad cards, it could be referred to a dream thats not going to came true or false hope. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. Try them for a few months and then buy your tarot deck if the experience with oracles was positive! Youre a quiet person most likely and you hate to be the center of attention. Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: 12, This is based on my 6+ years experience into witchcraft . Fr, theyre VERY kind. You need to focus your attention on your own discipline and work with your fireness. Of note with this card is the charismatic nature we see. These observation are based on my 6+ years experience with tarot cards. Theres this douchebag/bitch who keeps on stressing me out and I fucking hate him/her. I also feel like you will be able to help them as well to open up and express their emotions more. Its a good card and encourages you to dream bigger and to trust the universe. *If it doesnt resonate with you thats because there are no messages here for you! They could be quite nostalgic, cynical and pessimists, they need someone who's going to cheer them up. They may also ask for your help a lot, I just heard a soft, deep voice(?) Your person may not have been ready then to go all in on a relationship, or maybe they figured you would be better without them. It doesnt matter who youre with, you will experience challenges with anyone. Open your heart to love and allow yourself to experience this connection. Go and spend some time by yourself, go and rest more because I sense that most of you guys have issues sleeping and falling asleep. 6.1K Followers. The Star (XVII) : Its all about dreams, good luck, protection and hope. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . Now Im not saying that it cant last forever, but ofc, there is still so much more to see and feel. It will take some time to open them up and might seem serious even then, but let me tell you how loyal and caring they are.. If you dont want to tell your feelings then write them down because holding them in wont help you with anything, they will become just a burden.. Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. They like to travel, explore new places, sing/dance/whatever to express themselves. Do you like someone? They seem to empathise with you for some reason, maybe youve been through similar situations in life and they totally understand why you feel the way you feel. This reading is for someone specifically, idk who, but this person will see this post in about 3 months or so. Btw, you might meet online or come from different countries or at least, be very far from one another, 3 of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of pentacles, Ace of swords, 6 of wands, 5 of cups, The Emperor, 2 of pentacles, Your future spouse has been through a lot in life. Okay, I cant say anything more, Im feeling like Im questioned by the police., Your future spouse seems stuck in a toxic situation. They are someone with a very balanced energy. You might know this person through your family or known them for at least 1 year at the moment theyll confess their feelings. They might want to marry you the second they fall for you. You need to make more friends and gain support from them while you work hard on those dreams. It suggest you to believe in yourself and in your ability to create something new. Ill use different card decks to tell you everything you need to know. Find the podcasts on the tumblr below, and also here: We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. Your soulmate is going to be an old fashioned lover, sweet, romantic, intense and devoted. You need to focus all your attention on feeling good when you fail and be more confident. Youre going to try to explain to them that its not the case and that they should stop doing what theyre doing but they might pull the but I love you bby scheme on you, dont take their bullshit. This pile is the easiest so far because I dont see any screaming/offending lol. I guess I shouldnt have worded it that way. Im afraid to risk everything I have. I think I dont need to get into more detail since the answer is literally what I just wrote a couple seconds ago. If you already have met them, I feel like you will be able to pick up where you left off easily. Michael/Michelle or Richard, Mary, Jane or Marko or Vlad. They are calculated af, but tend to be very paranoid as well. Ill interpret your descendant persona chart (its an astrological analysis about your future spouse or about what kind of relatioships you tend to attract). a package where i channel what you can do to love yourself more and what your spiritual guides would love to say to you.