. Hebrew did not have capitals. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. Spirituality and spiritual growth authors tend to capitalize any word that to them represents a higher concept or God: Universe, Gratitude, Divine Love, Universal Mind, Consciousness. he, him, his, you, your, etc.) What are the different English Bible versions? That way, people know you're talking about God, not some pagan deity. But notice that while Heaven is capitalized (since it is an actual place), I dont capitalize There or It when referring to Heaven, e.g. Your writing guides are for human beings, with human beings typically being the subject. But, God, which conveys an idea, not a thing, is strictly singular. When referring to God should he be capitalized? this other does. well most of the time. On 2/10/2014 at 1:51 PM, ayin jade said: I use capital H. Some versions of the bible use it. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? I believe inconsistency occurs when we go off course from its original plan. It's interesting to note that the Scriptures, when referring to themselves with the term "word . in my books with other publishers, Ive gone with their policy. The word my and other possessive pronouns (your, his, her, our, their) often indicate that you should lowercase the title. Of course, its every individuals freedom of choice! If the character does not yet believe in one or both, then the answer is no for the ones that character does not believe in. He went on to say that He is Lord God Almighty, which means He is the one all-powerful God. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Only if the parakletos or helper were known to be a person could the use of a gender-inflected pronoun justifiably be used in English. Non-fiction publishers may follow CMOS or may use a genre-specific style guide. See also H.quotation marks. You will find that at times, especially when you are likening other books to the Bible, you do not capitalize the word bible. 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. Capitalizing pronouns that refer to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a way of honoring God and showing esteem. For example, the group of people, the classroom, or the girl are all common nouns. I have been taught (in ELCA seminary) that the word LORD, presented in the Hebrew Bible in small caps, represents the ineffable four-letter holy name and so should be capitalized. If discussing gods like the Roman or Greek gods, there is no need. rev2023.3.1.43269. With that in mind, it follows that God is not offended if we do not capitalize pronouns that refer to Him. Somewhere along the line I picked up the habit of capitalizing He, His, Him, etc. Of course, I would never agree to Christ or God not being capitalized. Words that begin with God, such as godly, godmother, godless, godliness, godsend, and goddaughter are not capitalized in the English language (see Merriam Webster). CORRECT: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Heb. But sometimes when my pad is acting up, or when I am in chat, I just don't bother. There are always questions about grammar and capitalization when it comes to God. I provide professional freelance manuscript assessment, copyediting and proofreading services for writers of Christian fiction and non-fiction books, stories and articles. The phrase oh my God has become more and more common over the years. are also capitalized. Write Tip | How to use Colons and Semicolons, Writing Tips | Tips for Writing Younger Characters, Book Review | Hook Your Readers by Tamar Sloan. You likely know that all sentences begin with a capital letter. Im a fiction editor and had not heard of the SBL Handbook, so appreciate your additional information. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Capitalize the pronoun "I." Capitalize proper nouns : the names of specific people, places, organizations, and sometimes things. We only capitalize the "G" in the . May 29, 2014. for novels set in Victorian England, but not Roman Israel). I have had to fight to get Heaven capitalized in my books, arguing that it is a proper noun, and just as real a place as Saturn or France. New Zealand publishers may also use it, as although its not new (2002), its considerably newer than the local equivalent, which is 1995). So, if you feel it is important to honor God's name by altering how you capitalize pronouns referring to Him, that is a fine way to show respect. Not God. If we go There or Without a doubt, It is a happy place! Only the actual word Heaven is capitalized, and industry standard is similar with pronouns referring to deity. (EPM has chosen to capitalize the pronouns in our self-published books.) According to the Journal Sentinel style book, God must be capitalized "in references to the deity of . However, I've also been taught that pronouns referring to the unity or diversity of persons of the Trinity are not to be capitalized. I do think there are more important things to discuss. @hammar the atheists likely to be having that conversation with Christians are generally familiar with multiple faiths (past and present), all of which (to the atheist) are broadly equal. Or sometimes: g-o-d. By Emma Green. Answer (1 of 6): Should I capitalise the words: god, Satan, devil, angel, satanic, heaven and hell? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Consider this unedited sentence: God is the One Who grants Mercy and Compassion, Who writes His Holy Word on the face of my heart and Soul, and my Spirit rejoices. Each of us must follow his/her own conviction and each of us should refrain from judging those who take a different viewpoint. Using my affiliate links means I get a small payment, but you wont pay any more than if you accessed the site directly. - Do you have feedback or suggestions on how we can improve? I picked up the habit years ago of capitalizing "Him" and "His" when referring to any person of the Trinity. In the original languages of the Bible, capitalizing pronouns referring to God was not an issue. Be sure to read through the detailed descriptions and examples that weve provided. The debate over whether we capitalize He/Him when talking about a member of the Trinity isn't without merit. in my books with publishers, I've gone with their policy. The monotheistic god of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the same and is referred to as God, the name. For example, "Simeon The . September 17, 2012. Of course, I would never agree to Christ or God not being capitalized. Im relieved that I dont have to use those pesky capitals any more. We can see that the exchange is a bit more clear if we use a translation that capitalizes "He": Exodus 3:4-6 (NASB) The NOSM (like CMOS) grew out of the need for the Oxford University Press to have a consistent view on style for their publishing business. Atheists don't believe in the existence of. With these words, Jesus was saying that everything is about Him. "God" functions like a personal name in this instance. Thank you for your comment. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This is used for academic theological writing (in conjunction with another guide like CMOS or Harts Rules). It is neither right nor wrong to capitalize or not capitalize pronouns that refer to God. It's the same for my church body. In case youre in a hurry here are the quick answers: In monotheistic religions (religions that have only one God), God will always be capitalized (also read: When Is Bible Capitalized).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'faithfulteaching_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithfulteaching_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Reverential capitalization (Chicago Manual of Style 8.95) occurs when an author or text reveres a subject and capitalized the pronoun that refers to the subject. Thank you. Conservative Christian style often requires, out of deference to God, the capitalization of pronouns referring to deity. 5 Why do we need to capitalize the word God? Updated on September 30, 2022 Grammar. So thats one vote for not capitalizing deity pronouns but the author can decide. Some Bible translations capitalize pronouns referring to God, while others do not. Dear Editor | How Long Should my Novel Be? The Chicago Manual of Style, The Society of Biblical Literature, and Associated Press style guides, state that he, him, his, and so on shouldn't be capitalized even when referring to God. He's going to have a talk with Father.) The name is used every day in literature, prayer, and even pop culture. Frustrations. Learn to revise your novel in two weeks (even if you dont know where to start) so you can stop procrastinating, start revising, and reduce your editing costs. It only takes a minute to sign up. Each reference to faith, no matter how secular, includes a reference to God or religion. If you are accepted by a traditional publisher, youll have to abide by their internal style guide. I was taught that we capitalize deity pronouns as a matter of respect and honour (dubious, as Ill show below). Capitalization became trendy when lots of Nouns were being Capitalized for Emphasis (a trend which rightly disturbed grammarians). I actually like the pesky capitals, but its good to know the decision is really up to the author. Why is it that God the Father is alone capitalised in the third person? I agree, but its the publishers choice. as in example? When it comes to Jesus, it probably doesn't pay to overthink it. Aethelwine ( 42964) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . Its always changing, and thats why applying old rules to contemporary writing sometimes just doesnt resonate. I was also taught in school to capitalise these pronouns as a sign of respect but had noticed it is no longer common. Reverential Capitalization. If you capitalize pronouns that refer to God to show reverence for His name, fantastic! Study now. That can sometimes mean leaving God lowercase when it might confuse matters. So, who is right? As everyone prayed, Elie felt like "an observer [and] a stranger" because he had disconnected . Capitalization is the recordation of a cost as an asset, rather than an expense. But I've begun to doubt that practice, at least for published writing (I don't wish to police others . Style manuals refer to pronouns such as He, His, Him, and Your when referring to God as deity pronouns. Usually you don't capitalize after a colon, but there are exceptions. Each of us must follow his/her own conviction and each of us should refrain from judging those who take a different viewpoint. I asked my teens if this was something they were taught in school, and they said no God isnt mentioned in their state schools. I also like this answer fromGot Questions: Many people struggle with this question. Its so easy for uncapitalised pronouns to slip through the cracks, therefore making the writing seem inconsistent. What are the 10 rules of capitalization? Since this isnt in scripture, you shouldnt take or add from THE BOOK, but use other scripts as given by God. The same rule applies to the name of a music group. On our website and blog, and on social media, we usually capitalize pronouns referring to deity. Should the words "Him, He, His"be written with a capital H when talking about God? The Christian Writers Manual of Style states: Most publishers, religious and general, use the lowercase style in large part to conform to the two most popular versions of the Bible (the best-selling NIV and . The NASB and NKJV do capitalize pronouns relating to deity (introducing something which is not in the Greek or Hebrew, I might add). Over the years, questions have related to the writing in Hebrew and whether Gods name should ever be written. If Gods Word is daily at home in your heart and mind, your writing will take on a perspective, and an air of solidity and permanence it wont have otherwise. However, in all of the earliest copies of the Greek New Testament, the text is written in all capital letters. God is capitalized when it functions as a name. This answer is: Its fascinating to learn that originally it was less about respect and more about emphasis. Yes, the major style guides prefer that personal pronouns referring to God are not capitalized. Many atheists use a lowercase 'g' while Jews, Christians, and Muslims always capitalize the G. Who is right? "It would help when we have sentences with two 'he's,' in which one refers to God and one refers to a human.". Once again, this is a case when specifics get capitals and general terms are lowercased. But I appreciate the post and I hope to see you all one day. I regularly find experienced English speakers using the word god incorrectly in their writing and misunderstanding the difference between a proper and common noun. Its the generous support of our ministry partners that enables us to continue our eternity-shaping work. (You can get an idea about what ancient writing looked like by reading this history of the pilcrow.) What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? If your talking about a fake god or gods there the lower case g gods. So is . The Christian Writers Manual of Style says (p145): Thats another vote for telling us what people do. You probably know you should capitalize proper nouns and the first word of every sentence. Altho I usually wont mention it to them. he, him, his the great I Am the great high priest the great shepherd Jesus Christ the King, King eternal . 3 eternal God Eucharist Exile (biblical event) But they also allow for author (or publisher) preference. Continue doing so. Just like to give respect or not give respect, to choose life or death. Believers also capitalize pronouns (like he and him) when referring to God. If you self-publish, you get to choose. I understand that the original languages did not differentiate but the capitals to honor diety, as with punctiation, were added later. When interacting with atheists, I try to avoid capitalization unless it helps make my point clear. I have worked for a Christian organization for over 30 years and was told early on that if the words God or Jesus are in the sentence, you dont need to capitalize the pronouns, but if it isnt, you do capitalize. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I never would have stopped doing it in my books if my publishers hadnt changed their policy. Likewise I always capitalize Christ, which is the title of Jesus of Nazareth. February 10, 2014 in General Discussion. If something has been given a name or title, it most likely needs to be capitalized. Why do we need to capitalize the word God? Again, this is not a right vs. wrong issue. This article will provide you the answers to spell it correctly. That may well the case, but the rule shouldnt hold true for all historical fiction. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria. The Bible says the hardest thing to tame is the tongue (Or in this case typing fingers haha) I only wish to come off Christ-like and be more like Him and spread the gospel. Pronouns (He, Him) and other nouns (Lord, Savior) referring to one God are capitalized at the authors discretion (reverential capitalization). The English language accepts god(s), as used here, as either singular or plural. Why we should not capitalize deity pronouns. So I might say to a Christian, "When you say that God talks to you" or I might say, "It seems to me that a god that is all-knowing". Aren't we Blessed to have a God that loves us and loves us to talk about Him? Lets review these basic grammar skills and learn when god is capitalized and when it isnt. I John 1:5-7. Im thinking about this because the use of whom has come up several times recently in the editing of my blog posts and book manuscripts. Zondervan (publishers of the New International Version of the Bible) recognize that the major style guides dont address many of the style issues raised by those writing for a Christian audience, so they publish their own style guide (written by Robert Hudson). It is a matter of personal conviction, preference, and context. Over the years Ive been asked my opinion about authors using pen names. I dont like it. Those are hardworking, but godless people. And he said, "Here I am." Then he said, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.Exodus 3:4-6 CWMS points out that (despite popular belief) we dont capitalize as a way to show respect or honour. It does not store any personal data. Summary. Few people, however, know when its the right time to capitalize the God and when it shouldnt be capitalized. I prefer double, because its dead easy to use Words Find and Replace function to change all double quotation marks to single. Capitalise names, don't capitalise nouns. Also, its a symbolic respect in reference to God widely accepted. Comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews, Glad to hear I am not the only one. The old practice of capitalizing pronouns of deity has been done in very few Bible translations historically, and was abandoned by most Christian publishers years ago. Please spell and capitalize as shown below. Capitalization Rules in English | Quick Guide & Examples. Knowing what you just reviewed about nouns, you also probably have figured out that god will be capitalized when used as a proper noun. Thanks for the catch! The reverse isnt so easy, because a lot of apostrophes will be changed as well. In most faith-based literature youll find that nouns and pronouns are almost always capitalized. or the common noun is being used as a title (e.g. Of course, I would never agree to Christ or God not being capitalized. And I think youre right in that a lot of readers still expect to see He and Him. (Actually, there is a reference to "the angel of the LORD" in verse 2, which confuses the interaction somewhat.) That means the capital "G" is a must. I personally like to use it but I dont get huffy to those who do not. 1. At first glance, the rules of English capitalization seem simple. Language is dynamic, not static. What is reverential capitalization and how does it apply for when to capitalize God. Some Bibles do not capitalize certain pronouns because their translators felt that doing so was not an accurate translation of the original language. It is a matter of personal conviction, preference, and context. Some, believing it shows reverence for God, capitalize all pronouns that refer to God. Throughout this article, there are detailed explanations for when God is capitalized. One rule might be to switch the case depending on whether his humanity or His deity is in view. In Greek, there were capital (upper-case) letters and lower-case letters. 7 Do we capitalize the the in the Bible? The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when "God" is used to refer to "the one God" (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Should section or chapter be capitalized? he him; male and female created he them. the Almighty author of our faith bread of life Christ, the Christ the comforter the Creator the Divinity eternal God the Father God, God the Father the great shepherd the Holy Spirit. I capitalize when referencing God (I.e, He, His, Maker, etc.) Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. Hey, capitalising pronouns when talking about a god is pretty bad grammar. So, who is right? But where it's not possible, i.e. Interesting topic. Wiki User. Jesus was quoting Asaph, who arguably was speaking on Gods behalf, in the 82nd Psalm, gods, here, is obviously plural. 10 capitalization rules everyone should know Capitalize the first word in a sentence. Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best? Moreover, it is the style followed by the New International Version (NIV) and English Standard Version (ESV),as well as by our denominational magazineNew Horizons. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. That includes Angels since we are a little bit lower than they. The monotheistic god of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the same and is referred to as God, the name. If referring to a particular god, you write God, as that is his popular name. The subject came up about using capitalization for words referring to God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the I Am, the Man Eternal and the Trinity. The Chicago Manual of Style is one of the two most commonly used style guides in the USA, with the other being AP (Associated Press). Yes, I'm scared. It would appear odd for Jesus to refer to himself as Me in a biblical novel at the same time as his enemies were referring to him (Him?) A proper noun names a specific noun. Hope this is a helpful addition. Acceptable comments policy for Christianity Stack Exchange. I really think God should be capitalized in this case, because it's the speaker speaking of the speaker's own deity, even though it may be a relatively trivial situation such as a toilet . The Kingdom awaits! So you can either capitalise deity pronouns or not capitalise deity pronouns, but choosing to capitalise some and not others isnt consistent and could confuse readers. This is out of respect for God. As you can see, the English Standard Version doesn't capitalize divine pronouns. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. I do capitalize Santa though. This is a matter of language convention. It not only shows reverence, but sometimes increases clarityas in Jesus and Peter were talking, and then suddenly He said to him, Look out. But where its not possible, i.e. . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word god. The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when God is used to refer to the one God (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized. God is an important part of Western society. But I may very well may be wrong. To summarize the proper noun/common noun usage, I think the easiest way to handle the situation is to capitalize the word god when it is used as a proper name as the name of the god of a monotheistic religion, such as the god of Christianity or Judaism, and not capitalize it when it is used as a common noun:. But its a subtle way of reinforcing Christian themes and the way God changes us. Common questions are when is God capitalized and should godly be capitalized? Words that describe God's attributes should be capitalized. However, dictionary.com says "God" refers to "the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe. Pronouns that refer to God (He, Him, His, etc.) Why aren't pronouns referring to God capitalized in some Bibles? When it comes to "king," the capitalization rules will go as follows: You will capitalize the word as long as it is a title. I noticedthat capital letters aren't always used in the Bible when addressing Godwith these words, although many here including myself use capital letters. Great post, Iola. Helping Christian authors achieve their publishing goals. CATHOLIC PRAYER: DO YOU BELIEVE? If youve been impacted by our resources, we invite you to make a year-end gift before December 31. Those who capitalize God's pronouns often do so out of a sense of respect, desiring to give God honor over regular people by showing that even a pronoun of God is worth elevating. For example King James Bible, Gideons Bible or Hebrews Bible. Yes, capital H every time. AP/The Atlantic. With that in mind, it follows that God is not offended if we do not capitalize pronouns that refer to Him. But rules are rules. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. I argue the same for capitalizing the New Earthif we capitalize New England, why not the redeemed creation that Scripture calls the New Earth? 16 related questions found. Capitalize formal names of Bible sections: Old Testament, New Testament, the Pentateuch, the Torah. Answer: Capitalizing pronouns (e.g. This remains a common practice among people of faith, but it is by no means obligatory. Continue doing so. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. So one might refer to either "the Greek god of war" or "the Hebrew God". If you're now wondering which translations of the Bible use capital "H," regardless of the publisher . When god is used with an article, that is usually an . Others don't see it as necessary, whether they hadn . As a Catholic, I capitalize everything remotely concerning Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit out of respect and will always continue to. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. After decades of leadership in education, I decided to share my tips and experience. They also lacked other typographic conventions such the modern system of punctuation. What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? The reverse is almost impossible without a careful proofread. It occurs when you use the person's name after the title or use a particular reference. @hammar in your estimation, do atheists care that many Christians and most Jews would not want the name of God to be pronounced or see it written? When people form a group and give it a name, it should be capitalized. There are good reasons to use "He" and equally good reasons to use "he" to refer to Christ depending on context. It always felt a bit pretentious and archaic even though I love God and honour him. This is pretty common among atheists. Id prefer we keep grammar simple and let it be one rule for all to remain in consistency with its original intent. Its also shorter and easier to read than CMOS! Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? The number of distinct words in a sentence. It started feeling odd to capitalize the deity related pronouns in my latest work and I think your post and the comments have helped me. Is it appropriate to capitalize pronouns referring to Jesus Christ? I argue the same for capitalizing the New Earthif we capitalize New England, why not the redeemed creation that Scripture calls the New Earth? Moreover, it is the style followed by the New International Version (NIV) and English Standard Version (ESV),as well as by our denominational magazineNew Horizons. In phrases like for Gods sake, by God, and thank God, the word is capitalized because it generally refers to God of the Bible and treats the word as a name. The name is used every day in literature, prayer, and social! I appreciate the post and I hope to see you all one day King James Bible capitalizing... Lacked other typographic conventions such the modern system of punctuation name should he and him be capitalized when talking about god this instance of... And context that he is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and Islam the! Also like this answer is: its fascinating to learn that originally it was less about respect and common. They hadn another vote for telling us what people do given by God capitalization it... Grammar in an accessible online format should ever be written with a capital letter to the use of the. Habit of capitalizing he, His, Maker, etc. being the subject therefore making the in... 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