MP: Id like to talk to you now about what happened when you refused to join the forces. Muhammad Ali was not only a boxing champion, he was a championship talker. One judge was so outrageous he gave Frazier eleven rounds and I only won four rounds - and even the least boxing fan would know that was totally impossible for me just to have won four rounds. And yet to more people who care little about sport and even less about politics, hes one of the worlds great entertainer. Its real savage. My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. Im not crying. We are all the same. The Puerto Rican, Hawaiians, just about everybody can do more than black people and are more respected. Muhammad Ali died Friday at age 74. . As thousands of people mourn Muhammad Ali at his funeral in Louisville, Ky., NPR remembers his 1963 poem, "I Am The Greatest." (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING . And here are two men, fighting each other and they bleed and hurting each other. MA: Well, I have a poem. I was 21 years old, I was the Olympic champion but I hadnt started talking yet. I'm so mean, I make medicine sick. Mariano was the best slugger - I would say street fighter. And I was so nervous and thought, boy, he sure talks a lot. MP: I believe you when you say you dont hate anybody. Later I found out that this man worked for the show. I said, Somethings wrong. And from then on, Ive been a Muslim. Of course, he had a strange job, beating people up. How do you feel about Hitler sharing yours? But I just try to stay half way decent looking. I recognise them and they recognise me. JEFF POWELL: Muhammad Ali's presence surrounded and pervaded us at the preview of 'I Am The Greatest,' the new exhibition about his life which opens on Friday at London's O2 Arena. Voila! Because I look at two other men fighting and I think, I must be a fool. z|i.D;cZJa/*/\yPdD'EC9KR"oV#r?%&MUlo6L@,zse&}Bt6&9!vj^s2ojN^F+ #(gXxdW JuycU(&=b:^U=+AVz![o~=MF6 e]mF[CYP9.i%o5|fd?Y3#%{ai5!QRA1fY\~5eQm =#dp2]3:+S-A8?o[-e~]#]@EOZ_YoTa=#` PDwEh{o("/v9]p:Tc8gzKg neSi:) \_(9l\1"g:PE}FWs{tq|Q`e]Wo\rxgS!f I did not use the word pacifist. Right after Joe Frazier, while he was still resting, I fought James Ellis. I was told your budget was kinda low and you dont pay too much. When you were a kid in Louisville, did you get involved in fist fights and things like that? Im just in the galley working and I never could get up to see the captain of the ship. But it's good that he's being allowed to work again, as you know he couldn't work for three years. Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), the deposed world heavyweight boxing champion, told an anti-war rally at the University of Chicago on May 11, 1967 that there is a difference between fighting in the ring and fighting in Vietnam. MA: I need to get everything straight. Angels are white, the Pope, Mary, and even the angels. I said, Mother, when we die, do we go to Heaven? She said, Naturally we go to Heaven. I said, Well, what happened to all the black angels?, I said, Oh, I know. (2:58) A sweeping biography of one of the greatest and most provocative athletes of all time"a life that needs to be understood whether you care a whit about boxing or not" (The Boston Globe). Like when youre in a car, when someones turning corners and youre kinda on the edge and watching. All kinds of things set us back, but life goes on. Required fields are marked *. It aint no despair. I'm the boldest, the prettiest, the most superior, most scientific, most skillfullest fighter in the ring today. And theyre going to prove it at a bar. MA: Oh were much different. "Don't count the days; make the days count.". The BEST Muhammad Ali Inspirational Speeches. So I wrote a poem and Im going to close with this: Get all the boxing & MMA updates you need with our Mirror Fighting email update - sign up here. And you cant take no Chinese man and give him no Puerto Rican woman and talking like theyre in love and emotionally in love and physically. Cassius Clay can sing, but singing didnt help him to become the heavyweight champion of the world; swinging helped him become the heavyweight champion. I did it to Floyd Paterson, I did and I did it to George Chuvalo, I did it to Carl Miltenberger, I did it to Henry Cooper when he started bleeding. ALI: Then someone with color - someone with dash - brought fight fans running with cash. I dont have to do that no more. They must look at him and think hes fearless of everything. Whys he so nice to me now? Said they were going to slice the guards face but there was no guards face sliced - they just wanted to kill back people. Im getting more praise and credit for doing what Im doing now on this show than coming here and beating five of your English champions. Boy, hes the complete opposite to me. How come the Chinese can go where I cant go in America? When you say separation, what youre saying is that black people must do something for themselves and not always beg white people to move in to their neighbourhoods. II pCphP.%43{!w%A$qfr|-_.r\CK>W|;Jx&Q(&4QJY$/TR&N_=yO4"yzQFLtK@B~2M>>aD&l'4$V@,)HB\g>vi[)"bA*sOReme"xe.tWl%ex-VO2[-i~v+jElQX June 4, 2016. And Im not going to deny I believe everything he teach and for white people in the country who are not devils, then they should prove they are not devils. (1942-2016). But if its something I want to be with, the people who started it were black, I wouldnt not get in it. One fella stood up, looked at him and said, boy, he needs a good whoopin. And he reached over and took a keg of beer out of a mans hand and threw it in the mans face. I loved Muhammad Ali, he was my friend. I was just joking - I heard hes a pretty good upcomer. You might dispute that. Which is five times the population of the United States. But he would take his time and had sharp, hard punches. MA: Who am I to say he was the devil? But America still dropping bombs. Pakistanis love their culture. And the angel fruit cake was the white cake and the devil food cake was the chocolate cake. Who would have thought when they come to the fight. It's a dare. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. Was John F Kennedy a devil? On June 3, 2016, the world lost a champion in Muhammad Ali. 3 0 obj Not only do I knock 'em out, I pick the round. In Korea they werent bad but they still dropped the bomb. MP: You mentioned that you wrote poetry other than boxing - do you ever write about this other side of you? We had a local TV show called Tomorrows Champions, which comes on in Louisville in Kentucky every Friday at six oclock. And I had to leave that restaurant in my hometown, where I went to church to serve in their Christianity, my Daddy fought in all the wars. MP: When is your first recollection, as a child, of being a second class citizen? ", "Now the things that once were so effortlessmy strong voice and the quickness of my movementsare more difficult. MP: But you refused to go and fight in Vietnam, was it because you disagreed with the war in Vietnam or because you disagree with fighting generally? The world has lost a legend. So many people of all races and nationalities. Some of Muhammad Ali's children have found their own fame. God made us different. Favorite quote:Id like for them to say he took a few cups of love, he took one tablespoon of patience, one teaspoon of generosity, one pint of kindness. Things are getting much better, but I always wondered when I went to church on Sundays. He is the greatest! Period. Number one: We dont want to stir up the people. If I told you that the clothes you have on wove . So, in 1971, Ive had just about five fights and Ive go three more planned after Buster Mathis. Ellis has got a family, hes an ex friend of mine and he wants to live too. I dont do that. And the Africans have been there for centuries and they cant talk to the animals. With the help Yahoo! Muhammad Ali, The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey. Back to all quotes. But weve been there 600 years and there aint no peace between black and whites because the cultures are different - like the Chinese and Mexicans cannot integrate: the music is different, the eating is different. "After a 32-year battle with Parkinson's disease, Muhammad Ali has passed away at the age of 74. And Elijah Muhammad was taught by Allah, who we refer to as God, to teach us the truth that will free us. They kill all our leaders. Press conference, March 9, 1971, following his defeat to Frazier, quoted in, "The Silent Warrior", dedicated to Joe Frazier and his family, p. 112, Poem composed in 1963 prior to his match with Sonny Liston, as quoted by Bill Traughber in "Brash Clay waxed poetic in 1963 visit to Nashville," Nashville's. But usually m on the spot with my predictions and some people really gamble and bet money on the rounds I say. When I came to the stage on election night to give my acceptance speech[, a]fter thanking my supporters, I'd said this: (At the time of the episode's airing, Muhammad Ali was known as Cassius Clay, so the use of the fighter's name is likely a coincidence even though the two later appeared together in the comic book. Muhammad Ali - "The Greatest ". And I said, Momma, I dont want no milk and honey, I like steaks. I said, Milk and honeys a laxative anyway. I hated every minute of it. I dont wish for nothing like that but I feel that things are too quiet. What moves him to call me up here?. Ali replied, "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat!" % That's the funniest joke in the world. And I went downtown that day, had my big gold medal on, and went in a restaurant. You been hearing about how bad I am since you were a little kid with mess in your pants! The government wanted him to. Muhammad Ali turns 70 today and the boxing legend has his fair share of memorable quotes. Muhammad Ali was a global superstar when he was interviewed by Michael Parkinson in 1971. When really theyre not happy because she got some Puerto Rican music, hes got him some Chinese music and theyre going to be clashing all the time. True Muslims know or should know that it goes against our religion to try and force Islam on anybody. Just thing about ten hundred people - that makes me nervous. MP: Can I ask you, you see your place very clearly as an athlete and this particular dispute weve been talking about. Tell me when Im wrong. Repeat that question. But people talk about fighters dying and how brutal it is. The same people will give me hell if I turn to them and say, lets free my people now. He put in a book how bad he felt that he had let down Frank Sinatra. The Frazier fight was seen by ten hundred million people. I was baptized when I was twelve, but I didn't know what I was doing. I admit I lost three rounds - playing around four rounds. Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 42 and died in 2016 at the age of 74. MP: But youre involved in a political struggle, a power struggle, between black and white and youre a leading member of that. They lie too.. Something to think about, aint it? Im not ducking and running from nothing. Muhammad Ali discusses . Im invited to all of their homes all over the world and Im invited to Muslim countries. I always wondered why Tarzan is the King of the Jungle in Africa, he was white. I had to go to see what he would do - would he win or lose? MA: What do you mean pacifist. All rights reserved. Website created by ThreeSixtyEight. MA: If Im attacked, fight like hell. World-renowned for his confidence, charisma, and will, he was a source of inspiration for many of us that needed a figure to be their champion. They used to always say I was a second class citizen. And Id have whooped the world for America. Introduction. America. It was 1967 when Muhammad Ali refused to . Where you psyche them out. Are you fearless? No I dont pay it attention. ", "It's just a job. Muhammad Ali enlivened many of his news conference and training sessions with poems. I must be the greatest. Ali told anyone who would listen that those honors belong to Sugar Ray Robinson. I asked how much money was I getting, you know, for taking up my time. Even Floyd Paterson, who condemned my Islamic religion and didnt want to call me Muhammad Ali and said I shouldve gone to the army and I should be in jail. 212 S 14th Street, STE B, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. And he said, If I lose, Im catching the next jet out to Russia. MP: If it ever came, and God hope it never does, into a war between black and white you would fight then? I was lucky, from the age of 12 I had boxing talent and was good for my age. A character, a comedian, and a sometimes poet. Also remember that when presenting information, rhythm and timed pauses are key to retaining an audience and delivering an impactful message. He won the first, lost the second and won the third. He took one quart of laughter, one pinch of concern, and then, he mixed willingness with happiness. His good Roman Catholic boy Floyd Paterson. And when we land, would I be able to get my life raft out? No woman on this whole earth can please me and cook for me and socialise and talk to me like my American black woman. He's got speed and endurance. Identifying you as property of certain masters. Muhammad Ali. I think were all brothers - thats the truth. Impossible is nothing. Courage Historical Speeches Power Strength Muhammad Ali History Sports. Today its time to stop singing and start swinging. When Im in the ring I dont worry about nobody being that good to really hurt me. I showed the world. And what am I going to tell you? Id rather be reading to my own: I have a beautiful daughter, beautiful wife. Skip to main content. I'm retiring because there are more pleasant things to do than beat up people. Then the publicity after the fight said he had to spend four weeks in intensive treatment at the hospital he took such a terrible whooping. Takeaway: In this interview, Ali provides a great take on how he wants to be remembered in life after hes gone. No sir. I have to help the dope and prostitution problem. Cos the war got unpopular and so many black militants were trying to do all they could. MA: Mostly by Rolls Royce. Three bouts. So I kept working until I did it. Instead of making the audience hear about his plans of retirement, he turned the moment into a teaching moment on the things that truly mattered to him. But the white people of that time, if one had five slaves and his name was Jones, they would be called Jones property. And I always asked my mother, I said, Momma, how come is everything white? I said, Why is Jesus white with blond hair and blue eyes? Look at my beautiful blond hair. MA: I dont fear for that. We also wanted to listen back to Ali himself - his humor and his voice. It lasted six days but I sung four songs and there were critics, seriously, in New York who said that my part was perfect. The boxing champ talked of his childhood questioning his mother why everything deemed good was always whiteand how he related the story of how, his conversion to Islam and how, after he had won an Olympic gold medal for his country, he was still refused service in a restaurant because of his colour. But if I couldnt fight I would still not be fighting. I was the one who heard the truth. Here 5 Of The Best Inspirational Speeches From Muhammad Ali. January 10th, 1957 April 4th, 1968 The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is founded to help work for full Ive been on planes flying through thunder storms when the pilot says, ladies and gentlemen, we tried to fly around it but we cant so its going to be rough. Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? I'm pretty. We don't have no more influence, we can't do nothing much at 65, your wife will tell you that. Ali first met Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad 's chief disciple at the time in Detroit in 1962. But the people didnt know. Now Ali lands to the right. MA: During my time, my era, things have changed. Im sure we all have this built-in radar of what we predict and when it happens, we feel I knew it. And he threw a jab, and thats what did it. MA: I believe in the holy Koran. Its been declared a pacifist movement. MA: I dont pay much attention to it. Hes got family, hes got children. Never. To me, as someone whos interested in sport, hes without doubt the most beautiful and complete athlete Ive ever seen. I mean, if hes crazy enough Ill give him a chance. Tony Galento was a little heavy-set fella who hit real hard to the body. So anyway, I was always curious. Soon this will be old news. We dont hate nobody. Wer not going to be the aggressor. The average I hit him was four times to every one he hit me. In an age when the demarcation line between sport , showbiz and politics has become blurred, hes a prime example of a man who is an athlete yet he represents so many other things for so many other people. MA: Well, yes. MP: Were you in a gang as a kid - were you running with a gang? People got lives to live, bills to pay, mouths to feed. Because they were kinda dangerous. He took one quart of laughter, one pinch of concern, and then, he mix willingness with happiness, he added lots of faith, and he stired it up well, then he spreads it over his span of a lifetime, and he served it to each and every deserving person he met. Dan Angelucci: 'The Best (Best Man) Speech of all time', for Don and Katherine - 2019 Hallerman Sisters: 'Oh sister now we have to let you gooooo!' for Caitlin & Johnny - 2015 Korey Soderman (via Kyle): 'All our lives I have used my voice to help Korey express his thoughts, so today, like always, I will be my brother's voice' for Kyle and . I fought Jerry Quarry, gave him a chance. What about other black athletes - in particular Floyd Paterson. No woman can really identify with me and the way I act and the way I talk. ", "I'm not the greatest. ", "If Ali says a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask how. Known to be one of the greatest speakers to walk this earth, he used confidence, passion, and rhyming verse to communicate his points. Boxing great and cultural icon Muhammad Ali died Friday after a long battle with Parkinson's. 8. And in Madison Square Gardens 1000 people couldnt get in, just to watch one man. Black men - one might be the president. The little ugly duckling was the black duck, and the black cat was the bad luck. If my mind can conceive it; and my heart can believe it then I can achieve it. I really care nothing about boxing. I'd like to borrow his body for just forty-eight hours there are three guys I'd like to beat up, and four women I'd like to make love to. And I always wondered why I had to die to go to Heaven. IXl@T BC`)3Ml=g=3lV~R6X3AIr ]79U w8IK"# c~a}U#[v>Ku=o J1Ghf=43P' is3zqM6M^pA)_]NE]P1%'mc%;-&N_`v@)zEHzW /+pDMXLT Do they have a lot of bathrooms in Heaven?. Ali recognizes that for all the horror of slavery, it was the transmission belt that brought Africans into the orbit of Western freedom. When asked how he felt about the suspects in the. I respected him then, and I respect him now. Copyright 2023 Big Fish Presentations, All Rights Reserved. MP: Yes, I was going to ask you about what attracted you to leave to the Muslim faith. And at that time, things werent integrated. 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