So I researched what it was and what happened. Feng Shui is a new concept for me and I am fascinated by it. Thank you. Design: Light & Dwell. They have similitude with smoke. It is getting to be more than I can take. Theres no need to worry about it! If your son doesn't have any sleep issues, then he's ok. From my experience, most young people doesn't have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. Is this still considered bad feng shui? Thanks a lot Just a small question, got 3 small decorative round mirrors with scallop-designed frames. I have a situation I wanted your guidance on. Convex Bagua Mirrors Reflect Negative Qi Away, 20. When it comes to a mirror facing the bedroom door in Feng Shui, the item itself is associated with fire. The mirror is also on the west wall facing north. 8. If youre really concerned, one way is to get a smaller dining table. Under later analysis the image in the mirror showed a woman in an old style dress coming down an ornate staircase, two open doors with a tall man in a black suit stood in this doorway with his back to the scene and a small child with a toy or doll looking up at him. Hi Amy, Yes, that is totally fine. It can be a good thing. My backyard large door is towards the northeast direction with a beautiful view. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some would recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. -Victor. MY neighbor that lives exactly across from me has placed a beautiful Square mirror right across the hall , facing my front door. Please note that these guidelines are for mirrors in general and not only mirrors placed facing an interior door. My question is, should I put up the mirror in direct line with the energy or should I just put it to the front facing the energy or over the door which does not face the energy directly, but is perpendicular to it? Now, if this is an angel, then there is nothing to fear.However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. We just bought an old big mirror that would be perfect for one wall but it is facing a small walk way and the front door. If we push to have it moved then, mirror will be too high since we need to avoid the light switch. Hi Terence, Your placement is ok. Not good or bad. Theres nothing wrong with having a mirror at the foyer or close to the front door. It increases the size of your vault and your ability to hold wealth. This will bring you to a point of restlessness, and it might disturb your sleep. Is it a good idea to hang a mirror right next to the front door? Hi Monica, Thats completely ok if the mirror is not cracked. -Victor. Now, if this is an angel, then there is nothing to fear. If I sat at one end of the sofa, I am not reflected in the mirror. Is it good Feng Shui to have a mirror facing a window? The front door is very important in all the schools of feng shui because it's how energy enters your space and life. Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. This will give the impression of an infinite series of the same . Or what about those who usually eat in the family or living room while watching tv? If I were you, I would keep those mirrors because they make you feel better! If not, try placing it in another wall or placing an art instead of a mirror. This is two opposite walls of hallway. It depletes personal energy and creates sleeplessness. Hello Victor. Is it okay? Victor, we also have an open floor plan with a corner of the brick of our fireplace more than 5 feet away from the front door on a bias. Other than that, I dont think theres anything wrong with placing it behind the sofa if it abides to all the other rules mentioned here. If this is the case, you are in good shape. Hi Terri, I have not heard of that rule no mirror on South wall. It is also believed that mirrors facing bathroom doors can impact the health of people living in the house. Outside of the five elements system, mirrors can be applied strategically for their reflective qualities which can invite, expand, enhance, and amplify and/or minimize qi. -Victor. Each of them have different rules and uses. If there are any areas in the home where the energy gets trapped or doesn't flow properly, a carefully placed . LillithSanguinum 1 yr. ago. He has dropped in. Thanks! I keep reading not to use mirror which is symbolic of water to be used on the south side which symbolises fire. is not fastened securely to the wall, and you are worried that it will break or fall on you. As for fish, heres the article: -Victor. Based on the lucky and unlucky areas of a persons Kua number, if the kitchen is a lucky area, the auspicious energies of an individual will be suppressed when the mirror amplifies the kitchens negative energies. I have a mirror on west wall which reflects the dining room table but also a window where the kitchen sink is on east wall. Similarly, when you have two mirrors facing each other or hung opposite each other, they drive away energy reflection, which may result in negative energy. Why is it that the dead what me to know they have gone before their deaths have been officially announced? Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. This might have mental effects in the long run. Thanks, Hi Emma, The mirror placement is good. Well, I have a wall wide wardrobe in mine and it is all impossible to turn it around as it is built in and nothing I can do about it. Feng shui consists of five elements, each of which is said to have different impacts psychologically, ultimately affecting feelings of wellness and balance. With a mirror facing your desk, youll see the reflection of the work that needs to be done instead of looking at something else whatever the mirror is covering. Hi Victor, thank you for your great work! Face the foot of the bed away from a straight-on view of the door. Hi Victor, We have a large, round decorative mirror above our tv in the living room (NW). That is all I know except I have a deep desire to throw what I need in my car and leave. I tried to tell my relative but he dont agree. Much like the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side is a member of a ghost door (). Hi Svetlana, Mirror inside wardrobe is totally fine because you only see/use it for a short period of time. Also, my master bath has a mirror which faces the door so when the door is open, I can see one mirror in the other. It is believed that this will invite spirits to torment you in the night. I live in a cul de sac and my unit is at the end of it. One last question: you have mentioned that mirrors are bad notion in the kitchen. -Victor. . Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home. They were very helpful. Hello Victor, Thank you for the information. or it is good if i place it in my dining area on the north wall facing my small kitchen. Hi Victor, thank you for this article. Panic!!! It seems to me that hanging a large mirror in the dining room may be unlucky for those people who almost never eat in the dining room, if the idea is that the reflection of plenty of food responds to plenty of money. Hi Victor! Heres more information fromUncle Dixeronmaking the space of your front door area feel wider. Please share more details and help me out with the solution. Happy Chinese New Year to you! -Victor, Victor, I appreciate your reply and hope my pedestrian Chinese is up to the standards. I did see that one of the comments reply is to place plants and I have lots of plants should I be placing plant outside of my front door too ? -Victor. -Victor. I would highly appreciate your reply if you can help me.Thank you. Some people even claimed to have seen spirits walk into their bedroom through the mirror. Thanks as well. This is also the reason why many people will hang a mirror opposite their front door - to protect the home by reflecting back any evil or negative energies. There are a variety of superstitions, rituals and curios that are associated with the front door of one's home. If you leave this for long, it will lead to the presence of too many ghosts in your room, which might eventually lead to an abandoned room. Sending them a small gift/food would be a great start! I childhood school friend dropped in to tell me he had always loved me and to keep and eye on his boys for him. Now, light the white candle and the incense. The front door is about 6 feet away. I want to ask I have a Bagua mirror out side of my home placed there by a feng shui lady when my parents lived there. These are the things to look out for before sleeping in front of a mirror. This is a general belief in the African culture, and that is why it is advised to always cover the mirror, or sleep with your back facing the mirror. Therefore, dont sleep in front of a mirror that exposes too much light. Try it out and see! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Perhaps make it a necessary ritual to do something in front of someplace with a mirror in front. kita muki ni nete wa ikenai . but after reading more about Feng Shui.. it seems i did mistake.. When I moved here and was cleaning it fell off but I placed it back where it was is that ok? -Victor. This means you'll have unwanted beings and spirits in your house. I just purchased and new home, however i do have a street lamp on front yard. Just think if you was able to see and experience that then theres a special reason why. -Victor. I appreciate your guidance. hi I have a small living and dining room combined. We just moved into a new home. This will definitely compromise the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. This persons hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that. Therefore, if you keep a mirror in your bedroom, it will attract different spirits from the spirit world. Hi Cris, Both placement are fine. So strange. the last step of the stairs to the wall, the distance is 2 1/2 ft. Can you give us the cure? should I change my bed position? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mirror Facing Toilet Spreads Negative Qi . When the mirrors are installed correctly, a player who wants to summon a ghost will put his/her left palm on the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. ( Second floor plan in link below), Hi Tuffkins, The mirror is very far away from the main entrance door. Hi Eireen, I have no idea what your setting looks like, so my advice wouldnt be accurate. I will know exactly what Im suppose to say to them. There is another full-length mirror diagonally facing north, on a wall between the kitchen and the toilet door.It seems to reflect the most of the apartment depending on the angle (study area, living area, dining area, even the front door). What does it Mean When it Rains After Someone Dies? Hi Gina, Both placements are totally fine! Hi Lily, The mirror should be covered if it faces your bed AND if it bothers you. Thekitchen has negative Feng Shui energies, and that is the main reason why Feng Shui doesnt like mirrors in the kitchen. Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! -Victor. I am currently renovating my bar cabinet which has mirrors and its on the South wall of my 30th storey apartment and face my north facing balcony and reflects both beautiful nature( sea view with mountains) and some buildings. Thank you, Hi Sjan, Maybe just the one facing the stove, but depends on the distance. Is it good ? I Love Mirrors. I could hear my name being echoed in the spirit realm. However, that wall faces the stove which is about 20 ft away. Therefore, read on to find out more about this interesting subject. Hi Victor, What if I put the mirror in the small alcove on the wall perpendicular to the bathroom door facing the opposite wall; technically it is facing the front door but you cannot see the door in the mirror as it is at a diagonal to the door. A mirror was placed at the dining area. Im an artist, a painter, and I have a room in my apartment that is dedicated as my art studio. For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldnt face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways. -Victor, Hey Victor I have a beautiful mirror in my dining room that faces the windows and outside the windows is my neighbors house who is a very mean-spirited person. That, however, I have doubts on. Mirror Facing Bed Brings Sleep Problems? I have a great mirror just opposite the bathroom door and moving it elsewhere is not possible. Hi Victoria, For the bedroom door itd be better if the mirror doesnt face the bed when you sleep. How can i make the most of this room with so many doors and windows? Hi Jan, Both arrangements are fine. ? However, it is advisable to sleep with your back facing the mirror. Hi Joan, If it causes inconvenience and nuance, then its definitely not the right place. There is just one thing: the mirror shouldnt face the bed. We are also located on a corner at a Y intersection street and the beam/mirror is pointing towards the intersection. Thanks! Thanks!! Best regards, anka, Hello Victor, I have a mirror in my powder room. Hi Regina, For your sliding door to your front door, there could potentially be issues. Hi Jeannette, Mirror closet doors facing window is not a problem. thanks, Hi Mishi, If that door is not frequently used, theres really no need. Ive been wondering about this situation for a while and trying not to give it too much thought, however, I live in a rented semi-detached bungalow, orientated south, with the main door on the side of the propery ie facing north. "The front door is very important in feng shui," The Holistic Home author Laura Benko tells MyDomaine. To me, this suggestion is not really about Feng Shui. Or should I rather hang a multi-faceted round glass crystal (or three of them, aligned and small) directly above the first step of the staircase? Also this toilet is facing a front street of my house which also faces west. When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. However, if you sleep in front of a mirror, your soul will see itself in the mirror and might be scared. Mirror on the south wall in kitchen/diner facing stove on North wall? She seems very dark. However, it is not good Feng Shui to have mirror facing the bed. My spouse is 64 and I am 54, so no small mirror should ever be hung, or the shorter partner should just never be reflected? I have a large standung mirror. Im wondering if this is deliberate use of feng shui for good/bad or just ignorance? This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. When their landing light comes on, on the far wall, their have a large mirror faces directly back towards me and downwards towards my ground floor living room and kitchen. If the mirror is reflecting too much light, it will lead to nightmares. These are mirrors located anywhere within the house that face towards your restroom or bathroom door. -Victor, OMG.. what an awesome article.. 1. ,So I should remove any type of mirror from behind my couch no matter what shape or design it is? would you suggest dining room south wall or stairway , whats a better place for my rectangular mirror? Your suggestion will be appreciated. could this be a problem? Hi Lorna, The setup is not ideal. As for your owl, it is great as long as you like its placement. Benjie, Hi Benjie, Having your mirror in dining that captures your living room and the TV is fine. There should be a good distance between the two mirrors, so should be fine. Windows that are located on the east side of your home face the sunrise and allow you to start your day with a lot of sunlight. If your entryway is directly across from a window or other natural light source, a mirror can enhance that light and make your entryway feel more expansive. Yes and yes. Personally, I wouldnt put a mirror in the living room because its distracting. Hi Anna, Yea that is fine, as long as the mirror doesnt startle/surprise you or others living with you. Hi Derrek, Yes, I dont see a problem with that assuming youve understood the concept behind mirrors in this article. Therefore, if such a spirit is in your bedroom; placing a mirror there will simply activate the spirit. In my opinion, theres really no need to place another one on top of your garage door. Ill try to keep this short: I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. I have no where else for it really, and wondered if we hardly use the front door and often only use the garage side door to go in and out of the house, can I continue to place the mirror there facing our often closed front door ? I would like to put at end of hall outside of bathroom. It is not a portal for spirits or demons. Is this a bad placement for the mirror? Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? Technically, the mirror will face the window but its like 3 rooms length away. A mirror you find that you like the most is best. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. yards. A new broom is a common first gift to sweep away evil spirits. Generally, havingmirrors in bedroom are not a bad thing. The Beam generally directs/points outside the house towards 2 electric poles. Usually we close our main door. I have never been afraid when this happened. However, without light to reflect in the . 7 Superstitions, Why is it Bad Luck to Open an Umbrella Inside? That is because the mirror tends to double your workload. Hope you can share some recommendation how to correct it. -Victor. It acts as a gateway that allows them to come and go. As for the following night, make the bed if you want to . Cant hurt to try it. Traditionally, Early and Later Heaven Bagua Sequence Matters, 18. I have no dining room as such. Hi Michelle, Seems odd but shouldnt be a problem. Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. Therefore, mirrors are one the important objects with high spiritual energy, density, and volume. Sorry, I have a follow-up question. Hi Victor, I just love your article. Could it have something to do with the home I live in my natural father died in this house when I was 5 yrs old? Hi Cecillia, It is still advised to put the Bagua mirror on the top of the front door. Placing a mirror in the wrong place can bring terrible consequences to everyone living in that house. This will lead to depression, and in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts. Seems like your situation requires some human intervention! Observe the full moon with a broken mirror piece. I dont think it is their deliberate use of Feng Shui. -Victor. Is a Mirror Facing the Front Door Bad Feng Shui? -Victor. Which arrangement is better? That is the reason I am checking on a remedy. Moreover, don't ever place a mirror near the study table . Thank you so much. Some people gets startled when they see a mirror once they open the door. Good luck and remember we create our own destiny by how we think and speak of ourselves so you have to be positive to have positive outcomes. Therefore, it is best to stay away from sleeping in front of a mirror. posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:10 PM . Any advice form you will be worth gold. Thanks in advance! I have some very mean and ruthless neighbors that moved in next to me. The mirrors are not facing each other. Mirrors can be used in the stores to give the illusion of large number of customers and products. If I visit I feel like they cant wait for me to leave and my mother has no place in her heart for me. -Victor. It should also help with your lighting at the basement because of the mirrors reflective properties. thanks ???? Don't Sleep Facing North. Shall I put a round mirror (small) facing my house (and we see the mirror when we come out of the front door). I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. It is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will attract ghosts. Hi Victor, Thank you for this very interesting article. please.. . Plane Bagua Mirror can either collect or reflect, and it depends. So this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between. asking if its ok to hang the mirror facing the kitchen sink and refrigator . Im 60 yrs old and as far back as I can remember, I have always felt like there is some place Im suppose to go, someone Im suppose to meet and something Im suppose to say to this person. Here are some situations when you would not want to hang a mirror in any location according to feng shui principles. Your bedroom/chandelier/mirror relationships are fine. But this totally depends on your personal preference. As for altar, I would be careful. on opposite wall there is already family pictures. Maybe thats why we see movies where mirrors reflect spirits? Dont mind your neighbor. I have a very large mirror on the wall about 14ft from the back of my sofa., in the breakfast nook. Its not the front door so Im assuming its okay? Mirrors hold residual energy from all of the attention that we humans focus and spend looking into these objects, then the light bouncing back and forth between them can create a charged gateway, or pocket of free energy for Spirits to use to appear. However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. 1. But also, I have recently returned from China, where I spent few months of intense Tai Chi training (Chen Style). So, if youve ever wondered if it is ever OK to have a mirror facing a door in feng shui, youve come to the right place! Hello! Will those push good luck and energy away from home? Place it there youll be fine. Mirrors in hallways can get a little confusing. Any ideas? Hi Alexandra, No, thats not how you use mirrors. Please advise. Can the negative effects of this be neutralised by hanging a curtain in front of these? Youre in good shape. 7 Signs, What does Seeing Repeating Numbers Mean? Because of these factors, and their sensitivity, it is best to not sleep in front of a mirror. We have a square wooden mirror in the living room on the East wall facing the window to the garden and opposite a desk (but not directly in view) is this ok? Also, it is about 10 feet away so thats a good distance. They are to busy to even call me to say hello. I have a mirror hanging on the wall opposite my bedroom door, so when the door is open, its in line with the end of the hallway. Im curious to know if this would bring the negative energy inside. The distance fr. -Victor, Hi I have a question I have a mirroed dresser facing my bedroom door but is not facing my bed also I have my tv hang in front of my bed but you cant see the reflection of my bed is this ok also I have a large round mirror in my living room in my entryway facing my sofas and my babys pictures is this ok as well and I would like to hang a mirror facing my kitchen and my front door is this ok the mirror will face the door when is open but when I close the door it wont face the mirror. -Victor. The . According toFeng Shui Expert Gayle Smith, placing a mirror can bring energy from the outside, which is a good thing. Thanks. Step 1 - Touch your finger directly onto the mirror surface. -Victor. Hi Kristi, Yes, mirror facing garage door is fine if it doesnt bother anyone. The mirror also reflects the back gate and me when I come through it, is this okay? It doesn't necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. -Victor. These Forms can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others. I was already advised to place a bagua mirror on top of my front door, hoever, there is no space to place it there. Im not sure what kind of altar you have. You should always hang the mirror and not place it on the ground or table. These spirits are referred to as familiar spirits. However, there are Bagua mirrors that use the Later Heaven Sequence. -Victor, Hi Victor! In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. Have you ever wondered if sleeping in front of a mirror will bring bad luck or good luck? Is there any connection between a mirror and spirits. Can I get your email so I can attached the 3d image of my new house including mirror placement and all other stuff ? Saying that can we place a sofa or chairs in front of the glass block tiles? I already try to keep the door closed at all times. Thanks Victor. I believe that first thing one should do is to be aware and NOT go against their gut-feeling. That is one of the reasons why I suggest you seek professional help on this. Is any of these two options better than the other? However, sleeping in front of a mirror is delicate. Is this bad feng shui> One faced my bed the other to the side. -Victor. Or does the direction matter when placed outside? Is in your bedroom ; placing a mirror that use the flat Bagua mirror will lead nightmares... Tell my relative but he dont agree small kitchen I researched what it was is that ok a for... Just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that thats we... There could potentially be issues fine if it bothers you Qi because of its purpose not frequently,... Of large number of customers and products an artist, a painter, and you are in good.... Placed a beautiful Square mirror right next to me, this suggestion is not a problem that... 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