Officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), enlisted, male, and female. If the situation warrants, travel by total The platoon leader initiates the ambush with a casualty-producing weapon, such as a claymore mine or a crew-served weapon. Antiarmor Ambush . The platoon can perform any of the five functions. 3-16. through the normal chain of command. The teams check both sides of the road before the vehicles pass.. If so, the march leader submits a Department of Defense (DD) Form 1265 through the appropriate movement control center. logistics and supply operations are kept on time and arrive at the right place. One or more GS MP platoons operate the division central collecting point. 4-3. personnel relay messages between the crossing-area. A company conducts a tactical road march for relocating and facilitating rapid movement of the vehicles with a prescribed speed and interval between the vehicles. Regardless of which technique the gunner uses, immediately after he fires, he kicks the door in or pulls it out. To minimize vehicle congestion on the nearside of an obstacle, vehicle commanders and drivers must be alert and maintain the prescribed minimum following distance. Before, during, and after the ambush all elements must be able to communicate effectively with the platoon leader, primarily by using hand and arm signals. Once higher HQ has established local FP policies, leaders set Training and Doctrine Command provides guidance for the development of T&EOs which supports FM 7-0. The AS function consists of those security measures designed to give commanders freedom of maneuver and flexibility to conduct operations. As a CS asset, MP can assist a scout platoon by locating the enemy reconnaissance element, freeing the scouts or TCF to perform the killing function of counterreconnaissance on larger mechanized enemy reconnaissance elements. Forecasting requirements by analyzing and evaluating facts and trends to predict what may occur. A light infantry division is supported by three MP platoons. In such cases, a platoon leader could elect to set up a temporary platoon base as a rally point to report, resupply, and reorganize the platoon's resources. To set up at a new location, MP operate TCPs at the staging areas according to the crossing and traffic circulation plans. them. Figure 4-2. Preface (self-protection and breaking contact). army.miliportal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.41chav5.htm 112127/2004 Movement Techniques Each team is assigned a sector to observe, with sectors overlapping between the vehicles. MP performing AS contribute to securing and protecting the force and preserving combat power. All plans and overlays depicting MP support are forwarded to the BCOC. US military prisoners are physically separated from EPWs, CIs, retained persons (RP), other detainees (OD), and refugees. DODDOA-009775 Ensure that the position has more than one exit route and provides communication with the . .htm 12/27/2004 Specific tasks consist of two typescollective and individual. Apply brakes in time. As used in river crossing operations, RLs are used to delineate the crossing area. They- RLs are normally located within 3 to 4 Ensures that safety briefings are conducted and understood. It also works well at a sharp bend in a trail, road, or stream. Chooses alternate exits and marks them for use as emergency exits. Distribute Fire Thorough and sound operational planning is the key to successful combat and CS operations. STANDARD RANGE CARD train. army. I or right of the target. When done properly, the shotgun breach requires only a few seconds. The chain of command controls the column. ATP 3-39.4 encompasses techniques for military police platoons. Additional information and the revised HQDA Standard METLs are available on ATN ( The squad leader checks the range cards and the squad sector sketch for gaps or other flaws in the fire plan. MP maintain a strict chain of custody for all items taken from the EPW or the CI. Figure 4-3. 1815-1845 Issue an operation order (OPORD). The platoon leader keeps a reserve at the ORP. Generally, MP are tasked to observe specific avenues of approach or, more precisely, NAI. should recover them. MP contribute to the commander's overall combat power by integrating efforts with those of other combat, CS, and combat service support (CSS) elements. Table 7-1. 4-4. -Long and short pickets Although this manual includes a EPWs and CIs are segregated into the following categories: The platoon HQ can operate from a static base or vehicles. Ensure that the receipts for the detainees are ready for signing by the escort guards. 1-44. The supply section to meet space, roadway access, and drainage needs. 6-1. The The platoon continues to improve positions. combat resources. Prepare the new site for the main body's arrival. In addition, they can fire into areas that would be dead space for ground-level weapons. The principles for an antiarmor ambush are the same as for an area or point ambush. into a room before US forces enter. close column- The primary antiarmor weapon for MP is an AT4. Peacetime training must replicate battlefield 1-3 general orders. Azimuth and distance to the final-approach marker or the 8-digit grid coordinate of the final-approach marker that is entered into the teams Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. 4-100. This permits swift movement of the forces. In order to safeguard captives according to the Geneva Convention and Preparing alternate and supplementary positions. 1-40. http://ati am. DODDOA-009762 Within the bridgehead, the attack position is the last position before leaving the crossing area or bridgehead line. 4-62. forces. point. PLT la lAby be word he el typos Mimi Go wooers. There are three types of ambushes. Combat load is the quantity of supplies, in all classes, that the company must have on hand to sustain operations for a prescribed number of days. Additionally, nation and state forces (internal security forces and infantry-based and armor-mechanized-based armies) continue to present a global threat. As the enemy L-Shaped Ambush Formation . Select outlying ambush sites on the enemy's possible avenues of approach and escape Military Police Functional Areas The OPs/LPs, the primary means of maintaining surveillance of an assigned avenue or a named area of interest (NAI), are positions from which MP observe the enemy and direct and adjust indirect fires against him. 3-3. Change overgarments, overboots, and gloves without spreading contamination to the uncontaminated set of MOPP gear. Multiple Lanes (Two-Way Traffic) There should be at least one OP and one LP per squad. This lets the movement element close enough to assault the enemy before the enemy He prepares at least two copies of the range card, keeping one card at the position and giving one copy to the squad leader.. Fire on a gunner's FPL is its final protective fire (FPF). Identify goals and objectives with a recognizable end-state. 6-4. March Halts DODDOA-009831 The company must be capable of moving the combat load, using organic transportation assets, into combat in a single delivery. Responsible for supervising and managing the first-line supervisors as well as the soldiers within the squad with the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products when needed. The Army G-3/5/7 concurred with the recommendation and directed removal of SCTs from Standard METLs. Control. . Keeps the gunner oriented. 4-88. Remember to- Five Ss-and-T Methods Tosprepwartrermv UP 11.001C. his fire toward the most threatening avenue of approach that leads to his position. DCs are controlled to prevent interference with military operations and to protect them from combat or to relocate them to safety. /fin/3 1 9.4/chan6.htm 12/27/2004 Army Field Manual No. It shows the relationship between the task selection and its associated training events, to include recommended . The crossing force commander plans the river crossing operation. ANALYSIS, FORECASTING, AND RISKS Destruction Notice: None Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the training developers in coordination with the Combined Arms Center (CAC) foreign disclosure officer. From among the specified and implied tasks, essential tasks that are crucial to the mission's success must be identified. Allot time for adjustments in the schedule. Because MP resources are austere, the platoon only shares sector efforts on the base's perimeter. A squad leader has the same responsibility for the squad The size of such an Civil unrest or complete turmoil normally characterizes these Integral to mission planning is the analysis of mission requirements in terms of time, Range. Requests for permission go MP operate holding areas according to the crossing and traffic circulation plans and-. 4-47. MAEWR. The relationship between METs and their SCTs has led to some confusion in the Force in determining MET proficiency. Prepare the area for occupation and assist the units with occupation. An L-shaped formation is useful on a straight stretch of a trail, road, or stream. Link squads, the company CP, and the supported unit. The area to observe should be identified in either the reconnaissance and security plan that the platoon leader receives or in the OPORD from higher HQ. Five Ss-and-T Methods The challenge is to minimize the river's impact on the commander's ability to The MMS function involves numerous measures and actions necessary to support the commander's freedom of movement in his AOR. A unit can shorten the process if it fully understands the role of each step of the process and the requirements to produce the necessary products. MP traffic control operations give the commander the ability to make last-minute changes in the traffic flow or lane usage The perimeters of the enclosure must be clearly defined and understood by the detainees. march leader ensures that personnel are aware of and abide by the set lighting conditions Using the range cards, the squad leader makes a squad sector sketch. AUTHENTICATION Organically, MP support-to the IBCT is a two- person PM planning cell. reduced by battle noise, weather, terrain, and vegetation. 5-37. For -area coverage, begin with an estimate of one mobile MP team per 55 square kilometers. Hazard Detection and Reporting, Contamination Marking it easier to obtain supplies, transportation, and additional medical support from the DSA. The platoon has one critical wartime mission which is to provide MP CS to an The speed of the firing vehicle, the time of flight, and the angle of engagement affect the amount of lead required. Separate Setup Finally, tactical (mission) tasks facilitate clear communication and understanding in the orders process. US policy demands that all persons who are captured, interned, evacuated, or held by US forces are treated humanely. DODDOA-009825. METL stands for the Mission Essential Task List. River Crossing Control Measures train. - The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position to the flank. MILITARY PLANNING 4-12. DODDOA-009795 Ensures that the vehicles rapidly clear the approach route while maintaining vehicle. Alert. 4-110. Coordination with the BCOC or rear-area operation center (RAOC), as required. Ensure that MP can enter and leave their OP/LP without being seen by the enemy. These measures include the SP and RP, checkpoints, restrictions, speed control, halts, disabled vehicles, and mined areas. Select fairly secure locations for halts. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about DC resettlement. ew/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chaD5.htm 112/27/2004 6-41. During AS missions, MP conduct security activities around NAI; critical assets, such brigade HHC provides sustainment support for both the PM cell and the MP platoon. UNCLASSIFIED Operational Environment - Military Consist of the Afghan National Army and Afghan Air Force No Navy because the country is landlocked Main service rifle: AK- 47 Manpower of 14,000,000 . The UJTL also helps Minimal lighting reduces visibility from the air while it permits drivers to- Unobstructed observation of the assigned area or sector. Use infiltration- Even though the counterattack capability is limited, try to restore the perimeter. Refer to FM 90-10-1. Assign responsibilities and express expectations. The primary during limited visibility or in restrictive terrain. 1-48. Military Police. Platoons can continually improve base defenses by considering what avenues of approach and methods of attack the enemy could use, given the vulnerabilities of the platoon's base. Tag . sketch it. 4-8. Submits requests for support based on the forecast developed during the briefing. Identifies additional targets. Increase the manning posture of the base contingent on the threat. prevent allegations of sexual misconduct. space, and personnel. SP is provided to the unit. Do not locate OPs/LPs in such locations as a water tower, an isolated grove of trees, or a lone building or tree; these positions draw enemy attention and may be used as enemy artillery TRPs. squads lay hasty protective minefields to supplement weapons, prevent surprise, and give %. With the old battlefield missions, the term "operations" was used extensively and Reverse Planning Timetable PM advises the separate brigade commander on matters pertaining to MP operations. Assumptions must substitute for fact where information is not known. He usually coordinates from left When leading an area reconnaissance patrol, in addition to using troop-leading steps and following the general principles for making a reconnaissance, the patrol leader- The HN, when capable, retains responsibility for security of all areas outside US bases. different table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE). Requirements: An M240 Machine Gun, on a flat surface, with the bipod legs extended. Concertina .htm 12/27/2004 2-28. The international community, media, and public perceptions have increased MISSION ESSENTIAL TASK LIST. 12/27/2004 Vehicles should make only gradual speed changes while maintaining their prescribed interval. The priority of buildings to be cleared and the number of teams needed are based on METT-TC. .k. To use the box method (Figure 6-1), the leader sends his reconnaissance and security After confirmation of the Sample DA Form 1355-1-R. PATROLS When setting up a company site, the quartering party- Is needed to set up a perimeter defense. training: Retained property, such as identification cards or tags, personal property having no intelligence value, clothing, mess equipment (except knives and forks), badges of rank and nationality, decorations, religious literature, jewelry, and articles that have sentimental value. Conventional reconnaissance elements are usually squad-size or smaller. Traveling with at least two vehicles armed with at least one automatic weapon. Multi-Purpose Range Craft. MP may also be required to conduct response force operations or become part of the TCF. Passage of Lines Planning Concealing equipment from the sides and overhead. Picks roads and trails that permit an easy flow of traffic. The platoon leader initiates FPF as the enemy closes on the platoon's perimeter. Bases coordinate and synchronize their defense efforts to enhance their strengths and reduce their vulnerabilities. train. The six principles of stress are search, tag, report, evacuate, segregate, and safeguard. opportunities and limitations of the major terrain features, transportation networks, and weapon system engagement. 4/chan4 form117/7700114 The platoon's portion of the base's or base cluster's defense is to help provide early warning of the threat by area security and/or maneuver and mobility support in the area near the base or the base cluster. In urban areas, use existing latrines if they can serve at least 8 percent of the unit at one time. In all counterreconnaissance operations, the goal is to acquire, identify, and kill the enemy A stationary vehicle is more likely to be hit than a moving vehicle. 2130-2215 Conduct inspection(s). They collect detainees from the forward collecting points, then process and secure them until corps MP come forward to evacuate them to the rear. When attempting either technique, the gunner approaches the door from an angle, avoiding standing in the area directly in front of the door. MP have the capability to expedite the movement of combat resources, provide critical asset security and protection, conduct UR, contribute to force protection efforts through L&O operations, and gather and disseminate police information and intelligence. MP leaders must distribute the fires of their organic weapons to destroy or suppress enemy positions. MP are organized and equipped to conduct mounted operations. maneuver. 7-4. Planning a defense of a platoon on urban terrain is similar to planning a defense in the countryside. The fire team or squad clearing the room must achieve surprise, if only for seconds, by deceiving, distracting, or. 3. DIVISION MILITARY POLICE Ideally, the fields of observation of adjacent OPs/LPs overlap to ensure full coverage of the sector. http://atiam. 3. command . 4-7. During combat operations, the platoon is not organized and equipped to fight for extended periods unless it is augmented with indirect fire or close air support (CAS). Infiltration. Normally, civilians are not allowed to cross the river or move along the edge of the river during the river crossing operation. Control Measures Maneuver is the employment of forces on the battlefield in combination with fire (direct or indirect) or fire potential. Elements of the company reconnoiters the route to the SP to determine the times needed for the serial to arrive at and clear the SP before starting the march. However, the procedure must be followed, if only in abbreviated form. Report 10 enemy infantrymen (not an infantry squad). At company level, the commander normally uses the MDMP in a time-constrained environment without enough staff. 1-17. body or destroying it. The four methods used to conduct a zone reconnaissance are- Subcommittee on Department of Defense 1982 Department of Defense Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2005, S . elements. alACCia) faun hand The MP platoon in direct support of a crossing maneuver brigade, may be required to support the crossing without additional support. FM 25-100 , FM 25-101 , and TC 25-10 provide MP leaders with established training doctrine and assist the leaders in the development and execution of the training programs. platoon most often operates independently and dispersed over a large area. These measures include the SP and RP, checkpoints, performs its missions primarily mounted, taking full advantage of the high mobility Division Central Collecting Point MP receive EPWs and CIs as far forward as possible to prevent maneuvering units from being burdened with large numbers of prisoners. Obstacle breaching is the employment of a combination of tactics and techniques 7-1. Technological advances in today's operational environments have reduced the time available for decision making while increasing the possibilities that must be considered. Give copies to the unit drivers. soldier`s manual of common tasks (smct) warrior leader skill level 2, 3, and 4: tradoc: stp 21-cied-sm-tg: active: 09/28/2022: soldier's manual and trainer's guide for counter improvised explosive . The platoon leader organizes the platoon into assault, support, and security elements. battle area as quickly as possible. Silence Do not allow the captives to speak or let anyone speak to them. MP may conduct active mounted patrols to extend their observation It is unsafe and could result indeath. 4/chnri4 him111/11/9(inct Routes. When planning control measures for a passage of lines, MP leaders must consider the placement of the following: Stockpile water and dirt to fight fires. attack, although it may be difficult to control. quartering party, the work to be done, and METT-TC. may not always be possible due to speed and security considerations. This live-fire exercise was the culmination of a 96 hour evaluation throughout the Schofield Barracks South Range complex that evaluated the platoons ability to place timely and accurate indirect and precision fires with M777 Howitzer in support of 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division maneuver forces. (Refer to Appendix E for precombat inspection checklists.) An Army Audit Agency (AAA) report also noted the confusion related to determining MET proficiency. The goal of the plan is to store 10,000 units of blood, at key strategic locations throughout the U.S., for delivery within 4-6 hours. Leaders should use the appropriate MET training and evaluation outline (T&EO) to determine MET proficiency ratings without consideration of the SCTs. Chapter 6 DODDOA-009769 menu from which unit leadership creates the mission-essential task list (METL), which dic-tates the development and execution of a unit training plan. Disarm and segregate the wounded. Remove combustible materials to limit the danger of fire. "The role that we served prior was a combat MP role, which has a completely different mission essential task list (METL)," said 1st Lt. Patrick Slaney, commander, 172nd LED. This makes it easier to get supplies, such as water, food, and barrier material from the BSA. These sounds indicate the type of 4-38. Ensure that the SP is far enough away from the AAs to allow the vehicles to be organized and move at the prescribed speed when they reach it. Restrictions. Engineer Regulating Point . If the platoon leader determines that the platoon can not destroy the enemy, he- No Task Number Disaster Reconnaissance (Wide Area Assessment) METL Prac App 3 No Task Number EOC and SOC Augmentation METL Prac App 3 191-376-5144 Investigate a Suspected Impaired Driver STP 19-31B1-SM Prac App 4 No Task Number Prepare Dept. rendezvous point, information gained by each member is exchanged with all the other Starting configuration for the weapon will be: free of ammunition, on FIRE, with the bolt forward. Box method. Refer to paragraph 5-104 for more information about 4-87. 1 Receive and analyze the mission. * Army Knowledge Online. However, MP teams are highly skilled at Multi-Purpose Training Range . 4-114. Placing off-post facilities off limits during nonduty hours. If the company is deploying a platoon-size force to conduct a number of coordinated, related ambushes (an area ambush), the principles are the same. 5-29. Nationality, ideologies, and recognized ethnic groups are used for further segregation. In both cases, the leader must control the fire. .12/27/2004 One MP observes the area while a second MP provides local security and The commander sets the priority of movement based on the situation. 12/27/2004 Each of these MP functions have task areas and tasks that support them. Disabled Vehicles . Conduct a deliberate river crossing when a hasty crossing cannot be made successfully, normally when offensive operations must be renewed at the river, and when enemy forces must be cleared from the area. More precisely, NAI primary during limited visibility or in restrictive terrain squad clearing the room achieve. And Reporting, contamination Marking it easier to get supplies, such as water, food, and elements... 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