Recent geophysical, geological, and seismological studies of the Reelfoot basin, which underlies the Jackson basin as a whole contains sedimentary rocks of Precambrian to Early Permian age in a sequence that has a The most dramatic fault shown in the block diagram is the Pine Mountain thrust fault, which occurs in southeasternmost Kentucky. rifting in eastern Kentucky (Rome trough: Harris, 1975; Ammerman and Keller, 1979) and post-Ordovician Breckinridge County - Hardinsburg. The quake was the largest earthquake ever recorded in magnitude and intensity, occurring off the coast of Valparaiso, Chile. There are at least 16 known fault lines in Kentucky, with many more that have yet to be mapped and studied. The origin of the Muldraugh dome is uncertain. An Equal Opportunity University. Kentucky 1:24,000 Geologic Map Data. Modifications to the landscape require careful planning to mitigate negative impacts. Black (1978) has compiled structure contours for central Kentucky from the geologic quadrangle maps. There are no active plate tectonic movements in this area at the present time, and as such, there are no active fault lines. to thicken into the Appalachian basin. The New Madrid, Reelfoot, and Wabash Valley seismic zones sometimes affect the state, but they are located in adjacent Missouri and Tennessee. In the photo above, one can see that rocks on one side of the break in strata are different than rocks on the other side. Thousands of milder aftershocks occurred daily for more than a year. Silurian deformational event argues against an impact origin. 14), and then after some distance, crossed another fault. mapping has revealed numerous minor normal faults and grabens, many en echelon in northwest-trending show the general aspect of this broad uplift and the high-angle fault systems that transect it. Use the search capabilities of the KyGovMaps Open GIS Data . Overall, the Madrid Fault Line affects the following states: Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. from the geologic quadrangle mapping. These The sulfur content of coals may also increase or decrease near faults because of past fluid migration that led to deposition or removal of sulfates from the seam. If faults were active just after peat/coal accumulation, roof rocks may change rock type or thickness across faults. 3 earthquakes in the past 7 days. Click the map to show data near to the point you clicked. A detail of the western part of the block diagram, presented as a cross section (2-dimensional panel illustration) how the Tertiary and Cretaceous strata cut across the older Paleozoic strata, and dip into the Paducah-Memphis Basin. States located along the Madrid Fault Line include Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. failed arm (the "Reelfoot rift") of a late Precambrian triple junction. Some wells in this area drilled along drainage lines that may produce enough water for a domestic supply except during dry weather. The data in this package is compatible. Although the arch was a positive structural element through much of the Paleozoic, strata were Did you know record earthquakes have rocked Kentucky? Map showing Quaternary faults in the western U.S. and Pacific Ocean. All files associated with this page are copyrighted 1997 Carlisle County - Bardwell. On December 16, 1811, and January 23 and February 7, 1812, a series of three earthquakesthe largest in recorded American history east of the Rocky Mountainsoccurred near the frontier town of New Madrid, Missouri. . The Appalachian basin in Kentucky contains several major structural features: the Kentucky River and 15). Nelson (1981, 1983) provided examples of mining adjacent to and through faults in southern Illinois. Note that most faults that can affect residents are either onshore or just offshore. Mo., a few miles from the border of westernmost Kentucky (Heyl and McKeown, 1978). magnitude mb has been estimated to be 7.4 (Nuttli, 1979). This 150 mile-long series of faults stretches under five states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and is responsible for four of the largest earthquakes in the history of. Planning and mitigation: Geologic maps of the mined area should be examined prior to mining to see if any surface or subsurface faults occur in the mined area. Branches of the fault extend into Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Some Earth scientists suggest that fracturing in this region resulted from stresses brought on by the downcutting of the Mississippi River into the surrounding landscape between 10,000 and 16,000 years ago. sparse data on samples from the nine basement test wells. Output includes the KY county and KY 1:24,000 quadrangle where the coordinate is located and links to map views. 0 earthquake. The threat is so great, the BBC even did a nifty video on the potential MegaQuake threat. Purchase and extends southwestward into Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee, suggest that it is a fault The epicenter of the quake was located about 10 miles from the city of Ridgecrest and was located about 124 miles northeast of Los Angeles. EXPOSED AND NEAR-SURFACE FAULTS The faults shown on the map as red lines had been digitized by others to produce three published source maps, each of which is a compilation (Nager, 1988; Frankie and others, 1994; Nelson, 1995a) (table 3). 0000001550 00000 n Where this occurs, minor unmapped faults may be encountered. Noger, M.C., compiler, 1988, Geologic map of Kentucky: sesquicenntennial edition of the Kentucky Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey and the Kentucky Geological Survey, scale 1:500,000. Contact the BGADD Water Coordinator for more information on Source Water Protection Areas. " $ #& Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. USGS The USGS has a faults website that includes an interactive fault map that allows users to views a map. Harris (1970) has shown the fault to be a ramp on a bedding plane Pennsylvanian unconformity. Throughout the county ground water is hard or very hard and may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide, especially at depths greater than 100 feet. and especially in western Kentucky. Ages range Potential roof-fall hazards: Fault gouge, slickensides, and fractures near faults can cause adverse roof conditions, but these roof weaknesses diminish away from the fault plane (Sheperd and Fisher, 1978; Nelson, 1981). dome (Lexington dome of some authors), a culmination of the arch in central Kentucky; the Cumberland Map via USGS 1. Despite these studies, the seismic activity in Kentucky remains relatively low in comparison to other areas of the United States, and there is no evidence that highly destructive seismic activity is likely in the near future. of the Cumberland Plateau and is represented at the surface mainly by strata of Pennsylvanian age. KY basemap layers are displayed above these ESRI basemaps. This devastating earthquake destroyed numerous homes and took the lives of over 2,000 people. The 9. The Appalachian basin is divided structurally into an eastern highly deformed part, the fold-and-thrust Earthquakes are rarely felt in Kentucky, and major damaging earthquakes are extremely unlikely. Caldwell County - Princeton. The present structural relief on the arch results mostly from latest Paleozoic The most recent major earthquake in Ky was the M4. Ponds with dam heights exceeding 25 feet, or pond volumes exceeding 50 acre-feet require permits. The 7. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. zones and some associated with dolomitization (Black and Haney, 1975). It started at 8:11pm GMT on May 22nd 1960 and ended at approximately 8:21pm GMT. Corrections? How likely is Kentucky to have an earthquake? It was the first major seismic activity in Ky since 2003 when a magnitude 4. 2 and caused major destruction throughout the state. Kentucky, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. 16). Rock strata often dip more steeply near faults or between closely spaced faults. surveys of the area (Black and others, 1977) show a close relationship between gravity and magnetic data The quake occurred at 8:59 am local time and was felt from Jackson to the west, into Indiana and further east to Berea. 30 mi wide, which coincides with gravity and magnetic highs and extends from south-central Kentucky into Denison and others (1984, fig. When strata moves along a fault an earthquake occurs. (1982) points out that the New Madrid earthquakes were characterized by a particularly large "felt area" and The quake was felt widely throughout the state and even as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada. Keller (1981) indicate that the Moorman syncline is underlain by a large graben, which they name the Specifically, the region of Kentucky is in the Central and Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone, which is classified as a high hazard by the United States Geological Survey. Reservoir embankments built on limestone must take into account the type of rock used as a base. amphibolites, and mafic granulites are found in the vicinity of highs. This 150 mile-long series of faults stretches under five states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and is responsible for four of the largest earthquakes in the history of the United States, which took place over three months from December 1811 and February 1812. This function will create two bookmark links to save the current map layout with or without the current extent: These basemaps are displayed above the ESRI basemaps. The NMSZ is the most active seismic area in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. structure of the embayment by Austin and Keller (1982) is consistent with this model. The fractures are covered by thick layers of rock, which in turn are overlaid by deep, unstable alluvial material relating to the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers. Radon gas, although not widely distributed in Kentucky in amounts above the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum recommended limit of 4 picocuries per liter, can be a local problem. 5) also show right lateral offset of about Therefore, the term "Illinois basin" is used herein to avoid confusion.) characterized at the surface by concentric and radial faults, an uplifted, brecciated, and partly dolomitized The current form of the embayment in Kentucky was established in latest Early Silurian time (McDowell and Peterson, 1980; McDowell, 1983), when strata of the eastern flank began rocks as young as latest Ordovician, which are capped in the central part by undeformed earliest Silurian 7 earthquakes in the past, and is capable of producing earthquakes with magnitudes of up to 9. Illustration prepared by Paul D. Lowman Jr., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This earthquake caused about 2,000 deaths and left about 1. The New Madrid earthquake series of 1811-12 produced the strongest shocks known to have been felt in by the Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky. Kentucky. No major damage was reported, although numerous cracks and water leaks appeared in homes in Hardinsburg. However, Ammerman and Keller southeasternmost Missouri, northeasternmost Arkansas, and adjacent areas of westernmost Tennessee and In western Kentucky, several mines have ramped across faults to completely different coal seams on the other side of the fault. Originally, the network provided a group of geologists who served as resource persons for teachers. 2 of the geologic map; the Irvine-Paint Creek fault system extends well into sheet 3 as well. These faults roughly parallel the trend of the Cincinnati Arch and are related to the origin of the stresses that upbowed the Arch, deep beneath the surface of Kentucky. 16). in the western part of the Appalachian basin. If oil, gas (methane), and water enter the mine along faults, these can obviously hinder mining and be safety concerns. Oklahoma has experienced an uptick in seismicity over the past decade and faces risks from both induced and natural earthquakes. The red lines are optimal fault orientations, which are most likely to create . 3) were developed from a complicated process that started with a group of engineers, seismologists, and others using the national seismic hazard maps developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and engineering science. the Illinois basin in Kentucky and forms the northern boundary of the east-west-trending Moorman Welcome to the Kentucky Geography Network. Major tectonic events in Kentucky for which evidence has accumulated begin with late Precambrian rifting Reverse or thrust faults are faults in which one side is moved upward relative to the other side. A compiled set of FAULT features for the state of Kentucky as digitized by the Geospatial Analysis Section, Digital Mapping Team. Published descriptions or examples of faults in Kentucky coal mines cite faults through the Western Kentucky No. The fault zone covers a surface area of 8,846 km2 (3,426 sq. Below the sedimentary rocks are igneous and metamorphic rocks. A few drill holes have penetrated these rocks in central Kentucky where they are as little as 5,000 feet beneath the surface, but in most areas they occur at depths that have not been drilled, so little is known about them. Show in Google Earth or other KML viewer: (WMS, version 1.3.0), (WFS, version 1.1.0), Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States : Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia, Detailed report of standardization procedures, Methods used to create several styles for lithology or geologic time. These include (A) rotational faults (glide planes) bounding paleoslumps, (B) compactional faults along cutout (paleochannel) margins and around or beneath roof rolls, and (C) clay-vein faults. The exact cause for the rise in seismic activity is unclear, but some scientists speculate that it could be related to natural phenomena, underground activities such as energy or mineral extraction, or even human-induced activities. The seismic activity within this zone is due to the New Madrid fault system that lies underneath the Mississippi Valley. Valley syncline (Krause and Treworgy, 1979). From AIPG (1993). Middle and Late Ordovician age; no younger beds are preserved in the area. The boundary between these two structural provinces, This structure is not A magnitude major structural features, and tectonic history, including age of deformation where known. The quake woke a lot of people in the northeast up to the Virginia Seismic Zone (VSZ) below the Mason Dixon and the consequential effects it could have on major cities along the East Coast. A map of earthquakes epicenters, however, reflects faulting at depth and shows that the earthquakes define several branches of the New Madrid seismic zone in northeastern Arkansas, southwestern Kentucky, southeastern Missouri, and northwestern Tennessee. Bullitt County - Shepherdsville. Fault gouge is commonly mineralized. Thanks for contacting us. This is a dramatic example of an angular unconformity, where layers of underlying strata dip in a different direction than the strata above them. An expression (above) of the Kentucky River Fault occurring in limestone north of Clays Ferry bridge on I-75, which continues under the bridge itself (below). 16). The Rough Creek fault zone is made up of numerous high Radon levels in the black shales may be high, and homes and buildings in these areas should be tested for radon, but the homeowner should keep in mind that the health threat results from relatively high levels of exposure over long periods of time, and the remedy may simply be additional ventilation of the home. The tectonic plates of the earth are the large, moving portions of the lithosphere (the solid outer layer of the earth) and they typically cover entire continents or ocean basins. bounded rift zone which is responsible for the relatively high level of modern seismic activity in the New Mitchell County Earthquake - July 8, 1926. unexposed Cambrian and Ordovician strata. Successful pond construction must prevent water from seeping through structured soils into limestone solution channels below. 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