Content Knowledge and Expertise - The teacher uses content and pedagogical expertise to design and execute lessons aligned with state standards, related content, and student needs. Teachers make appropriate and authentic connections across disciplines, subjects, and students' realworld experiences. it will impact her ability to stay focus and do well in school. Teachers understand the major concepts, key themes, multiple perspectives, assumptions, processes of inquiry, structure, and realworld applications of their gradelevel and subjectarea content. SK$Il6EW|8VYN `q(/YGC=.H|?\7;b$m. Understands issues related to the safe and appropriate use of technology in society and follows guidelines for the legal and ethical use of technology and digital information (e.g., privacy guidelines, copyright laws, acceptable use policies, and digital etiquette). 1.3 Teachers design lessons to meet the needs of diverse learners, adapting methods when appropriate. Teachers interact with students in respectful ways at all times, maintaining a physically and emotionally safe, supportive learning environment that is characterized by efficient and effective routines, clear expectations for student behavior, and organization that maximizes student learning. Please update your bookmarks to:, SEDL Joins Forces with American Institutes for Research. All teachers acquire, analyze, and manage content from digital resources. Teachers ensure that the learning environment features a high degree of student engagement by facilitating discussion and student-centered activities as well as leading direct instruction. This qualitative exploratory study was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan, from December 2020- to October 2021. The district, SCENARIO 4: Mrs. Nelson is a 5th grade teacher at Xander Elementary School. 1.4 Teachers communicate clearly and accurately and engage students in a manner that encourages students persistence and best efforts. Teachers apply evidencebased strategies to address individual student learning needs and differences, adjust their instruction, and support the learning needs of each student. Uses knowledge of the structure of the state education system, including relationships among campus, local and state components, to seek information and assistance. 4.2 Teachers organize their classrooms in a safe and accessible manner that maximizes learning. 0000000016 00000 n Teachers plan instruction that is developmentally appropriate, is standards driven, and motivates students to learn. Teachers manage and facilitate groupings in order to maximize student collaboration, participation, and achievement. Greg Abbott $307 million in the spring of 2020 to help Texas' education systems survive the COVID-19 pandemic, he set aside $47 million specifically for former students, those who had earned some credit but left before finishing their degree or certificate. When the federal government handed Gov. Teachers combine results from different measures to develop a holistic picture of students strengths and learning needs. Teachers work to ensure high levels of learning, socialemotional development, and achievement outcomes for all students, taking into consideration each student's educational and developmental backgrounds and focusing on each student's needs. x0 hbbd``b`f "HLi7DH y 1./"l@1&F@#5K? 5.1 Teachers implement both formal and informal methods of measuring student progress. Teachers create a physical classroom setup that is flexible and accommodates the different learning needs of students. Applies effective procedures for managing student behavior and for promoting appropriate behavior and ethical work habits (e.g., academic integrity) in the classroom (e.g., communicating high and realistic behavior expectations, involving students in developing rules and procedures, establishing clear consequences for inappropriate behavior, enforcing behavior standards consistently, encouraging students to monitor their own behavior and to use conflict resolution skills, responding appropriately to various types of behavior). 7 Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of various assessment methods and strategies, including technological methods and methods that reflect real-world applications. Teachers interact in respectful ways with students at all times, maintaining a physically and emotionally safe, supportive learning environment that is characterized by efficient and effective routines, clear expectations for student behavior, and organization that maximizes student learning. Understands the instructional significance of varied student learning needs and preferences. 6.1 Teachers reflect on their teaching practice to improve their instructional effectiveness and engage in continuous professional learning to gain knowledge and skills and refine professional judgment. Mrs. Nelson is very tech-savvy and uses many forms of social media to communicate with her parents and students. Analyzes ways in which various teacher roles (e.g., facilitator, lecturer) and student roles (e.g., active learner, observer, group participant) impact student learning. Teachers provide opportunities for students to engage in individual and collaborative critical thinking and problem solving. All rights reserved. Teachers set high expectations and create challenging learning experiences for students, encouraging them to apply disciplinary and crossdisciplinary knowledge to realworld problems. Teachers combine results from different measures to develop a holistic picture of students' strengths and learning needs. The Texas Teaching Standards are performance standards to be used to inform the training, appraisal, and professional development of teachers. Special education laws guide the work of educators as they identify students who have disabilities. Knows and adheres to legal and ethical requirements regarding the use of educational resources and technologies (e.g., copyright, Fair Use, data security, privacy, acceptable use policies). Teachers cultivate student ownership in developing classroom culture and norms. Teachers analyze and review data in a timely, thorough, accurate, and appropriate manner, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. 4.4 Teachers lead and maintain classrooms where students are actively engaged in learning as indicated by their level of motivation and on-task behavior. Stimulates reflection, critical thinking and inquiry among students (e.g., supports the concept of play as a valid vehicle for young children's learning; provides opportunities for young children to manipulate materials and to test ideas and hypotheses; engages students in structured, hands-on problem-solving activities that are challenging; encourages exploration and risk-taking; creates a learning community that promotes positive contributions, effective communication and the respectful exchange of ideas). TNT 700.2P KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT NEEDS Effective teaching begins with understanding your students: how they learn, their background and issues that they might face. Teachers facilitate each student's learning by employing evidencebased practices and concepts related to learning and socialemotional development. Within each domain, the content is further defined by a set of competencies. Spring II classes will be held at Bldgs. The findings showed that teachers' knowledge of special educational needs and disability students was very . Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate student understanding of the subject matter. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills by Chapter The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are listed below in two different formats, a web-based version of the standards and a PDF version of the standards. The problem was that no formative data existed on students' financial literacy, and it was not known if knowledge of financial literacy for students who participated in a prior financial literacy class in high school differed from students . Copyright 2016 AIR. Responds flexibly to various situations (e.g., lack of student engagement in an activity, the occurrence of an unanticipated learning opportunity) and adjusts instructional approaches based on ongoing assessment of student performance. SCENARIO 4: The Life Skills classroom at Hasting High provides Community Based Instruction to its small group of students with severe disabilities. Teachers create a community of learners in an inclusive environment that views differences in learning and background as educational assets. Teachers exhibit a comprehensive understanding of their content, discipline, and related pedagogy as demonstrated through the quality of the design and execution of lessons plans and their ability to match objectives and activities to relevant state standards. Teachers regularly compare their curriculum scope and sequence with student data to ensure they are on track and make adjustments as needed. related content and student needs. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Teachers seek to lead other adults on campus through professional learning communities, grade- or subject-level team leadership, committee membership, or other opportunities. Teachers demonstrate contentspecific pedagogy that meets the needs of diverse learners, utilizing engaging instructional materials to connect prior content knowledge to new learning. Teachers consistently hold themselves to a high standard for individual development, pursue leadership opportunities, collaborate with other educational professionals, communicate regularly with stakeholders, maintain professional relationships, comply with all campus and school district policies, and conduct themselves ethically and with integrity. in their classrooms. Understands the role of learning theory in the instructional process and uses instructional strategies and appropriate technologies to facilitate student learning (e.g., connecting new information and ideas to prior knowledge, making learning meaningful and relevant to students). The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support (T-TESS) System supports teachers and as part of the continuous improvement process, teachers consistently hold themselves to a high standard for individual development and performance. Organizes and manages group activities that promote students' ability to work together cooperatively and productively, assume responsible roles and develop collaborative skills and individual accountability. Subscribe to updates from TEA. Teachers understand how learning occurs and how learners develop, construct meaning and acquire knowledge and skills. Teachers plan instruction that is developmentally appropriate, is standards driven, and motivates students to learn. Texas teachers, principals, and representatives from higher education and educator organizations revised the state's 1997 Texas teacher standards to address six broad standards for performance: Instructional Planning and Delivery; Knowledge of Students and Student Learning; Content Knowledge and Expertise; Learning . Teachers understand the role of language and culture in learning and know how to modify their practices to support language acquisition so that language is comprehensible, and instruction is fully accessible. B. SBOE members nominate educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers to serve on TEKS review committees. Teachers incorporate technology that allows students to interact with the curriculum in more significant and effective ways, helping them reach mastery. Understands that development in any one domain (i.e., cognitive, social, physical, emotional) impacts development in other domains. Teachers maintain a strong culture of individual and group accountability for class expectations. Teachers develop lessons that build coherently toward objectives based on course content, curriculum scope and sequence, and expected student outcomes. Teachers teach both the key content knowledge and the key skills of the discipline. This result is highly robust to a number of different modeling choices and alternative explanations. endstream endobj 325 0 obj <>stream Teachers reflect on their own strengths and professional learning needs, using this information to develop action plans for improvement. All teachers collaborate and communicate both locally and globally using digital tools and resources to reinforce and promote learning. Demonstrates awareness of appropriate behavior standards and expectations for students at various developmental levels. Knows legal requirements for educators (e.g., those related to special education, students' and families' rights, student discipline, equity, child abuse) and adheres to legal guidelines in education-related situations. Teachers promote literacy and the academic language within the discipline and make discipline-specific language accessible to all learners. knowledge of special educational needs and disability students and their classroom management procedures and strategies. Teachers maximize instructional time, including managing transitions. This site will provide you with information on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. Teachers apply evidence-based strategies to address individual student learning needs and differences, adjust their instruction, and support the learning needs of each student. The TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC12 (160) test is designed to assess whether an examinee has the requisite knowledge and skills that an entry-level educator in this field in Texas public schools must possess. Teachers understand, actively anticipate, and adapt instruction to address common misunderstandings and preconceptions. 6.2 Teachers collaborate with their colleagues, are self-aware in their interpersonal interactions, and are open to constructive feedback from peers and administrators. Understands that the middle-level years are a transitional stage in which students may exhibit characteristics of both older and younger children and that these are critical years for developing important skills and attitudes (e.g., working and getting along with others, appreciating diversity, making a commitment to continued schooling). All teachers practice and promote safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using technology tools and resources. Applies various strategies to promote student engagement and learning (e.g., by structuring lessons effectively, using flexible instructional groupings, pacing lessons flexibly in response to student needs, including wait time). Holding Nelly accountable will help her succeed in the classroom. At the, Forthe scenario, Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma Cite the standard of professional behavior from theCode of Ethicsthe action violates using the number, letter and roman numeral where, TNT 700.2P KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT NEEDS Effective teaching begins with understanding your students: how they learn, their background and issues that they might face. Teachers maintain and facilitate respectful, supportive, positive, and productive interactions with and among students. {[fdAl Jg~#hW@eF(>1[$1#MaTYsH.Brz^32l!%i?-v|E9|h&Bs3mS@(oWGD7jtx^Ei{"|HJ\N1gnA'-u,[9?L{/4s|WmefKb{K,RDu?E/>VmtZizz+N@;6cdyE4p~%(xn)T[.cP^MQzi4ua%TSwlZ\l? <]/Prev 497518>> Teachers embrace students' backgrounds and experiences as an asset in their learning environment. Knows the rationale for appropriate middle-level education and how middle-level schools are structured to address the characteristics and needs of young adolescents. Knows how to promote students' ability to use feedback and self-assessment to guide and enhance their own learning. Recognizes the importance of creating a schedule for young children that balances restful and active movement activities and that provides large blocks of time for play, projects and learning centers. Teachers monitor and assess student progress to ensure that their lessons meet students needs. Knows how to use task-appropriate tools and procedures to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results to support the work of individuals and groups in problem-solving situations and project-based learning activities (e.g., planning, creating, and editing word processing documents, spreadsheet documents, and databases; using graphic tools; participating in electronic communities as learner, initiator, and contributor; and sharing information through online communication). research that is directly related to the issues and aligned to the developmental goals for, the students. Recognizes how characteristics of students at different developmental levels (e.g., limited attention span and need for physical activity and movement for younger children; importance of peers, search for identity, questioning of values and exploration of long-term career and life goals for older students) impact teaching and learning. Teachers implement both formal and informal methods of measuring student progress. Teachers communicate regularly, clearly, and appropriately with parents and families about student progress, providing detailed and constructive feedback and partnering with families in furthering their students' achievement goals. Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate student understanding of the subject matter. Teachers keep current with developments, new content, new approaches, and changing methods of instructional delivery within their discipline. Uses a variety of means to convey high expectations for all students. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.1 percent of children aged three to seventeen have been diagnosed with anxiety. Teachers provide immediate feedback to students in order to reinforce their learning and ensure they understand key concepts. For registration assistance, students can call CTC at 254-526-1906 and for assistance with academic . Teachers maintain a culture that is based on high expectations for student performance and encourages students to be selfmotivated, taking responsibility for their own learning. Teachers connect learning, content, and expectations to students' prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in meaningful contexts. Creates a safe, nurturing and inclusive classroom environment that addresses students' emotional needs and respects students' rights and dignity. Analyzes ways in which teacher behaviors (e.g., teacher expectations, student grouping practices, teacher-student interactions) impact student learning and plans instruction and assessment that minimize the effects of negative factors and enhance all students' learning. Teachers require knowledge of the unique skills that each child brings to the classroom in order to effectively target instruction towards students learning needs. Analyzes ways in which developmental characteristics of students in early childhood through grade 12 impact learning and performance and applies knowledge of students' developmental characteristics and needs to plan effective learning experiences and assessments. Teachers identify gaps in students knowledge of subject matter and communicate with their leaders and colleagues to ensure that these gaps are adequately addressed across grade levels and subject areas. Understands the connection between various components of the Texas statewide assessment program, the TEKS and instruction and analyzes data from state and other assessments using common statistical measures to help identify students' strengths and needs. Most schools do a food drive around Thanksgiving. Background: Numerous reports have highlighted problems with writing instruction in American schools, yet few examine the interplay of teachers' preparation to teach writing, the instructional policies they must navigate, and the writing development of the students in their classrooms. Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student growth aligned to instructional goals and course objectives and regularly review and analyze multiple sources of data to measure student progress and adjust instructional strategies and content delivery as needed. Teachers understand the role of language and culture in learning, and know how to modify their practices to support language acquisition so that language is comprehensible and instruction is fully accessible. Analyzes ways in which teacher-student interactions and interactions among students impact classroom climate and student learning and development. Teachers work to ensure high levels of learning, social-emotional development, and achievement outcomes for all students, taking into consideration each student's educational and developmental backgrounds and focusing on each student's needs. Demonstrates an understanding of how young children function in groups and designs group activities that reflect a realistic understanding of the extent of young children's ability to collaborate with others. Standard 2 Knowledge of Students and Student Learning. Teachers establish and strive to achieve professional goals to strengthen their instructional effectiveness and better meet students' needs. Enhances learning for students by providing age-appropriate instruction that encourages the use and refinement of higher-order thinking skills (e.g., prompting students to explore ideas from diverse perspectives; structuring active learning experiences involving cooperative learning, problem solving, open-ended questioning and inquiry; promoting students' development of research skills). 196 12 Teachers accept responsibility for the growth of all of their students, persisting in their efforts to ensure high levels of growth on the part of each learner. 0000005835 00000 n Applies knowledge of different types of motivation (i.e., internal, external) and factors affecting student motivation. Teachers vary methods of assessing learning to accommodate students' learning needs, linguistic differences, and/or varying levels of background knowledge. Teachers communicate regularly, clearly, and appropriately with parents and families about student progress, providing detailed and constructive feedback and partnering with families in furthering their students achievement goals. Applies knowledge of appropriate ways (including electronic communication) to work and communicate effectively with families in various situations. Knows strategies for enhancing one's own understanding of students' diverse backgrounds and needs. Teachers establish and sustain learning environments that are developmentally appropriate and respond to students needs, strengths, and personal experiences. Incorporates students' different approaches to learning (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic) into instructional practices. 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