Yes, very old-fashioned words. The same Rawles who, last time I checked, provided a list of survivalist-friendly churches (almost all Reformed Baptist) on his website? Thank you very much Patrice, for all of your posts here, and especially this comment. (name omitted)you are doing exactly what those that abuse children do so well, blaming the victim and using the bible to gain their silence. Mrs. C seems to think she and hubbie get kudos for being dressed the best or something. @ BTDT & Nancy: If she does, its likely not going to court for a while, then therell likely be an appeal and the final resolution of this matter might not be for years. The roots in *sarcasm* could literally be translated as rip flesh. And since Doug Wilson does seem to enjoy ripping into peoples soul, it fits. Of course, all fraudulent. I didnt learn this from watching the antics of Doug Wilson. And keep commenting. hope youre enjoying the coffee in the moderation cafe!! Interesting point. In Gods economy, the down-trodden with get their day in court. The only way to Emhoff's kids, and Harris' step kids, Cole and Ella. [7][6], Phillips is the founder of the defunct San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. His one daughter participates in the same subculture that I do. Okay, I see what you are saying. Soooo when I went to a very large conference, and none of the speakers had admitted to being someone who has lived through childhood sexual abuse, I just felt abused all over again. It eventually came back up. He advocates biblical patriarchy, creationism, homeschooling, the Quiverfull movement, and the family integrated church. And there seems to be moral violation of the tenets of christianity by at least one persons actions and perhaps by both personss actions. Wilson has a plan, he lusts incessantly for attention and control, and, I have come to fully believe after years of painful experiment and research, he has the full capacity to rape and maim any sentient organism that might get in his way. Cold hearted patriarch begets cold-hearted patriarch. Nor did it even cross my mind to tell my parents. What a mess this has all become. I believe ultimately people will be able to hear her cries, wipe her tears, and stand in solidarity. Thank you for stating it so clearly. Wilson is fond of using words that make him sound literary. Big relief to hear all that you said. And I think writing comedy is one of the hardest things ever. Sproul. So Wilsons plea doesnt have much appeal. Also, why are all the women pictured on that blog in situations other than church, even though the headcovering verses apply only to public worship?!?! (Plus hes also a good writer. But I would say, do not despair over American evangelicalism, it died decades ago (if it was ever alive in the first place). It is interesting to reflect back to what Doug Wilson wrote shortly after Phillips resigned. +++++++++++++++++++++++. Well, they are the more old-fashioned words that such chivalry-obsessed folks would use. [5] His father was Constitution Party founder Howard Phillips and his mother was Margaret "Peggy" Phillips (ne Blanchard). Short, sweet and to the point! PERIOD . lets cross the river to Sault Ste Marie Canada and get some cheap weed. So how do we teach our daughters to be submissive but also strong? Nice. Just wanted to add a tiny bit of something to the conversation, lol, to follow up on HUGThank you, HUG, for bringing that fabulously wonderful word up! I think if it were me, trying the case in the court of public opinion would hardly be satisfying anyway And the times when they werent welcome are canceled out somehow by the times when they were? It was called Angels in the Architecture and was supposed to be about how the Church today has a lot to learn from medievalism. In debriefing my disastrous theological field education experience at seminary, the following question from my instructor has continued to be a valuable source for reflection on other destructive experiences: Was there anything in you that made you susceptible to how that leader used you?. He began writing about film at age 48, doing film reviews for conservative . Thanks so much for your keen insights, and welcome to TWW! Were that the case, then I could understand pleas for a quiet resolution. @ Nancy: ^ Mash Note at World Wide Words Some of us were entrenched in Patriarchal families, churches, and systems. I have not been thinking much about the monetary aspect of this case. Its kind of like getting stopped by a police officer who claims you were going 45 mph on a 30 mph zone. The South Sudanese in the idiotic photo of Matt Chancey arent soldiers, they are policemen, according to their uniforms. Where is Doug Phillips who is a tool. She was an adult, and so if his attentions were not entirely unwelcome, she was a player in the vice, not a victim. Milky Way timelapse photobombed by the Aurora Borealis over Loch More in Scotland. 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. A subreddit for snarking on fundamentalist Christianity and extreme Christian views. Maybe its because Im a southerner, but I dont see anything wrong with it, and I havent seen it used in a bad context at all. It was the most pretentious and unscholarly load of drivel Ive ever come across. He was wandering around europe with a much younger woman and a fake name, but that was before Covid. (Two or three more.) I just wanted to point out that in the big theological scheme of things, it doesnt really matter which way these particular legal cards fall. This is about the widespread perception that there is impending chaos and destruction and people want themselves / their people / their group / their religion / their way of life to be what survives. Kind of like bless his heart its frequently said in complete well-meaning sincerity.). even though thats exactly what Vision Forum/patriarchy does and we have mountains of testimony to that effect from girls raised in the system. This is the first time Ive heard of it happening IRL! My prayer is that Phillips will be criminally prosecuted for his abuse of Lourdes. That is one of the reasons we have lawyers and courts (and blogs.). A 13yo can give verbal consent to sex too, but that doesnt make it any less statutory rape legally. of the means or instrument by which anything is effected . I guess for Doug Wilson slavery in the south can be called Gospel Centered Slavery :-p. Mr. C looking like a Southern plantation owner sitting next to the African freedom fighter is actually appalling to these eyes. Some Southern Baptist leadership and some independent baptists have embraced this movement., No, Yemen, this US drone is full ofAmazon packages? Ive read that there are some cultural divides between northern and southern ID i.e., that the wingnut percentage of the population is bigger up north. In retrospect, I realized I used the wrong word. Thus there is something to the evil genius stereotype. As pcapastor said, Wilson uses his wit (and yes, one can debate if thats what it is) to be searingly MEAN. The townspeople think the warnings are based on fear, until a shark fin is spotted cutting through the water. The woman was also a member of Boerne Christian Assembly, the church where Phillips formerly served as an elder - a close friend of the family. It seemed as if to them Handey is not just writing jokes but trying to achieve some kind of Platonic ideal of the joke form., There is purity to his comedy, Semple said. We spent hours processing the misbeliefs implanted and the marginalization endured by those of us who didnt fit his Wilsonian System. In fact, in that era there were a couple of malignant ministries and churches around, and the leader at a relatively healthy church in town once told me that a main part of their ministry was to help the refugee Christians whod been hurt by those other churches. We do have NT Wright, among a few others, so all is not lost. The complaint acknowledges, She did not at all times refuse Defendants sexual advances, but submitted to them based on the fraudulent statements Defendant had made to her. Those fraudulent statements would include promises of marriage in the future and so forth. There may be quite a few comments under this post. He neglected to hear the church. And how do they handle this verse that assumes that women pophesy in the public meetings in like manner as the men? It seemed, on the surface, to be intellectually robust. 1. I imagine Doug got the idea from porn, too. He misused his influence, workplace position and corporate authority for his own gratification and I seriously doubt whether he was ever interested in the wellbeing of the plaintiff. These folks make their living off this stuff. Chynna's famous in-laws include . You can read a little more about it here: Trust Doug Wilson to get everything as wrong as possible. Youre welcome, Mara. Ty everyone for being here. And lets not even get started on how much Wilsons logic in this piece could be used to blame victims of domestic violence. And, yes, I could have used other words besides appalling and distasteful . Also known as Douglas James Phillips, D J Phillips. A case in point was the recent interview of Piper on the question of why we love March madness NCAA basketball. but I am sure sorry to hear your description of what is happening to people as a result of it. So here goes: I think that there is a good chance that things will indeed get worse (more primitive) and there will be at least some level of drastic changes (chaos?) Here it is, Mara: Doug Wilson Says Slavery Was Good For Americas Blacks. And now, I must skedaddle. I completely agree with you, Hester. Thank you for stating it so clearly. Saying yes to one activity once does not equal giving consent to every possible activity at every possible time before and after. ! pcapastor have you been in touch with Metzler directly? Nonetheless we are confident and thankful that he will never extinguish the light of the Gospel which is proclaimed with every breath of the folks who follow Wartburg Watch. Havoc and mayhem *inevitably* followed her. I started a college where half the student body is female and PHC just elected a woman student as the president of the student body. And Johnny not only cannot read, he cannot think either. I have been guilty of this. So would you say that most destructive charisma is based in both fear and superiority (flip sides of each other)? And then we have semi Arian and even Arianism rearing its head. It is not a derogortory term. . That stamp is hilarious. But Doug Phillips has trumpeted himself as something of a Homeschool Messiah, a Beacon of Light and Goodness, a Man Above Men, a man capable of informing the rest of us whove been homeschooling and raise huge families for many years about ADVANCED Family Strategies, and making millions off such DVDs, books, conferences, mail order catalogs (with obscenely marked up merchandise), etc. ^ The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, as cited at The Grammarphobia Blog: Mash notes, March 16, 2007 All I could picture when that was announced was how congested the airspace would be around major cities at Christmastime. This is interesting stuff. Or it could be that she is not telling the entire story. I think its his best feature, not because he doesnt have a good mind, but because he doesnt care about using his intellect with integrity. Usually means guy is so wrapped up in Himself (and his obsession) that his Cosmos has room for nothing else. @ LawProf: It makes no sense to load more shame onto them before they even get started, and to hand them more responsibility than whats already contained in having to heal from deep wounds given them through no fault of their own. The latter is a huge deal, taking great courage because every single thing in her life spoke against it. Maybe we can discuss all the other concoctions in your article over coffee sometime. Dont you just love how Wilson uses cad and scoundrel to describe a sexual deviant and predator? Average folks are so incredibly exhausted of the continuing insecurity. Humans choose what they perceive to be strong leadership, be that smart or ruthless or successful or handsome or whatever. So do my sons and so will my daughters. One stream was more irenic, Socratic, listening, and relationally engaged more along the lines of LAbri. Masterson was. Moderately unrelated comment, but I just had to share this: Was trying to find a specific D.A. ET. The way I see it, a woman being assertive, speaking her mind, and being to-the-point about it is called shrill and immediately disqualified. And we need to learn how to do all that whether we are the potential perp or the potential victim or some combination of both perp and victim. Hes clever enough to convince many reasonably intelligent people that hes worth listening to. Those patriarchal idiots and their wives do not have enough emotional intelligence in their bodies to understand such a nuance. I have known you for 23 years. The worst part was having to read his dreck. Fear is unpredictable. Lucky you! I agree with Anonymous that these cases are likely difficult to predict. One of his board, Don Hart helped protect him from losing his law license and he didnt have any accountability in his church. I am despondent, but not surprised, to hear that the Gospel Coalition is advertising this. I pray that this woman gets justice, in whatever form she needs. Makes sense to me that Christ is most glorified when women shine as the GLORY (read definition) of adam. The Handmaid got Uppity. Pingback: Lourdes Torres-Manteufel vs Doug Phillips Lawsuit Informational Resource Page | Spiritual Sounding Board. A comment on Katie Botkins blog: (Im fairly certain that, to date, hes never said the word adultery in relation to this.) @ Rosmary Huskey: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The couple married in 2003 and went on to have three sons. The efforts used by such folks as Wilson to dismiss what happened truly makes me wonder about their relationship with God. It was doubtless much aided in its popularity by its quasi-identity with the English word. Take Casey Anthony as an example. Is this accurate? Love the iron sharpening iron at this site, and the love which builds up..