Who did the research for this article? People make mistakes all the time and people can also change and become better people. no but then we would be violating their rights politicians can kiss my a$$. It is always with a heavy heart we accept a surrendered pet to our shelter. If youre losing your home, lose your job, your infant has life threatening allergies, you become too ill or injured (with months/years of rehab with no one else to care for your pet) to physically be able to care for your petbelieve it or not, there ARE heart wrenching reasons that cause this to happen. Surrender Fees Dog or Cat: $160-230 Rodent: $15 Your surrender fees provide your pet with: 24-hour shelter care Spay/neuter (if applicable) Two meals per day Fresh bedding and toys Medical assessment and care Flea Treatment De-worming But only if the surrender was justifiable should these people be given that second chance. There are so many variables here. I guess in that vain of thought. It depends; if the person has to surrender the animal for reasons beyond their control, they should be allowed to adopt again when they are stable and are completely sure they can take on the pet. Absolutely not!!!! I have two rescues and the oldest is 22 years of age. Some humans just do not do the research and do not have the patience. Food is limited servings. the shepard mix i owned was very protective and only liked 3 people. Really? A current driver's license or state identification is required to surrender a pet. Then a resounding no, with placement on a nationwide list of do not adopt forever. ), the dog consequently wouldve been euthanised within the hour without even a chance to do it a 2nd time: Reason for me to believe its actually a toddler). Even when you are grouchy!!! Relinquish a Pet If you need to relinquish your pet, please contact the Naperville Area Humane Society at (630) 420-8989. I have had dogs all my life .I am now 71 and have two dogs . Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. Conditionally, yes they should. Some people just dont know any better, or dont know of any other options. I think if you do that to a dog or cat you should never be allowed to own a pet again, until you get some compassion in your life for the animals. When you arrive for your surrender appointment, please bring your photo ID and any medical records you have for the animal. Thick n thin you see it thru or dont get one to begin with. PS: And I DO believe you WOULD dump another dog at the shelter, cause you know F all of coaching or keeping a dog. I definitely dont think an amount of years should be put on it. Pets are family, and family is furever!!!! People who condemn and judge the people who relinquish only hurt animal welfare and give animal shelters a bad name. even if he was kenneled there are chances of it and i could not afford a lawsuite. You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Should I never be able to adopt again because I made the heart-wrenching choice to protect the life of my cat by returning my dog to the shelter, where she had a chance to be adopted by a family who didnt have a cat and would be able to love her without putting another animals life at risk? As was mentioned, most will NOT make it out alive. NO. You dont know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldnt keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which were in the process of making more), were trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesnt work, I should be punished because I wasnt a good fit for this animal? The people that turn in pets into shelters, their names need to put on a registry so that when they try to adopt again, their names are flagged and the application is denied. You throw one away, then you dont deserve another!! some people have legitimate reasons that they have to do this. Stop trying to act like you can fully predict what is going to happen in a month or so after getting a pet. Then we can begin working with them to save more lives. If I cared more about her former pets than she did, no way would I endorse her for another. No just no but HELL no!!!!! Surrender once 5 year ban. When I moved to a house but worked full time, I adopted cats. While the majority of those who surrender pets do so for selfish reasons, if a national registry is put into place I do think there should be an appeal process for extenuating circumstances. I signed the release forms- giving my dog to the shelter so he could be put down, but I didnt bring him there. There are many other options. Some months back I noticed very skinny cat passing by my birdfeeder. I see too many angry pet owners who declare because they couldnt meet the 45 hoops set by no kills (often for things like the couple both work fulltime according to the posters) so they just bought of a breeder. Also make every person that surrenders register, and give any and all medical, social history of the animal, including REASON for surrender, and inform them that they will not be allowed to adopt for a period of 10 yrs -or ever again if surrendering a Sr dog. Animals safety and well being should always be priority! Yes and no. Not every animal can be molded to fit into every family! Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!! Neither of my dogs were surrendered due to ill-will, and it took a LOT for me to give them up. You do not abandon your animals. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, Owner died and family couldnt keep dog, Dog was not good with children in the home, Family lost house and cannot keep dog. I think its an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they dont care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. By Tamar Love Grande Nov 22, 2016. Do NOT leave an animal outside the . Reminder: MCACC does not accept surrendered pets without a scheduled appointment. She finally stopped when, the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans (she liked them). No they should not adopt. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. It might kick you in the ass on the way down. So I took him back to Pa where I got him where I new where he would be safe because everybody loved him there. Thats just heartless. I would prefer stronger laws restricting breeding, enforcing spay/neuter, and stronger community support for shelters. Step 2. stray cat. Depends on the situation., and a mere 14 minutes later to an ill-considered I recently found myself adopted by a I would love to see a national DO NOT ADOPT TO registry! Now, are you telling me that Im not fit to adopt again? Then, in a perfect world, Id be all for not surrenderers re-adopt, but it isnt a perfect world and things happen. If turned in as last resort to get someone who will heal pet and then provide home. They each get human interaction time and they each get animal interaction time, as well as outdoor time. This infuriates me to no end!! Just because my dog went mad doesnt mean another dog will so just because I surrendered a dog doesnt mean I would do it again. But they will find a pet elsewhere. I understand that some people, due to circumstances, dont believe there is any other choice. They may regret what they did once they learn more. Taking on a pet is a life long commitment, like a child. Even Petsmart Charities Tom Cramer has done this, and he is one of the forerunners in animal sheltering). I felt for this dog and wanted to help her. And dont give me any bull crap that you cant afford the dog. I was on a thread the other night and we were talking about exactly this. It's to help them. They should never ever be able to adopt nor own another pet, EVER!!! DEFINITELY, NO!!! They should ever be able to adopt another dog. I didnt decide I was tired of my dog and get rid of him. Depends on the circumstance. You dump your furbaby at a kill shelter, knowing they are likely to be killed immediately, you dont deserve to take another breath, either! Your email address will not be published. To dump an elderly pet in a shelter is one of the most cold hearted things a person can do and you do not deserve the pleasure of adopting another while the one you dumped will most likely be killed. It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? I dont think anyone on this site thinks thats ok. The greatest horror is that of aging dogs, that breaks my heart when they are neglected and murdered, cause they are no longer serving a purpose for owners. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. Last week, after 8 solid months of trying to convince my dog to be the good boy he used to be hed always been anxious but it had just gotten so much worse I surrendered him to the shelter. I spent the next 3-4 weeks supervising visits between the cat and the dog, trying to help them be friends. Depends on the reason for surrendering the dog. And THOSE are the best pets in the world! And I would be heart-broken to find that I couldnt give a wonderful life to MANY dogs because of one mistake when I was young. But keeping a list might be difficiult. I say yes. I think that yes there should be some regulation, and a big roster with all the info; when, why, who, and maybe even the emotional state of the owners at the time of giving up the animal. So no never again to have a Dog. If at any time you can no longer care for your adopted pet, you may surrender the animal to AHS. Absolutely not, moving is not a good reason to surrender your pet. Anyone who gives up a loving pet has no business having another pet. I know one shelter that wont adopt to people under 25, i think on the premise that they might be making a rush decision and not thinking about whether they want to travel, have babies or if they will have to move repeatedly (excessive house prices where I live). Luckily I only had my chiwe had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. Should the need arise, Petco will gladly assist you in finding a home, or may take back, any companion animal in good health regardless of the length of ownership, as part of our "Think Adoption First" program to find a loving home for every animal. Unfortunately, adoption into a safe and secure home is an unknown for the pet. As well as people contemplating buying a pet, should maybe have to go through a waiting period, one week, or even a few days so theres no chance of impulse buying. Should future pet adoptions be conditional? "She is very . He became aggressive for no apparent reason. A LAW SHOULD BE PASSED SO THEY COULD NEVER ADOPT AGAIN!!!! Craigslist, newspaper, Facebook, Walmart parking lot. Check with the original shelter. Yes, most people in these situations would likely at least try non-kill shelter options first but, what if they cant find a solution that way. I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. I foster dogs until they find a forever home, but our animal rescues check the home and makes sure there is room for the animal to run and play safely. Nobody would deny that. Sometimes people who would be good pet owners have family emergencies they have no control over, death and major illnesses, or the pet might have a medical problem that the new owner just cant handle. Our Adoption Centers take in owned animals as well as stray cats and small animals. not in a million years would like to put them in a kill shelter world would be a better place without them. I cried the entire time it took me to take them there, and cried the whole way home. To me it is the same neglect. But the destruction didnt stop. A registry sounds like a good idea too! You are all heartless. Sure as s*** theyll dump the next dog too. Surrender fees are collected at the time of the intake to help provide for your pet while in the care of HSSV. Animals are like children, and under no circumstances should any responsible pet owners be allowed to adopt another animal! THEY DEFINITELY SHOULD NEVER, EVER AND I MEAN EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A DOG !!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, it should be based on each individual case. If someone finds a stay and turns it over does that mean they shouldnt be allowed to adopt one later? Shes 18 now and I wouldnt trade one moment with her for anything. The veterinarian I went to was wonderful and gave me options. I didn't ask for money or anything. Put them on a do not own list. Animals must remain in good health, both physically and emotionally, and remain in good behavior. Both times it was a painful and heart breaking situation. I dont think these make someone unfit to care for another pet later on in life. Absolutely, no pets should be sold on or around holidays. People dont change. Some facilities don't allow walk-in surrenders and almost all charge a fee. My husband and I were separated, and I lived in an apartment (no pets rule) and he had our dog; when he was killed in a car accident. On the other hand, it is important to keep adoption initially affordable enable to get pets into homes. Animals are not toys to be discarded when they get old or you want a new toy. There are some where there is no question, such as fighting them, abuse, neglect, torture, etc. I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. Perhaps they are young and not knowledgeable at the time and of course the shelters dont educate them. Please call around. I tried everything Craigslist, adoption sites, flyers, you name it. SHOOT, SHOVEL and Shut UP method. All surrenders are by appointment only and we do not accept walk-in surrenders. She is part of my family and the choice was mine to make without researching to make the dog is the right fit for me. Surrendering often happens when an animal is too much work, or they dont value the creature enough to keep it. My dog became ill twice and, with the stress and expense, I decided to put him to sleep. An animal is not a disposable object. There is a $35.00 fee for all animals accepted into our adoption program. If they really cared about their pets the pet owner would actually look for a no kill shelter and place their dog their. But they should not be allowed to take another animal. It should include anyone convicted of animal abuse as well as anyone who turns in a dog at a kill shelter. I knew what I was getting myself into taking those dogs into my home and hv no regrets.I love them dearly and wd do it all over again as they hv become an essential part of my life. As it was said above-when you adopt-its for LIFE. The Elderly is one exception that Ive seen that I wouldnt tell no to if in the future things were secure enough for another devoted companion. The difference is once they get back on their feet they can get their pet back. There are people there that even drop their dogs off for vacations rather than paying a dog sitter or boarding and just hope the dogs will be there when they get back and if not they adopt a new one. If they cant keep a lifetime commitment, they should never be allowed to have ANY pet again. I guess it is better than dumping them on the roadside or beating them to death , but I read too often that its too time taking, they have children, they are moving. Many, many shelters these days have rescue and foster programs to give them more time to find homes for the dogs. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. 10 years?). Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. I would move heaven and earth to keep my pet under any reason. No one should take that responsibility lightly. . Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! Thank you for choosing adoption. No rescue in the Washington, DC area will let me rescue a dog now. I wanted to find the dog a new home myself, but our contract with the shelter specified that we had to return her if we couldnt keep her ourselves. They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! Not everyone surrenders their dog because they are evil people. I think it dependssometimes folks do stupid things when they are ignorant. This means that for one reason or another the owner has had circumstances arise where they can't keep the pet. Work with people to help them place their animals. You may deny them one of your rescue dogs, but if they still want a dog, they will still get one. Ooops I didnt mean to comment twice! That was on a Friday. Anyone who surrenders a dog should never be allowed to adopt another dog, and should definitely be put on a national do not adopt list. I know many folks who unknowingly bought a dog from a pet store not knowing about puppy mills and were aghast after they found out. Answer (1 of 7): I can't believe that would be a problem. Required fields are marked *. The other big part of the problem I see is the amount of dogs being dumped due to the inability to pay the exorbitant price of dentals. I sponsored her so that her adoption fee would already be paid when the right family for her came in. I have to call the Sheriff, show him proof that they are not my animals bu showing my vet records and than either myself or the Sheriff hauls them into the shelter. So how dare anybody tells me I should not adopt again.I grew up with dogs all my life.these dogs have a bad reputation because of humans. This shouldnt mean I cant adopt now. 2070 Griffin Road. She ate the string beans and went on the couch and just looked at me as if to say Yeah, and? I told my husband that when I come home from work the next day I dont want to see her here. There are just so many cases that have a back story to them. It would be nice if it could be determined on a case by case basis. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. My thought is that it should be a case by case basis. Ehm why is this even a question? As I have said many times, make sure your life is in order before you take on the responsibility of being a pet parent! Situations change, and you did the responsible thing be returning the critter. So that any adopted dogs are abandoned it could be traced back to the human. Think before you leap, it should be forever. If they are a serial owner surrender, then yes! 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