Hecate is a very protective goddess and doesnt want anyone getting hurt. I keep finding bones in my back yard could this be a sign from Hecate? Dandelions are also used to protect against harmful energies. Dogs were used to dig up Mandrake root. Dont forget to gather a bit of crossroads dirt and use it in your Hecate rituals, meditations, and more. Because, for me, the internet just cant provide the sort of depth of connection Im looking for. He often poses as something he is not, ive been having multiple dreams of dying, but still being conscious. Hades welcomed Hecate into the underworld, and this hospitality played a part in Hecates association with ghosts, necromancy, and other darker magical phenomena. I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. The Olympians 'adopted' Her after they had defeated the Titans, but She was not of the same kind, and never lived amongst them. She was worshiped during times of war and plague. Lavender *. Great article. -ritual knife or athame. One of Hecates most famous roles in Greek mythology is when she serves as psychopomp to Persephone. Its purple color ties it even closer to Hecate. Its also used in divination and to call upon the dead. I am the luckiest of witches. Hecates mediating presence led many followers to ask that bad fortune or malevolent spirits be kept from their household, and Hecate had the power to either rebuff or admit spirits into a home. Hecate is a Goddess shrouded in mystery, for there is continuing debate about Her name, origin and character. For others, Hecate is the Crone Goddess, ruling over the third stage of a woman's life, beyond her childbearing years . Your herbal creations also serve as offering to Hecate. Ive also been hearing dogs bark every other night, could that be a sign that she wants me to work with her? 20 September 2017, 12:27, 3,778 notes. Hecate crossed the Titan and Olympian regimes, the realms between the mortal and divine, and the living and the dead. Hesoid claims that She was born of the Titan Perses and the star goddess Asteria. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. It's notable that it is specifically crossroads where three roads meet that are sacred to Hecate, whereas any crossroad is deemed as ominous. You asked for the truth, and Hekate decided to answer your call because she is the most appropriate goddess to teach you this reality is not all it seems, you were at a point in a kind of limbo, so between life and death, which I assume lead to a rebirth of sorts for you yes? Ive even found educating people on the sanctity of the number thirteen is a simple way to please the goddess. I am currently researching more about her so that I can fully understand how to work with her. Add a small slice of fresh pomegranate (optional) and honey. The Greeks began to emphasize Her darker aspects; Hecate as Goddess of the Dead & Queen of Witches. Hecate is the Crone Goddess of Wicca, the third phase of the Moon Goddess. Traditional food for Hecate's Supper include eggs, fish roe, goat and sheep cheese, sprats, red mullet, garlic, mushrooms, and honey cake surrounded by blazing torches or cakes decorated with miniature imitation torches (candles). You, your energy, your house, your alter, and send the energy away. One night I got woke up from a dream and her name popped in my head and looked her up cause I did not know who she is. Murder is like an old man (personification) Alarum'd by his sentinel, the wolf. Lily of the valley is said to have been used by witches to attract love and prosperity. There is ample evidence that Hecate was honoured there too, perhaps as a guide for initiates into the Mysteries. As the power of the Solar Gods rose, Hecate became increasingly demonized, until by the Middle Ages She was reduced to a parody of an evil crone. Lehigh Acres, FL 33976. ), You love working with animals, in particular dogs, Stray dogs tend to find you and want you to take them in, Spirits communicate with you and have your entire life. Include her symbols or depiction (such as a statue or an illustration) and leave offerings to Hecate: Apples, Almonds, Cakes, Garlic, Grapes, Dandelions, Mushrooms, Oak leaves, Feathers, Moonstone. When we summon her, we invite her to help us take charge of our lives, to lead us into battle, and to fight for justice. "Most importantly, child, I am you. Traditionally, offerings to Hecate were left for dogs to consume because of her association with dogs. Highly recommended! It is Hecate's option to decide who or what consumes the offering, be it feral animals or humans, this is how She accepts the offering. Working with Ancestor Spirits Witch Challenge, Witch Challenge: Circles in Magick Drawing, Casting & Symbolism. at the crossroads owls can symbolize knowledge, the lack of eyes may represent a hindrance or a lack of use of knowledge you have or knowledge the universe wants you to gain but you will not see. If youre going to do an offering to her, make sure you dont get yourself into trouble. There is growth, or knowledge that she wants you to gain. And that our ancient ancestors worked off of a lunar calendar before our modern one. As with most other deities, Hecate also enjoys intangible offerings like paintings, poetry, song, dance, prayer, chanting, etc. This garden wouldve contained her sacred trees, herbs and poisons. She embodies all of these things and more. They want to initiate you. HECATE Altar Offering - offerings for the Goddess - Goddess of Crossroads, Necromancy, Witchcraft - Dark Mother - Shrine & Altar Tools . Is Hecate a dark or scary deity? Put up protection before you try contacting a spirit again. congrats. I have come to call the beginning of Ochpanitzli through the end of Dia de Los Muertos the the season of the Bruja. Hecate fled to Earth and hid in the house of a woman who had just given birth. I can tell by my experience that Ive only had positive, healing encounters with her. An offering of food, traditionally known as 'Hecates Supper' include red mullet, (a scavenging fish that was taboo in other cults), sprat, bread, raw eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey. The Christian Church was still trying to stop people leaving offerings at the crossroads as late as the 11th Century, and it is certainly carried on today so it is entirely possible that there is an unbroken tradition. Shes as much light as she is dark. House 13 since I was born, and born in a new moon. 3. Triple Moon: Hecate is a Triple Moon Goddess connected with the dark aspect of the lunar disc. wither'd murder. More specifically: the Hanafi school of thought in Sunni Islam. Nervous and a little scared as I was raised Christian and had no knowledge of her. Celebrate Hecate with a feast on her sacred days: August 13th and/or November 30th. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. When people say the number thirteen is unlucky or evil, I remind them there are 13 lunar phases in a year. I am still learning about her as well. I hope this helps you and if you can tell me what the sentences say, Best of luck Poetry, literature, and music you heavily associate with Her **. Be grateful mindful and respectful and please try your best to stay completely focused The one second you squirrel is the sec you create a weak spot! Things you can add: a representation of her like a statue or a key, a cauldron, a knife, a broom, dog figurines, decorations with stars and moons, anything with the colors black or red. The frog, significantly a creature that can cross between two elements, is also sacred to Hecate and the Egyptian goddess Heqit. In addition to keeping space for her, giving offerings is another great way to work with her. Your email address will not be published. Location. Many other herbs and plants were associated with Hecate, including garlic, almonds, lavender, myrrh, mugwort, cardamom, mint, dandelion, hellebore, and lesser celandine. the place of choice the way to choose is to fly free Hecate brought her famous torches to help and she and Demeter searched and searched for Persephone to no avail. Dedicate a card deck or a bag of charms to talking directly to Hecate. From then on Hecate remained in the Underworld. I was searching whom Hacate was due to a facebook post I saw, and it lead me to your website. And by all means BELIEVE!! Im insanely new to all of this but my gut is telling me that this would not be hecate. The dog is also well known as a guardian of the house, standing at the front door to stand watch, and this seems to relate to Hecates role as guardian. a household cleansing ritual as well and sweepings from the household and other items may also be left with the food offering. This plant is included as one of the traditional offerings for all deities of the underworld. She, along with Hermes, is responsible for fate that travelers meet on the road, therefor it would be wise for any traveler to make offerings to the goddess in hopes of a safe journey. It is the longest living creature in Europe, and naturally 'resurrects' itself: As the central trunk dies, a new tree grows within the rotting core. Which one will you choose? Hecate is even known as a goddess of childbirth! Here are a few offerings she likes: pomegranates, lavender, dishes with garlic, date palms, eggs, honey, breads and sweets that are crescent-shaped, candleflame and incense. noone else seemed to notice. . I honour and love her beyond measure. P.s. Hi Gayle! She appears in triplicate, and three is an appropriate number for the goddess of boundaries: inside, outside, and Hecate, the one who travels freely in between. Offer thirteen flowers to her. You set foot on the path that leads to the woods where your grandmother is buried. Other traditional offerings of baneful plants are associated with Hecate because they are believed to possess magical properties or be poisonous. Its also used to dispel ghosts and demons. 3 star rating. Leave the cup of tea for Hecate on her altar as a special offering. I am the web which connects all things. Every early Greek representation of Hecate shows Her as a young woman. Hi!Since I developed my interest for witchcraft Hecate and Lilith caught my eye.I had a dream once about a woman approaching me in a dream that involves me dying and going to the afterlife.I once dreamed too about owls in my backyard with their eyes missing.Im quite confused because,I know the dreams were significant.Can someone please explain to me what this means? Hecate is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, spirits, herbalism and the crossroads. In the past and the present, those who follow Hecate are often initiated into Her mysteries on this night. Zeus often showered Hecate with gifts, and the other immortal deities of the Greek pantheon honor her as well in their various ways. Given her dominion over the underworld, the sea, the sky, the earth, as well as the fates of travelers (of whom we all are), Hecate is enjoying a newfound resurgence in reverence as people re-discover the immense power and protection that this goddess affords those that please her. at the crossroads I believe she (Hcate) has always come to me in that form but I am afraid I am making that up or being rude to both. I am LOLing at her telling you to look her up! You can make an offering to Hecate if you want to ask for something specific. why is level 3 communications, llc calling me; former krdo reporters; kane mason actor obituary. Required fields are marked *. It is finally agreed that Persephone shall spend part of the year in the Underworld with Hades and the rest on Earth with Demeter. There are few legends about Her, and no fixed genealogy. Hecate was one of the most important goddesses in ancient Greece. hecate wicca offerings. Because Hecate is Queen of the Witches, she adores to have her own altar or altar space in a witchs home. Hecates Dogs: She often took the form of a dog, as well as taking on dog companions. The magical associations of mandrake root include love, fertility, and sexual potency. Location & Hours. Feel the difference? Such names suggest that Her power is far-reaching. There are many different kinds of spirits in the cemetery. In Wicca, Hecate has in some cases become identified with the "Crone" aspect of the Triple Goddess. Hecate Night: The Supper Menu. In some versions of the story, Hermes is the only one who leads Persephone out of the underworld after this occurs. She seems to be popular with dreams. The torches continue to be an important symbol of her mysteries, the fire and the light of illumination, not of darkness, but of light. If you only honour Her once in the year, this is the time to do it! Hello love, although not the same previous religion, I was a Christian who also believed in one God, until I too had issues with my sexuality. In Mytilene on the eastern coast of the Aegean Sea, near what was Troy, there are Temples of Demeter, where the women would go to the annual festival of Eleusis to celebrate fertility rites. Somewhere you have a leak in your system. ), Hecates name keeps showing up in your daily life (in random conversations, books, TV shows, online, etc. Among others that Hecate takes a keen interest in are horsemen, sailors and fishers, and children. , A friend sent me a link to your article.I am utmost and foremost a Priestess of Hecate! Perhaps we will never know for certain, but there are some fascinating clues. She very much requires you to take action on her behalf but also your own behalf. Mine falls on August 14. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Talismans made with belladonna can be an apotropaic offering to ward off evil forms of love, death, and enemies. Any sketchy part in there any entity can slip in!! once you know its name then you can make it leave through sage burning and prayer to Hecate . I cant express that enough! If you want to get rid of a problem, then offer her a sacrifice and burn it on a fire altar. If you only honour Her once in the year, this is the time to do it! I make the arrogant humble. If you dont have the stomach for it, consider tracking your menstrual cycles with a bracelet. The ancient grove near Lake Averno in Italy has long been sacred to Hecate. Eventually, the environment and the harvest ground to a halt. Her torches provided light in the darkness, taking the seeker on a journey of initiation, helping them to overcome the restrictions of the obstacles they would find in their way. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. Pour the hot water over top the loose leaf ingredients and let it steep for 5-7 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea. Thank you for this. The way to choose is to enter the void Sage is another herb that is sacred to Hecate. I have had experiences with her before and she doesnt really write on things for messages or cause you any physical harm. Ever since I separated myself from that, and took my own journey I have found great comfort. Positive, Inspiring, Uplifting Spells That Work. Im just starting to work on requesting things now, but I have for a couple years now just prayed to her and asked for protection of my family and I would leave little things about in thanks. Most say heh-kah-tay or heh-kah-tee with no emphasis on the middle syllable. You can honor Hecate and her hounds by doing the same. I am the womb from which all things are born. Although he was my sons dog Cash ( the dogs name) would always be by my side. Hecates torches illuminate the dark, signifying whether or not it is safe to venture through a given doorway or portal, as well as illuminating any strangers nearby. Hecate is no different. Erica They include the broom, herb work, cauldrons, moon work, and prep for harvest time and preparation for the time of the crone. I. Her shadowy legend skirts the edges of Hellenic mythology. She is a fluid and mysterious goddess. In this depiction, it is Hecate that leads Persephone out with her trademark torches that she had used earlier to search for the missing goddess. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. do u have thoughts? Give elaborate offerings or do ritual on the thirteenth of each month in her name. This doesn't mean She is easy to understand! Hecate belongs to a group of deities known as protectors of the oikos, or household. She was also the goddess of witchcraft. Then re-cleanse and charge monthly on the Dark Moon. Lily of the valley is considered to be one of Hecates favorite flowers. -garlic. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR INTENTIONS! Once the offering is given, depart without looking back. She is a liminal spirit she guards the thresholds between the human and spirit world. For many modern witchcraft traditions, Hecate is a Dark Goddess and is associated with the spirits of the dead, ghosts, the dark of the moon, baneful herbs, curses, and black magic. I recently wrote about creating sacred space within Modern Hekatean Witchcraft for doing different types of workings, from prayers to spells. This is one simple to honor the goddess of witches. If youre brave enough AND understand how to protect yourself, spirit work in the cemetery is another way to honor Hecate. Study medicinal and magical herbalism and become one of Hecates priestesses. 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