Some say if it had not been for the growth factor that Texas Ranger added to the breed, commercial ranchers would have never appreciated and respected Longhorns as they do today. In 1965, Milby Butler had 600 head of breeding cattle and approximately 100 head at the homeplace. Each has strong and weak points. value with color should be a business decision. All Rights Reserved. Butler had red, white, and red and white-speckled cattle, and brown was a favorite color, also. Most of Milby's cattle were butchered after he died in 1971 but the best were saved by several selective breeders. At this time, I would like to mention a few real good friends of Milby Butler and myself, that had the cattle and bred them like Milby did. Brahman Cattle Sale. Elmer wheeled and got away. Not so with Mr. Peeler. This family is the most popular out cross to other foundation strains. Texas. please contact Rocky at 210-414-3949. He registered about 20 bulls and 300 cows during the first years of the association. The most cattle that George W. Butler ever had under the OT brand at one time was about 25,000. The old family were nearly all duns, reds and line backs. Jack Phillips was well respected in Texas cattle circles and attended major Texas Cattleman's Assn. Welcome to Ross Ranch Horns! We breed, raise, and sell registered Texas Longhorns on our 200 acre ranch outside of Houston. Courtesy of Bull Creek Longhorns missnancy813220_thumb.jpeg drivingrangeheifer92720_thumb.jpeg Of all the seven, they represent the old traditional, coarse, small and rangy type. Some well known Yates bulls possess less than 30" horn tip to tip. LT Little Jackie. the dark color of your choice. spots are considered more valuable than large sombrero size spots. Today with over 200,000 registered, many read his book and join the preservation call. In summary, all seven families are great cattle. Milby Butler died October 16, 1971, a few months before his 83rd birthday. stress factor causing reduced physical performance. (see Dobie's book 1940). sell for higher prices. The building was a log cabin. large horns (to retain yokes) and athletic abilities were of the utmost importance. "Mr. Butler is truly a broad-gauged, liberal-minded, industrious man, and one that has done much for his country," said the Promoter. Color, horn, fertility, calving ease and beef. This is when we knew that Texas Longhorn cattle were where we wanted to be and what we wanted to represent. Brahman . As a result of the evolution of world cattle adapting to their environment, I also do not criticize these old time producers for their efforts, which may appear somewhat lacking on records. Office: 660-679-6535. USDA Market Report. There are said to be other unrelated families, but the numbers are very small and no other groups with origins this old are commonly referred to in Texas Longhorn circles. This decision will be the most significant any Longhorn breeder has to make if a profitable business is desired. 1) I never realized they roamed or were we raised this close to the Gulf Coast. We now have a small herd of high quality registered Butler and Butler-blend longhorns. Color, on those genetics together. more hours, and more miles. As dominant cattle His progeny are mostly black and very trim of underline. To me, a heifer that has a 36" horn tip-to-tip at two years of age has a nice horn. popular genetic selection choice to breed a flashier offspring, and in turn Often the one unique herd animal with the Women understand pretty things. They are individualistic and no other herds look exactly like they do. For this reason, Butler cattle are still the foundation of many Texas Longhorn herds. them to dominantly dark bulls with no more than a few white spots. I have this cow head mounted in my den. Africa. Generally speaking they were larger boned than most Longhorns. Some almost homely heads and narrow faces may be found which was typical of many early TL cattle. some more years of serious breeding, and at this time a lot of money to put Dalgood is the home of Delta Rockette and . reflection from sand or snow. By the mid-1920s, in fact, buffalo outnumbered Longhorns an especially remarkable statistic given that just 40 years previous, the North American Longhorn population was estimated at 40,0 00 head. Each family has one or more faults or weaknesses. Texon cattle mix the Texas Longhorn and the Devon cattle breed. They were somewhat long in body but not real tall. No prominent producer is working to preserve the Marks line. I would love to show you my herd and tell you more about the Butler Family of Texas Longhorn cattle. Fall round-ups were held before the herd drifted back to the lowlands. Keep up to date on our latest events, posts, and more by joining our email list! with judging for values, current day sale values and color values. unrelated cow who impressed him with her large horns. To see how these cattle came to be, it is necessary to consider a time when pioneers came to southeast Texas to carve a life out of a grasslands wilderness. Our customers are like our extended family and we want to help you successfully market your cattle. If a cow has a lot of white on the face, like a Hereford with a white nose, In 1931, Butler traded two Brahman cows for a white "flea- bitten" Longhorn cow from East Texas. PEELER cattle were the first cattle purchased by Dickinsons. 22245 S. Lower Highland Rd. Dickinson Cattle Co. LLC is about 30% WR blood. of years were cattle that could pull a covered wagon, plow or drag logs for comes to faces and wives, color matters. Though his main interest at the time was his herd of registered Brahman cattle, Milby took an active interest also in preserving the native Longhorns. is also found from the White Park cattle of England to the N'Dama cattle of offered for sale. (no one knows why government forest rangers were delegated to the job). . It was very rare for him to ever let a cow go. color patterns, face markings, unusual colors, brindles and bold patterns have The Butler Longhorn Museum tells the story of this amazing comeback, and in doing so, tells a compelling chapter in the story of the American West. Today we see some beautiful colored Yates cattle which were not a normal thing years ago. Today the Peeler family herd is under the management of Justin Peeler. ---Johnny Hoffman. In 1872, George bought 30 acres of land adjoining the Galveston, Houston and Henderson tracks in League City. Like the Yates cattle, only a few Peeler cows had the long horns. He holds a unique designation in that he has sired numerous highly respected sons & also daughters. The "seven families" were for the most part unrelated. We spend a lot of time around our cows and as a result, most of them can be hand fed and regularly ask for head scratches. Kaso Kety 985-796-3918 or Michael McLeod 361-782-0155, Copyright 2012 by Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders The Butler family: Named for Milby Butler, a pioneer cattleman who began raising Texas Longhorns in the early 1900's. His cattle trace back to the wild cattle of east Texas and the Gulf Coast. Many Butler bulls became popular, such as Classic, Superior, Unlimited, Blue Horns, Dixie Hunter, Tabasco, Dixie Rebel, Conquistador, Bold Ruler, Man O' War, Monarch, Holman B1, Sam and others. We pay distinct attention to color, face, structural correctness, horn shape, horn length, and a cows ability to stay in good shape. Milby also added the blood of a few twisted-horned Mexican cattle to his herd of East Texas and Gulf Coast Longhorns. Follow us Stay in Touch! He be came an enthusiastic supporter of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America upon its formation in 1964. .roboGalleryLoaderSpinner{margin:50px auto;width:50px;height:40px;text-align:center;font-size:10px;}.roboGalleryLoaderSpinner > div{background-color:#333; height:100%; width:6px; display:inline-block; -webkit-animation:roboGalleryLoader-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; animation:roboGalleryLoader-stretchdelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;}.roboGalleryLoaderSpinner .roboGalleryLoaderRect2{-webkit-animation-delay:-1.1s; animation-delay:-1.1s;}.roboGalleryLoaderSpinner .roboGalleryLoaderRect3{-webkit-animation-delay:-1.0s; animation-delay:-1.0s;}.roboGalleryLoaderSpinner .roboGalleryLoaderRect4{-webkit-animation-delay:-0.9s; animation-delay:-0.9s;}.roboGalleryLoaderSpinner .roboGalleryLoaderRect5{-webkit-animation-delay:-0.8s; animation-delay:-0.8s;}@-webkit-keyframes roboGalleryLoader-stretchdelay{0%,40%,100%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(0.4) } 20%{-webkit-transform:scaleY(1.0) }}@keyframes roboGalleryLoader-stretchdelay{0%,40%,100%{ transform:scaleY(0.4); -webkit-transform:scaleY(0.4); } 20%{ transform:scaleY(1.0); -webkit-transform:scaleY(1.0); }}. He always said that color and size will always be a surprise, and it showed in his cattle. One of his 22 blood types of record was also found in Hereford cattle. Mr. Peeler let out an Indian war hoop, stood up leaning on his cane and placed the final bid. Graves wanted lots of fight in his cattle. "This is conceded to be the longest wagon bridge in the world," reported the Texas Coast Promoter in 1896. She was white with red Little Jackie was found in Louisiana years ago and after hard work we negotiated to buy her. Yet a true black has every hair on the body All Rights Reserved. "I never sell my Longhorns," he once said. If a cow is red or a solid color, do not breed her to a solid-colored bull. Part of the judging clinics, that each approved judge must attend, deals This breeding will give you a good looking horn by three years of age. For hundreds of years the cattle lived a semi-feral existence on the . Market Report Archives. *Near the Ft. As a teenager, George W. left League City to join the Confederate Army and did not return home until after the Civil War. He would have the neighborhood kids gather the big-horned cattle every so often and rub lanolin into their horns to keep them shiny and healthy looking. They are structurally sound and good mothers. "You can study Longhorns all of your life," he once said, "but you can never truly know the animals. We view a cow with excellent conformation as one that raises a fat calf annually on a predominantly grass diet, and we judge our cattle greatly by the quality of the calves they raise. At Red Peak Ranch, we are breeders of Texas Longhorn Cattle and Read More . The pure Marks blood is nearly, or completely extinct. Milby also used the MB brand at times. Rich reds are more valuable than pale The Butler cattle are known for their lateral horn. He wanted his cows to come in every year with a fat, live calf and no excuses. Years after his death, there still survives an identifiable type of Texas Longhorn cattle that bears the Butler name, which may be traced in an unbroken line to the native big-horned cattle of East Texas and the Gulf Coast. Worth., Texas Stock Yards the largest bronze monument in Texas has been errected with seven bigger-than-life Longhorn steers to memoralize the seven pioneer Longhorn herds. Contact: Mike Crawford , Email: Mounted Longhorn Steer Horns, 24-35 inch span, natural finish, cowhide with some or mostly brown hair. but pigmentation will be located to protect the ears, nose, eye area, lower Texas Ranger JP was originally named Texas Ranger, however the recording secretary found that was a duplicate name. many herds have no grullo animals. Six ranching families preserved and bred pure Texas Longhorn stock. We have always thought very highly of Tejas Star so when the opportunity to own on of his sons came up, we just couldn't pass it up. Cap Yates liked the WR cattle and over the years traded bulls with WR several times. Spotted cattle are considered more valuable than non-spotted cattle. Their growth and correct type command respect. Longhorn Sale. These majestic creatures can do it all. A more detailed account of this historical family was featured in the Texas Longhorn Journal Summer 1980 issue entitled the "Texas Ranger Legacy.". Sales Headquarters: No other WR bull has had the popularity of WR 2935. This availability creates WR bulls in large numbers and therefore they normally sell fairly economically. Today, producers of Texas Longhorns either raise their favorite family bloodlines in a pure state or mix combinations of several of the seven pure bloodlines. Phillips cattle are taller and longer than the other foundation herds. if there are numerous members of the herd of one exact color, a different herd The Butler bulls that are used as herd sires should be around 42" at two years of age. Refuge, the high selling cattle were most always black speckled. The cattle would be divided according to their brands, foremost among them George W. Butler's "OT" brand. So, color counts. When evaluating WR bulls, their horns are more curled forward and up like the Spanish fighting bulls, rather than the wider lateral horn spreads that are more popular today. The WR herd was the latest of origin. There are no upcoming events at this time. When Kacie and Jodie began showing cattle in the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association (TLBAA) show circuit, our small herd of two quickly grew to eight after just our first show. Some of the almost lost Texas twist horn factor was perpetuated in Phillips cattle. The Museum documents the rich multicultural heritage of the region through farming and ranch history. Email (required) * Probably less than 10% of the bulls raised by WR ever reach up to 40" horn spans. Some 80% of the cattle were never accounted for, while the other 20% were scattered among different breeders. This color pattern became so marked in the Butler cattle that it often was referred to in later years as "Butler color." Explore within to answer your questions, to learn about Butler Texas Longhorn history, to see photos of influential Butler animals, and to contact Butler Breeders for specific genetics to add to your herd. PR Highland Longhorn Cattle and QH Preble, Dayton A. to check what your wife likes. "He was just a true rancher, I guess you could say, with ideas. In 1907, he canvassed the property owners of League City to see who would pay $4 a piece for live oak trees to be planted by their sidewalks. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. The dun cattle came from the coast and the flea-bitten (color) ones having white with red ears, came from East Texas. black, including the nose area, the inner ear, under parts and ankles.