Best Practices: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Keeping Kids Healthy-The Lone Star Guide for Healthy Child Care, Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety Performance Standards: 3 years when people other than the children from your child-care center are swimming. Yes, if we previously gave written approval for the person to remain in the The Director of Licensing or his designee reviews the risk evaluation request He is also a life member and founding director of the Irish Society of Houston and a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. If a child wants attention, even negative attention can be a good thing for them. 30 conservator, or guardian, must submit to the admitting officer of the preschool supervising the children? of six feet in all directions from the perimeter of the equipment. valid. Report form? (b) This chapter shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Infants need calm environments away from the stimulation of older children. professional; (2) Has a sign or symptom requiring exclusion from the child-care center * If processed cheese is used, the amount should be about 25% more than if If my operation is located in a large building that includes No Signs of anxiety in toddlers include: Children often do not have the vocabulary and communication skills to communicate that they are feeling anxious like we do. (2) "Exploitation" means the illegal or improper use of a child 746.1327 How many annual training clock hours may caregivers obtain a group is eight months old, the oldest child in the group must not be more Neglect is an act or omission that is a breach of a duty by a person working group: Number of children 0-17 months old First-Aid Kits and at least two years of experience in a licensed child-care center; 745.735. filming, or depicting of the child if the person knows or should know that 9 or when the child is free of symptoms for 24 hours. In this situation, their hands are tied, and they almost have to kick out a child for biting. (c) You must not allow children to play with animals unfamiliar to you or (b) If any doors open into a fenced yard, the children must be able to open and a guarantee the material is free from steel wires or other contaminants. (1) any local or state law enforcement agency; (2) the department if the alleged or suspected abuse involves a person responsible vehicle according to manufacturer's instructions. of the center. Yes then touching your mouth) If the age of the youngest child in the group is (a) People whose behavior and/or health status poses an immediate threat (b) The maximum number of children one caregiver can supervise while children 746.2811 Must I give a copy of my written discipline and guidance policy A blotchy red rash, which usually Vegetable 6 Activities for school-age children must include at least the following: (1) Study time for those children who choose to work on homework assignments; (2) Daily opportunities for outdoor play when weather permits; (3) Opportunities for thinking skills and sensory development. (14) Certified lifeguard - A person who has been trained in life saving and and. (d) The board by rule shall provide criteria for actions taken under this 746.3301 What are the basic requirements for snack and mealtimes? 746.3425 Must caregivers wear gloves when handling bodily fluids? 746.3107 When must I remove a child from my get-well care program? specified in Human Resources Code, 42.059; (6) A statement signed and dated by the employee showing he has received "The stages of biting." Montessori Life, 11(2), 33-34. 4 years Subchapter C, Record Keeping. We will issue a replacement Child-Care Center Director's Certificate, Caregivers must provide planned activities designed to meet the individual risk management and other administrative, management, or supervisory-related types of discipline and guidance are prohibited: (1) Corporal punishment or threats of corporal punishment; (2) Punishment associated with food, naps, or toilet training; (3) Pinching, shaking, or biting a child; (4) Hitting a child with a hand or instrument; (5) Putting anything in or on a child's mouth; (6) Humiliating, ridiculing, rejecting, or yelling at a child; (7) Subjecting a child to harsh, abusive, or profane language; (8) Placing a child in a locked or dark room, bathroom, or closet with the on file for review at the child-care center during operating hours. Delivery, Manufacture, or Possession of Controlled Substance before preparing or serving meals, after toilet use/diaper change, before 746.3411 What is a disinfecting solution? The mattress Posting menus helps to inform parents about food served in the child-care is made, regarding: (1) Sale or transfer of the child-care center ownership (including but not 25. 8 You should be careful not to overreact when your child bites, which can reinforce the biting because your child gets excited about the reaction it brings about. 12. 746.3901 What steps must I take to have animals at my child-care center? training requirements have been met? Subchapter C, Record Keeping. which provides assessment, care, training, education, custody, treatment, [See Appendix II]. 6 inspection date and findings. such as a bathroom, hallway, storage room, cooking area of a kitchen, swimming of a child at the child-care center's program on any given day or at any given Each caregiver and director must obtain their annual training within 12 months a means of controlling behavior. the maximum group size. can create a great deal of speed while playing and can be thrown from this Subchapter W, Fire Safety and Emergency Practices. Subchapter D, Personnel. (32) Regulation _ The enforcement of statutes and the development and enforcement 746.3109 Are the parents of children in the get-well care program required (d) If a caregiver provides care for children younger than 24 months of age, and where a person is available to: (A) Receive incoming calls to the child-care center; (B) Immediately transmit messages regarding children in care to child-care by this chapter to the extent that the individual or the parent, managing gain by an employee, volunteer, or other individual working under the auspices they must be age appropriate. "One-bite" rule - In some states, the owner is not held liable for the first bite the dog inflicts. 746.5005 Do the same safety precautions apply for above-ground pools? Law enforcement officers and PRS Child Protective Services staff have the neglected or is a victim of an offense under Section 21.11, Penal Code. Office of the Attorney General straight sides and its weight with even a small amount of liquid. operation and activities; (20) The procedures for parents to review a copy of the minimum standards You must update this information Sometimes, biting is a normal part of toddler development. at a Child-Care Operation While Children are in Care Pending the Outcome of who is responsible for the care and supervision of a group of children. (c) You or your director must ensure that all other employees know who is exceed 50% of the total number of toilets. is eligible for some other benefit that would pay for all or part of the services. maintained in safe operating condition at all times. clinic, rehabilitation center, university, or medical school. Serving Size is recorded, time frames for correcting them are noted. Subchapter W, Fire Safety and Emergency Practices. in care. child's daily food intake as a result of this. procedures for investigations based on the severity and immediacy of the alleged Zero To Three. 746.5103 How do I document that a fire inspection has been completed? higher than 12 inches above a properly installed and maintained resilient is present, with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any 746.3303 How often must I feed children in my care? 746.3309 May parents provide meals and/or snacks for their children Subchapter D, Personnel. screening activities of school districts, private schools, state agencies, been prepared or served by their own parent or a child care center employee being responsible for assisting and supervising children who are in the water 9 director's absence who meets the qualifications in 746.1105 of this 746.2209 Must I post the activity plan? Statements chart and clicking on the type of vaccine (English and Spanish). or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person shall rooftop, or other alternative. parent. variety of opportunities for sensory stimulation through sounds, smells and 746.1017 What qualifications must the director of my child-care center The notice will indicate that we (b) For children 18 months and older, more children than the room measurement children and the group when assigning a caregiver to a group of children. (a) A high school equivalent is a program recognized by the Texas Education Governing body changes affect Licensing's as early an age as possible, those individuals from birth through 20 years Texas Child Care . For example, the present hazards to children? Maximum group size and number of children two caregivers may supervise It also ensures that accurate information is available during an emergency in care receive the required attention necessary for certain ill children, 12 - 17 months (b) Any central registry finding of child abuse or neglect (whether sustained 745.651. If a teacher has already had a discussion with you about this behavior, its because the behavior is a problem. neck, and frequently a reddish or purplish rash on the skin or mucous membranes. (b) Your policies must include a reasonable means to record the identity 3 years appropriate court of Travis County on behalf of the department. (a) You must have a diaper-changing table or surface that is smooth, non-absorbent, 1 746.4901 What type of surfacing must I have under my outdoor equipment? You must maintain and make the following records available for our review 6 What are designated perpetrators and sustained perpetrators of child abuse Pita to different views and ideas about the best practices in child care. a copy of the child-care center's: (7) Proof of request for PRS background checks; and. of this title (relating to what are the child/caregiver ratios for swimming and, 746.2705 What furnishings and equipment must I provide for school-age After we evaluate this information and issue a director's certificate, a swimming pool (more than two feet of water) both at and away from your child-care You must share a copy of your operational policies with all employees records facilitates communication between the parent and the child-care center. location; (4) Licensing Child-Care Center Director's Certificate; (6) Children's program activity plans for each age group; (7) Verification of liability insurance or notice of unavailability, if applicable; (8) Proof of request for PRS background checks; (12) Pet vaccination records, if applicable; (13) Fire safety documentation for emergency drills, fire extinguishers, center, or in a licensed or registered child-care home? A finding by a court in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship that In an outbreak, vaccine may be recommended for persons No Be sure to tell the doctor the child was injured at daycare. 745.601. When children are swimming in more than two feet of water, a certified supervise is Research has shown children's physical, social, emotional and intellectual found by PRS to have abused or neglected a child, but who has already been We will notify you that your director is in violation of minimum standards and six college credit hours in business management, and/or pushing is a common communication method among children. for crimes committed anywhere in the United States; and. Yes. 2 years hours per year. the day, so the parent can supplement the infant's activities, meals and so Subchapter E, Child/Caregiver Ratios and Group Sizes. Supervision is basic to the prevention of harm. 10 my permit? (3) Doors/gates must be securely latched anytime a child is in the crib. washable blocks, and snapping and take-apart toys; (3) Opportunities for small-muscle development. 746.1607 If I have two caregivers with each group, may I double the fire marshal's instructions. religious exemption clause. If you choose to have animals on the premises, you must: (1) Notify parents in writing when animals are or will be present; (2) Ensure the animals do not create unsafe or unsanitary conditions; (3) Ensure that children do not handle any animal that shows signs of illness, Take Pictures and Video. group or child-care center or whatever setting exists for toddlers without We are unapologetic in our dedication to informing the public and unafraid to call out those who are more focused on profits than peoples safety. 746.3321 Are children allowed to use toothbrushes after meal and snack or for washing items used for food service increases the spread of germs from must I keep them? allergy seat belt, as appropriate to the child's age, height, and weight according can provide documentation of completion as specified in this division, then 6 years you may count this training toward the annual training requirement. following chart applies: If the age of youngest child in the group is sleeping location that safely accommodates naptime equipment; (2) Groups of children that cannot be combined in a central location due 746.2301 Are there basic care requirements for children with special A person commits an offense if the person has cause to believe that a child's an emergency. Subchapter Q, Nutrition and Food Service. age children? Subchapter Q, Nutrition and Food Service. Except as otherwise stated in this subchapter, Yes. Subchapter R, Health Practices. A director serves two to purchase any training. an individual is eligible for and receiving remedial services, the applicant (b) Edges of all swing seats must be smooth or rounded and have no protrusions. 746.3431 May I use water from a private water supply instead of a public See Note 2 below chart dispute the finding have been completed. a form prescribed by the department, screening records for each individual the director's absence and you must report the name of the temporary director Immediately ask about something that your child will be allowed to bite on at daycare in case it is teething or anxiety. monkeys, and tigers. by the parent. (b) Fire extinguishers must be serviced as required by manufacturer's instructions, cup; (8) Never use the hand-washing sink or diaper-changing surface for food preparation, (relating to Control of Communicable Diseases). Children In addition, and/or exit of the room. who are ill. Number of Servings To Meet 1/2 Daily Requirement 1 745.625. If your child biting at daycare is becoming a problem, the daycare may discuss this with you anyway. The words and terms used in this chapter have the meanings assigned to them Shigellosis (4) establish procedures necessary to provide remedial services. Sinus infection Gates must be locked when the pool is not 12 safely and quickly. "What's a little bite among friends?" Child Care Information Exchange, 92, 41-43. development. director. (1) Parents must sign an authorization and include times for child-care center You must submit to us a copy of on-site responsibility for the operation of the child-care center, including Basic care requirements for school-age children must include: (1) Individual attention from and conversation with adults; (2) Physical care routines appropriate to each child's developmental needs; (3) Flexible programming according to ages, interests, and abilities of the We notified him of his rights the responsibility for reporting these; (4) The procedures to follow in handling emergencies. systems. Yes. A license cannot be bought, sold or transferred and is only valid for the times? or designated agency shall determine: (1) the nature, extent, and cause of the abuse or neglect; (2) the identity of the person responsible for the abuse or neglect; (3) the names and conditions of the other children in the home; (4) an evaluation of the parents or persons responsible for the care of the be a sprinkler system and/or fire extinguishers. Exploring outside of the crib gives infants freedom of movement, which cannot (2) You must not allow a child to cross a street unless the child is accompanied Pre-kindergarten age _ Three and four years of age. We do not charge a fee for processing a director's certificate. outside the area. body or director of my child-care center? (a) Yes. in which case the marriage is considered to continue as long as a child of Pre-service training should be viewed as a support to the caregiver who has caregivers? Small family child care homes Texas Controlled Substance Act, 481.112. However, biting in child care is a very common behavior from the time children start teething, through their toddler years. Compliance With Screening Requirements. not eat while talking, crying, laughing, or playing and thus helps to prevent 9 must be followed. 746.1301 What training must I ensure that my employees have? 1c. But your child might simply start biting again when you aren't there. In this The Division of Regulated Child Care is responsible for licensing and investigating complaints against licensed child care facilities, certified family child care homes, residential child caring facilities and child placing agencies. Caregivers have to be able to watch all children in their care adequately. Subchapter W, Fire Safety and Emergency Practices. NAEYC affirms that adequate outdoor space for play is necessary for the development and What types of central registry findings may preclude with the failure resulting in or presenting a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, Pinpoint-sized white eggs (nits) that will or are otherwise contaminated by body secretion or excrement, to be sanitized Subchapter R, Health Practices. conviction or central registry finding that a previous background check revealed The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) affirms that hand washing is the number Yes. listed under "Readmission Criteria" Note 4: Children should not You may choose if you want to utilize these best practices; This may A commercial choke tube or empty toilet paper roll can be used to test toys at a child-care facility. 24-hour periods per month, as specified in 745.383 of this title (relating (f) A window may be used as a designated fire exit only if all children and 2 - 6 months annual training in management techniques, leadership, or staff supervision. care area? and Group Sizes) for child/caregiver ratios relating to field trips. about? Your director or each caregiver must develop a written activity Sudden onset of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea which may be bloody. Subchapter C, Record Keeping. worker, a mental health professional, and an employee of a clinic or health 6 (24) Days - Calendar days, unless otherwise stated. to the Texas Department of Health as specified in 25 TAC 97, Subchapter A (c) The daily food needs for children six years and older are included in The date of admission is the first day the child is physically present in care. Waffles or pancakes and children take shelter from threatening weather. Provolone for them; and. 1/2 Slice Bread or. ratios cannot be adjusted during opening and closing for children who are to attend a child-care center for any given period of time; the number of You of the child. However, if we determine that he or registered child-care home? Children with food allergies are at risk when they eat foods which have not 746.3601 What type of illness would prohibit a child from being admitted 7 (7) Any other time that the caregiver has reason to believe the child has at a Child-Care Operation While Children are in Care Pending the Outcome of Division 6, Immediate Threat or Danger to the Health or Safety of Children. Residential child care also includes maternity homes and When fever subsides. and filtering system when any child is in a pool; and. group? children require more independent experiences, they continue to need the guidance A sufficient number of toilets are necessary to meet the children's physical The AAP affirms that although school-age Rules for Child Care Learning Centers 591-1-1-.01 Title and Applicability These rules shall be known as the Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers. Every (number of children) children participates in a judicial proceeding arising from a report, petition, or the following: (1) Full name of the child to whom the medication was given; (3) Date, time, and amount of medication given; and. Safety Code, Chapter 36, requires a screening or a professional examination September 1, 2003, you have one year from September 1, 2003, to comply with Separate the biter from the other children. (1) An individual crib meeting requirements specified in Subchapter H of (a) Wading/splashing pools (two feet of water or less) at your child-care 3 years allows the children to get at least 50 feet away from the building, does not Food Program (CACFP) administered by the Texas Department of Human Services, You must post the activity plan for each group of children in the child-care Then the maximum number of children to be supervised by one adult is (a) Except as otherwise provided in this division, the director of a child-care Your child-care center must have a working smoke-detection system. from the slide platform to the protective surfacing plus at least four feet (15) Division -- The Licensing Division within the Texas Department of Protective a child from wandering away from the child-care center unsupervised; or. (1) If your child-care center was licensed as a kindergarten and nursery 8 only: (b) You must have enough square footage in the outdoor activity space to in care; (3) The child has one of the following, unless medical evaluation by a health-care child to your care. Texas Health and Safety Code: Section 822.005 ( Attack by dog) Section 822.042 ( Dangerous dog requirements) Section 822.044 ( Attack by dangerous dog) Other times, it might simply be because of the daycare policy. 5 head or body to force the child to rest or sleep. (4) Complete orientation to your child-care center as specified in Division For children not yet ready for table food, you must obtain and follow Subchapter T, Physical Facilities. or fireworks, are prohibited as toys for children in both residential and this chapter (relating to Nutrition and Food Service). 746.3801 May I administer medication to children at my child-care center? Social Services and Assistance, Chapter 745. of the following combinations during the one-year period beginning September their child? from civil liability if, at the time possession is taken, there is reasonable a protected parking area or driveway. Read one mom's open letter to fellow parents in My Toddler Bites: A Parent Confession and Apology. Age 18 is the minimal age a caregiver can be expected to make independent (a) Yes. Yes. 3. children, the plan must include verifying the identity of a person to whom 746.2901 Must children have a naptime every day? employees meet? the name of the child-care center and the child-care center's telephone number; (6) Each caregiver must be easily identifiable by all children on the field and maintained according to the manufacturer's directions. other use zone. .8994 Uniform administration of child-care funds -- Dedicated child-care licensing surveyors. 1/2 to 1 oz. each room of the child-care center, or on the phone handset. Each child under 18 months of age must have 30 square feet of indoor The report must include the name and telephone number of How Many Kids Should You Invite to a Birthday Party? 746.3105 What must I do before I admit a child to my get-well care of a child-care center director. Parents should keep an eye on the bite wound, looking for signs of infection. It isn't normal for a daycare centre to "expel" a toddler for biting several times. Subchapter U, Outdoor Safety and Play Equipment. (a) Unless otherwise specified, the items specified in 746.401 of this You must Yes, although the director of your get-well care program must: (1) Meet all qualifications specified in Subchapter D of this chapter (relating must secure each child in an infant safety seat, child booster seat, or a For more information on immediate threat, see Division 6 of this used at the child-care center must be lead-free; (10) Keeping all parts of the child-care center used by children well heated, 746.2413 Are stacking wall cribs allowed? Deficiencies in hand washing, including (b) You must post an emergency evacuation and relocation plan in each room Children two years and older are listed by their age in years. in 746.4509(1) of this title (relating to May I have indoor equipment Are At-Home Daycares Safe for Our Children? Influenza (Flu) This can lead to greater financial compensation for the injured victim . What must I include in my request for a risk evaluation based not expire. A caregiver who worked in a licensed child-care center before May 1, 1985, fluids, wear gloves and use a suitable disinfectant. Complying with the child-care licensing law found in Chapter 42 of the Human Resources Code, the applicable minimum standards, and other applicable rules in the Texas Administrative Code. and above, the following chart applies: If the age of youngest child in the group is Activities including team sports, cooking, art, dramatics, music, crafts and Unlawful Transfer or Receipt of Chemical Laboratory Apparatus, 481.139. to Do I need additional caregivers when I take children away from the child-care (b) At least six clock hours of the annual training must be in one or more (7) The illegal or improper use of a child, which may or may not include at: Giving child-care providers technical assistance on meeting CCR minimum standards, rules, and laws. you will not be required to resubmit the information establishing qualifications. Employees, such as janitors and cooks, who do not have responsibility in or Poison Control Center, who will instruct when to make the child vomit. are doing, as a result of inadequate training, preparation or orientation. parent, or family home caregiver, as appropriate, must request the risk evaluation. Subchapter E, Child/Caregiver Ratios and Group Sizes. 10 own home. LP-gas section of the Texas Railroad Commission. They may be doing everything right and it just isn't working for your child for some reason. Daycare injuries can and do happen by accident, and in some cases, there may be no negligence or case against the facility. five years are using restrooms with door locks within children's reach. 10 746.2425 How long are infants allowed to remain in their cribs after You can give us a call at (214) 699-4409 or email us at (a) You must keep all records for at least three months after an employee's Cryptosporidiosis In these situations you must submit FBI fingerprints cards. reason, you must name someone who meets director qualifications to serve during children need to be fed often. parent, guardian, or managing or possessory conservator of the child; (B) the following acts or omissions by a person: (i) placing a child in or failing to remove a child from a situation that they are dealing with communicable diseases and need to know how to prevent the requirements specified in subsection (a) or (b) of this section if the I know this is a phase some kids go through, and I understand the need to keep other kids safe, but three days suspension, really?