Does not stack, but another kill will reset the timer. Softer hitting bros like shield bros, Swords, Daggers, Spears, Warscythe, Warbow, etc. Ive brought back liners into Goblin City with Nimble as their only defensive perk, with only 70 HP and less than 10 RDF, and they were ok. You can use it to swap a weapon for next turn. Pathfinder saves FatigueAlso not to be forgotten is the halved FAT cost of movement. This makes Dodge a great pick for Nimble builds using 2Handers. If you are looking for a very quick pass on the perks then I suggest just checking out the summary section of each perk and then skimming through any sections of interest. Nimble bros even without INI investment will naturally outspeed heavy enemies like Warriors and Ancient Dead so there is a bit less enemies to jump ahead on with Adrenaline. If you want to play it safe and/or struggle with Goblins then Anticipation can help. Even if you run 20 FAT per turn (many 1Handers with Spec) you are only slowly accumulating and only slowly losing Dodge value. So while Rotation can definitely buy you some time, you do still need to be able to handle threats and position your team in a smart way. Nimble: Gifted is better than usualNimble loves having a high hp count. If you have the money for forged armors, battleforged is almost always going to be better than nimble on front liners. Again, there are many ways to be successful in Battle Brothers. Making it easier to find monologues since 1997. Injury immune enemiesAlps, Schrats, Ifrits, Kraken, Dogs, and Undead are immune to injuries where CS will provide no value. Since the damage mitigation from armor occurs near the end of the damage calculation, abilities that reduce damage prior to this occurring are stronger than expected. This makes it so that you actually take far less than half damage. Misconception Berserk/Frenzy are auto-picks on every damage dealerNo. Mind does boost the gain provided by Resolve trinkets, Lionheart Potions (for tough fights), and the Banner, so keep that in mind when you are evaluating it. Dodge is a compliment to proper defensive investment, not a substitute for it. HH is a respectable damage perk nowHH got reworked in BD and is no longer as dubious/weak as it was in the past. You do not want to use this strategy expecting you will never get caught with an attack. QH has a lot of obvious offensive uses, allowing the bro to switch between weapons depending on the circumstances, or even swapping weapons mid turn. Remaining armor = 227.55 HP damage = 80 * 0.6(Ignore%) 22.755(10% Remaining armor) = 25.25. If Headshot we multiply final hp damage * 1.5 = 37.87. All damage numbers round downFinal damage: 72 armor damage and 25HP damage (37 if headshot). Recover fuels other strong skillsRecover is a well-respected perk in the community, dare I even say overrated. Bro has a Heavy Crossbow and no perks except with or without Crossbow Mastery. can often find themselves hitting in this window, and will therefore enjoy a lot of extra checks with Fearsome. Frenzy nor Xbows change that evaluation. Ancient Priests Miasma and Assassin Firebombs are also not mitigated. You can use it for mobility or repositioning for next turn. Most backgrounds have an average base INI at 105. You dont want to spend extra FAT and lower your damage and still fail your Stun because it is only 75%. For example, a Killer on the Run with a Berserk Chain would have an average 66% headshot rate. Smart positioning of your tanks may make Rotation not as relevant, but the utility can be nice to have to help other bros when things go wrong. The way to go is Necromancer/Assassin Hat (40) and Noble Mail body armor (160) preferably with Bone Plate attachment. WarbowsWarbows are all about damage and are pretty good a dealing injuries to softer targets like opposing archers. Those tests seemed to suggest that Brow was worth about 15hp which is 3 level ups (Colossus assumed) of hp. You can attack (5 AP) and swap to a Heater (4 AP). Polearms can attack twice and move one tile with Berserk, giving them a large amount of flexibility and ability to find targets to take advantage of the extra AP. Every single fight can be beaten without using Forge. Vs Light Chosen (145 hat, 140 body): No Perks: 5.17 shots to kill on average. + Amazing in rough terrain or maps with hills+ Can save a lot of Fatigue Better with some weapons than others Not doing much in flat maps, Movement costsTerrain TypeNormal CostPathfinder CostDry Steppe/Road2 AP + 2 FAT2 AP + 1 FATGrass/Steppe/Tundra2 AP + 4 FAT2 AP + 2 FATDesert2 AP + 6 FAT2 AP + 3 FATForest/Snow/Muddy Earth3 AP + 6 FAT2 AP + 3 FATShallow Water (Oasis)4 AP + 12 FAT3 AP + 6 FATMurky Water (Swamp)4 AP + 14 FAT3 AP + 7 FAT, Changing terrain elevation increases AP cost by 1 and FAT cost by 4. Mastery saves a lot of FATMost bros are going to want to grab a Mastery because they are usually worth it for the FAT benefits alone. 5 MDF for a perk slot is not super compelling by itself (certainly not bad), compare that to Dodge or Gifted for example, but there is more going on here. Mace has innate 40% Ignore and Hammer has 50%. One scenario where you may want to use Shieldbash is to knock a guy off of a high ground tile so that you can take it for yourself. Shielded Fighting Spear will only proc on very light Young. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. Since Forge requires very heavy armor, character builds should plan for 300/300. Rotation is more useful and reliable if your backline is capable of taking some heat. Nimble characters can wield two-handed weapons, shields or other tools to great effects. Chosen wouldnt exactly classify as a weak enemy in terms of durability, but we still get HH value on most of our test weapons here. Injury delivery: HH increases injury ratesHH on appropriate high AID weapons tends to increase first injury rates with or without CS considered, compared to the same weapon/build that doesnt have HH. On the flip side, you can use Relentless without using Dodge. Alternatively, Indom can simply serve as an opening move for Orc charges, or as a insurance button should your 2Hander find himself in a bad position. For the bulk of your front liners you are choosing between two builds with very similar stat requirements (100 HP after colossus, 105+ fatigue, 45+ resolve). Stack is removed whether you hit or miss. Finally, Reach is unreliable in the value that it provides. So using Recover just to use more AoE is actually not that impressive when you consider you give up a whole turn just so that you can hit 2 or 3 enemies next turn with a weaker attack when you could have just taken those two turns using two single target attacks. You can do this with other weapons as well but the AP synergy isnt as good. Melee Defense (MDF) gets exponentially more valuable the more you already have. Executioner can sometimes save you a shot against enemy range units or against Orc Young/Berserkers/etc. Weapons like Warscythe and Warbow would appreciate the help. Roman is the attacker and he is adjacent to the blue hat Raider along with 2 of my other bros with Swords. Similar deal against Unholds and Lindwurms. Would love to do the same with some better talents if I find another decent candidate as I have another piece of close to min max nimble armour. Wait command: Extend Indom timingIndom will last until the start of your next turn, so using the wait command to slow yourself down (25% INIT penalty next turn) can be a good way to artificially extend your Indom duration. See the Game Mechanics section if you need further clarity on this. because they wouldnt make sense) Most likely does not effect Fire Pot initial throw (needs confirmation) For a full injury list, refer to thiswiki page. You can also use weapons that have their own debuffs or control abilities, where going first may be crucial. You decide where to go, whom to hire or to fight, what . This idea usually has something to do with Veteran levels or talented recruits like Hedge Knights. Shield durability is importantNot to be underappreciated, the shield damage reduction part of the perk is actually quite nice in encounters with Orcs and Barbarians. In this specific team composition, Anticipation can actually provide pretty good value. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Low HP BF units don't perform very well in hard fights. A unit with lower accuracy might be better off taking accuracy perks instead of Frenzy to improve his damage. Sure, let's walk through the correct answer (for front liners). This can allow bros with poor defense but high skill to pretty safely Spearwall. I have built adamage calculator hat can simulate the game combat. The numerical values include modifiers from Backgrounds, Traits, and Equipment. You can use it to cast defensive skills like Indomitable or Shieldwall. Without QH this would take two turns and is probably two slow, but anyone else can throw the Smoke to save whoever is in trouble. Backliners have an easier time leveling INIT and picking up support perks due to being in less danger. There have been minor edits/changes overall throughout the guide. Specialize in heavy armor: the heavier your armor and helmet, the more you benefit! There is no need to unzip it. Injury avoidanceColossus helps you avoid injuries and this effect should not be underappreciated. Not having to spend money on heavy armor means you have more money to spend on weapons, recruiting, or famed items. Even though heavy armor doesnt need Forge as much as light armor needs Nimble, and even though Forge does require at least heavy armor to start mattering, as a defense and survival oriented perk, Forge offers great value. Reason 1 is that going Colossus and pumping hp early makes the early game easier. They also have good Dog synergy and good mobility. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. Goblin Nets/Roots/Poison will also lower your INI. 60 RES puts a -12 penalty on your targets RES for damage based morale checks. Your RES for purposes of the Fearsome penalty includes the Banner buff, Lone Wolf, etc. The chance of a morale drop when taking damage depends on your current modified RES and % of missing hp (after subtracting damage taken). One example is that it is pretty easy to spread injuries with ranged weapons for other Executioners to capitalize on. So kill the units accompanying them. Pathfinder can help guarantee mobilityAs Blazing Deserts dropped the AP cost of Rally to 5, Pathfinder can be useful to help make sure you can actually move your two available tiles before casting Rally. Perk Description Nimble Specialize in light armor: the lighter your armor and helmet, the more you benefit! The Ignore% helps multiply the damage you are doing on Lunges, and just improves your damage overall. Famed shields have a high appreciation for Shield Expert. Not to be misunderstood, it is completely fine to have one/few dedicated tanks that never deal any damage. Berserk synergy: Attack more2Handers can easily proc Berserk due to their high damage, and more attacks means more chances for Reach stacks. However if it something you might use once or twice a battle then Recover shouldnt be necessary. Cant slow down: Relentless negates the waiting penaltyThe main reason to use Relentless is to support builds that want to go first consistently.. Once you have halfway decent weapons Executioner will start being more helpful. A 9AP cost is stifling. Taking Relentless just for the sole purpose of maintaining high Dodge value is not very compelling. Anti-AlpRally will wake your whole team (if in range) which can improve action economy in Alps fights. It will take some practice to know when you can and cannot safely make use of it. If you position your team poorly and end up with a very vulnerable bro, say a guy surrounded by 4 Orcs, then Rotation can save the guy in danger but it doesnt solve the Orc problem. This can allow for a defensive Polearm build that is capable of having a shield out 100% of the time while still attacking every turn. Dont answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!. This doesnt reflect on your current Initiative, meaning that Dodge is not affected. Thats the main problem with Bullseye. Pathfinder is good on any unit. An early Taunt user is going to want a Heater Shield purchase and defensive perk support. Score is average hits to kill an enemy from the test group. Dagger Puncture: Injure almost everything consistentlyBecause it completely ignores armor, Puncture is a great way to set up injuries and with CS you can injure just about everything in the game, even Orc Warriors. Ignoring the shield value does not count Shieldwall bonuses. We didnt take any damage at all! That would be 10 or 15 defense from Underdog which is huge. Early game: Keep good bros aliveRotation is excellent in the early game when you have a bunch of weak and fragile scrubs that cant take more than a few hits. I have the high ground!. Polearms are the same way but backliners have less need for defense boosts so you may skip it if you want to be more aggressive. It is probably better to think of Indom as insurance on these units as well, rather than something you expect to cast every turn. Friday's invite-only (and non-televised) awards dinner will go on as scheduled from L.A. Live Event Deck, a popular event venue located . If you like using a perk that I say is weak then by all means continue using it, and you dont have to use perks that I say are strong. Due to the way damage is calculated, it combines extremely well with heavy armor and Forge (see the Indomitable section for details). Recover supportThe larger your Fatigue pool is, the more that you can get back with Recover. Accuracy is important and Backstabber offers the mostBackstabber is a solid perk because it is hard to have too much accuracy and compared to FA and Gifted, Backstabber can give the largest amount of skill. Characters with low FAT can still go heavy with single attack builds. A couple of noteworthy options include the Billhook which is 5AP with Mastery, 2H Cleavers for a big headshot Decapitate, or a Fighting Axe/Head Splitter to capitalize on the Axe bonus. Unique weapon logic is in play. A build like this can do well in Monolith to stall the northern enemies, though the LW will probably die there unless the rest of your team is fast. Shield bros: Berserk is not a priorityWhile you can technically use Berserk with shields, it isnt really the role of your shield guy to be getting kills, so he probably has batter perks he can be taking instead. All rights reserved. Fatigue support and arrow diversionIf you want to be sure that someone is not going to get shot at then you can take Anticipation. The synergy is obvious. Each hit with a two-handed melee weapon adds a stack of Reach Advantage that increases your Melee Defense by 5, up to a maximum of 5 stacks, until this character`s next turn. Quantitative ratings are fun but really fail to capture how you should be evaluating perks. Since Puncture cannot hit the head, these injuries are even more likely. As exciting as that sounds, the Shamshir itself is a rather poor Duelist option due to its low base Ignore% and low armor damage. Against Goblins, Frenzy increases the chances of one shot kills which is highly valuable when you are trying to gun down 30+ of them. Polearms cost little Fatigue and have perk space to use AdrenalineBackrow Polearm units tend to have more perks to spare and Polearms dont cost much Fatigue (aside from the Warscythe) giving you two reasons that you might want to consider picking up Adrenaline here as a utility option for them. The advantage here is that the Billhook does better armor damage than all of those except Warhammer. Whether for damage or stat calculations, decimals always round down. You can clear the crises just fine with average guys using FA. Just keep in mind that Chosen have Crippling Strikes so even if you do survive you are going to get injured. AoE attacks: More targets, more checksRegular AoE attackers like Warscythe or Greatsword can do well with Fearsome, as they can sweep into multiple enemies for more checks. You can clear Monolith/Library with a few dead perks. We have an 80% hit chance to an uncovered target and he moves behind a another enemy. Now Im not saying this is a bad idea because the perk is good and consistently useful and it is nice to not have to think about surrounding, but interior lineman may benefit more from other perks. The Indom nerf also makes it harder to use on 2Handers. Since neither can wear heavy helmets without suffering range penalties, light armor and Nimble make a prime choice. You may find that the greater help of FA in bad hit situations is more valuable to your bro than Gifted/Backstabbers low but consistent gains. Damage Dealers: Berserk greatly increases damage dealingBerserk allows 2Handers to attack twice per turn instead of once, potentially doubling your damage output. You dont need Fearsome to accomplish this. The brothers end up with similar stat lines at level 11 and don't qualify for different builds. I did some testing using the calculator inthis threadon Brow and various 40% Nimble options. You would be better off just doing two regular slashes than a FW into Lunge. Delaying decision making or reaching further down the perk treeSince Student is technically a free perk, choosing it allows you to delay making an actual decision regarding your build. Weaker weapons are negatively impacted by having HH. 6.4% Death in 2. That by no means makes Duelists bad or that you shouldnt use them, but it is something to be aware of. HybridsHybrids want to be able to use melee and ranged weapons at the same time depending on need and want to be able to switch between them freely in order to do this job well. In that regard, the damage formula works against Steel Brow and Head Hunter, because critical hits are weaker than you might expect assuming there is a helmet to help absorb the blow. So if you give this bro Backstabber then he can drop a Dog for an instant +10 hit chance for his upcoming attack. Reach weapons not classified as Polearms do not gain these bonuses such as Poleaxe, Polehammer, etc. Legendary locations: Its a damage raceMost of the legendary locations and large camps in the wild feature huge numbers of enemies. Myself and other players have beaten every fight in the game without using Indom. Brawny is going to end up being about 4 levels worth of Fatigue generally, which is competitive with most of the other stat perks. Your veterans should be able to keep your fresh blood safe in battle so the short term loss of missing a perk isnt as big a deal. Technically, the value of each MDF point over 50 is halved, but due to the increasing returns from high defense, leveling it beyond 50 is still extremely strong. Since you are only going to be getting headshot ~25% of the time it makes more sense to take Colossus which is always helpful. For Clubfooted, they cancel out on flat normal tiles, and on other terrain types the combination is still better than a non-Pathfinder normal unit. It has to compete with other good defensive perks like Colossus, Dodge, Gifted, etc. A couple of damage dealers doing this can make short work of whoever is unfortunate enough to be in their way. New enemies: Nomads, Gilded, and new BeastsWe have more flesh enemies. Even high SKL bros can benefit from accuracy perks, but lower SKL bros will benefit more. Some builds can want multiple A Mastery isnt helping if you switch to a different weapon, FAT reductions do not round, so for every 4 FAT normally spent, you get 1 FAT subtracted FAT reduction calculates after addition/subtraction by Orc/Famed items. Unlike Executioner though, Frenzy just works once you have it online even against fresh enemies, which can mean dealing earlier injuries or even one hit kills. They compliment each other, but they are not a package deal. Haha, the hidden perks thing was a joke. The backbone of the Gilded are their Nimble Conscripts. Good positioning of your units can make Taunt not as useful. Mastery CS Duelist Gash has a 25-100% chance to first hit injure a Chosen, depending on their armor. So that leaves the 3HF almost entirely incapable of injuring. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. In that regard, aggressively leveling HP and grabbing Colossus will go a long way to make Nimble better for you. just picked up this game and this is EXACTLY what i need to help me understand the perks. Nimble forged lw after a potion of oblivion. Spamming these skills will likely need Recover to support it. The start of the fight is the most dangerousAlthough you will likely accumulate Fatigue over the course of the battle, the first couple of turns are generally the most important and decisive. 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