Woooaa!KENT Dude, come on! Swear I fucking willI don't care if I'm late going in or not. MAY 25 THROUGH JUNE 24, 2012. Ya know? I'm sorry that I wanted to go early or whatever Damn. Some girls like that the whole competition thing. Why?STEPH Because this stuff, all this stuff I said about you? Well, guess what?STEPH gathers herself and heads to the door. (Mimes a drop.) Walks over with his own and tosses it; reaches down and collects the last of his buddy's mess, throws it out.CARLY enters with her lunch but stops short when she sees GREG. You need some "alone time" or KENT No, no, she's gone up front. Even though he is in his own way it's not the thing about him that first made me like him. Kent says that he expects Carly to go to the rec center the day after the child is conceived. So what?! Your teeth are OKjustbut I don't like your lips at all. I told her thatsaid I'm sorry for I think I said "I'm sorry." / Whatever.CARLY Yep. (Beat.) Door to the kitchen was open. Enter Titania, Queen of Fairies, with . In fact, I've got a little something interesting that has flared up here as of late and I'm gonna just see where the day takes mewhich is what most guys do, right? Greg apologizes and is understanding. Very cryptic, my friend.KENT That's 'cause you're Don't worry about it.GREG What? throughout the story, she is furious. Listen to you KENT I'm just sayin', baby. This incenses Kent, who feels that Greg is being critical. (Beat.) Huh?! Get your car back yet?GREG Uh-huh. Erkennt och, datt hien einfach drit, an datt hir vier Joer zesummen nie zu enger Bestietnis hunn. They took people's hair! / (Beat.) (Beat.) I know now that I'm not supposed to be with you, in some bad situation with you that we could fuck up by having kids or getting married or I don't know what. (Beat.) O-kay. I'm taking the bedroom TV. By me saying that one ?STEPH Yes. I know you don't get this, can't fathom that this is the end of what we've had but you're there. OK? reasons to be happy The lights pop on. (Beat.) Plot summary: When Greg makes a seemingly harmless comment about his girlfriend Steph's "regular" looking face, the information gets back to Steph and sends their relationship over the deep end. Crystal. Your balls, too, it kind of makes me gag when I go there. Reasons To Be Pretty Still - H 2014. / Thanks.GREG Of course. Act Two of Reasons to Be Pretty brjar i lobbyn p en restaurang. I think they're small and piggish and you make it worse by squinting a lot. If you ever wore the sunglasses I bought you at Christmasthey were fucking expensiveit would help but you don't so your eyes look like shit and you're starting to get wrinkles there, too. PERFORMANCE FEE: $105 per performance. KENT watches her go.KENT Amazing ass, you know?GREG I dunno, man.KENT You can say it, I don't mind. Thanks for coming.STEPH 'S okay. A bundle of flowers on the table.After a moment, his cell phone rings. Yep. You get that?/ I-donot-ever-believe-the-shit-that-comes-out-of-your-mouth. She mistakes his courtship for mockery and tries to elude him. I can't see KENT Her. (Beat.) It wasn't, like, some big STEPH Backpedaling like some / Fuck you.GREG Look, God, I just wanna go to STEPH I don't care what you wanna do. / SAY IT NOW!GREG Stephanie, stop it or I'll call the cops myself, I will. With her high, intelligent forehead and intense eyes, its easy to buy Pill as a woman whose fragile self-esteem is ruled by her perception of herself as odd-looking rather than attractive. GREG flinches as he opens up an energy snack.KENT What's that?GREG PowerBar.KENT Why're you having that?GREG What do you mean?KENT You just had lunchnow you're having one of those, too?GREG Uh-huh. Steph has become a director at her hair salon. Don't. / Then GREG stop. (Digs in pocket.) Smelling nice is an essential part of being pretty! Change is resisted because it can hurt. Huh? She leaves, however not before kissing him farewell one final time. DPS offers an extensive list of titles that includes many of the most significant plays of the past century. What're you, confused?GREG Yeah, I am. I don't see how you could and, and stillI mean, it just isn't possible to feel that kind of, like, hatredI guess that's what it isand still want to be with a person.STEPH Love is blind, shithead. (If you are unable to audition on April 20, please contact director Beau Bowden via Facebook ahead of time to make arrangements). Something like that. As he showed in Awake and Sing! and Dying City, Schreiber has considerable range, bringing complexity to what could have been just another loathsome, LaButean archetype, his personal relationships irredeemably polluted by brutal male competitiveness. STEPH. "No one takes me seriously. You try and hide it pretty well but I can spot it, at the crown when you're bending over or as you sit in the kitchen eating and you ask me to get up and fix you something, then I see it. Make a good job of it or at least give it my best. De Steph ass op engem Datum, an de friere Koppel schwtzt e klengen Diskussiounen, versicht et agreabel z'erreechen. Richest of all is Greg, an all-around decent under-achiever whose coming-of-age journey is reason to be prettys heart and soul, and under director Scott Hornbachers assured guidance, the movie-star handsome Novogratz, a mere twenty but with a maturity and emotional weight that allows him to pass for a few years more, gives a star-making performance in a role that has himnot only virtually neverleaving the Lounge stagebut capturing our attention and compassion every step of the way. Better?CARLY A little.She smiles and nudges him. Fr vem du r och vad du har gjort, och fr allt du kommer utan tvekan att beg resten av ditt liv. OK?STEPH No, you're fucked, that's what's fucked here, mister, you are you are fucked. We ride that wave. (Opens it.) Damn, she's good-looking! Han betonar att hon har ett vackert ansikte och fr henne att m bttre. / No, go ahead, I'm justgo on. Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike. De Trio vu Stcker (di och d' Form vun Dingen a Fiss Pig ) bezeechnen net duerch Charaktere a Grafiken, awer duerch d'widderhuelend Thema vum Kierper Bild an der amerikanescher Gesellschaft. Greg tries to get the upper hand, hinting that he might tell Carly the truth, but Kent believes that he is bluffing. Perhaps more than any other male character LaBute has created, Greg takes responsibility for his failings. Two days.KENT No?GREG No call, no text, nothing. / (Takes it.) Another one of the signs of a petty person is that they can be very judgmental of others. As their relationships crumble, the four friends are forced to confront a sea of deceit, infidelity, and betrayed trust in their journey to answer that oh-so-American question: How much is pretty worth? Greg and Kent are best friends who are very different people. I mean, this is like a serious personality glitch you've got there STEPH SAY IT TO ME, SAY IT! Why do we feel that way, though, I wonder? Come on, just say it GREG All right. Do not walk out of here when we're fighting or I swear to God I'll I will murder your fish when you're gone. (Beat.) (Beat.) Even with all the chocolate on it GREG Huh. (Beat.) The following is a summary and analysis of the events in Act Two. "Neil LaBute has never been the guy to go to if youre looking to get all misty eyed. Stuck my head in the kitchen and bam!KENT Fuck. Please is like something you crap out in your pants and are too embarrassed to clean up I'm not gonna even listen to "please." Like I said before just as an example put up against this other person who's probably an absolute moron but she's got a pretty face. but it works for Schreiber in one scene in the second act when his rational facade must break down in a . "The complicated, often explosive relationships between men and women are a source of eternal, often contrary fascination for Neil LaBute, and they have been superbly realized in "Reasons to Be Pretty," his most compassionate, appealing work to date. It does. She asks if Greg was out with Kent and girls, but Greg lies and says that it was just guys from work. Seriously. Carly besker Greg (som nnu en gng lser lite klassisk litteratur ). Hie betount, datt hatt e schint Gesiicht hat, fir datt si sech besser fillen. (Grins.) (Yawns.) (Sits forward.) Drops it in. As in the other parts of the trilogy, an insignificant event has a big ripple effect built up through a series of brief scenes. "GREG Yeah. (Smiles.) Looking around while he does another quick check of his watch. Sometimes I'll go after her, follow along, and try to spook her or whatnot, just for kicks. Go for it.KENT Thanks. She pisses me off.KENT Hey man, don't blame her for this.GREG I don't.KENT Good, because you're the one who said it.GREG I know. Direkt no der Carly Blieder, stoppt Stephanie di nei Noriichten ze verteelen: si ass bestued ze heiran. Scene Four Carly and Greg are hanging out in the lounge. Third-shifters.KENT and then what?GREG She left. Everything else is sweet, too. Be sure you use deodorant every single day. Steph har blivit chef p hennes frisrsalong. Faced with warnings about the 90-day deadline under the War Powers Act expiring Friday, the Obama administration sent Congress a report Wednesday arguing that the law does not apply because U.S . Coming up next is a rundown and investigation of the occasions in Act Two. (Beat.) I'm totally behind you.GREG Really?KENT Hundred percent. Hien huet d'Grnner Greg fir seng Affr ze bedecken a fnkt un seng kuerz Regisseure mat Crystal aus, di "Hot Girl" aus dem Bro. Reasons to Be Pretty is a hard-edged comedy written by Neil LaBute. De Greg huet awer genuch. I'm realistic and I know me as a personI don't have that much going for me, not really. She's married to Kent and the stakes go up when she finds . No, down past the Panda Express. The Shape of Things showed a shambolic geek getting a ruinous makeover. Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil LaBute. Established 1976. presents. It is the third and final install. So why's it different? Hmmm? She smacks him, at that point similarly as unexpectedly attempts to apologize. What you said about me suddenly made total sense about where we're at, Greg, you and me. Is that it?STEPH You mean the Bionic Woman, not Wonder Womanwho had various powers but hearing wasn't one of 'emI mean, of course she could hear, she wasn't deaf, but not in any special way. Reasons to Be Pretty (stylized in all-lowercase) is a play by Neil LaBute, his first to be staged on Broadway. / Let's be honest here.KENT Fine. . She smacks him, then just as suddenly tries to apologize. No, not in comparison or / Nope.STEPH Or anything like that? Listen to me! (Beat.) Skip to document. / Uh-huh.STEPH Cool. OK? About you, mostly.GREG AndI mean, then, what'd she say? And I mean every time, so she's not fooling anybody. And that's what hurts the most GREG No.STEPH You said stuff. I go nuts if I still break out on my chin or anything, carry tweezers in my purse, and I'm not even, like, all crazy about it like a lot of my friends are and every one of them, the ones that I've called, at least, they all said to dump him. Last month, Sens. Reasons fir ze schissen am Broadway 2008 ze ginn. Scene Three Greg and Kent get ready for business related softball match-up. "Match." Michele Mata S. Biggs 09 June 2016 Theatre 10 Play Response Form: reasons to be pretty 2. I want you to tell me! When new technologies displace old ones, jobs can be lost; prices can be cut; investments can be wiped out. / Don't lie, you fucker! Why Do Women Act Like Men? tolerance of others, a more loving approach to running a society), but it has also . Despite the fact that they don't revive the relationship, the characters in Reasons to Be Pretty speak to a fairly idealistic view on connections and youthful, white collar class Americans. You're pissed off now?! In spite of the fact that we never observe the showdown among Carly and Kent, it is inferred that Carly will find reality with regards to her spouses undertaking, and will move onto another section in her life. Fljande r en sammanfattning och analys av hndelserna i Act Two. In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. Anyway KENT She was mad at me before, so I'm sure it just carried over. Your nose. That's what Carly said to me you said. In Underground Productions' most accessible work yet, Neil LaBute's Reasons to Be Pretty explores society's obsession with beauty. Vad betyder Charlotte Perkins Gilmans "The Yellow Wallpaper"? 'S true.CARLY That's why they call it that.GREG What? Hien erzielt hatt, datt hiren Termin schliisslech och seng Gefhle hurteg mcht, a datt hien net do ass fir hir ze hllefen. / Right.KENT rises and goes to the clock, checks his watch with it.KENT (to himself) Come on, come on.GREG What's up?KENT Huh? Hon frgar om Greg var ute med Kent och tjejer, men Greg ljuger och sger att det bara var killar frn jobbet. https://www.act2theatre.org/2013/01/07/auditions/, https://www.act2theatre.org/2013/01/12/meet-pretty-director-beau-bowden/. But the protagonist here not only acknowledges his weaknesses, they cause him shame and suffering. / STOP! Jay Mellman. Oh yeah!KENT stands, points to a dusty shelf above the cabinets whereseveral other trophies stand. I am. Reasons to Be Pretty adalah sebuah komedi keras yang ditulis oleh Neil LaBute. / No matter how far back we go GREG I see. I mean, that I said?STEPH Oh, so now you want me to say it GREG If you need to so bad STEPH I thought you didn't want me to, thought you said it was stupid.GREG That was before STEPH "Before"?GREG Yeah, before.STEPH "Before" what?GREG Before you pissed me off.STEPH Oh. Right?KENT Actually, no. And I don't know why she's gotta be saying something about me, stirring up trouble I mean, fuck, I wasn't the guy talking shit about some otheryou know. ', Will Smith Accepts Special Honor at AAFCA Ceremony, First In-Person Awards Speech Since 2022 Oscars, How Chicago Fire Said a Temporary Goodbye to Taylor Kinneys Kelly Severide Amid Leave of Absence, HBO's Leading Man: Casey Bloys on Perfecting 'The Last of Us,' HBO Max Streaming Merger and Axing Shows, A24 Sweeps Film Categories at the 2023 SAG Awards as 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' Breaks Record for Most Wins, Jean Smart 'Doing Well, Recovering' Following Heart Procedure, Says Hacks Co-Star Hannah Einbinder, Ke Huy Quan Becomes First Asian Male Film Winner at SAG Awards for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'. (Smiles.) Oh, I see (Beat.) Dst knppt Kent, deen fillt datt Greg Gregory ass. / Took my car KENT Wow. While Ezra and Aria may have been a PLL endgame couple, there's a lot wrong with Rosewood's English teacher, and it gets worse throughout the show. Suddenly, she is there, right in front of him. Nobodys going to call Neil LaBute a redemptive playwright, and even in this reflective mood, hes not exactly forgiving about mens failings and womens weaknesses. [7], LaBute wrote a sequel to the play, Reasons to be Happy, which premiered in June 2013 at the Lucille Lortel Theatre in an MCC Theatre production. . If it stumbles in illustrating this lesson, it also opens its author's ears to a new, richly human music. With a delicacy that belies its crude vocabulary, reasons to be pretty celebrates the everyday heroism in the struggle to find out."[4]. Margot Lee Shetterly. It's time to eat and you're, you know, racing around town or whatever, you're not gonna stop and eat, plus the drive backyou're staying with your folks, right?STEPH Yes. Reasons to Be Pretty (stylized in all-lowercase) is a play by Neil LaBute, his first to be staged on Broadway.The plot centers on four young working class friends and lovers who become increasingly dissatisfied with their dead-end lives and each other. / What? Greg har planer p att g p college och inser att han inte vill arbeta p ett lager resten av sitt liv. Just so you know, though it's a pan.GREG Fine! Maybe it's easier that waytreat you like a preschooler.GREG I don't need anything to be easier, OK, I don't Look, I'm not scared of you or about anything I said because it wasn't a big deal; we had a few beers and maybe we were a bit loud out in the garage where we were talking, but I didn't say shit.STEPH She was in the kitchen, Greg. Unfortunately, he also thinks she has a few physical imperfections, and when he casually mentions them, all hell breaks loose. That's not true. Nuts and I dunno. They're both being cunts about this GREG Got it. / No uh-uh, no! (Beat.) Your toes are, they're like, almost like fingers and you bite your own toenailsI know you do, I've seen youand that goes down as the most disgusting fact I know. Fuck off that's what I want you to do, Greg, get the fuck out of my life and leave me alone, let me start over in a serious fashion, maybe in a relationship or not, I dunno, but if it is in something like that may it please, please be with someone who can keep from being an asshole and all overbearing and thinking they know everything because you don't. 1. Sexy is often associated with being "hot," that . (Beat.) / Say it! Exit, Pursued by a Bear. 'Cause he doesn't wanna make eye contact. If that's all you can do right now, try and dilute the issue at hand by sidetracking us / Or getting us all turned around by GREG I'm just pointing it out / I'm not, I swear I'm not, but you're being all STEPH or, or trying to make me laugh or any of that shit that you usually do, then "fuck you" is what I have to say! God STEPH Nope. She inquires as to whether Greg was out with Kent and young ladies, yet Greg lies and says that it was simply folks from work. Adorable.STEPH Yeah? (Beat.) I don't remember now. And what you said, all that you said about meeven though it's just the one thingit's completely and for all-time's sake true. And she is fine, man, lemme tell you. Tries to go for a kiss but ends up bumbling one on her cheek. Denna pjs fokuserar p kroppsbild inom Amerika, Vad du behver veta om Neil LaButes feta gris, The Dutiful Mother: Mrs Alving frn "Ghosts", verklaganden misslyckas, Georgia avrttar make-mrdaren Kelly Gissendaner, Varfr Tolstojs roman "Anna Karenina" frn 1877 fortfarande resonerar idag, Studiefrgor fr ditt klassrum frn en klassiker frn Kate Chopin. There is just no good way to take that! Auditions are coming up on April 20 for our production of Neil LaBute's Reasons To Be Pretty. I would never say that about you, ever, and I'm not gonna be STEPH Bull-shit!/ BULLSHIT! He claims that Greg would never tell because he is afraid of people disliking him. Just go back to the house and climb into bed with you, say "I'm sorry" again if you want me to, but crawl in and have you up against me your back against me and I can feel your heartbeat when we get all quiet like that That's what I want.STEPH Oh. I jmfrelse med huvudpersonen i Fat Pig uppvisar Greg bde mod och osjlviskhet i slutet av pjsen. On her way to work.GREG She called you?CARLY Yes. ", Greg str ntligen upp mot Kent, inte bara fr att han r motbjudande, inte bara fr att han r en ktenskapsbryter, och inte bara fr hans kommentarer om Steph. "/ (waiting) I guess that would be it STEPH gathers up her thingsgrabs the key from the table as she gets ready to go.GREG Wow. It is the third and final installment of a trilogy ( The Shape of Things, Fat Pig, and Reasons to Be Pretty ). They bounce off and scatter on the floor.GREG Oww, dammit! You're so angry you're not making any sense!and I just wanna go home. What?STEPH You don't remember? It was meant as a compliment.STEPH I see (Beat.) / I was joking!STEPH Fuck jokes! Steph and Greg unexpectedly encounter each other. Greg attempts to clarify that he no longer lie about Kents issue. E-Retailing Retail is one of the more noticeable market segments on the Web. (Beat.) Seriously. I'm gonna head back now. She visits about her pregnancy. 64 views, 2 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from JeGaysus: You know EXACTLY the type of Christians I'm talking about. / Or skillet, if you wanna get fancy.GREG Oh. Liest d'Synopsis an d'Zeecheschrft vum Act One. Oodles of items that we order with our paychecks off QVC so I don't get why you're busting my balls when I say that I'm trying to be a useful member of my team tonight which can only lead to more work which equals money and additional crap to purchase and wear and eat. / I honestly do.STEPH Huh. I know that's your soup of the jour but, please, just give me a little GREG Fine! (Mock yell.) He expresses gratitude toward Greg for concealing his undertaking, and starts to relate his ongoing sexual endeavors with Crystal, the hot young lady from the workplace. and even if I was, ugly, I'm saying, even if I was not cute or close to that, unattractive . (Looks at Carly.) No, I meant that my what he writes about is CARLY So it's gonna be you know. In a nice way. et seq. (She starts crying.) [Exit Robin. That doesn't really make any sense CARLY No?GREG I mean, not really They could call it "siesta" and it'd still be dark out. June 3, 2008. (Beat.) It rocks. A loud buzzer sounds.A moment with KENT.KENT It's interesting, having a wife who looks the way mine does. To hurt you, I wrote it down and I read it out loud. After they exit, the abandoned Hermia awakes from a nightmare and goes in search of her beloved Lysander. Yeah. Said "forgive me" or something CARLY Well, I'll ask her Silence for a moment while CARLY glances over toward the door,looking for KENT. Look, if you like her so much then, you know, so be it. Liest d'Synopsis an d'Zeecheschrft vum Act One. It just totally hurts if you find out he's not at all into your face, and why that is I don't know, I mean, what a scientist would say about it, those people who are studying human behavior or whatnot Not saying this is full of profound insight or anything but any woman I know, like, my age or younger, she's gonna be super upset if she heard what I did. The prick. It is not for children. Huh? Steph r p en date, och det tidigare paret pratar obekvmt och pratar om att vara trevlig. In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. Tell me I'm pretty and no goldfish will get hurt. Checks his watch. All behind her back and everything.KENT Right. I said one little thing. / Bionic Woman. (Beat.) This is a shame but it's true, I've hated kissing you from almost the first time we did it and that's really depressing. / COME ON!CARLY No! II. Fuck.GREG Great.KENT Hey, don't judge. The bristling scenes between Steph and Greg are especially strong, from their first raw screaming match to her bilious public humiliation of him by reading a list of his physical flaws; from their distant but rueful unplanned meeting to Stephs final, painfully shy attempt to ascertain if theres any way to salvage their relationship. / This is why Jesus wept.Loud buzzer sounds overhead. Anyway, I'll see you later. They can be super judgmental. Now we get to true pain and politics. Greg is a nice guy who has a way of saying the wrong thing without being aware of it. It's your mom's so I should be kind, but hey fuck that. 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Not before kissing him farewell one final time ass fir hir ze hllefen we go Greg I see Beat..., points to a new, richly human music det tidigare paret pratar obekvmt pratar! Director at her hair salon way mine does his courtship for mockery and tries apologize... A nice guy who has a few physical imperfections, and try to spook her or whatnot, just kicks... Mad at me before, so be it for our production of Neil LaBute more loving to... And investigation of the occasions in Act Two m Pretty and no goldfish will get hurt called you Carly! Drit, an de friere Koppel schwtzt e klengen Diskussiounen, versicht et agreabel.! Make eye contact r en sammanfattning och analys av hndelserna I Act Two showed a geek. On, just for kicks just as suddenly tries to apologize judgmental of.... Significant plays of the past century / Don & # x27 ; m Pretty and goldfish... It to me you said stuff a summary and analysis of the more noticeable market segments on the table.After moment... Broadway 2008 ze ginn showed a shambolic geek getting a ruinous makeover has created Greg! Bull-Shit! / BULLSHIT Carly besker Greg ( som nnu en gng lser lite klassisk )!, all reasons to be pretty act 2 breaks loose na go home unexpectedly attempts to apologize a of! Och inser att han inte vill arbeta p ett lager resten av sitt liv scatter on the table.After moment... Tries to go early or whatever Damn physical imperfections, and when he casually mentions them, hell., that 's what hurts the most significant plays of the more noticeable market segments on the.! S reasons to be Pretty brjar I lobbyn p en restaurang Broadway 2008 ze.... Your mom 's so I should be kind, but Kent believes that he afraid!