wolof wedding traditions

The Wolof people are perhaps best known for the Kingdom of Jolof, which was one of the most powerful and influential states in West Africa from the 14th to the 19th century. The Wolof peoplealso referred to as the Wollof,Jolof,Iolof,Whalof,Ialof,Olof, andVolof, among other spellings, are a West African ethnic group found primarily in Senegal, with smaller populations in Mauritania and The Gambia. The Wolof individuals are the biggest ethnic collection in Senegal because they form about 35% from the Senegalese people regarding 12% from the Gambian populace (Diop 112). Marriage Traditions of Wolof People The institution of marriage is an intrinsic part of the Wolof culture. The bride also wears a white hood to hide her "horns of jealousy" that she may feel towards her mother in law representing her newfound obedience. Although it was traditionally permissible for a young man to marry a paternal aunts daughter, the importance attached to the stability and success of the family unit among the Wolof ensured that the first priority was given to marriage to a mothers uncles daughter. Melching, Molly. [37], The geer or "freeborn" too had a hierarchical structure. In addition to religion as a causal factor for polygamy, the traditional Wolof culture considered many wives as a sign of wealth and consequently, a source of pride and prestige; consequently, about 45% of Wolof men are polygamous (Ames 396). [38][39] However, according to Susan McIntosh, a professor of anthropology specializing in African societies, the emergence of caste systems in West African societies such as the Wolof, Mande, Malinke, Serer, and Soninke was likely older. 32). [30][32] Caste status has been hereditary, and endogamy among the men and women of a particular caste status has been an enduring feature among the Wolof people, according to Leonardo Villaln, a professor of Political Science and African Studies. For starters, it used to be a pie, and it contained oysters, lamb testicles, sweetbreads, rooster comb, and pine kernels, according to a . Although it allowed for a young man to marry a paternal aunts daughter. A compound traditionally operates a joint kitchen, but if there are internal disputes then each family unit cooks separately. Wait staff dressed as court attendants serve the newlyweds and those impersonating royal guards perform traditional martial arts. Marriage between specific two groups is going to be generally not permitted. Once a man and woman get married, it is the primary duty of the woman to make her husband happy. The go-between carried kola nuts from the grooms father during this important errand. The tradition of having groomsmen as part of the wedding, comes from the ancient tradition of kidnapping the bride. Diop, Elhadji. Culture in general makes the wide part of research that can not be analyzed effectively with this papers; consequently, this papers concentrates on wedding ceremony customs of Wolof individuals. As a result, the couple would avoid being cursed on theirwedding day. [33] The Wolof's caste status, states Villaln, is a greater barrier to inter-marriage than is either ethnicity or religion in Senegal. Children stay making use of their mother until they may become old group prior to they might proceed back again to their very own dad. Each womans purse, shoes, and even eye shadow matched her dress. President Muhammadu Buhari The wedding tradition of tying cans to the bumper of the wedding car comes from the French custom of throwing acharivari for the couple. The Wolof people, who had once been a powerful and influential ethnic group, found themselves marginalized and oppressed under colonial rule. [39] According to Victoria B. Coifman, a professor of Afro-American and African studies, historical evidence suggests that the Wolof people were a matrilineal society before the 14th-century. Roter Wedding (GC3D529) was created by sashito on 2/22/2012. These include the role that marriage plays in the family formation in the Wolof society, what the economic background of the plural marriages is, and which traditions describe the marriage ceremony of the Wolof culture. [7][11][12] The Wolof were close to the French colonial rulers, became integrated into the colonial administration, and have dominated the culture and economy of Senegal since the country's independence.[13]. This particular element makes family members the very essential dimensions within the particular economic wellness through the Wolof people. Beneath such circumstances, the specific mans family might seek a compensation from the obligations produced prior in order to the marriage with the womans members of the family. Weddings This practice started on the idea that parents were more suited to choose what was best for their children due to the accumulated wisdom and experience (Mbaya 226). Governor Willie Obiano One Norwegian tradition states that the bride will wear an ornate silver and gold crown that has small charms dangling all around it. "The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture." [33], The castes have also been hierarchal, with lowest level being those of griots. populace) and in Gambia they are about 12% of the Gambian populace. The grooms main warrior companion would be the equivalent of the best man at a wedding. [16], With the Arab conquests of West Africa in last centuries of the 1st millennium CE, one theory states that the Wolof people were forced to move into north and east Senegal where over time villages and towns developed into autonomous states such as Baol, Kayor, Saloum, Dimar, Walo, and Sine the overall ruling state being that of Jolof who came together voluntarily to form the Jolof Empire. CBN The French, who had established a colony in Senegal, sought to expand their control over the region and began a process of forced assimilation and cultural suppression. "Wolof" is the name by which the people refer to themselves, and it is also the name of their indigenous language. An intriguing aspect of these arrangements was that the intervention of diviners was sought to determine if the marriage was feasible before marriage actually took place (Gamble et al. Consequently, most cultures show aspects of different ethnicities from all other areas of the particular world. Mbaya, Maweja. Despite these factors, which should serve to strengthen marriages, divorce is part of the Wolof culture. 31). The villagers detained him; he settled among them and became the one who settled disputes and sovereign authority. . Also known as a bridal registry, it was a way for the couple to choose their fine china and silver for their big day. Just in case a lady in some time seems that this girl relationship life will become unbearable, she might return in an attempt to the girl kin plus will certainly not return. [43], While slavery is illegal in contemporary African societies, it was common in the history of Wolof people and among the elite castes. via The Gambia Experience In The Gambia, the traditional wedding ceremony is observed by . Culture defines peoples lifestyles and it sets the platform upon which people can relate with other cultural groupings in a given place. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you At the top were the royal rulers, below them were the regionally or locally dominant noble lineages who controlled territories and collected tribute, and below them were commoner freeborn called the baadoolo or "lacking power". Many aspects of these traditional ceremonies have merged and been modified through the 20th century. The bridal party would then make its way to the grooms compound. The wedding cake, for example, stems from the Roman tradition of breaking wheat cakes on top of the brides head for fertility and stacking them as high as possible for good fortune. 8. The tradition of a diamond engagement ring was started by Archduke Maximilian of Austria when he proposed to Mary of Burgundy. 32). Romans then began to substitute the material with iron, which ultimately led to the use of gold to make the first betrothal rings. Some of the popular features of American marriage traditions for wedding ceremony ideas include: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Have you ever been a flower girl, a bridesmaid, or caught the bouquet at a friends wedding? In a bid to explore the topic exhaustively, the paper poses three fundamental questions that it seeks to address. Governor The preferred and common form of marriage is the bilateral cross-cousin type, with most preferred marriages are those between a man and the daughter of his mother's brother. The couple could not be released until the marriage was official. For the girls dad, the child was anticipated to help in tasks such as filtering and harvesting amongst other masculine efforts. In Ireland, the bride must keep her feet on the ground at all times while dancing for fear of being swept away by evil fairies. When she moves, the tinkling sound is supposed to deflect. They have a deep respect for their ancestors and a strong belief in their cultural heritage, which they celebrate through a variety of festivals and rituals. Your privacy is extremely important to us. 40. delta state There were many similarities between this wedding and typical American weddings: The bride wore white, lots of friends and family were present, there was a big meal, and there was a DJ. news This assertion implies that to the Wolof people, a family is an important unit, which forms a building block for other social units into which the Wolof society is organized. The charivari was essentially a celebration that took place on a night before the wedding. The Wolof society is divided into castes, which entail nobles and slaves among several others. However, in the contemporary times, different parts of the world are littered with different cultural groupings. Married ladies can be found in closely-knit friendship systems, which create sure it really is extremely difficult for just about any woman to interact within functions of cheating (Gamble et ing. This aspect causes one to want to know the kind of social environment in which this culture is practiced and why it would be subject to more Western influence than other cultures in the region. While some couples announce their impending nuptials by sending Save the Dates, traditional Wolof couples in Senegal distribute kola nuts to their friends and family. 31). Web. Although this scenario has slightly changed with time, this practice is still prevalent in rural areas albeit with some minor adjustments. However, within the contemporary occasions, across the globe are littered along with different cultural groups. To form a stronger and stable family unit, the Wolof people believed that cross-cousin marriage (young man marrying a maternal uncle's daughter) was the best form of marriage - they are matrilineal in nature. Print. Music Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It's located in Berlin, Germany.Dies ist mein erster Tradi, welcher dem einstigen Prunkstck des deutschen Kommunismus gewidmet ist - der Ksliner Strae. David Ugbabe Anambra State Government (ANSG) During the Roman age, a common custom was to tie the bride and grooms hands together during the ceremony. The bride parents consult with their daughter and together they consent to or reject this proposal. Despite these factors, that will ought to in order to improve marriages, separation and divorce will be section associated with the Wolof custom. Clearly, the family unit is a fundamental unit of the Wolof culture, and apart from being a building block for society, it defines the economic status of a man. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. The tradition of a wedding cake comes from ancient Rome, where revelers broke a loaf of bread over a bride's head for fertility's sake. Security [16] Archeological artifacts have been discovered in Senegal and the Gambia, such as pre-historic pottery, the 8th-century stones, and 14th-century burial mounds, but, states Gamble, these provide no evidence that links them exclusively to the Wolof ethnic group. (LogOut/ The Wolof People The Wolof people are an ethnic group in different parts of Africa, they form about 43.3% in Senegal population, 16% in the Gambia population and 8% in Mauritania population. Rural Wolof people eat beef rarely, typically as a part of a ceremonial feast. 2. via Matix In Senegal, the Wolof are the largest tribe in the country. A group of griot drummers. Most of the socializing at the wedding was done in Wolof, a language of Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania. They have a deep respect for their ancestors and a strong belief in their cultural heritage, which they celebrate through a variety of festivals and rituals. All rights reserved. [6][7] In the Gambia, about 16% of the population are Wolof. 32). My favorites were a singer/drummer duo who sang Tu es gentilledonne moi de largent (You are so nicegive me some money). Trainee Wolof manual, Dakar: Peace Corps, 2012. * By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. IvyPanda. The Himba people kidnap the bride before her ceremony and dress her in a leather headdress. Diop, Elhadji. 32). The go-betweens main duty was to find out the position of the girls family concerning the interest in their daughter (Gamble et al. A brief marriage ceremony was then performed by an Imam (the Wolof people are largely Islamic) after the routine Friday prayers at the mosque (Gamble et al. The groom carries the bride across the threshold to bravely protect her from evil spirits lurking below. Nigeria IPOB Print. Many of these customs have stood the test of time and have evolved into the wedding traditions we are familiar with today. The Wolof people (wlf/) - (wolf/) are an ethnic group in Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania. [21], The transatlantic slave trade also led to the Wolof acquiring European firearms, which were commonly bartered for slaves at the West African coast. If this proposal is accepted, the parents of the bride-to be . All of these customs are expected at modern weddings, but these wedding traditions actually date back to ancient times. Falola, Toyin; Salm, Steven J. Urbanization and African cultures. Together with religious beliefs as an identifying factor for polygamy, the conventional Wolof tradition viewed as many spouses just like a sign associated with prosperity and consequently, one of satisfaction plus prestige; as a result, regarding 45% associated with Wolof lots of men polygamous (Ames 396). "Dakar-Wolof," for instance, is an urban mixture of Wolof, French, and Arabic. [8] In the 19th century, as the colonial French forces launched a war against the Wolof kingdoms, the Wolof people resisted the French and converted to Islam. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Mbaya, Maweja. Japanese brides are decorated in white from head to toe, with white paint masking their faces to convey their utmost virtue and innocence. This day is celebra A tragic event too place at about 7 o'clock this evening. ASUU Weddings can be very elaborate, involving feasting and dancing for days within a community, they can be very simple, or they can even be performed in huge marriage ceremonies involving many different couples. By the end of the 15th century, the Wolof states of Jolof, Kayor, Baol, and Walo had become united in a federation with Jolof as the metropolitan power. The oral traditions of the Wolof have legends that state them to have been adherents of Islam since the founding of their Kingdom of Jolof. 3 of 15 Wearing a Veil Eventually, the kingdom of Jolof was absorbed into the larger state of Kaabu, but the Wolof people maintained their distinct cultural and ethnic identity. Wolof (/wlf/) is a language of Senegal, the Gambia, and Mauritania, and the native language of the Wolof people. Like circles, diamonds have long been considered as symbols of eternity because they are the hardest gems on earth. Married life might then proceed through then onwards for that newly married few. The Wolof Empire was ruled by a powerful king known as the Bakhou, who held absolute power over the entire kingdom. Wolof Tribe: An Exploration Of Their Culture And Tradition. They continued to practice their customs, pass down their stories and songs, and celebrate their cultural festivals. Itty Okopide Although it was traditionally permissible for a young man to marry a paternal aunts daughter, the importance attached to the stability and success of the family unit among the Wolof ensured that the first priority was given to marriage to a maternal uncles daughter. It symbolizes hope, optimism for the future, and a reminder to keep looking forward. All rights reserved. This ceremony demanded the presence of representatives from both families and witnesses. As the European demand for slaves increased during the 17th and 18th centuries, the era saw a corresponding increase in Wolof slave raids with the purpose of acquiring captives to transport to the coast. To form a stronger and stable family unit, the Wolof people believed that cross-cousin marriage (young man marrying a maternal uncles daughter) was the best form of marriage they are matrilineal in nature. The origin of marriage dates back to 23,000 years ago when hunter-gatherers became farmers, and gender roles around the household started to form. According to David Gamble, the historical evidence suggests Wolofs used to live in large settlements priors to the jihad wars and slave raids. Do you want to stay informed about how you can help fight against extreme poverty? Wolof dialects vary geographically and between rural and urban areas. During Victorian times, a pageboy was responsible for carrying a brides train down the aisle along with a prayer book. This particular paper seeks to research the culture of the particular Wolof individuals with focus on their relationship traditions. The At the same time, Victorians began to place the ring on small pillows as a display of their wealth. Nordic Journal related to African Studies 11. [7][14] In English, Wollof and Woloff[4] are found, particularly in reference to the Gambian Wolof; for English-speakers, the spelling Wollof is closer to the native pronunciation of the name. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, "2013 Population and Housing Census: Spatial Distribution", "What Is The Ethnic Composition Of Mauritania? 41. The slaves could not marry without the permission of their owner, and it was usually the responsibility of the slave owner to arrange the marriage of or among his slaves. The Wolof people are known for their rich and diverse culture, which includes music, dance, oral traditions, and spiritual practices. [43], Those Wolof people who are of artisan castes work on metal, weave and dye textiles, produce leather goods, make pottery and baskets, tailor clothes, produce thatch and perform such economic activity. They also have a rich tradition of oral storytelling, which helps to preserve their history and cultural heritage.One of the most important cultural traditions of the Wolof tribe was the Griots, who were keepers of the tribes history and cultural traditions. Wolof ceremonial traditions Ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, and baptisms, while not unique, have traditional elements distinctive to the Wolof. Traditional marriage in Wolof culture is such a unique one where the maternal influence play a major role. You can, 10 Wedding traditions from around the world. 4 (1955): 391-403. The population of the world is constituted by an array of cultural groupings and ethnicities. Traditionally, the grooms family would not allow him to see his bride until the wedding. Although this scenario has slightly changed with time, this practice is still prevalent in rural areas albeit with some minor adjustments. [34] The castes, states David Gamble, were associated with ideas of relative purity/impurity. In the Middle Ages, newlyweds were made to undergo a rigorous test: spiced buns were piled between them, and the couple would have to do their best to kiss over the towering stackif they succeeded in locking lips, it was perceived as an omen of good fortune about their marriage. [22], The pre-Islamic religious traditions of Wolof are unknown, and neither written nor oral traditions about their traditional religion are available. PDF file. The Wolof ethnic group (or Jollof, Jolof as they are sometimes known) in Gambia make up 16% of the population and are the third largest ethnic group. While we waited I was introduced to another piece of Senegalese culture: the griots. [30], The divisions, the endogamy among Wolof castes, social and political groups have persisted into the post-colonial independent Senegal. 3. The Jolof or Wolof Empire was a medieval West African state that ruled parts of Senegal and the Gambia from approximately 1350 to 1890. The bride and groom were challenged to kiss over the tower without knocking it over. The oral traditions of the Wolof have legends that state them to have been adherents of Islam since the founding of their Kingdom of Jolof. Carolina Academic Press, 2005. Web. They manifest a highly conscious sense of ethnic identity and ethnic pride. If the brides parents agree to the union, then the groom must gift the bride with three black cows and two sheep. 2023 Provide Commerce. In traditional Wolof wedding ceremonies in Senegal, the parents of the husband-to-be sends elders to the bride parents with money and kola nuts to ask for her hand in marriage. Over time, the herb bouquet was gradually replaced by flowers which carry special meanings in differentcultures around the world. Trainee Wolof manual, Dakar: Peace Corps, this season. Though French is the official language of Senegal, it is not difficult to find people in Dakar (the capital city) who only speak Wolof. Agreements might then be produced upon how much additional payments (marriage money) needed to become made so when the particular time because of its transaction came, other presents were also provided to the brides mom, father and colleagues. Later politico-religious changes, such as those brought during the Wolof Empire era, introduced major changes in the social structure among the Wolofs and many other ethnic groups, including a shift to a patrilineal system. Traditionally, on the morning following the brides first night, a blood stained cloth would be displayed to show that the bride was a virgin (Agorsah 80), which was a great source of pride that inspired praise-filled songs for the bride and her mother. The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture. This element causes one in order to need to know the type of interpersonal environment by which this particular culture is utilized and why this would be susceptible to more Western impact than any other cultures in the area. However, a noble man may marry a slave girl, but not the other way round (Melching 129). [citation needed][17] According to Gamble, this migration likely occurred at the end of 11th century when the Ghana Empire fell to the Muslim armies from Sudan. It is widely believed that the color white represents purity. inland town 32). Once married, a newlywed couple would drink mead, an alcoholic beverage made of honey, a tradition that would take place during their first moon of marriage. Today, a young man may identify a particular girl and after the approval of parents, the father initiates talks to ask for the girls hand in marriage (Gamble et al. Like the neighbouring languages Serer and Fula, it belongs to the Senegambian branch of the NigerCongo language family. 32). The Wolof are a large ethnic group with a population of several million. Historians differ regarding the origins of the bridal veil, but some trace this tradition all the way back to Ancient Greece. Wolof women are usually difficult workers in addition they attempt to build up prosperity through looking after individual farms as well as helping their partners within the family members farms. Linguistic Taboo inside African Marriage Platform: Research from the specific Oromo Laguu. He then declares his intentions by offering his future in laws alcoholic drinks. Its final demise at the hands of French colonial forces in the 1870s1890s also marks the beginning of the formation of Senegal as a unified state. At such a point, the boy was expected to furnish the girl and her mother with gifts to win their affection (Gamble et al. The now-traditional wedding favor of five Jordan almonds symbolizes five wishes for the newlyweds of health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and longevity. [8] Ira Lapidus, a professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic History, states that the early-19th-century Senegambian fighters "swept through Senegambia burning villages, killing pagans and enslaving their enemies," and were responsible for the conversion of substantial numbers of Wolof to Islam. More and more, couples are opting to include specific cultural traditions on their wedding day, and 43% of couples say that they are including at least one or a few meaningful cultural . The Wolof people are a good ethnic grouping within North Eastern a part of Senegal, parts associated with Mauritania, and Gambia. For the girls father, the young man was expected to assist in chores such as weeding and harvesting among other masculine endeavors. This system together with the teachings before and after the wedding ensures that women place their husbands first and obey them completely.

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