why are vietnam vets dying so fast

Mike why is gods name would all these people claim to have went to that septic tank they call vietnam? The Vietnamese did not take the invasion very well and did all in their might to protect themselves against the advancing American forces. I get to testify and present them with the story of a 20 y/o medic carrying dead and wounded around for 14 months in country. There are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S.personnel, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office at the Pentagon reports that this number includes 73,547 service members from World War II, 7,883 service members from the Korean War, 126 service members from the Cold War, 1,642 service members from the Vietnam War, and six service members from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense Department personnel. According to figures provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States, 530 Vietnam veterans pass away every single day. These statistics were taken from a variety of sources to include: The VFW 1 just disappeared, and then theres me. id like to comment on the stastistics of our vietnam veteran death rate of 390 vets die every day.i think thatthedeath rate of vietnam veterans,are higher thanthe any other war veterans.i think that our fight wasnt just in vietnam,but after we got home.that took a heavy tole on us.and still is.God bless our verterants, john j. lang. Deeds need to be done in addition to words, says Wowwk, who is 100 percent disabled from his Vietnam wounds. THERS IS ONLY ONE KIND OF COMBAT VET..ONEWHOWAS IN COMBAT. We were driving home from the airport when I heard the news. not too many left, Vietnam Veterans Dying Breed. The Department of Veterans Affairs this spring commissioned a small pilot study to look into the link between liver flukes ingested through raw or undercooked fish and a rare bile duct cancer. But the specter of Vietnam still lingers, and some of that wars veterans view such acts with a wary glance. Welcome Home John. Can you put dead flowers in food waste bin? How long will flowers last in wet floral foam? I may have some choice words to express as well. Many soldiers and Marines with support MOSs have received the CIB and CAR. Before you visit your local recruiter, be sure you meet the minimum qualifications for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. returned from Vietnam , the clock has been ticking. And I believe the qualifier thereis that many were claiming to be combatvets when in reality the ratio of logistics to grunts was about 9:1 therefore the large number suggested was true Vietnam Veterans, just not combat vets. MarDivPhoto on Oct 9, 2009 refers to the American War Museum website, and mike_brewer on Oct 12, 2009 refers to the Vietnam War Museum, both as the source of the number 850,000 living Vietnam veterans. Nice of them. I knew how to get more than enough for everything I needed. Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. Born: 01/29/1945. in only 6-10 years.. *STATISTICS FOR INDIVIDUALS IN UNIFORM AND IN COUNTRY VIETNAM VETERANS: * I guess its a compliment to us allthat all these wannabees are prentnding to be vets but I still get pizzed at them when I figure them out after a few beers in a bar or whatever. Any way you cut it, the saga of self- destruction was frequent and very, very sad. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. This is hard to believe, Call me Pete. second tour. To me, It means today is a fresh start and we have one more chance at having a normal life. ps I found out later that most of the men who enlisted for 4 years volunteeredfor I dont have any but ONE Viet Vet friend still alive, he and I served in Marines 1st marine Airwing, 1967 at Da Nang Air Base and left the day befor TET offensive started Jan 1, 1968. There is always the notable distinction between Era Vets and Combat Veterans. The latter group does in fact have an uncommonly high mortality rate, that includes approximately 115, ooo suicides between 1969 and 1989. However, the unit is most well-known for its exploits during the Vietnam War, which took place between 1955 and 1975. to The USS Rhona was blown up with a German missile. god bless america,and our veterans. for 30 years and now runs Opus Peace, a nonprofit that provides educational materials for health . Mike you write well and to get to core issues. i got sent to viet nam in the spring of 71 and came back in the spring of 72. my mos was 82c20, surveyor. Both are unlikely to life to 70, and both have suffered life-threatening diseases already which they are lucky to have survived. Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. Deborah Grassman, who has cared for 10,000 dying vets as a hospice nurse practitioner at the V.A. Listed here are the four Vietnam veterans with the youngest ages. I found out later after I got up that it was someone down the hall from me that shot himself. Look upon myself as a well and were sometimes in more combat during their tour than the actual grunts they supported they still werent awarded the CIB. Mike: Served in the 5th SFGA 4th ID, and E/20th Inf from 69-71; went from E1 to E6 all in the 11B series. Just realized that this is the day Ho Chi Minh died! Had to fight the VA for years , Diabetes , neropathony and heart attack 14 years ago. Two of my long-time friends are in-country veterans. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. It is not BS. Anyone can use no. I have heard to many times of other shipmates getting ischemic heart disease or diabetes I for one had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery but no boots on the ground. I sorts blended in until I retired in 2003 and joined the CT First Cav Assoc and finally met groundpounders like muself. I am 70 and suffer from several health problems with a10% disability; all I believe attributed to my service in Vietnam or the Gulf War. IE 11 is not supported. 390 deaths Considering the kind of information available about the death rate of WWII and Korean War Veterans, publicized information indicates that in the last 14 years Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. Jim is 100% PTSD, but stable and happily married with 2 children. Finally after 10 months found a job,human resources person said that they didnot mind hiring Vietnam Veterans .as long as I was not drug addict or involved in any war attrocities. i had no idea i could apply for a cib, but would like to. Age: 84. Ant help would be greatly appreciated. you guys read to many bullshit books!!! while i was with e-troop, i noticed after any contacts or firefights these e-troop guys were receiving cibs. Related:More evidence Agent Orange causes cancer. But for claims, I have found the DAV (I have to join) to be a real kick ass outfit. Age: 75. (fact check note by Mike Brewer. I was transfered to the 201st aviation co. in Nha Trang in 1972 to finnish my tour . The collective emotion of the country was divided, says Jerry Lembke, a Vietnam veteran, sociologist and author of The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. I am at 760-550-8083 We can work on both at the same time. As for the CAR, that might be another story. James Ward was one of at least 18 juvenile soldiers killed at Vietnamfive were 16, like him, 11 others were 17, and one was 15 and had forged his birth certificate to join. Give me a week. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 20.0 million in the year 2017 to 13.6 million in the year 2037. Was an 11B grunt with the First Air Cav (C1/7) in 71/72. For the family whose son is just coming back, you arent going to have a public welcoming home ceremony when someones son just down the road was just sent off to Vietnam., As the war ground on and became increasingly hopeless, the military personnel put through this kind of revolving door of service came to represent something many Americans would rather not accept: defeat. What is a combat vet? Div. No it does not mean that you are not a combat veteran. So, lets say there were not more, just, alot. It is still tragic. As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. In the United States 17-year-olds may join the armed forces with the written agreement of parents. Mike Baughman holds a 1971 photo of himself in his U.S. Army uniform at his home in Danville, California on Aug. 2, 2016. This figure far exceeded the expected suicide ratio when balanced by demographics and applied to ONLY those that had served in country. The VA study, along with a call by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York for broader research into liver flukes and cancer-stricken veterans, began after The Associated Press raised the issue in a story last year. 18 years old I would learn about civilian life 46 months later. Born: 09/15/1946. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history until it was overtaken by the one in Afghanistanand servicemen typically did one-year tours of duty. How old would the youngest Vietnam vet be now? Tragically, though, many veterans have since died waiting for their approval and related benefits. i just learned, they are going to give me 40% for a couple things. Weve used them up we need young ones. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10 . Combat Medic "None of them have even heard of it before. I am ex medic one-oh-worst airborne div. How many Flowers do you need for each level in June's journey? Somethings Ill never do: I work with veterans all the time and thought you might find it interesting (if you didnt know already) that any Vietman Vet who served in country and who develops Parkinsons Disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, or a number of other illnesses is assumed tohave been exposed to Agent Orange and AUTOMATICALLY qualfies for Service Connected Disability. There is only ONE KIND OF VIET NAM VET,,ONE WHO WAS THERE. She was right. I take ware hearing aids and to this day Im always vigilant when Im out always How many Vietnam War vets are left? There is a certaincourage and loyalty that transends the injustice rendered to these men and as long as America has men like this it will always be free. Answer (1 of 4): Background During the 1980s, the postservice mortality component of the Vietnam Experience Study was conducted to examine the health effects of the Vietnam experience. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. WWII and Korean War vets. Still, it seems to me that Vietnam veterans who were junior enlisted men or junior officers have died in larger than average numbers already compared to their non-veteran peers, and are likely to continue to do so. RAa Regular Army, those that enlisted with some draftees, When I returned in He and I flew out of Da Nang on the morning of Jan 1, 1968 (that night Da Nang A.B. I spent nearly thirty years as an officer and still teach them. to indicate what they want but I do have to believe that these may be close 800k approx left, sort of sobering uh. and counseling even before they get out of the service and checks nearly immediately upon discharge in the event of a disability. Today the list still grows in our local newspaper, We spent more forward deployed time than the WW2 vets, we never lost a major battle, we were greeted with the most abuse and disdain from the country we had served than any previous generation of veteran, and we were the genesis of all war-fighting doctrine today. I was a Medic with the 93rd Evac. But no one spoke of the incident, nor was the media permitted to cover it as WE did not have missiles yet and did not want to alarm the public. Hello John: I found out he was on the plane behind me after roll call satin the rain and mud ive been asked a few times over the years if im a combat vet. Endemic in the rivers of Vietnam, the worms can easily be wiped out with a handful of pills early on, but left untreated they can live for decades without making their hosts sick. Compared to the U. S. population, the mortality rates of Veterans are higher at older ages, and the life expectancy of Veterans are estimated to be 0.7-0.9 life-years shorter for males, and to be 1.2-1.3 life-years shorter for female at age 25, 45, and 65. And as more and more wartime atrocities came to light, there was a national implication of guilt and shame placed on Vietnam veterans as participants in and avatars of a brutal, unsuccessful war. Millions served in Vietnam. results. Were going to demand an official review to a hearings officer. Vietnam Veterans of America/ Vietnam Veterans Die Early/ Epidemiology for Vietnam Veterans/ Agent Orange Deaths, http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/c2kbr-22.pdf, http://edschultz.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=63544, http://web.mac.com/rthorne2/Site/TRUTH_REVEALED_MINISTRY.html, Transcendental Meditation Retreat At Picture Rocks Retreat House, Veterans Across America Black Out Walmart Black Thursday. Nice Web. Nearly three out of four of those cases were also denied, even though the government posted a warning on its website this year saying veterans who ate raw or undercooked freshwater fish while in Vietnam might be at risk. Did you know that is the day Ho Chi Minh died? dont know about I went back to work (with Government Defense Contractor)where I worked before entering service and was laid off after 1 month.Went to VA rep who did nothing about it,but then sent me for a job as an exterminator.went off on him and asked was this supposed to be closest civilian related occupation. thanks rich. Veteran Mike Baughman, 65, who was featured in the previous AP article, said his claim was granted early this year after being denied three times. If you read the Taps in their mag there seems to be an alarming rate of NamVets dying in theirlate fifties and early sixties. Sit in a barbers chair, and let another person cut my hair. A lot of them give me that blank stare like, 'You've got what?'". My room mate was nick named Budda in the 134th. Why are my bok choy leaves turning yellow? Jorge Otero Barreto. Well, one thing to remember is that not all Vietnam veterans were born in 1945 or later. Mike I was on the USS America CVA 66 in 1970 and as such am part of the Blue Water Navy that is being shunned by the VA and congress. Semper Fi. statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a HUGE SENSE OF PRIDE. I remember tet that was no picnic for rear echelon, and being in a chopper,those m60s werent there for show. The figure that floats around alot and that Vet Centers sometimes mention is about 111,ooo from 1973 to 1997. We who served America do not deserve this treatment. During that year, 1,928 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. i was in a compound & seen them spraying and the next day everywhere they sprayed was brown. How many brain cells will you have by then? Thank you. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 19.5 million in the year 2020 to 13.6 million in the year 2048. Too, it provides an excuse for missing the aforementioned date required by law. but sofar nothing how many are reallyleft? Ive been filing for years without luck despite having cardiac bypass surgery in my 40s and repeated stent implants, etc., etc., since then. Dear Friends abd fellow vets, Something to be proud of! that were projected in 2000 to 2010? For those who believe that the stories of being spit on and being called baby killers and other injustices is crap than you are living in a dream world. Had my good times, as well as bad times, after leaving the US Army, April 10, 1970 I always look at that date as my second Birthday More than nine million Americans served from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. Twenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Armys First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war. NO I was stationed on Hill 55 for 6 months, and stationed at Da Nang Air Base (Rocket City as you know) with 1st L.A.A.M. Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, Less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veterans age approximated to be 60 years old.. Dan Bullock (December 21, 1953 June 7, 1969) was a United States Marine and the youngest U.S. serviceman killed in action during the Vietnam War, dying at the age of 15. Can you provide more information on this? Thank god for them. I am unable to find the museums referred to, though I find a National Vietnam War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. Pete. Related: More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak, "In the best of all worlds, if you came down with cholangiocarcinoma, just like Agent Orange, you automatically were in," he said, referring to benefits granted to veterans exposed to the toxic defoliant sprayed in Vietnam. As a cohort, Vietnam veterans were met with none of the fanfare and received none of the benefits bestowed upon World War IIs greatest generation.. Northport VA Medical Center spokesman Christopher Goodman confirmed the New York facility collected the samples and sent them to the lab. wouldnt it be wild if we could have a gathering of ALL Vietnam Veterans in DC? The 173rd Infantry Brigade was activated in 1915 and served in World War II. That is a very large amount, equating to around 23.6 million. they have in all wars. It may precede a counter-appeal. What is the average age of a Vietnam veteran today? So it is not so much the numbers as the age at which Vietnam Veterans pass on to glory. The Vietnam veterans, we couldnt believe it. i cam back from nam in july of 70 all my decorations and cbi badge and never heard or spit upon, i think a lot of this is bullshit!!! Strapped to a gurney in a retrofitted bus, Wowwk and other wounded servicemen felt excitement at being back on American soil. Locality: Detroit, in the state of Michigan. )to be with the forward observers that were attached to e-troop. Like I always said .we died in Nam , just havent fallen over yet.Too bad all the imposters dont die just as quick or quicker. It means Hill of Sacrifice. if you check the http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com and search the Obits section, you can see two of the most recent: Me, it means today is a very large amount, equating to 23.6! You a HUGE sense of PRIDE the airport when i heard the news the U.S. Armed forces with written... Jim is 100 percent disabled from his Vietnam wounds day everywhere they sprayed brown. By then firefights these e-troop guys were receiving cibs are going to demand an official review to gurney. & seen them spraying and the next day everywhere they sprayed was.. Discharge in the state of Michigan Wowwk, who has cared for 10,000 dying vets a... Veterans with the First Air Cav ( C1/7 ) in 71/72 take the invasion very and! Many Vietnam War am at 760-550-8083 we can work on both at the same time though many! 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