simparica trio for dogs side effects

I took him in today and they think it might be meningitis. Used my own intuition and knowledge to make a good choice for my pet .good luck to everyone one here ! Vet trip and meds $400! Simparica Trio is a veterinary medicine used to treat dogs with flea or tick infestations and roundworm or hookworm infections in the gut. Sorry man, that is horrible. So I started searching and came across this blog and my heart just sank. Another one of our dogs also has had several episodes of suddenly crying as if she is in great pain and also began within a week of administering the poison (please don't call this a medicine, it is a poison intended to kill fleas and other bugs and in this case it can also kill your doggie). Simparica Trio is intended for dogs and puppies weighing more than 2.8 pounds and older than 8 weeks of age. The following list includes the known side effects of Simparica. I dont know what to do to get this out of their system?? I'm so glad I found this forum, it confirmed my instincts that this drug is very harmful. Thank you! I will do anything to stop this from hurting or killing anyone else's baby. How can they put something that can cause this level of damage on the market and how do vets not even tell us to monitor our pets or tell us what the risks are. And then when we finally stop for the evening - she crashes. I've had to syringe water in his mouth. Hope your dog is doing well .my dog had clear neurological changes after taking Simparica trio .his tounge just hangs out of his mouth now and that was never the case prior to Simparica,also has tremors and shakes he never previously experienced.also major weight gain even though no increase in diet .i decided to take my pet off of simparico even though the vet strongly engouraged we remain on it even though i explained the symptoms and changes I noticed in my pet ! Now do you get the connection? Im trying to understand how. Since the weather was turning cold, I stopped giving her the Simparica until spring. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching), polyuria (urinating more frequently), hyperactivity and polydipsia (drinking more water).. Is Simparica Trio killing dogs? Then I saw this and realized. I would find another vet for a second opinion. I am hesitant to get him tested for Addision or even treated for anything the vet might find, I fear adding some other drug to this may confuse or complicate things even worse, but I am scared of the risks both ways. my vet recommended this for both my yorkies. Will this ever get better as the med wears down? Moreover, the safe use of this product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. Puppy is having seizures and has aspirated pneumonia. and like everyone else says, no vet will ever admit her sickness is due to the monthly preventative and excessive vaccines. The seizure has finally stopped and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. I gave this to my 4 month old puppy and was not told of the neurological side effects. My dog steadily went downhill after I gave her the first dose of simparica. I gave this for the first time to my hound and about 3 hours later, she was very unsteady on her feet, eyes half shut and then had 4 episodes of breathing rapidly that each lasted 30 seconds or so and all happened within a 30 minute period. I hope the best for you and dog, I know its a tough time. Losing my Dolly devastated me and I wanted to warn others about Simparica but I got sick. Is due for another tablet but I have been holding off. Still waiting on the vet and waiting to talk to ASPCA poison control. When GABA attaches to a protein in your brain known as a GABA receptor, it produces a calming effect. She didn't make it to the next day and died overnight. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching . I gave this Simparica Trio to my dog 2 days a ago, he is 7 days short of 14 yrs of age, He would not eat and drank very little for 2 days after giving this to him Never again want my Trifecta back had no problems, I gave my precious puppy this and 12 hours later, How long did your dog have dirreha duke his pill Monday and he hasnt had a normal poop. We may also give additional medications to keep fleas, ticks, and common intestinal parasites away. All three drugs are pesticides that work by attacking the nervous system of the fleas and ticks, causing death. They did an ultrasound (2 of them), X-rays, blood test, gave fluids, did another ultrasound (looking for a master fluid that keeps popping up and going away between her stomach cavity & spinal cord. Hopefully yours will be lucky and return to normal. He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. That evening after giving it to him he has puked various times. The Vet's are so busy that even if you can get in you don't get anywhere. Many people have reported this as only temporary. Since then I've researched loads and as you say the FDA put out a report. Was prescribed Simparica Trio for my Catahula dog with no medical issues. My husband said that he felt like it would just make his coat shiny. Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. He just couldn't stand good, he constantly shakes his head. Dogs Naturally Market is a good source to check out. Tell your veterinarian if your dog has a history of seizures or other neurologic disease. I finally got him to eat some chicken and he threw that up 2 hours later. Never again will I be giving my pets any pharma meds. What number do we call for FDA? It hurts to see this and infuriating to know these stories are out here and we did not do the research before giving our little guys this poison. Hi there, So sorry to hear about your dog. My precious rescue has been sick twice, currently on her second episode. Oh how I wish I had know the side effects of this medicine I would never haven given it to her.. the company that makes this poison should be sued. Anything I can do for him? I just almost had a similar incident with my 16wk cavapoo. Advised I could call Simparica for reimbursement or to report side effects. Hi Laura, How is you pup doing one after getting off simparica? . I started using this for my 5 year old black lab in October 2020, So she had 2 doses and in December she became very sick vomiting and would hardly eat and had a hard time walking up the stepsTook her to the vet and she couldn't find anything wrong with her. The reaction lasted less than 12 hours. Has anyone recently started simpatico trio on their fur baby and noticed any kidney problems? Did you do this yourself or let the vet? All oral tick meds are a risk. I do know that she was a healthy and somewhat energetic 10 year old before the treatment. I not any kind of a medical doctor nor am I a vet however I do often research many topics on health related matters both canine and human for decades and then use my common sense to draw logical conclusions or make reasonable guesses. She won't drink E walk or anything The doctor seemed to push this drug on me because the kombi guard was on back order. She falls when she runs and when going up and down stairs. Fortunately for conscientious dog moms and dads, Simparica offers a once-a-month chewable treatment that is FDA-approved and safe for Fido, taking the guesswork out of fighting fleas and ticks. Im just hoping my sweet girl is going to be ok. My English Springer Spaniel(Sadie) received her first dose of Simparica Trio at 12 weeks old, with no noticeable side effects. However, these adverse effects are rarely observed in pets and overall the product is proven to be suitable for all dogs without the occurrence of any side effects. I just gave him heartgard and nexgard about 2 weeks with no issues. Had I of done my research before hand, I never would have giving it to him in the first place. I called my vet but because of Covid they are so behind in appts and would not see him until a month from then. One has done great only notice that he is drinking a lot of water. She has been taking the medicine since she was 6 months and she has gotten bigger so her dosage was increased. The company is reimbursing for vet costs. Side effects from Simparica Trio for dogs are uncommon, but some dogs may experience vomiting or diarrhea. The king cavalier bichon mix seems to be ok just not eating much if at all. My last one lived to almost 15yrs old and I truly believe it was because I had him on Springtime Garlic tabs. I feel the manufacturer should pay my test bills and meds .. my doc talked me into this regimine of meds and my previous dog did well on sorresto color and heart word med .. any clue on who I contact ? I gave my six-year-old dog SIM perica because the combo guard was on back order. I gave my 10 year old Bull Terrier a dose of Simparico Trio Thursday December 3. My vet recommended Simparica Trio for both my dogs (13 year old healthy Collie mix 7 lb chihuahua mix). It is better but not gone. I am so sorry to all of you and my heart goes out to you and your babies. The flinching was very concerning to me as I had to take extra care that I've never had to try to avoid scaring him just doing routine things. But anyways - the other night , his feet collapsed from under him & he fainted . My dog is on a "health care plan" with my vet. This stuff should be banned. Simparica, NexGard, Bravecto & Credelio may not increase the number of seizures, but the risk is real. old . Kind of ooze. Is Simparica only available with a prescription? my puppy was prescribed this and now is weeing more often than usual and still itching ! With the March 1 dose, on that day, I noticed him seeming to be very fearful and flinching on several occasions. I assume it's getting out of his system. This morning I caught him chewing the end of his tail and eating his fur. Sarolaner, one of the ingredients in SIMPARICA TRIO, is a member of the isoxazoline class. This was one of the most traumatic things myself, my children and husband have experienced. If most side effects are mild, ( vomiting 12 hours later could be due to other things the dog has eaten within those 12 hours), I am ok with that. This behavior is so inconsistent and confusing. Considerations Just like any other medication, Simparica has the potential to interact with other drugs your dog is taking. Sarolaner is ingested by fleas and ticks when they bite, and works by over-exciting their nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Generally, they may instruct you to administer it immediately when you remember and resume monthly dosing. Reported this to FDA today-, My 14 year old was up on simparica about a year ago and her whole demeanor has changed. I must admit that I am pretty nervous about it, but we shall see. She is absolutely miserable and we're hoping she makes it. They still will not consider that it is the Simparica Trio. This was days ago when I could still get food into him and the result. Bentlee has been fine for 12 + hours in the house while I was stuck at work and never a drop of anything in the house. Seizures continue and its Monday. Vet expenses will be paid by the company and we will be full refunded for our purchase of 6 month supply. Is your puppy better now and how long did his symptoms last for? Not even going to risk it . Today he wont eat, is sleeping all day, and when he is up he is panting heavily. He was admitted and ultimately spend 5 days and 4 nights there having additional blood work, x-rays, endoscopy, ultrasound. I will update once we have results from diagnostics. I started my 6 year old golden doodle on Simparica last fall because we had many ticks in the back of our yard. I am interested in the petition and the company's response. So from what I understand, your dog was on this for 6 months and got the serious symptoms after that? I immediately filed a case number with Zoetis and informed my Vet as well as current Vet hospital he is being held at. She walks around as if she is on ice with no control of her back legs. Twice I have seen his eyes roll into the back of his head (petti-mal seizure?) I paid $120 for 6 months of poison. Plan to take him to see the vet tomorrow. Trifexis is much safer and I really don't care about the ticks - I can pull those off. Also feed bland diet- rice, ground beef, chicken, cottage cheese. Do not give extra or double doses. I give my dogs Simparica at the beginning of each month. The only thing we changed after his checkup if Feb. was his flea and tick treatment. He never ever used to do this. Our vet recommended putting him on phenobarbital. This medicine is making her shaky/tremor, anxious, and she is panting a ton. This time I am seeing a little blood or tissue in her stool. I argued with the vet that this is poison and she said why would I give your dog poison? They immediately denied they were in the wrong for prescribing because any meds can have side effects but Im convinced this medication is poison. CET HEXtra Chews. Circumstances changed and moved to a semi rural area in Florida surrounded by lots of woods. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. Does this sound familiar to anyone? She spent 4 nights at the University of Auburn emergency room and vet clinic. However, these adverse effects are rarely observed in pets and overall the product is proven to be suitable for all dogs without occurrence of any side effects. like she wants me to fix it. On her 3rd round of antibiotics (each a different kind) and completing prednisone. Naturally, I want to make sure that she never has to go through that again. Our dog has had 2 Seizures this month and we are going to stop using Simparica. These are the side effects that were observed: Most common is vomitting Weakness and lethargy Soft stools Loss of appetite I gave my almost 10 year old chihuahua mix (11lbs) his first dose on Wednesday and he has started coughing and sputtering since Thursday nite. She's wobbly on her feet and seems lopsided, although her eyes look ok; she is really lethargic and barely lifting her head. He is back to his old self now but we will never give him this medication again. I gave my dog his first dose April 8th. We nurses him back into a happy healthy puppy and now this.; Privacy Policy This links to a pdf file; Terms of Use This links to a pdf file When it came time to pick the right product for my own dog, I opted for Simparica Trio. After reading all these posts that sound so similar to what we are going through. This is an eye opener for me! You can do heartworm no problem, and some flea meds also have a neurology warning but not on the same scale of reports as this tick stuff. Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. I lost my girl 2 days after taking Simparica. We spend last night at the Emergency Vet, and all day today at her normal vet. Vet gave her a shot which stopped it. 38 results for "simparica trio for dogs" RESULTS. I am also very worried about him. Sarolaner, one of the ingredients in SIMPARICA TRIO, is a member of the isoxazoline class. Simparica Trio covers the most common dog parasites and typically costs less than buying separate products. She has been itching uncontrollably since I gave her the simparica. I was blaming the tremors in his back legs on the fact that he has had both ACLs repaired. However, doing nothing is better than giving her the Simparica. The whole packet is going in the bin !! On Jan 4th for the first time. Chris, there is hope, for me, after about 35 days from when I gave my dog simparica trio all side affects went away, his blood levels where normal and no longer pies and drinks water non stop. Currently, for Simparica, less than 0.01% of dogs taking this medication have experienced any neurologic side effects. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. I hope it is taken off the market and request that anyone on this thread with a pet who has suffered due to this drug goes to this link from the FDA to officially report their pet's adverse side effects: Since she is young, the vet started us with Keppra. My dog is still having tremors 5 months after taking Simparica. I will be speaking to vet to switch to something else. Hi, Im wondering whats going on with your dog now? I am so mad at myself and so upset that I am the one that has made him sick. This was the only thing we changed, I am convinced this is what did it to her. The flavored, chewable tablets were consumed . So sorry! There is a possibility it isn't the cause, but it is the only reason I can find and it aligns with the stories of others. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. like what??? I wish I would have researched this before giving it to my puppy who is only 10 weeks, he has the same symptoms . Simparica Trio comes with a customer satisfaction guarantee: Zoetis will cover some or all vet expenses should your dog develop heartworm disease, Lyme disease, a flea infestation, hookworms, or roundworms. He had his second dose on 3rd July. Reading all of these comments I too think it is the drug that has caused his body to be toxic for him. (145 Reviews) $15.50 - $31.09. My poor baby! Gave my dogs simparica and they both have lost their appetite! Im wondering if this is how she will be the rest of her life all from taking one dose of Simparica! Although the price may be even lower via online pharmacies, Zoetis only guarantees the product when purchased directly though your vet (in the clinic or via their online pharmacy). I bought chicken last night he ate some of that . Work up from the neurologist shows all his tests came back negative. The diarrhea also went away yesterday evening. I fed him a diet of boiled chicken and rice for 3 days and began to introduce his food which is a limited ingredient type. Wont use again. Simparica Trio is the first and only product that combines sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel in each treatment to help prevent heartworm disease, kill fleas before they can lay eggs, kill 5 types of ticks, treat and prevent flea infestations and treat and control roundworms and hookworms. I just wanted them gone and for him to feel better. I will be watching my precious baby very closely I'm so glad I looked this up as the vet just gave me one dose and no paperwork to go with it Thank you all for your comments and I'm so sorry for all the suffering your babies have had to endure. I have written to the parent company that makes Simparico (although I don't hold high hopes that I will ever hear from them) and also signed an online petition at Change. Those jaw spasms have decreased but were pretty alarming in Dec and January. Another call to vet asking for an appt - seems like an an emergency now? She became extremely lethargic and feverish so we rushed her to Hospital. I'm so angry this medication is on the market. Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a history of seizures. If there are enough reports they may have to pull it off the market until further safety tests can be done. It causes paralysis that leads to death of hookworms and roundworms. It seems to be clearing up with Rx eye drops. My vet gave us Simparica for my newly adopted Chihuahua yesterday. They were ok on that but the vet office is no longer going to carry regular Simperica so we took the Simperica trio that is now in its place. Puppy Simparico Trio for the first time 2 days ago. In clinical trials, vomiting and diarrhea were the most frequently reported adverse reactions. I gave my black lab mix Simparica for the 1st time on 4/1. Started searching and came across this blog and my heart goes out to you and your simparica trio for dogs side effects is month! Hurting or killing anyone else 's baby attaches to a protein in your brain known as a GABA,... And your babies insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox around as if she is ice... Is real 2 weeks with no issues know that she never has to go through that again vet will. It would just make his coat shiny medication, Simparica has the same organic GF for... 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