nancy dillard lyon's daughters

Moreover, the hospital was grossly negligent. Thank you. I watched the Sandra Locke made-for-tv movie recently. Theres always SOME person that stands by the killer, especially one that cleans up nice. Richard began an affair with a coworker named Tami Ayn Gaisford around 1989. Ants implicated. My relationship with Richard is one of a fellow Catholic. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. Life in Prison looks good on you! Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. First, ALL comments are opinion pieces. Its no small thing to leave your home and your life behind, especially when you havent done anything wrong. And it was fake. BUT if it werent for those supporters (who were correct), would some of those whose convictions were overturned have remained convicts and perhaps have been executed? Required fields are marked *. I shouldve added above that of course juries can and should only judge on the evidence presented to them, rather than adding their own second-guesses, prejudices etc to the mix. Contents 1 Death 2 Investigation 3 Trial 4 References 5 Nancy Lyon He tried many times and with different poison. Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? I believe he killed her. Charles Couch lied under oath and by the way, did any of you see this? If what you think about juries is correct, its a travesty. It would behoove people to actually read the trial transcripts and think. She passed away in 2009. IF Nancy told the doctor she thought her husband was poisoning her, then why didnt he call the police and test her for it? Id have thought there should be a protocol about this but can imagine there isnt or wasnt (ie, it may not be that uncommon that people sick with potentially substance-attributable symptoms wrongly claim theyve been poisoned by another). Try to do more than a cursory reading. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. Fortunately, the state of Texas and Nancys family werent so easily fooled. The quantum of circumstantial evidence is persuasive, but youre implying that such evidence is of less value than physical evidence. Smells of a set up. Nancy would get sick/notice a bad taste/powder in drinks supplied to her by Richard. The complaint had sat in the Dallas Field Office, with the fully knowledge and support of Commissioner John Morgan, Deputy Commissioner Ronak Patel and the entire politically appointed State Securities Board for over 2.5 years, untouched. A shame about his wife though. The rich and powerful can accomplish anything they want, even to frame an innocent man. Richard was admitted on his own merits whereas Nancy was declined admission and then her father had to intervene. While Golden described Nancy as infuriatingly optimistic about saving her marriage when Richard first left her, it came out at the trial that her hopefulness had finally receded: At some point, she had quietly removed her husband as beneficiary of her life insurance policy. Not to mention his arrogance in continuing to deny what he did and actually soliciting legal help to get away with it. Good for him. If no one else touched it, they wouldnt have been exposed and it explains the high dosage on her fingertips. Until next week, cheers. I spend my time in prayer for those in need and for truth. However, if Nancy presented as rational AND poisoning was suspected, or, certainly, found, by the examining dr, I think the police should have been contacted. Or is it supposedly the pressure treated wood? Interesting that the Friends of Richard Lyon ( website now shows that the website has expired. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Testifying on his own behalf at the trial, Richard Lyon tried to implicate Bagwell. Sparkman Hillcrest Memorial Park. Thankfully He Was Convicted & Placed In A Cage Where The Monster He Is, Can Live & Face What He Did For The Rest Of His Life! They succeeded in getting Richard Lyon removed from the Dallas Country Club and deposited into the W. F. Ramsey Unit on a prison farm in Rosharon. Im following up: do either of the daughters have a relationship with their father? The above very briefly explains something of why the US has this principle though it cant justify it, which is a different question! Nancy planned to move to Washington, D.C., with her daughters after the divorce, a 1991 AP story reported. Do you think you can make it downstairs? Gayle Golden overheard Richard say to Nancy in a sweet voice. The records for the condo show everyone who had lived there prior to her and after her, but not her. Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Because it follows along the south fork of Fish . No winners in this case. 1 suspect is always the husband, Richard was armed and ready with the aforementioned forged documents designed to look as though Nancy wrote them. Alice: From these three facts, we can ascertain that Richard does not have integrity, loyalty, morals, scruples or decency. Evil he is. I dont agree that, in the USA, juries are more likely to wrongfully acquit than convict. The old boss didnt have opportunity, and I seriously doubt the brother did either (and the hospital certainly didnt, based on the current BS FRL is spouting). I guess Texas courts dont mess around. Cant find her anywhere. The movie made it look like he could be either innocent or guilty. You are a fool. Have you ever read the data and studies around the behavior of a sexually abused female? When she and her older brother, Bill, were young teenagers, they engaged in incestuous sexual games, which may have crossed the. Do you have evidence or first hand account? Not a very well-made movie. He is innocent. It was determined that Richard wrote the notes about her brother. I dont include in this fighting hard for their case, regardless of their view of guilt or innocence: I demure somewhat from the notion that counsel is strictly about establishing truth, which is properly a matter for the jury; but there can be no latitude where concealment of evidence helpful to the defence is concerned (Brady doctrine). There is still the chance Genene Jones will be released if she is not convicted of another childs murder. Talk about clutching at straws! As Richard had hoped, Bill Dillard . He began his prison sentence at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville. I do believe Richard killed his wife. Hes where he belongs. 1) Vitamins/capsules that Nancy took contained poison. Funny how people can put all their energy and concern into the guilty and never show any real concern for the true victims. If Lyon had been a Texan cop, he may have gotten only 20 years for murder as Joseph Kent McGowen did. Thanks for reading about the Michael Morton case. TX is an embarrassment when it comes to justice for its citizens. One of them ended up serving a life sentence in a Federal prison; the other ended up dead. When Richard Lyon first began sneaking poison into his wifes beverages, he probably hoped she would die quickly and doctors would attribute the tragedy to natural causes, end of story.. The grieving husband also showed authorities an anonymous letter Nancy had received; it threatened violence if she went ahead and testified against a former colleague named David Bagwell who allegedly embezzled $720,000 from Trammell Crow. And Thank God. RR: A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. 2. Sensationalizing this with false narratives and TV crime drama does not help anyone involved. Chemical Engineering Co., where Richard claimed the arsenic came from, said that the receipts it issued to customers looked nothing like the one Richard presented; it was fabricated evidence. Never loved her. Id like to know where Peter Munsch got his info. Again, for the money. No rescue. And probably calculate the dose?! You are making all these statements about him that you believe are facts. I didnt state there couldnt have been a third-party. There was no evidence she was suicidal; she had children whom she loved, and hatred for Richard wasnt articulated. This is such a tragic case for all involved. I wish I had more time and money to pursue his innocence, but I do not. All I know is what commenters have said that both daughters grew up to be accomplished adults. After being treated as Royalty by Texas Securities top enforcement dog, Joe Rotunda and the lose way in which the law suit was handled by the SEC, the only thing that might come as a surprise is that Joe (Rotunda) and Jay (Oman, Deputy Director of Enforcement) did not give Couch a ride to the airport., One of our clients, I understand, made repeated request to both agencies to seize or freeze Couchs assets, to stop the selloff of investors assets and take measures to prevent his leaving the country. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. By him wanting to be a cheating Male S..(you know what I mean) Not sure about that. But nothing in that comment was fiction: If you continue like this, one day you will look back on your life and realize you wasted a large part of your life on a killer (as the evidence shows). Nancy's closest family was not as respectable as they seemed. Not a waste of time. Perhaps that would prove that either her brother killed her or that Nancy was so distraught over the bad memories she took her own life. The inheriting of considerable wealth (presumably) has been a perfectly sufficient motive for numerous others murderers and while its no proof in itself, what makes it unlikely in his case in the absence of stronger contenders AND with other suspicious circumstances AND with a wife he evidently cared little for given his affair? No other reason fits everything. Cathy: Hello. Must make time go by quicker than it normally would behind bars. Ridiculous. Michael Peterson did after only 98.5 months of his life without parole sentence. Paper Lyon. THANK YOU!!!! A nurse who was taking care of Lyon said to her husband who was a homicide detective that she looked like she had been poisoned. Richard made that up about her brother. All they care about is winning the case to keep up their win/lose ratio, and advance their career. You also said no one commits suicide over time. You are joking right! For all of you so critical and wishing him harm, I pray that God opens your eyes and heart. But I notice that you didnt point out anything specific that was actually incorrect, although you insinuated that the entire comment was fiction. I noticed that The Friends of Richard Lyons does that. Slither back into your holes, snakes. Just one of the many things that should be changed in the legal system, in my opinion. }} Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon (6th August 1953 - 14 January 1991) was an American woman who was poisoned with Arsenic and killed by her husband Richard Lyon. he even lied to his mistress saying Nancy had a rare blood disorder (why the f**k would he need to lie about that?). This action would have never occurred without the intervention of, at least, one United States Senator and a retired Texas representative, to move the complaint from the bumbling Texas State Securities Boards Enforcement Director, Joe Rotunda. Um, it was no accident He deliberately and repeatedly poisoned her. I know I need to be nice! Despite Multiple Warnings Charles Couch, Alleged Oil And Gas Con Man Is Allowed To Skip The Country Colt Ledger & Associates Inc. is the private investigation firm in USA. That murderer is due to get out soon. I agree, one must be a demon to kill in the first place and secondly a mother to two beautiful young girls. They took three hours to find Richard Lyon guilty of first-degree murder. More significant is that (or if) five false conviction charities/services have examined his case and refused it particularly if they have stated that its because they think the outcome correct. Richard did well for himself as a project manager at a landscape architectural firm. But what does any of that have to do with the intentional murder, which clearly happened BEFORE she entered the hospital? The evidence adduced at trial revealed that the victim, Nancy Dillard Lyon, became sick in the early evening hours of January 8, 1991. Just put some updated info on website. There is sin and there is SIN. As a white-collar inmate this is to be expected. In the meantime, Richard Lyon denies that he murdered his wife. There seemed less to fear from Battaglia when it came to the couple's two young daughters, 9-year-old Mary Faith and Liberty, who was 6. Their decision to change their names is definitely understandable. Especially their murderer of a father who killed their mother Im sure. What a shame that Nancy didnt tell police her suspicions that Richard was poisoning her. He MUST have done SOMETHING for the police to be looking at him, sometimes before the person is even charged? Or the forged receipt with her name on it (typed receipt, but all receipts in that business were done by hand no typewriter), or the forged diary entries. This page was last edited on 9 August 2020, at 14:16. 12 People Found Him Guilty, Due To Tremendous Amount Of Evidence. No longer her brothers or her colleagues as he tried to imply when he testified in his own defense? Lets hope someone brings that up at the 2021 parole hearing. William Dillard, Jr. and his wife Mary Helen raised Anna and Allison. Who are we to judge! I hope he rots slowly where he is. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. The fake invoice for arsenic, the movie incident where he was upset because she wouldnt drink the soda (who gets upset about something like that?) He did not lie or forge anything. I saw him yesterday. (They are not the same Dillards who founded the Dillards department store chain. I was in the waiting room for ICU at Presbyterian Hospital when Nancy was admitted to the hospital in 1991. Well said. General facts about wrongful convictions, general facts about pressure treated wood (that, unless she was eating it constantly, wouldnt give her those levels of arsenic in her system). Since then, Ive been stuck in elevators 5 more times (a different building), although I know how to get out myself, from that first time. But more importantly, he deserves a new trial. Julie, Richard is the only one with enough contact and motive. Nancys father was none-too-pleased that his son-in-law made the decision to terminate her life support without consulting him or his wife. But we all need friends, and I admire your speaking up for him and putting the case. He did it and hes right where he belongs. It was all a big joke to them. Follow your gut feelingand live! This murderous scumbag should NEVER be granted parole. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. This comment on behalf of this scum is as sick as the scum himself. If I were a dr, a patient saw me claiming to be poisoned by another, and she showed signs of toxicity, Id want to be on the safe side and contact police. Your statement he probably is your opinion. When Richard Lyon first began sneaking poison into his wifes beverages, he probably hoped she would die quickly and doctors would attribute the tragedy to natural causes, end of story. No, its a forged document, that Richard found, that would have helped to clear Richard . Im sure we all wish them well and are sorry for their loss. Thanks for writing in with the information. Do not listen to others who have ulterior motives or derogatory speech. Another was the emergency doctor when she was dying. I bet you that Friends of Richard Lyon are either one or both of his daughters, or someone hes dating or doing a sweetheart hustle on from jail (a common hustle where inmates answer singles ads and con women into sending them money). People should have learned that by now! A real trustworthy man. Parole was denied on 03/01/2021. My aunt was in ICU at the time and thats why I was there. youre insane, just like him. Quoting from trial transcripts is all very well but their content is what convinced the jury. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. . Michigan lacks the death penalty but life usually means life without an outright exoneration. They MAY make his attempt to cheat the law by murder a little more plausible, but you press them too much. I remember the Danziger case, too so incredibly sad. }} And no one committs suicide over the time days, months And if you just want attention from your husband (because you love your daughters), youd probably calculate the dose, not to be an overdose The wolves behind the sheeps.. Something looking obvious doesnt make it true! So, perhaps the hospital was negligent, though of course it leaves us with question of the poisoners identity If the above is correct, Nancys family would seem justified in litigating. IF Nancy told the doctor she thought her husband was poisoning her, then why didnt he call the police and test her for it? Ivy League sweethearts. His world was mundane middle-class Connecticut - hers the wealthiest neighborhood in . His blame-the-victim strategy was rejected by the Texas court at his murder trial. Then the police found a shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of sexually abusing her as a child. Correction: I noticed that FRL was responding to a different comment (not mine), when calling it fiction, but otherwise, my comment stands as is. His counter theory that Nancy was poisoned by arsenic while building a play house made of CCA-treated lumber is absurd, as surely their children would have been sickened, among other things. If so, you would leave them alone. But judging on how often Ive seen DAs fight AGAINST releasing innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted, there is something VERY wrong in that system, and those are the prosecutors who get ahead to become equally crooked judges. A little more plausible, but you press them too much when havent! Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a family! Mary Helen raised Anna and Allison and motive Peter Munsch got his info convicted another... Believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails serving a life sentence at the parole. 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