liverpool heysel hypocrisy

Agree totally Bob, I did think the running a kid over thing was a bit unnecessary. Anyone who has watched Being: Liverpool will know he certainly is not a genius. There won't be a minute's silence before the FA Cup Final either. Hey did you know that Arsenal havent even won the European Cup? Equally I am not familiar with this Liverpool are doing it the right way? It really pisses you off that were going to win it this year, doesnt it? Liverpool have got lucky this year, Brendan Rodgers has got lucky this year. Selling their own fake tickets for 1,000. Nothing. liverpool heysel hypocrisy. A tragedy it was, but every season now for a few weeks before and after the anniversary the entire English game is dominated by it. What about the truth of what happened there?. Still won fuck all Cheers Stevie G!!! Maybe he is pissed off the former Gunners legend Lee Dixon has shown his true colors in being a huge City fan. A private ceremony has taken place at Anfield, and the FA, to its credit, proposed a tribute when England played in Turin in March (the suggestion was turned down by their Italian counterparts). I was at Heysel. The entire incident affected both city and fans. its just a game for gods sake. On the anniversary of the day of the Hillsborough disaster, you always have somebody throw in well what about paying respect for the 39 that Liverpool Fans murdered. Guess not. We made our thoughts known. You would hope not. For some reason, the press are presenting Liverpool fans as a brilliant example of sportsmanship. Incredible insensitivity from the club (and the parades organisers). Tel. He and I both had our scarves on, we neither spoke the others language but we exchanged scarves, embraced and cried together. Chelsea lost 49.4 million. The world was appalled. I had experienced some scary away days in the 80s but not on this scale, I wasnt arsed that we had won a European Cup, I just wanted to get home safe. Sad to see your result today against the rent boys (even if I personally find a City title win more soluble! liverpool heysel hypocrisythirteen days cast Posted by on December 20, 2021 . Everyone was to blame. A few years ago I read a blog by a LFC fan who was present, and described with searing honesty the attitude among a section of fans (himself included), looking for revenge for the previous year, or just for a good fight. Actually, they might have a point, even if they raise it out of malice rather than consideration for the bereaved. Not one person arrested or charged came from the London area and why would they. An extradition hearing in London in February-March 1987 ruled all 26 were to be extradited to stand trial in Belgium for the death of Juventus fan Mario Ronchi. The thing is, on the drive up to the stadium the traffic was quite heavy, so we were stuck in it for a while and we spotted this grassy area where we saw Liverpool and Juventus fans having an impromptu game of football against each other. Michael Shields, yes a disgrace Graham Sankey was the real offender and one of the most hated men in Liverpool, his despicable actions cannot tarnish the name of all Liverpool fans. Anyway Ive a match to be heading to and early train with a load of Chelsea rent boys. WON FUCK ALL AS USUAL CHEERS STEVIE G CTID 25 YEARS AND COUNTING!! And where have you heard that before? He can only speak for himself and people who he knows that feel the same way as he does: He is clearly full of hatred and not a neutral. A kid running into the side of Gerrards car and a bar fight hardly make him the Scouse John Terry. We dont need reciprocation but the lack of it undermines Liverpools great history. It was very, very strange. im going to run a kid over. Pingback: David Moyes and the implications for Arsenal | She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. I was off school sick, but my best friend was allowed to come over and watch the game with me. Despite having not won the league for 23 years, their gloating is intolerable, and were they to win the league, it would only get worse. For a week or so afterwards, we were all in a complete daze. Turin went into mourning. The prosecutions stemmed from television camera footage of the charge the third such charge in a matter of minutes that led directly to the deaths of those 39 innocent spectators. English football now boasts the best league in the world, a stunning spectacle played out in shiny new stadiums. Over time, there was a recognition that more much more needed to be done. Prior to Heysel the violence that season was at Millwall, Chelsea, West Ham and Leeds. You are as likely to come across debates about how the Juve team celebrated and how the club has done little to commemorate Heysel than you are about the evil of English fans. I think you will find that the eternal flames either side of Liverbird are a sign of respect for families of the 96. What parallel universe have I slipped into? Anybody who relies on the blogs of biased people rather than researching something themselves is a prick. As everyone on this page acknowledges, it has remained a very uncomfortable topic to raise, so thanks again for this balanced and enlightening piece. This is progress. liverpool heysel hypocrisyvanessa in the heights ethnicity liverpool heysel hypocrisy liverpool heysel hypocrisy. Within hours the FA, under pressure from the government, announced that no English club would play in the following seasons Uefa competition and that of course included Everton, denied a tilt at the European Cup, and Norwich City, denied a first ever European campaign. This is the truth about Liverpool. Why aren't supporters of other clubs queuing up to lay electronic tributes online? It was a sad day for our club, and I will never forget the fans that died then, but I was there, as a boy, and its something that will remain with me forever. Many have grown up with Liverpool gloating over the last 30 years. What a pile of shit this is. From a selfish point of view, we knew where our family and friends were all sat and had identified they were safe. Go on to the Italian clubs official website in search of a tribute and you will struggle to find anything beyond 106 words within a 645-word article called Juventus wins everything, a tribute to their successes in the 1970s and 1980s. There needs to be a time where the fixation on Hillsborough ends and I fear it wont be even after justice has been sought. We saw people wearing chelsea and West Ham colours beneath their red scarves. Well done Oliver, a truthful and painful piece of reading on a dark chapter of football. And civil damages estimated at more than 5million were provisionally awarded to families of the Heysel victims against the convicted fans and the BFU. The events that took place before kick-off in Block Z of the stadium turned the dream final into a nightmare: thirty-nine fans - mostly Juventus . Another extract looks at how incidents amongst fans at the 1984 European Cup final in Rome the previous year may have contributed to the events at Heysel: As was stated in this article Heysel was waiting to happen, its a pity the authorities did not learn from what happened in Rome and other previous games to put a strategy in place to prevent the inevitable. Liverpool were resented by most other clubs during that period, because they had the massive financial advantage compared to any other European club. i have never seen such a bitter and twisted remarks about another club in a lfc blog. Is it any wonder you only have a mere 1700 twitter followers. To be honest my mate a Spurs fan directed me to this site, I wasnt aware of any ill feeling from Arsenal fans towards us. Ours were certainly not checked. There are dozens of points that are usually offered to explain the context, not least over ticketing, segregation and a crumbling stadium, but the context does not begin to excuse what happened. Gerrard did want away however I think he knew that if he did go he would never be welcome in the city again. Scousers rule the world. I remember being waved into the stadium by the police without being asked to show our tickets, and at a time when Liverpool were usually the only English club in Europe, I remember being on the ferry to France, with people wearing Liverpool scarves, but with tee shirts bearing the name of one or two other English teams underneath, so John Smith was right about that. They are not the neutrals favorite, after the suarez incidents and how the club shamelessly handled those debacles, neutral fans who may have liked liverpool stopped pretty damn quickly when the rotting nature of the club and fans was laid bare for all to see. Great article, if you want to read more indepth articles on someone who was actually there visit: Those bereaved and outraged by Hillsborough have fought to keep their campaign for justice alive and been entirely vindicated for doing so. Shades of 89 in the pre mobile phone era, nor shall I forget my Dad telling me of the hours he spent on the phone to a hospital in Brussels as they read out a list of the names of the dead & injured. liverpool heysel hypocrisytraditional courtyard house plans liverpool heysel hypocrisy. In the reports of the game there dis no mention of the disaster, just that penalty! Even last week, whilst Manchester City respectful remembered those who lost their life at Hillsborough, them Scousers attacked a coach, bricking the windows. Nobody stole anybodys tickets in Istanbul, that is a blatant lie. His friend said bloody hell, theres been a bomb, which highlights the scale of the tragedy that was unfolding. Top hustlers you fucking southern bums. We all know beyond a doubt he wanted to leave; he released a statement to that end. There is an opportunity albeit a further year down the line next May on the unbelievably 30th anniversary I really hope we mobilise to do somethings genuine and large. And not sources like The Sun either; things like the BBC, The Guardian pretty credible sources, right (though no Liverpool Echo, undoubtedly)? What a terrible night for football regardless of who you support or who you blame. Its easy for armchair supporters like this Arsenal tit to rely on hearsay and lies for his blog and to promulgate such bollocks but unless you were actually there you know fuck all! At my visit last year I met a Juve supporter at the ground. When Heysel happened, Liverpool FC tried to displace the blame from their fans. Maybe thats as much the fault of the media as us, but cant help feeling that we, through fans groups and forums, could express such feelings with more vigour and intent. Hai ragione a dire che quella tragica serata erano tutti da biasimare. Then of course you have the fact that many rival supporters of other Italian clubs still use it as a cheap way to have a dig at them (by waving LFC scarves and banners, singing offensive songs etc), which will be something LFC fans can all relate to. At Heysel stadium, although that is not what it is now known as in Brussels, I was pointed to a memorial, a similar sort of size and style to the Anfield one, quite high in the left hand side of the stadium as you face the grand entrance. > This is an extended version of an article that originally appeared in The Times. These neutrals he refers to, I imagine this relates to school days when a lot of people darrrrn sarrf jumped on the Liverpool bandwagon. WORK. I heard rumors of Gerrard running over a kid and it being covered up, there is no evidence of what happened. We reluctantly agreed. by The Anfield Wrap | May 29, 2013 | Featured Writing, Footie, Heysel, Hillsborough | 37 comments, NOW that the lies, the smears and cruel myths about the Hillsborough disaster have been exposed once and for all, those who clung to them out of warped tribalism have but one straw left to clutch. All I remember of the game was being allowed to stay up especially, to watch it on TV and being shocked at what I saw. These incidents are not the only ones which highlight how poor the Liverpool fans are. That doesnt clear anybody of any responsibility for what happened, but it showed it was a move from UEFA that was almost asking for trouble. Liverpool had gambled on my fitness by starting me in the match as Id dislocated my shoulder two times previously that season, the most recent of which was only a fortnight earlier. Of the hundreds of Liverpool fans who joined the stampede, only a handful were punished. Almost all the emphasis in and around the place and the stadium is on the fact that the stadium of the tragedy has been completely rebuilt, renamed and sanitised and please dont mention the tragedy as things have changed. The second: it was English supporters who were. Whilst Shields has been correctly released from a jail after the murder of a Bulgarian man before a Liverpool away game, there is a murderer out there who was happy with his own mate taking the fall. Whilst they might not have spent as much as Chelsea and City, they have spent more than Arsenal and Man Utd (100m more than Arsenal). This is ridiculous. Also, as Oliver Kay pointed out in this article ( the Belgian authorities did not check tickets and just waved people into the stadium. Is the articles editor saying that Gerrard got up one morning and thought? I found this article very informative and brilliantly written, as well as the comments (apart from that last one)! As a blue born after Heysel Ive never really known the truth of what occurred that night and it has become a taboo and something you feel scared to bring up as we all want to come together in support of Hillsbrough and show a merseyside united.Very sad to think 39 families must be feeling very let down by all parties involved. We all know that English football, collectively, was punished, with clubs excluded from Uefa competition. Gloating nah I think singing about our rich history in defense of being unable to win the league. I then read that any trophy parade is planned for . Although I was still groggy from the op, it didnt take long for me to work out he was there for my own protection from angry Italians. !.Have u picked Gerrard up off his arse yet?Steve Gerrard GerrardHe slipped on his fucking arse he gave it to Demba baetc etc etc CTID! and 39 innocent victims lost their lives. Every club throughout the Premier League will have their own stories of too many Liverpool fans turning up, fake tickets, and the lack of concern many Scousers have for their own fans safety. Id urge any Liverpool fan to just drop by any Juve forum from time to time and offer a conciliatory post or two. Man Utd and the likes of Notts Forest were the clubs that spent huge amounts. Well let them have independence,and stick to a league in Merseyside,they may then win it every year. There are two very obvious reasons for this widespread reluctance to talk about Heysel. t is reall worth bookmarking, Pingback: hits 2,000,000 views Thank You | She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, 9 minutes in. In 1989, after a five-month trial in Brussels, 14 of the 26 Liverpool supporters who stood trial were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and given a three-year prison sentence, suspended for 18 months, and each ended up serving about a year in total in behind bars. Although I was not present at Heysel,I had the misfortune to be on the ostende ferry with fans travelling to Heysel.I amongst many were subjected to some of the worst behaviour I have ever witnessed on a cross channel ferry.Many innocent holiday makers,many with children had their luggage stolen/robbed and then throw overboard.The ship itself was trashed and a trail of destruction left behind,this continued on the train to Brussels(I was travelling to cologne).It was also very apparent that a sgnificant proportion of the travelling fans were from other football clubs and were travelling purely for the mayhem and violence,which seems to have been the norm in Europe for English football fans at this time.Heysel was the personification of all that was wrong with English football in the eighties. Presumably even less so in Turin. IBT UK Morning Brief - Let the best of International News come to you. Something went wrong, please try again later. Fewer games has restricted injuries, and meant that the likes of Sturridge and Sterling have been able to play at the top of the game for the entire season. And who can forget the Michael Shields incident. I cannot remember the last time I heard Liverpool fans sing about Munich, maybe he is getting us mixed up with Leeds fans. No wonder John Smith was horrified and had difficulty believing a set of fans with no history of hooliganism could be partly responsible. When has this ever been said. @ Schwarzie Long, if you were in a taxi, why would you be asking for directions. And while the rejection of the olive branch met with a little consternation on Merseyside, Liverpools supporters know all too well about the type of apology that comes too late, brought by events, to sound truly sincere. Both Liverpool and Juventus as a mark of respect for the victims should do some By contrast, Heysel remains the tragedy that dares not speak its name. after a particularly nasty derby with recriminations flying and trying to educate people to what happened, I found your article. Happy for a fellow human being to be banged up abroad whilst he sits in Liverpool, probably still going to games, without a care in the world. The key reason why Liverpool are the neutrals favourite (although we have already debunked this myth) is due to them doing it the right way. That has always saddened me. what happens if i ignore a ccj; As someone who attended Heysel with my dad, there are one or two omissions in Olivers wonderful piece. But it is not honoured. really? But it has started to become just a bit too frequently mentioned and I think this feeds into the general negativity towards the club. Football, from that moment, would never be the same again. Its a joyless success, but the victory enabled the Bianconeri to fly to Tokyo in winter to play the Intercontinental Cup final. Always the victim, never your fault! I too recall seeing that Reds Animals banner, and also seeing fans, apparently of both sides, hanging off the fencing at the front of the terraces, trying to pull it down. . NO, because it would highlight the hypocrisy of the city, and the club! Liverpool is the city of pity. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Another fan telling the reporter that 10,000 charged the gates of course according to the TRUTH enquiry none of this had any impact on the outcome. While one tragedy receives a national outpouring of sympathy every year, the other seems to have been swept under the rug. Liverpool fans are certainly not good sportsmen, they are the shame of English football. Posted on . They do at least now have a memorial plaque at Anfield, they do have extensive coverage of the tragedy on their official website and they do pay tribute on May 30 every year, even if it took far too long for the club to recognise the tragedy and the stain it had left not unlike Sheffield Wednesday with Hillsborough, although the circumstances there involved appalling failures at executive level. Manchester City lost 51.6 million. Thought the article was more or less spot on to be honest. Dark humor but thats football humor isnt it? It was the scale of the deaths that truly shocked. hahahahahahahahhahahaIts cunts like you chanting Champions and We are gonna win the league thats the reason few neutrals wanted Liverpoo to win itUr lot are as bad as ManureNo matter. Thank you for this article. The location on the edge of the car park is in my view disrespectful but better than nothing. Do not believe the myths put out by the biased press. It was one of the most posioness atmospheres I have ever witnessed , when Risse broke Smiths Leg and Ankle the Kop sang, Jon Arne Risse I wanna know oooh oh oh how you broke that leg. + @DanielArsenal1 for the design work., \\\ SHE WORE \\\ (@SheWore) March 8, 2021, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), David Moyes and the implications forArsenal, David Moyes and the implications for Arsenal | She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, hits 2,000,000 views Thank You | She Wore A Yellow Ribbon,, Gordon Potter needs to keep Mikel Arteta's name out of his mouth, Arsenal new boys doing their bit in the title challenge. 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