boyfriend stopped trying

I love math and logic puzzles, but I recognize that many math problems exist in a world with clearly defined rules and variables. I spent four years in a relationship like that, where nothing was ever good enough and taking steps to be a better Me was met with derision and controlling behaviours, and I know so much how hard it is. But I really appreciate CAs gentleness to LW about that. Do you want me to smack your hand when you reach for the chips? As the Captain said, he likes potential you. You know what, these are things that I have my therapist/doctor to advise me about. OK, so you took a walk instead of doing the cardio class; thats not great, but its a whole lot better than nothing is a way to keep score. Any way you do it, its all good. Or maybe I just eat all the crackers, Or the broccoli. He would critique all of my eating habits (If I ate a piece of candy, he would yell about how it is full of lard! and I would sit in front of him and make lots of eye contact and say Tasty tasty lard. Both of the above. Another script LW may want to try: How does this affect you?'. Designate a time to have a conversation just the two of you. Am I the only one who says nope the fuck out of there yesterday? When people get all up on how logical and not swayed by petty emotions they are, I always end up thinking about the narrator of Ancillary Justice an AI whos been programmed with emotions because they *allow her to make better decisions*. However, intent isnt magic and the effect of his actions do cause you harm. You are the person who knows whats best for you. If you were kind of hiding from them because you were depressed and have shame about how long its been, let it go. He (and my Dad!) Forgive me, but I get the feeling from your letter that its the latter. You said you would put away the dishes, and you didnt is a specific observation. So much sympathy to the LW for trying to make this work on top of making themself happy. And hey, when you want to use him as a sounding board for something, maybe this reminder will help: Asking advice or needing help with one thing isnt an invitation for advice about everything. but it gets me out of my room and gives me things to look at and think about other than hating myself. This is poor form, and Boyfriend really needs to wake up and smell the coffee that THINGS ARE MORE OKAY NOW, BACK THE FUCK OFF, YOURE NOT NEEDED. Like, there are healthy relationships where both people agree to certain situations where person A asks to be prompted to do X and person B does so. Its okay to stay, BUT IT IS ALSO OKAY TO GO. If your boyfriend doesnt respect your new boundaries (hope he does! Sometimes I clean, sometimes I knit, sometimes I go for a walk, but I feel like the fastest way to undermine him is to should at him. The Teaser Trailer For Daisy Jones & The Six Just DroppedHeres Everything We Know So Far, Signs You Lack Self-Love (And How To Develop It), The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever Told You, 6 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Find Love. I was overwhelmed with adoration and new hope. But it will definitely *not* help if Im already in a funk, other than possibly giving me an excuse to go outside and do something vaguely useful-feeling. He always wants to know the reasons behind them (which admittedly is sometimes frustrating), because he wants to know, not because he wants to prove Why I Am Wrong. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give . Hlepy people may accept correctionor they may not. And I think thats something a lot of people have trouble with, especially when they have an idea of how the right way to be is (Ive noticed that people who tend to be rational often have trouble with this that other people make decisions that they would not make and other people have reasons for those decisions that are just as real as their reasons for doing something different). LW, heres the thing about our Jerkbrains: theyre jerks. Somebody who sees the good in you that already is there and currently exists. He used to love to know everything about you from the way you think and what you like your time to how it went. We ended up breaking up about a year later. I suspect that if she did all those things, his critiques would ramp up x1,000,000 because she is successful and he wants to cut her back down and put her back under his control. Continuing to put in effort for someone who isnt putting any into you is only going to lead to more frustration and resentment neither of which will make either one of you happy or satisfied long term. Fun schmun, he can chop thirty onions and keep his mouth shut. And at one point ran into one of his grown kids from the first family on a boardwalk. And he does this because he realizes that accounting for the emotions of other sentient beings is logical! I just sit there with a BMI of 40 and a face like this . He just doesn't feel the need (we used to have sex often, before the . Validation. The way I look at it, there is a big difference between someone who has decided they need to push you to be your Best Self (which is often their idea of your Best Self), whether or not you want/need/that kind of help is healthy for you, and someone whose support and encouragement lets you push yourself towards being what your own idea of your Best Self is. (sadly I live in the UK and our sun is not plentiful enough!). Feeling frustrated with behaviors that contribute to a bad situation? If you havent seen your friends in a while, call them/message them and schedule a hangout. Whose fing body is it anyway, buddy? Sadly, I would not be surprised if he saw outcome 1 as being necessary for the LW to be happy and healthy or at least how he self justifies wanting the LW to return to the passive role that they played in the relationship while they grappled with their depression and lack of confidence. 1. He is like the fucking human incarnation of depression. It doesnt bother me because of how he asks gently, not sternly, the tone he uses, and because the rest of the time he demonstrates how damnably attractive I am to him. So if your partner was reacting in line with frustration and reacting to objective, observable behaviors that contradicted therapeutic actions you had agreed to, then that could be a reasonable reaction. Has the boyfriend pulled out stories of other people who have similar problems and yet manage to be super-awesome-amazing-overachievers? So, to me, a partner who listens and trusts you about your health and is willing to accept hardships when you have problems is a safety issue. My husband has a hard time with my anxiety and sometimes asks if Ive eaten or what Ive eaten or mentions exercise to help me. I can think of several people in my life who must have read that book. Similarly, with the do more cleaning thing theres plenty of plausible deniability, because living with someone who doesnt pick up after themselves sucks. Sometimes we are in love with the idea of the person and it makes you so angry that they are not that person. You are more than good enough you are wonderful, no matter what you are doing, what choices youve made today. Thank-you for this comment. It doesnt matter whether he hasnt ridden in a month or he did so a couple of days ago. Or will. On the other hand, if your boyfriend puts a lot of stock into what your therapist says, this line might work really well. Its ok to challenge yourself sometimes and then hang out in your comfortable space! Part of why its so difficult to break up with someone without a Huge Serious Reason is that without one, theres no defined point at which you MUST do it. It sounds like you two have a chance. You cant have all your food be treats otherwise youre not actually eating healthy food, but they are needed or you burn out and develop an eating disorder. LW, has your boyfriend ever really articulated as in, clearly stated and put down in a measurable fashion what his goals for you are? Logic and reason are critical thinking tools. and exercise a few years ago. Expressing frustration towards behaviors? We love each other and were helping each other feel better. Or is he blaming his own ambivalence about the relationship on you and your past depression? You deserve to be with someone who shows you respect who likes you the way you are, who isnt always trying to fix you and who listens when you ask him to stop certain behaviours rather than telling you your request is ridiculous. Try, a class, finding an exercise buddy who is at your level and who likes to do the same stuff you like, volunteering. When I have the house to myself for a few days, I like to use some of the time for cooking experiments. You can also go to the civil route and try and sue him for it since it is in your name and belongs to you. You know your boyfriend and your own situation better than we do, so I trust you to figure out who and what you are dealing with and take steps to care for yourself. He doesnt feel theres any sort of a problem with it, he feels entirely justified in acting the way hes acting, and people who feel that way about how theyre behaving go on behaving in that way. But everything you say about this dudetells me that hes more in love with Potential You than he is with Actual, Right Here You. They are raw cookie dough and you can see the cookie and you want the cookie, but the cookie dough is just not done enough, but you really want that cookie so much and you know how much better it would be if it were finished baking.and so you are mad that they arent doing what it takes to be a cookie. He had money and I didnt. Ways this manifests: BOY does he like to research before making a decision. Dont. I need you to scrub the toilet is reasonable you need to do more vigorous exercise isnt. 14. Whether its work, school, friends, or something else entirely that is causing him so much stress and concern that he cant even find the time to put in at least some kind of minimal effort for his girlfriend, put yourself in his shoes and be understanding. During that time, I had a b/f who sounds a lot like your b/f he knew that if only I would do X, Y, Z and Q things that he specifically told me to do in the way and with the frequency that he specifically dictated, Id feel so much better! Comfort is a vital part of challenging yourself. OK, so let us assume for a moment that your boyfriend is not actually a Raging Arsehole whos trying to create his own Stepford Girlfriend, and that he genuinely is trying to help you. When i try to move the battery lock switch thing it doesn`t move and it`s like stuck. Then, repeat what you want him to do and make the boundary plain: LW, if you feel like this isnt the most useful idea for you, thats okay. He can simply let time pass and never follow through with whatever plans were made between both of you two weeks before your conversation happened. In any case what was most helpful to me when I was trying to decide what to do about my then bf monitoring my exercise and how I acted and what I wore, was look at those things and all the other things we did together (which by that point was not much) and ask if this person seemed to like me. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. The thing is, it doesnt sound like he wants you to be better, despite what he says. One way to equalize a relationship like this while still showing care for your partners mental health is to maybe suggest fun things to do TOGETHER. LW, if he is not listening to your stated boundaries, its not because you are not being clear/logical/reasonable enough so he can understand. Let him know youre concerned and explain why. Youll never get toned if you slacken off like that! You: NOT YOUR CALL. I think part of his deal was that he was trying to make some positive changes in his own life. Whether it was a lot or a little, it will carry you to tomorrow. But Im definitely not saying you need to DTMF right away. have your own lives outside of each other. A lot of men dont know what constitutes looking good, sure, but most at least know a clean shirt and something other than cotton or jersey material is the way to go. These are some of the reasons guys stop putting in an effort. What can I say to make him want me again? But I didnt realize just how miserable his misery was making me until it got to the point where I was rolling my eyes at him and dismissing comments (not always out loud, but sometimes) as being stupid or idiotic. It wasnt until a few months of this that I realized just how acutely disrespectful my words and actions were, and it took another few weeks before I finally put together that continuing to live with someone for whom Id lost all respect wasnt doing either one of us any favors. Piggybacking on this, just in case LWs partner is well-meaning-but-clumsy-at-expressing-his-desire-to-help and not maliciously-undermining-LW: I wonder if it would be possible, and if he were open to it, to do a few joint sessions with LWs therapist so the therapist can be a neutral party for them to air their viewpoints to and help them strategize better ways of interacting over these issues. Absolutely. Not only is that (a) SO VERY NOT COOL, its also (b) likely reminiscent of the very types of behaviors that led to you developing those not good enough feelings in the first place. Hi all, My boyfriend and I have been going out now little over 2yrs, we've had our ups and downs but through it all we've stuck together but the last few months he has focused all his attention and efforts into his car and job, and I've no problem with it as long as he can still make a bit time for me even if its jus a call in the eveing or a text like I fully support him with everything . So if your partner was showing signs of depression themselves, (you know the signs) that would be a reasonable reaction. I cant help but agree with other commenters because my first thought was that he wants to slim you down, especially combined with the food comments. Even when I was rebuilding my social life from zero, I was happier and more confident presenting myself as a person than as an untrustworthy and possibly unsightly appendage to another person. This guy has given up, clearly, if you only see him in sweats or other loose-fitting, casual clothing. And its going to be almost impossible to dump him because youre so invested in him but you arent going to get better if he keeps breathing down your neck. Just continuous improvement and waiting to be happy. Anger is a perfectly valid thing to feel when a partner is depressed, what really matters is what you do about it. Stop. Theres also a significant element of what he wants/feels entitled to in there. I keep telling myself that. In some cases, he may have forgotten how strong your connection was. I've compiled a list of 7 signs you need to stop trying to save a failing relationship. And I think the reason for that might be that he doesnt understand depression AT ALL. A person who wants the best for you will listen to you when you share that with them, and will change their behavior accordingly. Thats right, mind your own business.* Asking how it affects him could give him an opener for a feelingsdump, and I wouldnt want LW put in the position of feeling like she has to manage his feelings about what she does with her own body. Which is, when you get down to it, rather like juxtaposing a floor mop and a ceiling duster as binary opposites the opposition is purely circumstantial, there are more similarities between the two than differences, and quite honestly, if pushed, either of them can perform the same tasks as the other if theyre the only thing to hand. The situation seems chock full of red flags to me. The best thing I can suggest telling him is that you need him to be your cheerleader for success not an accountant tallying up your failures the only thing that does is create resentment in both of you and blind him to your actual accomplishments and kill your internal motivation to continue. He had a car and I didnt, and I didnt live near public transportation. Hooo yes. I agree with the Captains scripts! So hes trying to use your own recovery to manipulate you youre not just exercising because you want to, youre exercising because HE wants you to in the way he wants. But LW, my heart hurts for you so hard right now and I want you to know you dont have to be afraid that you wont have love if you leave this person who doesnt listen to you and constantly makes you doubt your self worth. Dumping him when it became clear hed rather boss me around than support me! Pick one night per week that you alternate making dinner. I think Captains advice makes sense because, while getting rid of LWs boyfriend would be (according to many, I read) the logical consequence to his behavior, it is also true that you owe it to yourself to state your boundaries within this relationship, should it only last for one more day. I appreciate that you care about me, but Im good, so lets change the topic.. Honestly the best thing for me was talking with a therapist on my own and learning boundaries (see my comments above). Stating your boundaries might just bring his own discomfort into the open. He never lashes out with his anger, he just doesnt talk much when hes mad. I dont want to read too far into this, but how is LWs boyfriend? Walking is brilliant (assuming you have the spoons and physical ability to do it) its gentler on your joints than a lot of other cardio, you dont need special clothing, and its free. My (23 F) boyfriend (25 M) has stopped showering during lockdown and for the past 2 months has only been spraying Febreze on himself. I thought I had some obligation to stay friends. It sounds like your boyfriend has a dysfunctional relationship with your illness. The LW stops loving him What does your therapist say about the way your boyfriend tries to continually act as your self-appointed monitor/life coach? Actual logic is about statements, facts, reasons, not about How Logical I Am. Leave now. Its still manipulation. That was published just a few weeks after I dumped my ex for basically being both of those LWs SOs. Go to a concert and it doesnt have to be Jay-Z and Beyonce. There are way to many variables and we dont have all the information and the rules arent always consistent so we cant treat every situation like a puzzle with a clear solution. Id run away and never read Captain Awkward again, probably, with my Jerkbrain cackling in the background gleefully. Your bf is trying to make you break up with him. ), how long would you live like this? He is not interested in you. I wholeheartedly agree. Getting a sense of your boundaries, and reclaiming them is indeed a sign that you are getting better. He may have met someone new and is now taking her on dates, buying her gifts as well as making other gestures. And if hes not interested in investigating ways to help you were back to Case A: Raging Arsehole. He isnt attempting to start any type of dialogue at all! I just want to say something about this part of the Captains advice: However, if it helps you have the conversation, invoke your therapist. Work. Id been through worse. You will lose your boyfriend if you clutch him too tightly. In hindsight Im so glad we broke up. Weve worked hard to become partners in his health and Ive definitely made some missteps along the way. LW, I think the Captain has a very good point about how you should be proud of the progress youve made the fact that you know that you are a person who can help themself and that you dont need someone else to be your Life Mechanic is a pretty damn good place to be, and some people never make it there. People do get used to roles, and if youve been in the role of the sick one who needs help and your partner got used to the role of the competent one who knows what should be done and should be listened to, then you are challenging those roles by getting healthier. Expressing that anger towards the situation? You are strong and brave to decide that you need to draw boundaries. I liked the suggestion made upthread to use the BF for practicing your new boundary-setting skills on. i got a screw driver thing and tried to force the switch witih t; I have a hp 2000 notebook pc and the touch pad and cursor aren`t letting me click on things but the cursor does move? Wow, boyfriend is definitely being the jerk here. It could be as simple as the fact that neither of you is interested in each other anymore. Exercise doesnt have to hurt to be effective. This is not a democracy. Excessively monitoring and correcting a partner (with the silent treatment, no less!) Focus on your own emotional, spiritual, and physical health. So I dont get to do this as well as I used to when husband is away. He may have felt too responsible for you, or that he was committed to always look after your needs. I did not fail. They may backslide occasionally, especially when you have moments when you struggle, but when you say Hey, I got this, they are going to immediately apologize and back off. I also just wanted to emphasize that what your boyfriend is doing is SUPER NOT OKAY. They seem impatient I feel bad about the situation, but deep down, Im also wondering if I have a chance to be her rebound. Towards the end of our relationship, he became toxic, rude, and lazy. He picked being my boyfriend and shut the hell up when we were in the gym. hes in love with himself as he sees himself manifest through you. Examine your behavior. You are the boss of you. I hope that both you and the LW are able to get the unconditional love and actually helpful support you deserve, either in your current relationships or elsewhere. I dont know what your boyfriends views on your therapist or on therapy in general are, but he might use a comment like this as evidence that your therapist clearly has no clue whats going on in your life so you should just listen to him and do everything he says. You SHOULD tell this to your therapist, and any other allies you have. He says, You should exercise. A year ago, that would have maybe resulted in you shuffling your feet and cycling through guilt about how yes, you should probably exercise but you just cant. The Captains comment, For a relationship to survive a crisis like that, you have to like the person (not just love them) and respect the person (not just love them) especially rings true for me. Nevermind the fact that none of my friends were actually offended at all, he just couldnt admit that he had a problem with something I had said. All unsolicited helping has a certain degree of arrogance to it because it necessarily implies that the helpee could not get this done without you. 3. Value to him also includes your offering of feminine energy and responsiveness, your surrender to connection moment by moment (which helps deepen your connection and renew his deep attachment to you). I dont know if that makes sense? Let's discuss four things that happen when you actually stop chasing a man and how this affects the relationship. Its possible. Granted, I know manipulative people who are in total denial that they are so, and are sure everything they are doing is for other peoples good (again, back to the 5-year-old Im helping!). So if your partner was discussing ending the relationship because you were depressed and not in therapy/not taking medication/not engaging in self-care, that would be a reasonable reaction. The first thing you need to do is figure out what's bothering him or if he has a problem that isn't about you. Best of luck and all my thoughts. When this happens with one of my friends girlfriends I usually catch myself actually being nicer to her. But in my mind, that state of challenge turns into a nightmare if thats ALL youre doing. You know, thatd taste better if you gave it 15 seconds in the microwave., Ive asked him to stop trying to get me to change, that you cant change other people, but he refuses to accept that, to the point that he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard. At first eagerly, because I was curious. Unfortunately, who he is now does XYZ, and is unlikely to stop, so theyre both unhappy. It says hes putting himself and his comfort ahead of your joint comfort together, and also your personal comfort and enjoyment of your own life. For example, they might mad that you didnt fold the laundry when you said you would, or frustrated at coming home to find you in bed asleep with your clean, untouched gym clothes on the bed, when you said you were going to work out. said nothing about it just supported me about going, and listened to me talking about it and was totally go you! And I have to say, each and every guy whos shown interest in me but has said things like Youd be a lot prettier if you exercised (I walked 3-5 miles a day because I didnt have a car) and/or who has tried to get me to do something about my apparently embarrassingly large backside (its genetic, you fucking fucks!) Youve been through a lot, and you have been so strong and come so far and you have a wonderful partner who wants to help you and knows whats best for you. Brief excerpts (<250 words) may be shared with attribution & a link to the original post. But I only understood that in theory, I guess, because in practice, I was still trying to second-guess his desires left, right, and center. Do you believe and trust that the struggling person is doing the best they can within their limitations, and treat them as the expert on their own life? What good is texting someone if youre not really building any kind of connection with them or meeting up in person to have real conversations about something other than how their day was or what they had for lunch? Ok its possible I need a fix of both Buffy and chocolate chip cookies. You are not the target demographic. Probably fish . If you are an academic assigning my posts in your courses, Id appreciate an email with a copy of the relevant syllabus/assignment for my records/CV. Yourself sometimes and then hang out in your comfortable space as I used to husband... 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