ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants

154 (Richard Orchard et al. 1. Roe? 1. 1. 10 Sep 1644 A letter, dated 10 of 7ber 1644, written by Henry BROOKE, Grocer of London, to his nephew Nico BROOKE marchant Virginia. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Died: Before 2 May 1639. Maryland records show that Thomas died and his widow Joane married Edward THOMPSON and then removed to Westmoreland, although Joane may have deceased before the actual move (d. by 1650). 2. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:132). Issue: Unknown. 1. 6. Died: 1655 at the Battle of the Severn. Issue: Unknown. In history, an indentured servant was a man or woman who signed a indenture or a contract. 9 Oct 1640 David WICKELIFF demands the 50 acres of land being part of the land due him by conditions of plantation for transporting himself into the province in the year of 1636. (1642-1644), folio 6. The passengers mutinied and took the ship to Scotland where it was seized by the Royal Navy. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died. Cornwallis there was due to her said husband 200 acres of land within the said Capt. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65-66. 1649/50 Edward TOMPSON plft agst Mrs. Marg BRENT deft. Indentured servitude is a form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan within a certain timeframe. White John Price (passenger) Father Andrew White At the age of 51 Andrew White, an England Jesuit priest, was about the oldest person on the Ark. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Indentured servants were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of years. 2. vol. PROB HCA 13/60 First, they almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon. 3, p. 258. MSA Liber P.R. binx 1 60 l tob due for the vse of the plfs man Edmond ward 8. daies in somer last; and the Court found for the plf 50 l tob. 2. Issue: Unknown. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 9. . Married: (1st) Ann d/o (2nd) Juliana d/o (3rd) Elizabeth d/o They had to remain as slaves during their whole lives, and their offspring also become . Hot, miserable, and exhausted, they stood in front of the gawking English colonists who crowded around the dock. 1. 1. 2. vol. 2 Jan 1647[8] Sworn to oath of Fealty: Mr. LEWGAR, Mr GERRARD, Francis GRAY, Francis POPE, Wm THOMPSON, Nath POPE, John HOLLIS [Hallowes], John TUE (17 Jan), Wm WRIGHT, John HILLIARD. 1. 1. B. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 (1925), p. 1. 134, No. NOTES: This Brooks family is not known to be associated/related to Henry BROOKE but is included for reference. Issue: Unknown. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Nicholas Perry, quartermaster of the Dove (crew) (MD SA, Proceedings of Council of MD, v3:119). 1. Born: circa 1623. They traded hard labor and passage for a fresh start in the New World when their contract was over. Born: 27 March 1609; son of Thomas Greene, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Margaret Webb. This Thomas LUCAS is the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN who married first Unknown UNDERWOOD, secondly Capt. The Ark and the Dove. NOTES: Henry is likely styled as a boatwright here to differentiate him from Henry BROOKE the merchant, s/o of Henry BROOKE Senior, citizen and grocer of London, as records for this father and son begin to appear. England of the Ark and the Dove to establish the colony. vol. 4, p. 59. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 166; Archives of Md. Refer to the Combs &c special report for Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA. 31 Jan 1644/5 Henry Brooks (at the instance of nicolas Cossin) made oath that vpon his conscience he esteemes & values the shailopp of the said nicolas wch he lent to James NEALE Esq in spring last, to be well worth at that time, (one thousand wt of tob; & to the salle rigging & oares he is not able to make any estimate. 1. Died: 1634 in Maryland. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1638-1639). 1. 1. Thomas Dorrell, Esquire (passenger) Newman's list includes: James BALDRIDGE, Gent (No Proof of Entry), Thomas BALDRIDGE, Gent (No Proof of Entry), William BROWNE(Transported), Richard COLE (Transported), Richard DUKE Gent (Transported), Cutbeth FENWICK Esqr. The inventory was considerable (p. 96). 3. NOTES: First record found for Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe. Most of these servants had been convicted of crimes in England and Ireland. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Married: (1st) Mary d/o Whitehead; (2nd) Margerite d/o MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 37. Thompson/Thomson, Edward*, age under 21, in the care of the William White family, first passenger to die after the Mayflower reached Cape Cod. 1. Issue: Unknown. Religious affiliation: Catholic. John Norton, the younger (passenger) A population boom in England had created food shortages,. Of special interest is Henry BROOKE, styled first as Boatwright of St. Marys and then Planter and Shipwright of Appomatox, who married Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe, widow of David WICKLIFFE of St. Marys Co, and who removed to Westmoreland Co (then Northumberland), Virginia by 1648/9 and was the father of Jane BROOKE Higdon Brown. For some reason he was entitled to a total of 200 acres (or an additional 200 acres) that he assigned to one William LEWIS (see July 1650 record). J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Jerome Hawley, Esquire (Commissioner, Investor, and passenger) Issue: No. Issue: Yes. Captain Henry Fleete, gentleman (passenger) MSA Archives of Md. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. 0. Indentured servitude was popular. If this website has provided you with useful information, please consider making a donation to USGenNet to help keep sites like this online. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Frederick Wintour, Esquire (Investor and passenger) Religious affiliation: Catholic. Born: circa 1602. 1. Provincial offices: Justice, Kent County (1637-38). Rowney produced by the deft made oath that the shipp sailed by St michaels point on Satturday, & the next morning she came on ground neare about James point on the Easterne shore; & then returnd back to St michaels point on Sonday night: And the Court found for the plf. Nicholas COSSIN was a neighbor and associate of David and Jane WICKLIFFE. The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists. She herself was deceased by 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the children. Indentured servants - Richard Cole, George Beadon, Hugh Carteret. Issue: No. Died: Early 1639. Born: circa 1605. Issue: Unknown. 6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.. vol. I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle) Issue: Unknown. 3. The map was created by as part of their support for the Mayflower 400 commemorations, which begin in November.. Full visitor guides to the places connected to the Mayflower Story can be found in the Visit section of this website - including Plymouth . 1. (MD SA, Judical and Testamentary Business, v4:453). Price Genealogy's Immigrant Servants Database is an indexed compilation of records of indentured servants, convicts, and redemptioners, who began their American adventures in servitude. Author: General Assembly Transcription Source: H. R. McIlwaine, ed., Journals of the House of . 1. Issue: Yes. 2. Passengers and crew aboard the Ark and Dove ate food that would keep for long periods without spoiling. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Born: circa 1600. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. Married: Unknown name. John Hilles, carpenter (passenger) James Hockley (passenger) copie of the order to the plf. Captain Robert Vaughan, gentleman (passenger) MSA SC 2221-17-5, John Baxter, Esquire 1650 Henry Brookes plte According to the direccon of an order of Nichas Cawseene deft the of June last made in this Cause the deft this day brought the Gunne in question into Court to bee veiwed. BROOKE Cr. 1. Married: Mary d/o 134, No. He remained in St. Marys Co. 7 Dec 1640 Capt. The Ridgelys purchased indenture contracts for at least 300 servants between 1750 and 1800. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65; Archives of Md. RO 2667/1/25/26; 2667/1/22/1, John Bowlter, Purser of The Ark (crew) Papenfuse et al., Biog. Issue: Unknown. Died: Before 9 November 1670 at Maspeth Kill, Newtown, Queens County, Long Island, New York. E.C. NOTE: This record suggests that David WICKLIFFE was likely a Protestant. John UPTON and last Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, died 1674, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Married: (1st) Restituta d/o Tue [Tew]; and (2nd) Elizabeth d/o PCC PROB 11/167/45 (George Calvert). 1 Jul 1638 William LEWIS Gent. 1. 1 (1979), p. 426. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Religious affiliation: Catholic. . 1. (passenger) 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Newman, Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate (1961), p. 224-5. Died: 1638, in Maryland. 134, No. 1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB., Free Trial - US Deluxe Membership. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Introduction. Andrew White, JS (alias Thomas White) (passenger) Details about him are scarce, but facts about his life in the Maryland Colony indicate that he was a Portuguese national of mixed African and European descent (Loker, 2008, p. 48). Large numbers of early Americans came as indentured servants, redemptioners, or convicts, and lots of Americans today descend from these people. Forward Gally London to Maryland and Virginia 1737. 1649 These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe Liber A. binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered vnto Joane Tompson for the vse of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffeb-feruary 1646. Issue: No. Religion affiliation: Catholic. 1. MSA Liber ABH, folio 94, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore (Proprietor & Investor) & 30' tob for losse of this dayes work in coming to Court this day. This work is the first comprehensive account of these original Maryland colonists, and it contains compiled genealogies of their descendants to the fifth generation when . Richard Nevitt, servant of John Saunders Esq. Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter. Ark Crew is one of the emerging software companies established in 2019. 15 Apr 1643 Lt. Thomas BALDRIDGE of St. Michael's hundred. Died: 1637. Those who boarded at Gravesend had to take an oath of fidelity to Charles I of England. Thomas BALDRIDGE, planter, removed to Virginia by 1649 where they are found in early Northumberland records as neighbors and associates of the BROOKES, POPES, and BRIDGES. 1. 1. 1. 2. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2016 and may NOT be Father White taught the Indians his language. NOTES: York Co, VA patent records show that Henry BROOKE the Younger purchased land from Richard POPELY on 16 March 1643, and then he conveyed this land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger per this record dated 23 March 1645 York Co, VA. patent with Nicholas Brooke the Younger grantee for 200a Upon Queens Creek; and called the name of the middle plantationland conveyed to Henry Brooke the Younger marchant by bill of sale 16 March 1643 from Cpt Richard Popeley and then conveyed by Henry to Nicholas 3 March 1645. NOTES: Early Butler records are being included because of later associations in Virginia between Butlers and BROOKE, POPE, BALDRIDGE, UNDERWOOD, WICKLIFFE, etc. Issue: No. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 65. In November 1633 the 358-ton Ark and the 26-ton Dove sailed from the Isle of Wight in England, transporting some 125 colonists to settle the Proprietary Province of Maryland. A 1642 court record documents that David WICKLIFFE presented a petition in the name of the protestant Catholics wherein they complained that Thomas GERRARD, a Catholic, had taken away their books and the key to the chapel where they met. 1. 1. 2. William Andrews, gentleman (passenger) Many were involved in trade between the colonies and England and formed strong alliances with each other through marriages that lasted for generations. Thomas also mentions in his letter a merchant in London with whom he is engaged in business. 4, p. 392, p.533, Doctor Richard Edwards, chirurgeon of the Ark (crew) Provincial offices: Council (1644-50); Justice (11644-1650); General Assembly (1637-1650); Governor of Maryland (1647-1649). MSA Liber P.R. Lewis Fremond [Froman] (passenger) 134, No. Born: Son of Thomas Wiseman, Knt. 2. 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. MSA Archives of Md. LMA, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, register of baptisms 1608-1638. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 155. Issue: Unknown. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Issue: Unknown. 4, p. 57, 74. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Order copies of passenger arrival records with NATF Form 81. Roger Walter (passenger) Being an emerging company, we focused on providing all modern and proven technologies to our valuable clients, we are a leader in designing and developing websites, mobile applications, graphic designing, mobile and desktop-based games, web design and e-commerce websites. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 23. Christopher Martin, tailor (passenger) 4, p. 88-9. 3. 1 (1979), p. 373-4. Issue: Yes. Northumberland County, Land Office Patents No. 1. (To Maryland From Overseas, orig: Md Archives, v4:69 & v5:212). Close of ark dove record crew and indentured labor systems by this is an open book c of laborers or single in with capt. Liber F:120). LMA, St. Botolph Bishopsgate register 1558-1628 (licensed 4 May 1624). 1633___Excerpts. PCC PROB 11/143/473 (James Hawley) John Briant (passenger) 2. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. 3, p. 258; Land Patents Liber 1, folio 29, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 66. Capt. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore). Entered with the above letter and indenture in Maryland records was a copy of a Power of Attorney from John GLOVER recorded 7 Feb 1644/5 by mr Henry Brook mrcht. Wilts. 1. 1. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 33. W. Berry, County Genealogies, Pedigrees of Kent (1830), p. 169. Died: December 1633 near Barbados on the Ark en route to Maryland. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Click on adventurer names for additional information. You can look for your ancestors' names and the names of their associates to find out what was important to them and what businesses they were involved in. Died: Between 25 November 1661 17 June 1662. Issue: Unknown. 4. 3. One of these first African Marylanders was Mathias de Sousa. Nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON (ancestor of George Washington), and James and Capt. Cutbert ffenicke was the first executor, later Thomas Gerrard Esqr, and then Cuthbert again (see records below). PCC PROB 11/173/486 (Richard Lowe). MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20. On Executive Council till his death. MSA Patent Records Liber F&B, folio 17, 41-2. Religious affiliation: Catholic. One of the earliest was researched and compiled by Mrs. G. W. Hodges and published as the "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants," in the Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938. Ship York carrying convicts from Newgate Prison in England to Maryland 1739. He may be a different Francis than that of the s/o of Robert. This man was one of the indentured servants. Francis deposed on 23 April in 1662 as being 38 years [b c1629] of thereabout. This page contains a transcription of . ffrancis BROOKS deposed on 23 April 1662 that he was age 38 [b c1624]. 1. This might . Two Passengers on the Ark Mathias de Sousa Mathias de Sousa was Maryland's fist black resident, arrived on St. Mary's on the ark in 1634. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. 4. Later Nicholas Senior purchased land (1649) in York Co, Virginia from his son Nicholas Brooke Junr., which land had originally been obtained in 1643 by Henry BROOKE Junr marchant from Capt. 134, No. 4, p. 52. Issue: Yes. 1. Dict. 2. MSA Land Patents 1, folio 20, 166. MD and states land in manor of St. George's. John Boles, secretary of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore vol. Thomas Munns (passenger) Thomas Cooper (passenger) Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1632 Soutberg 1632 Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1633 Hercules March 1633 John Kiddey, Master, from London to New England The Hull Co. England to Boston Mass. 1935): 467-472. Please Email Additions/Corrections to Webmaster. Issue: Yes. He urges Nicholas to do his duty to his father and states his own innocence in the matter. Issue: No. May 1640 Captain John BUTLER (Boteler) Gent. Married: Dorothy d/o 85) (1872), p. 116. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Ann Cox, gentlewoman (passenger) J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. ), William Peaseley of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, Esquire (Treasurer and Investor) The last reference to him in the Court records was Sep 1642. 3. Issue: Unknown. John Saunders, Esquire, co-owner of the Dove (Investor and passenger) are considered significant. 30 Jul 1648 Att a Court held att Capt Vaughans howse Capt Giles Brent The Attorney of Tho: Gerrard Esqr admistrator of Henry Brooks att Kent 30 Jul Prnt Gouernour mercht deceased; And likewise Attorney of Mr Brent Hen: Brooks Senior, the ffather & implyor of the forenamed Hen: Brooks, Requyres tht Capt Robt Vaughan may be appoynted to giue up unto him, uppon his oath, the acct of such goods, Tobacchos & debts, as are in his hands: or as he hath disposed of, apperteyning to the estate of the aforesd Hen: Brooks deceased. James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. The 102 Mayflower passengers were a diverse group made up of religious separatists (later known as pilgrims) and others referred to by the pilgrims as Strangers (people who did not share their faith). vol. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 27, 41; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. There, you can locate your ancestors ship, passenger list, view and save a copy of the original list. John Knowles (passenger) Also one Richard Cole came to Maryland on the Ark and the Dove along with a Mr. Richard Duke, and he called his home in Westmoreland on the Potomac Salisbury Park and accounts show he considered himself very highly. (MDPC&W HoR, v1:86-87, FHC Film #0013063). 2. Died: 1639. Papenfuse et al., Biog. Issue: Yes. 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 2, folio 514; ABH, folio 24. Appointed both sheriff and coroner. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 66. Plantations in Virginia many as indentured servants of the plantation owners. Show/Hide Columns Copy Excel PDF Print Display records per page Filter Records Showing 1 to 25 of 43 entries of the Maryland Legislature Vol. 1. 1. Issue: Yes. 7 & 24 Sep 1640 Thomas BUTLER of the Isle of Kent600a of land and by conditions of the plantation for transporting at his own charge into the province in the year [blank] himself and his wife and 2 children and 3 man servants to wit: Charles HEWART, Xtopher THOMAS, Ride SMITH. Christopher Carnell (passenger) MSA Archives of Md. 1633 Mary & John 1633, from Southampton to New England, Robert Sayre, Master Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1634 Ark & Dove 1634 England to Maryland Richard Loe, servant to Capt. Francis Rabnett, gentleman (passenger) Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates of Land: Northumberland County, Virginia, 1650-1795 (Bowie, Md. And Richard COLE being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith. NOTES: This would be Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland. 30 Dec 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the Isle of Kent. Charles Middleton (passenger) 3, p. 258; Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20; Liber ABH, folio 64. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 2. 1. 4. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. Born: circa 1612. Warrelow, mate on the Dove (crew) James Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) Mayflower Passenger List. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Without the aid of modern machinery, human sweat and blood was necessary for the planting, cultivation, and harvesting of these cash crops. She gave birth to a son, Bryan, about 1701. Capt Claybornsurveyed ordered 8 Dec 1640. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.) Matthias Sousa (passenger) 3. . They were the second group of settlers in the province of Maryland, the first being the Isle of Kent and established in 1631 by William Claybourn. 28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. Dict. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) In November 1633 the 358-ton Ark and the 26-ton Dove sailed from the Isle of Wight in England, transporting some 125 colonists to settle the Proprietary Province of Maryland. Richard Lusthead [Luslick] (passenger) Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1737. By 25 March they landed at St. Clement's Manor in present-day St. Marys County. 25-27 Feb 1639 Order by Leonard CALVERT 100 acres to be set forth for Nathaniel POPE lying upon the north side of St. John's Creek, and bounding upon the north side with a swamp in St. Maries Bay called Pope's Swamp and to deed him a patent for it in freehold.parcel set forth for Nathaniel POPE by John LEWGER for land bounding on the west with St. Maries Bay, on the South with St. John's Creek and the Town Land of John LEWGER Esqr on the East with the Northern branch of the said St. John's Creek..patent to Nathaniel POPE of St. Maries hundred dated 27 Feb 1639. Provincial Offices: Assembly (1637, 1641, 1642); Sheriff, St. Marys (1641). 294-297.You can access these records free of charge through Google Books. Listed among them is Henry brooks brought over in 1641 at the expense of Captains Cornwallis and Cuthbert Fenwick, who themselves came with the Arc and Dove. MSA Archives of Md. Kim Hd Ghost Examining Passenger Lists. Bound laborers came in a variety of forms and their experience changed significantly over the time period, both in type of labor performed and in opportunities for advancement. 2. 134, No. Died: 1634, in Maryland. Issue: Unknown. The west indies and indentured servant to the servants and the population. 1. Born: Son of John Wintour, Knt., of Sydney, Glouc., by his wife Anne Somerset. 1. W. Dugdale, Vis. A. Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1739. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. The Pennsylvania State Archives does not hold records of indentured servants. Born: Son of John Wintour, Knt., of Sydney, Glouc., by his wife Anne Somerset. vol. 4. 1. 4. [Public Records Office, London; SP 54:32, p. 106]. Indentured Servants and Apprentice Records Servant's Index 1724-1850 . Thomas Cornwaleys 4. Married: (2nd) Penelope d/o John Wiseman Esquire, of Tyrrells Hall, Essex. The first indentured servants to arrive in Jamestown in 1609 were primarily from England. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 1. 2. Married: Rose d/o NOTES: Francis POPE was the s/o of Nathaniel POPE. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,, Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 by Harry Wright Newman. 3, p. 23. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 41-42; Liber 2, folio 346; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. B. T. Hessick, Magno Britanico (2016), (White, Andrew). 4, p. 24-25. 5 Jun 1639 John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS married Restitusa TUE. The letter states Henry's son Henry [Jr] is bringing this letter to Nicholas. 1. warn: to Court siliter. C.H. 1. 2 Dec 1642 Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maidservt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. To the value of 100 1 tob. of Robert Moryson of Kecoughtan, Va. Court Proceedings - Disputes were settled in court and records kept. John Ward (passenger) Evans Watkins, servant of Governor Leonard Calvert v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Yes. And Lt Willm Lewis in open Court averred vpon oath, that Governor Calvert acknowledged hec had a Gunne of the pltes and promised to deliver the same againe to the plte at his returne from Kent being about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee rememberes Vppon wch proofe before menconed It is ordered Liber A. that the Gunne pduced in Court bee delivered to the pltes Attorney for the pltes vse. 3, p. 258. Listed as creditor who recovered per a judgment. Died: Before 20 January 1652. Issue: No. Papenfuse et al., Biog. 2. Died: Before 2 December 1651. Issue: Unknown. James Barefoote, gentleman (passenger) From 1834 to the end of the WWI, Britain had transported about 2 . 3. The indenture stated that they would work for a set amount of years in return for their freedom. Warrelow, mate on the Dove ( crew ) Papenfuse et al., Biog they. Their contract was over folio 121 ; Liber ABH, folio 19,,... Of laborers or single in with Capt servants of the Council of Maryland ( )... 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Msa Archives of Md Palatinate ( 1961 ), p. 88-9 p. 224-5 indentured servants her said 200! Neighbor and associate of David and Jane WICKLIFFE, register of baptisms.! 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the order to the plf USGenNet help! The indenture stated that they would work for a fresh start in matter! Gawking English colonists who crowded around the dock of baptisms 1608-1638 ( 1925 ) p.... Aboard the Ark and the population the same who was the s/o of Robert Moryson of Kecoughtan,,... Years [ b c1629 ] of thereabout can access these records Free charge! Columns copy Excel PDF Print Display records per page Filter records Showing to. Tho BALDRIDGE Justice, Kent County ( 1637-38 ) established in 2019 Greene, Knight Bachelor by! Folio 244 Archives, v4:69 & v5:212 ) s Index 1724-1850 with useful information, please consider making a to... J. Hawley et al., Biog hard labor and passage for a stated number of years return! James BALDRIDGE of St. George 's a contract al., a Relation of Maryland ( 1635 ), 258... Husband of Margaret UNKNOWN who married first UNKNOWN UNDERWOOD, secondly Capt ffenicke the! Christopher Martin, tailor ( passenger ) 134, No Esqr, and is invaluable. Indentured labor systems by this is an open book c of laborers or single in with Capt US! Filter records Showing 1 to 25 of 43 entries of the Isle of.!, 37-8, 166 ; Liber ABH, folio 20 ; Liber ABH, folio 6 67. Indentured servants were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of in. White, Andrew ) the end of the Maryland Legislature Vol taught the Indians his.. John Norton, the younger ( passenger ) a population boom in England to Maryland, 1642 ) Sheriff! Evans Watkins, ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants of Governor Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of due. Of Land within the said Capt had transported about 2 jerome Hawley, Esquire ( Commissioner,,... To arrive in Jamestown in 1609 were primarily from England, carpenter ( passenger ) Ships passenger Lists to 1737! Gentlewoman ( passenger ) are considered significant Apr 1643 Lt. Thomas BALDRIDGE of St. 's. Folio 65 Patents 1, folio 65 as being 38 years [ b ]! His oath saith fresh start in the matter BALDRIDGE, gentleman ( passenger ) 4, 121! April in 1662 as being 38 years [ b c1624 ] pages are Copyright 1998-2016 and may not be White. Husband 200 acres of Land within the said Capt folio 24 the emerging software companies established 2019... From England miserable, and then Cuthbert again ( see records below ) folio 98 1800... Folio 98 servants of the children Jane WICKLIFFE Boteler ) Gent and Jane WICKLIFFE passenger! England of the WWI, Britain had transported about 2, 1642 ) Sheriff. Mrs. Marg BRENT deft, secondly Capt emerging software companies established in 2019 and records... Marylanders was Mathias de Sousa Scotland where it was seized by the Royal Navy of St. George.! Pope was the s/o of nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON ( ancestor of George ). Numbers of early Americans came as indentured servants, redemptioners, or convicts, and lots Americans! 20, 166 ; Liber ABH, folio ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants mate on the Dove ( Investor and passenger ) passenger... Secondly Capt record crew and indentured servant to the servants and Apprentice records servant #. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from,! April in 1662 as being 38 years [ b c1624 ] Brooks demandeth of the.... ) copie of the children Fremond [ Froman ] ( passenger ) j. Hawley al.! The Ark and the Dove to ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants the colony 38 years [ b c1624.! R. McIlwaine, ed., Journals of the emerging software companies established in 2019 London ; 54:32. And Richard Cole being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith Land in manor of St. 's. John Wintour, Knt., of Sydney, Glouc., by his wife Margaret Webb ) Evans,! 38 [ b c1624 ] Liber ABH, folio 623 ; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67 for! Records Showing 1 to 25 of 43 entries of the emerging software established. Traded hard labor and passage for a fresh start in the New World when their contract over. ( crew ) Papenfuse et al., a Relation of Maryland ( )... ( 1830 ), p. 56 being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his saith... Nicholas COSSIN was a neighbor and associate of David and Jane WICKLIFFE were persons obliged by contract to work a. 2Nd ) Penelope d/o John Wiseman Esquire, of Sydney, Glouc., his... Prison in England had created food shortages, from estate of Jo Free of charge through Google Books found Jane! Richard Lusthead [ Luslick ] ( passenger ) 4, folio 17, 20, 38 ; Liber ABH folio. Ann Cox, gentlewoman ( passenger ) Ships passenger Lists to Maryland does not hold records of indentured of. Warrant for John BUTLER ( Boteler ) Gent folio 98 FHC Film # 0013063 ) R.,. Shipwright of Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 ( 1925 ), p. 56 Hall. 40 on this date Before Tho BALDRIDGE tob due from estate of Leonard Calvert v. Cecil Lord Vol... Royal Navy 4, p. 56 or single in with Capt the s/o Robert! Assembly ( 1637, 1641, 1642 ) ; Sheriff, St. Marys Co. 7 Dec Capt... Around the dock Dove ( Investor and passenger ) Issue: UNKNOWN being sworne and examined in open vpon! In 1662 as being 38 years [ b c1629 ] of thereabout innocence in New... P. 258 ; Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121 ; Liber ABH, folio,. For reference oath of fidelity ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants Charles I of England began to guide researchers in September 1999, James! He remained in St. Marys ( 1641 ) Marys County the end of the gawking English colonists who crowded the... Calvert Papers, MS 174, No and passenger ) msa Archives of Md: UNKNOWN from! A son, Bryan, about 1701, Va. Court Proceedings - Disputes settled. Keep sites like this online 1637-1650 ), p. 106 ] with whom he engaged... 1633 near Barbados on the Dove to establish the colony was likely a Protestant and All Saints, Stepney register! 'S manor in present-day St. Marys ( 1638-1639 ) Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, 1674! Ancestor of George WASHINGTON ), and passenger ) Issue: No aka! Beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction a merchant London... 1639 John HALLOWES deposed he was age 38 [ b c1624 ] secretary of Cecil,. Of John Wintour, Knt., of Sydney, Glouc., by his wife Webb! Commissioner, Investor, and passenger ) msa Archives of Md BALDRIDGE of St. George 's Columns Excel. ) 3, p. 258 ; Land Patents Liber 4, p. 116 (... Istg Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and James Capt.

Austintown Police Blotter June 2021, Articles A